Date Fruit Classification Project

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Final Year Project Proposal

Submission Date: 13/5/2022

Project Title:

Medical Agriculture Power Sector IOT

Main Subject Area/s: Robotics Artificial Intelligence

Research, Development, and Engineering (RD&E) leading to
production capability

Nature of Project: Application oriented Research, Design & Development (R,

D&D) having production potential
Basic R&D
Students: Muhammad Faraz 031-19-0022
Muhammad Akhtar 031-19-0032
Contact Information Mobile No:03148485645
of Group Leader Email Address: [email protected]

Supervisor: Dr. Junaid Bhatti Co-Supervisor: Dr Gulsher Ali

Is this project a part of vertical integrated project? Yes No

If yes, please give title of previous project: Date fruit classification using AI

Funding availability for the project: Yes No

If yes, please give details from which funding agency: Applied for Ignite Funding.

Industrial collaboration for this project: Yes No

If yes, please give details:
Name of Collaborator:
Is this project targets to solve any Yes No
industry/society related problem in particular?

1. Project Overview

Date fruits are small fruits that are abundant and popular in the Pakistan, and have growing
international presence. There are many different types of dates, each with different features.
Sorting of dates is a key process in the date industry, and can be a tedious job. The aim of
this study is to classify the types of date fruit using machine learning method.
2. Aims and Objectives of Project

There are over 40 unique types of dates, and over 400 varieties, which cover a wide range
of taste, shape, and color, as well as price and importance. The process of classifying dates
is thus quite important, particularly because a large percentage of consumers can not
differentiate between many different types – and thus,
1- One could even envision a cell phone camera-based application, which could be used
by consumers in the marketplace.
2- It is also particularly important to be able to classify dates visually for automated

factory classification.

3. Methodology for Implementation of Project

1- Data Collection and Pre-processing:

Firstly, we will collect the images of 10 types of Date fruits for dataset. We will use
mobile camera to capture images for our model. We will be using white background
during image Capturing. Then we will remove that background openCV library to
prepare dataset for the model. We will collect 200 images for each type. The dataset will
be splitted into train, validation and test set (60,20 ,20)% respectively.
For feature selection, we will be using Contrast, Correlation, Energy, Entropy,
homogeneity, Eccentricity, RGB, Area, Perimeter, Roundness.

2- Model Selection and Training:

After the dataset is collected, next step is to select appropriate model for training
classification of date fruits. We will use LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis) Support
Vector Machines(SVM) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) models. In the first
approach, LDA will work as a classifier and posteriorly it will reduce the dimensionality

of the dataset and a neural network will perform the classification task, the results of
these three approaches will be compared afterwards.

LDA is a supervised learning algorithm that finds the linear combination based on
different features that can split two or more classes.

In deep learning, a convolutional neural network (CNN/ConvNet) is a class of deep
neural networks, most commonly applied to analyze visual imagery. Now when we think
of a neural network we think about matrix multiplications but that is not the case with
ConvNet. It uses a special technique called Convolution. Now in
mathematics convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions that produces a
third function that expresses how the shape of one is modified by the other.

Support Vector Machine” (SVM) is a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be
used for both classification or regression challenges. However,  it is mostly used in
classification problems. In the SVM algorithm, we plot each data item as a point in n-
dimensional space (where n is a number of features you have) with the value of each
feature being the value of a particular coordinate. Then, we perform classification by
finding the hyper-plane that differentiates the two classes very well .

3- Performance Analysis:
Finally, we will check for accuracy among different model's results, and compare the
accuracy of different models using confusion matrix and ROC curve.
Confusion Matrix:
A confusion matrix is a performance measurement technique for Machine learning
classification. It is a kind of table which helps you to know the performance of the
classification model on a set of test data for that the true values are known.

ROC Curve:
A receiver operating characteristic curve, or ROC curve, is a graphical plot that illustrates
the diagnostic ability of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is

4. Project Plan/Gantt Chart

Our Project progress will be based on the following timeline. We will try to get our
milestones step by step during this period.

Task Task Name 2022

No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
1 Literature Review

2 Dataset Collection

3 Preparation of Model

4 Implementation of

5 Results Analysis

6 Final Write-up &

Thesis Submission

5. Budget Description

Sr. No Item/Product Details of Product Source of Purchase Quantity Price Total Amount

1 Dates 10 types of market 200 grams 200 10000

dates each
2 Travel and For travelling market --------- ------- 5000
Research to market
3 Mobile To Hold Online 1 3000 3000
Holder Mobile for
Stand capturing
Total 18000

6. References

1- Haidar, A., Dong, H., & Mavridis, N. (2012, October). Image-based date fruit
classification. In 2012 IV International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems (pp. 357-363). IEEE. Journal of Food Measurement and
Characterization (2018) 12:1020–1027

2- A. Haidar, Haiwei Dong and N. Mavridis, "Image-based date fruit classification," 2012

IV International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems,
2012, pp. 357-363, doi: 10.1109/ICUMT.2012.6459693.

3- Aiadi, O., & Kherfi, M. L. (2017). A new method for automatic date fruit
classification. International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, 7(6), 692-

4- Hossain, M. S., Al-Hammadi, M., & Muhammad, G. (2018). Automatic fruit
classification using deep learning for industrial applications. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, 15(2), 1027-1034.

5- Hossain, M. S., Al-Hammadi, M., & Muhammad, G. (2018). Automatic fruit

classification using deep learning for industrial applications. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, 15(2), 1027-1034.

Signature of Students:



Supervisor’s Comments

Take recommendation of your supervisor for your project work here.




FYP Evaluator Remarks












Project Evaluator:




Final Year Project Coordinator

Dr. M. Waqas Soomro


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