Promotion Mix

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Promotion Mix Expressiveness – Use of computers, artistic designs

The term ‘promotional mix’ is used to refer to the and graphics make advertising a forceful medium of
combination of different kinds of promotional tools communication. It makes even simple products look
used by a firm to advertise and sell its products. attractive and thus persuade potential consumers to
The concept of promotional mix assumes that there is become customers. (iv) Economy – It is the most
a variety of means for communicating with consumers. economical way to communicate with a large number
Promotional mix refers to the combination of various of potential customers spread over a wide
types and amounts of various forms of promotion used geographical area. (v) Legitimacy – Advertising
by a marketer. involves giving a message publicly thus it creates
The promotion mix is usually coordinated on a confidence amongst the customers that the
campaign basis, making the campaign, the relevant information provided is true
unit of the promotion strategy campaign may last for a Limitations of Advertising:
short fixed period, i.e., a few week, months or a year (i) Less forceful – Since advertising is impersonal,
or if successful, it may run over a pretty long period, there is no direct communication between marketer
several years. The most desirable marketing effort and the potential customer. The marketer may give a
includes a total campaign with one unified theme. It is satisfactory message but there is no compulsion on
a coordinated effort of unifying various promotional the prospective customers to pay attention. (ii) Lack
strategies. of Feedback – In the absence of immediate and
Promotion is an important part of the marketing mix of accurate feedback mechanism, it is difficult to evaluate
a business enterprise. It is the spark plug of the the effectiveness of the message delivered through
marketing mix. It is a process of communication advertisement. (iii) Inflexibility – The message
involving information, persuasion, and influence. It delivered through advertisement is standardised thus
includes all types of personal or impersonal lacks flexibility. It cannot be customised to meet
communication with customers as well as middlemen requirements of specific customer groups. (iv) Low
in distribution. effectiveness – The advertising message reaches a
Elements of promotional mix large number of people, hence it is difficult to ensure
1. Advertising: Advertising is defined as any paid that the message is heard by potential customers.
form of non-personal presentation and promotion of This adversely affects the effectiveness of the
ideas, goods, and services by an identified sponsor. It advertisement.
is a way of mass communication. It is the most Classification of Advertising:
popular and widely practiced tool of market promotion. i. Consumer Market Advertising:
Major part of promotional budget is consumed for (a) National Advertising: When advertising is done
advertising alone. Various advertising media – by large business houses on nationwide basis or in
television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor most regions of the country to inform consumers about
means and so forth – are used for advertising the their brand, its features, benefits and users, it is called
product. national advertisement. (b) Local/Retail
Characteristics of advertising are as follow: Advertisement: The advertisements which are done
i. Adverting is non-personal or mass communication. by local merchants or retailers to influence the
Personal contact is not possible. ii. It is a paid form of customers towards their stores, local services etc., are
communication. iii. It is a one-way communication. iv. called local or retail advertisements. (c) Primary
Identifiable entity/sponsor-company or person gives Demand Advertising: Primary demand advertising is
advertising. v. It is costly option to promote the sales. designed to stimulate demand for the general product
vi. It can be reproduced frequently as per need. vii. class. Primary demand advertising is often used as a
Per contact cost is the lowest. viii. Various audio- part of a promotional strategy to help new product gain
visual, print, and outdoor media can be used for market acceptance, since the major challenge for the
advertising purpose. ix. It is a widely used and highly marketers is to sell customers the concept as well as
popular tool of market promotion. the brand
Merits of Advertising: ii. Business and Professional Markets Advertising:
(i) Mass Reach – It helps business to reach a large (a) B2B Advertising: This kind of advertising targets
number of potential customers spread over a wide individuals who are buyers of goods for industrial
geographical area. For example, advertising in a purposes or influence the purchase of industrial goods
leading newspaper will reach all the readers across and services for their organizations. Industrial goods
the country. (ii) Enhancing Customer Satisfaction – are those goods which become an input in the
It creates confidence amongst potential customers manufacture of other goods. (b) Professional
about the quality and features of products hence they Advertising: The advertising which targets
feel satisfied while purchasing the product. (iii) professionals like doctors, lawyers, dentists,
architects, engineers or teachers to encourage them conversation and presentation of products with
to use a firm’s product in their business operations. (c) customers. It is considered as a highly effective and
Trade Advertisement: Some advertisements are costly tool of market promotion.
targeted to marketing channel members such as – the Characteristics of personal selling have been
wholesalers, distributors, retailers etc. The main listed below: I Personal selling is an oral, face-to-
objective of such an advertisement is to encourage face, and personal presentation with consumers. ii.
these middle men to stock, promote and sell the Basic purpose is to promote products or increase
manufacturer’s branded product to their customers. sales. iii. It involves two-way communication. iv.
2. Sales Promotion: Sales promotion covers those Immediate feedback can be measured. V. It is an
marketing activities other than advertising, publicity, ability of salesmen to persuade or influence buyers. vi.
and personal selling that stimulate consumer It is more flexible way of market communication.
purchasing and dealer effectiveness. Sales promotion Merits of Personal Selling:
mainly involves short-term and non-routine incentives, (i) Flexibility – The direct interaction with the buyer
offered to dealers as well consumers. The popular enables the salesperson to present products in
methods used for sales promotion are demonstration, accordance to the specific needs of the buyer. (ii)
trade show, exhibition, exchange offer, seasonal Direct Feedback – Face-to-face communication
discount, free service, gifts, contests, etc. facilitates direct feedback from the customer and thus
Characteristics of sales promotion are as follows: helps the salesperson to adapt the changes as
i The primary purpose of sales promotion is to induce required by the customer. (iii) Minimum wastage –
customers for immediate buying or dealer The contact with target customers is made after their
effectiveness or both. ii. Excessive use of sale interest in the product. This minimises the wastage of
promotion may affect sales and reputation of a selling efforts.
company adversely. iii. It is taken as supplementary to 4. Publicity: Publicity is also a way of mass
advertising and personal selling efforts. iv. It involves communication. It is not a paid form of mass
all the promotional efforts other than advertising, communication that involves getting favourable
personal selling, and publicity. v It consists of short- response of buyers by placing commercially significant
term incentives, schemes, or plans offered to buyers, news in mass media. William J. Stanton defines:
salesmen, and/ or dealers. vi. It involves non-routine “Publicity is any promotional communication regarding
selling efforts. an organisation and/or its products where the
Merits of Sales Promotion: message is not paid for by the organisation benefiting
(i) Attention Value – Sales promotion activities attract from it.” It is the traditional form of public relations.
attention of the people because incentives are related Publicity is not paid for by the organisation. Publicity
with sales. (ii) Useful in New Product Launch – The comes from reporters, columnists, and journalists. It
sales promotional activities induce customers to break can be considered as a part of public relations.
away from their regular buying behaviour and try new Main characteristic of publicity include:
products. Thus, sales promotion tools help to i. Publicity involves obtaining favourable presentation
introduce new products. (iii) Synergy in Total about company or company’s offers upon radio,
Promotional Efforts – Sales promotional activities television, or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.
supplement the other promotional tools like ii. It is a non-paid form of market promotion. However,
advertising, personal selling etc. to make the overall several indirect costs are involved in publicity. iii. It
promotional efforts of the firm effective. may include promotion of new product, pollution
Limitations of Sales Promotion control efforts, special achievements of employees,
(i) Reflects Crisis – Frequent sales promotional publicizing new policies, etc., for increasing sales. It is
activities may give an impression to customers that primarily concerns with publishing or highlighting
the firm is unable to create natural demand for its company’s activities and products. It is targeted to
products or there are not too many takers for the build company’s image. iv. Mostly, publicity can be
product. It may send a message that the company is carried via newspapers, magazines, radio or
clearing stocks. (ii) Spoils Product Image – Too television. v. Company has no control over publicity in
many promotional activities may affect the product’s terms of message, time, frequency, information, and
image. Customers’ may feel that the product may not medium.
be of good quality or the company may be trying for Advantages of Publicity:
distress sale i. It is in the form of news rather than direct sales
3. Personal Selling: Personal selling includes face-to- communication. It can be heard by even those people
face personal communication and presentation with who may not be otherwise interested in referring to
prospects (potential and actual customers) for the advertisements before buying a product. ii. There is
purpose of selling the products. It involves personal no identified sponsor or marketer as the news is
usually spread by media thus considered to be more independent contractors to sell their products to the
authentic. iii. Positive publicity builds image or consumers independently
reputation of the organisation and builds confidence Direct response advertising is an important tool of
amongst customers. direct marketing where the producer influences the
Disadvantages of Publicity: customer through an advertisement and asks him to
i. It is not under the control of marketer therefore the purchase the product directly from him. Direct mail has
news spread may be biased. ii. It may publicise always been the medium for direct response
achievements of an organisation thus may not actively advertising, although magazines, television and the
promote its products. iii. Negative publicity adversely Internet have become very popular measures of direct
affects the image of an organisation, as a result response advertising.
customers may not trust the product quality. Features of Direct Marketing:
5. Public Relations: The public relations is i. Customer or Subscriber or Prospect databases that
comprehensive term that includes maintaining make targeting possible. ii. A view of customers as
constructive relations not only with customers, assets with life time value. iii. On-going relationships
suppliers, and middlemen, but also with a large set of and affinity with customers. iv. Data based market
interested publics. Note that public relations include segmentation. v. Research and Experimentation
publicity, i.e., publicity is the part of public relations. (testing). vi. Benefit oriented direct response
William Stanton defines: “Public relations activities advertising. vii. Measurement of results and
typically are designed to build or maintain a favourable accountability for costs. viii.Interactivity. ix. Multi-
image for an organisation and a favourable media promotion. x. Multi-channel distribution
relationship with the organization’s various publics. Distribution Channel
These publics may be customers, stockholders, Channels of distribution (or a distribution channel) are
employees, unions, environmentalists, the channels of businesses or intermediaries which a
government, and people in local community, or some product or service travels through before reaching the
other groups in society.” final customer. These channels often include
Main characteristic of public relation are as under: wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and online stores.
i. Public relations is a paid form of market promotion. A channel system is the combination of all the
Company has to incur expenses. ii. Public relations channels of distribution a producer uses to reach
activities are designed to build and maintain a consumers or customers. In other words, it's all the
favourable image for an organisation and a favourable different methods that we use to move product from us
relationship with the organization’s various publics. iii. (the producer) to our end customer (the consumer).
It is an integral part of managerial function. Many A distribution channel is a course by which each one
companies operate a special department for the of the services and products travels to the designated
purpose, known as the public relations department. iv. purchaser. Additionally, the way can be depicted as
It involves a number of interactions, such as the stream for payments produced using the end
contacting, inviting, informing, clarifying, responding, purchaser to the first merchant. Distribution channels
interpreting, dealing, transacting, and so forth. v. can be long or even short, and this relies upon the
Public relations activities are undertaken continuously. number of go-betweens needed to convey a service or
It is a part of routine activities. vi. All the officials, from product to the market.
top level to supervisory level, perform public relations The Three Types of Distribution Channels
activities. vii. In relation to modern management There are three techniques to guarantee that a
practices, the public relations is treated as the product reaches its intended customer.
profession. 1. Direct Channels
Direct Marketing: When using direct channels, the business is solely in
In direct marketing, organizations communicate charge of providing goods to customers. Before
directly with target customers to generate a response arriving at their destination, goods do not pass via
and a transaction. Direct Marketing was not middlemen. Manufacturers have complete control over
considered as a part of promotional mix in the the distribution network under this paradigm. For
traditional times but now it has become an integral instance, this is true of those that conduct catalog
part of integrated marketing communication. sales.
It involves specific objectives, budgets and strategies 2. Indirect Channels
and a variety of activities like direct mailing, mail-order In indirect channels, intermediaries rather than the
catalogue, database management, telemarketing, the vendors provide the goods. Who are these
Internet, the various broadcast and print media and so middlemen? For instance, they might be
on. Some companies like Amway, do not use other brokers, distributors, retailers, or wholesalers. In this
distribution channels but rely on an internet of
situation, manufacturers do not have complete control Distributors often sell to wholesalers and retailers,
over the means of distribution. creating minimal contact with the final buyers.
3. Hybrid Channels Retailers
Direct and indirect channels are combined to create Retailers purchase products from other channel
hybrid channels. In this approach, the manufacturer intermediaries, such as wholesalers and distributors,
collaborates with the middlemen but retains control to sell directly to consumers. Retailers can be small or
over client interactions. Brands who advertise their large for-profit companies. They usually buy smaller
products online but don’t actually send them to quantities of products than wholesalers and
customers are one example. distributors. Examples of retailers include grocery
Channel intermediaries stores and department stores.
Channel intermediaries are the groups and individuals Retail Marketing
who make it possible for consumers to have access to Retail marketing involves every element from the
products. A product's distribution process can vary interior to exterior promotions and offers, product
based on the company that owns the item and the placements in-store advertisement, strategic
delivery method used to deliver the product to placement as well as the behavior of store
customers. Understanding what parties handle this representatives.
process and how they distribute products can be Retail marketing includes a set of activities where a
helpful to anyone interested in working in marketing or retailer buys products from a wholesaler or
distribution. In this article, we define channel manufacturer to sell them to ends users (consumers).
intermediaries and intermediary marketing channels In simple words, a retailer is an intermediary which
and list the main types of both. makes products available to consumers using different
Companies and product manufacturers use channel channels, for example, brick-and-mortar retail stores,
intermediaries to deliver their products to consumers shopping malls, shopping websites, automatic vending
without owning or being otherwise responsible for a machines, kiosks etc.
supply train. With channel intermediaries, they can The basics of retail marketing campaigns revolve
make a profit from their product before the final buyer around four main factors, which are often called the
purchases the item. These intermediaries provide four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion.
logistic support and ensure that all buyers receive their  Product: Even though retailers don’t usually create
products according to schedule. their own products, their selection of items is still a key
Types of channel intermediaries selling point. Customers want to know that you have
Agents what they’re looking for.
Agents act as an extension of the original  Price: Such a competitive retail market puts significant
manufacturers and represent the product's producer downward pressure on prices. You might want to raise
when trying to make a sale. Agents can be individual your prices to earn a greater profit on each item, but
salespeople or entire companies. They work directly that will also push some of your customers to
with customers to sell products and services. Agents competing retailers that offer the same product at a
do not possess any ownership in the original lower price.
companies or the products they sell for them. Instead,  Place: Place can refer to the actual location of a
they earn commissions from each sale they make. physical store, but it can also refer to online visibility.
Wholesalers Getting the top results on Google for a given keyword
Wholesalers buy a company's products in bulk and can be just as valuable for online retail stores as
resell them. Unlike agents, wholesalers own the having a prime location on Fifth Avenue in New York.  
products they sell and make money by selling them to  Promotion: Retail promotion is all about connecting
others. Often, wholesalers can make a profit because with customers and making them more aware of your
of the discount they receive for buying a bulk amount brand. If consumers don’t know you exist, they won’t
of products. They rarely interact with the final buyer of think of you when they want a product.
a product. Instead, wholesalers sell the goods to other Types of retail marketing
merchants at a higher price point than what they spent 1. Store-based retail marketing
to get the items.  Events: Retail stores are the perfect places for
Distributors events, and you can hold a variety of different events
Distributors have a business relationship with depending on your audience and brand image.
manufactures and have partial ownership of the  In-store displays: In-store displays could be anything
product they sell. Some distributors buy exclusive from a centerpiece for a particular product to a digital
rights to buy a company's product to ensure that they display board that shows a selection of social media
are the sole distributor of that product in the area. posts from your customers.
 Sample products: Samples are a great way to get development advances are opening many new
shoppers interested in a product they might not have opportunities for marketing.
looked at on their own. 3. Direct marketing: Direct marketing is also
 Interactive boards: these are interactive, in-store increasing. Direct mail, catalogue, telephone,
displays that show relevant information and allow television etc. are used in direct marketing. Now-a-
shoppers to get pricing and product info, watch days Internet and websites are also using and e-
relevant videos, etc. commerce is getting popular. Business-to-business
 In-store promotions: When you go to the grocery purchasing is growing fast on the Internet.
store, you probably expect to find some products on 4. Service marketing: The role of service products to
sale. While major promotions typically receive a satisfy needs, wants and demand of customers.
significant marketing push, everyday discounts don’t 5. Outsourcing: An emerging trend in marketing is
always need to be advertised outside your store. outsourcing. It is the process by which marketers
2.Non-store-based retail marketing purchase inputs such as capital, human resources,
 Direct mail: Making sure customers know what you technology, machines, raw materials, technical know-
offer is a major hurdle for retail marketers. Sending out how, skills, services from other organizations
physical catalogs and promotional information might throughout the world. Outside suppliers are playing
sound old-fashioned, but it can be a cost-effective greater role in supply of goods and services.
option for stores that want to get the word out to local 6. Relationship marketing: Relationship marketing is
buyers. Direct mail is ideal for physical stores that also the emerging trend in marketing. It is concerned
cater to a specific location. with building long-term mutually satisfying relationship
 Posters: Posters are often associated with movies, with customers. Marketers focus on managing their
fundraisers, and other events, but they can be used to customers as well as their products and series. They
advertise almost any discount or promotion. also focus on quality, value, customer satisfaction,
Remember to use text that’s large enough for viewers customer loyalty and partnership with customers.
to read from at least five or ten feet away. 7. Quality marketing: Quality marketing is concerned
 TV ads: TV marketing is another good way to get in with customer satisfaction. In order to deliver customer
touch with local consumers. Local TV ads can be satisfaction, marketers have to offer ‘quality’ in their
highly targeted, and video content offers a lot more goods and services. Now-a-days total quality
room for creativity compared to things like posters and management (TQM) is getting popular
mailers. Digital marketing
 Press releases: if you have a unique or interesting Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the
offer, such as an event or very special promotion, you promotion of brands to connect with potential
can write press releases for local journalists. They customers using the internet and other forms of digital
may cover the event or promotion in their newspapers communication. This includes not only email, social
(or TV news if it’s particularly special) that can drive media, and web-based advertising, but also text and
traffic to your store. multimedia messages as a marketing channel.
 Word of mouth: Word-of-mouth marketing is an Essentially, if a marketing campaign involves digital
incredibly valuable resource for both physical and communication, it's digital marketing.
digital businesses. Consumers trust input from their Types of digital marketing
friends, family members, and neighbors far more than 1.Content marketing: SEO is a major factor in
they trust conventional promotions. Referral programs content marketing, a strategy based on the distribution
are an easy way to incentivize recommendations and of relevant and valuable content to a target audience.
generate more referrals from your existing customer As in any marketing strategy, the goal of content
base. marketing is to attract leads that ultimately convert into
Emerging Trends in marketing customers. But it does so differently than traditional
1. Globalization: Globalization is an emerging trend advertising. Instead of enticing prospects with
in marketing. It refers to free flow of ideas, goods and potential value from a product or service, it offers
services all over the world. Effect of globalization is value for free in the form of written material.
increasing in marketing. Increasing globalization is 2.Social media marketing: Social media marketing
crating both opportunities and challenges for means driving traffic and brand awareness by
marketers. It is also creating international competition. engaging people in discussion online. The most
2. Changing technology: Changing technology is popular platforms for social media marketing are
also an emerging trend in marketing. Development in Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with LinkedIn and
information and communication technology, YouTube not far behind. Because social media
electronics, new materials and nano-technology marketing involves active audience participation, it has
become a popular way of getting attention. It's the
most popular content medium for B2C marketers at Social Marketing
96%, and it's gaining ground in the B2B sphere as Social Marketing is the use of marketing principles and
well. According to the Content Marketing Institute, techniques to promote the adoption of behaviors to
61% of B2B content marketers increased their use of improve the health or well-being of the target audience
social media this year or society as a whole. Social marketing is an approach
3.Pay-per-click marketing: Pay-per-click, or PPC, is used to develop activities aimed at changing or
posting an ad on a platform and paying every time maintaining people's behaviour for the benefit of
someone clicks on it. How and when people see your individuals and society as a whole. Social marketing
ad is a bit more complicated. When a spot is available has the primary goal of achieving "common good".
on a search engine results page, also known as a Traditional commercial marketing aims are primarily
SERP, the engine fills the spot with what is essentially financial, though they can have positive social effects
an instant auction. An algorithm prioritizes each as well. In the context of public health, social
available ad based on a number of factors, including:  marketing would promote general health, raise
Ad quality  Keyword relevance  Landing page quality awareness and induce changes in behavior
 Bid amount Social marketing helps the business to build
4.Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing lets awareness between people. ... Social Marketing
someone make money by promoting another person's Strategy empowers a business with a kind of Social
business. You could be either the promoter or the Awareness campaign that their target audiences need.
business who works with the promoter, but the One must know that they should develop an interest in
process is the same in either case. It works using a the public to target their audience efficiently.
revenue sharing model. If you're the affiliate, you get a Societal Marketing Concept And Its Features 
commission every time someone purchases the item Social Responsibility Orientation. A business firm
that you promote. If you're the merchant, you pay the should bear social responsibility to increase
affiliate for every sale they help you make. consumers' interest and social welfare.  Customer
5.Native advertising: Native advertising is marketing Need Satisfaction. ...  Integrated Marketing Efforts. ...
in disguise. Its goal is to blend in with its surrounding  Profit Through Social Well-being And Consumers'
content so that it’s less blatantly obvious as Welfare.
advertising. Native advertising was created in reaction Green marketing
to the cynicism of today's consumers toward ads. Green marketing refers to the practice of developing
Knowing that the creator of an ad pays to run it, many and advertising products based on their real or
consumers will conclude that the ad is biased and perceived environmental sustainability. ... When a
consequently ignore it. A native ad gets around this company's green marketing activities are not
bias by offering information or entertainment before it substantiated by significant investments or operational
gets to anything promotional, downplaying the "ad" changes, they may be criticized for false or misleading
aspect. advertising.
The benefits of digital marketing Green marketing is the marketing of products that are
1) A broad geographic reach: When you post an ad presumed to be environmentally safe. It incorporates a
online, people can see it no matter where they are broad range of activities, including product
(provided you haven’t limited your ad geographically). modification, changes to the production process,
This makes it easy to grow your business's market sustainable packaging, as well as modifying
reach. advertising.
2)Cost efficiency: Digital marketing not only reaches Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally
a broader audience than traditional marketing but also friendly products and services. ... For example,
carries a lower cost. Overhead costs for newspaper products made locally in North America tend to be
ads, television spots, and other traditional marketing more expensive than those made overseas using
opportunities can be high. cheap labor, but they have a much smaller carbon
3)Easier personalization: Digital marketing allows footprint because they don't have to fly across the
you to gather customer data in a way that offline globe to get here. Thus, green marketing is a
marketing can't. Data collected digitally tends to be marketing philosophy that promotes production and
much more precise and specific selling of pure (eco-friendly) products with protection
4)More connection with customers: Digital of ecological balance. ... Green marketing raises the
marketing lets you communicate with your customers voice against production, consumption, and/or
in real-time. More importantly, it lets them disposal of such products that anyway harm
communicate with you. Think about your social media consumers, the society, and the environment.
Retro marketing 3. Increased credibility: When the organization looks
Retro marketing involves creating a brand identity forward to keeping its promises surrounding its
based on heritage or nostalgia for a company's past services and products on a continuous and consistent
products. Retro marketing can change the product basis, it slowly and steadily goes towards the path of
itself, to make it look old fashioned. ... Sometimes carving itself into an authentic and genuine brand in
retro products can be a re-issue or replica of an old the market and customers’ minds. This is not just
product, such as Cadbury's relaunch of the Wispa bar. limited to these two, and a good process can even
We define retro branding, therefore, as the revival or build good respect in front of investors, peers,
relaunch of a product or service brand from a prior competitors, stakeholders, etc.
historical period, which is usually but not always 4. Increased Leadership qualities: When a
updated to contemporary standards of performance, company follows ethical practices of ethics for an
functioning, or taste. Retro brands are distinguishable extended period, it gradually stations itself as a leader,
from nostalgic brands by the element of updating. one who can benchmark its policies and strategies
Retro is a theme that businesses can incorporate into that surround the company’s structure and functioning.
their marketing and branding strategies because the This eventually gives rise to numerous benefits like
consumer market loves nostalgia. It brings them back increased share in the market, higher sales,
to old memories they had either in their childhood or inspiration for others, respect, mutual benefits, etc
young adult years. People make connections to 5. The satisfaction of basic human wants and
moments in their lives. needs: Once an organization is on course for the
Marketing Ethics proper marketing ethics, it solves the basic needs and
Practicing ethics in marketing means deliberately wants of its consumers in the form of integrity, trust,
applying standards of fairness, or moral rights and and honesty. When this is displayed for a long time,
wrongs, to marketing decision making, behavior, and various other benefits follow
practice in the organization. In a market economy, a 6. Display of a rich culture: Not only does such a
business may be expected to act in what it believes to structure give a positive outlook when seen from the
be its own best interest. Marketing Ethics or Ethical outside, but it also paves the way for a good structure
Marketing is one of the most effective longterm and environment within the hierarchy internally. This
branding, word-of-mouth, and trust-building strategies gives rise to higher production owing to a confident
for optimizing presence, leads, sales, and conversions and highly motivated staff
of a product or service 7. The attraction of the right talent at the right
Marketing ethics revolves around those principles of place: Once the company can create brand value in
ethical marketing and standards that guide acceptable the market, it becomes a beacon for prominent
marketing conduct.Ethical marketing is an integral part individuals for the association. Various people like
of the marketing definition that the American prospective employees, consultants, vendors, etc.
Marketing Association suggests, which isMarketing is look forward to associating and working with the
the activity, set of institutions, and processes for ethical brands that boost them exponentially. This
creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging further helps them in achieving their goals in a short
offerings that have value for customers, clients, period successfully.
partners, and society at large
The following are the reasons why ethical marketing is
an integral part of the life of an organization:
1. Long-term gains: The foundation of a company or
organization is not just based on its ability to survive
the present, but to plan a bright future. With the
adoption of proper marketing ethics, brands can
employ prospects like high credibility, loyalty to
customers, significant market share, increased brand
value, better sales, and better revenue.
2. Customer Loyalty: This is one of the most
important factors when it comes to ethical marketing.
With the proper adoption of ethics in terms of business
and operation, the company can win the loyalty, trust,
and confidence of its consumers that can go a long
way into the future. The natural human tendency to go
after the genuine brand will surely give them promising
gains, both in the present and in the future.

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