Statistics Syllabus

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Grade / Section/ Strand: 11 HEMERA/DEMETER/ARTEMIS



The LUCST adheres to the fulfillment of improving the quality life of the people by giving direction to the individual’s basic potentialities and talents,
producing high caliber manpower that jibes with the requirements of services area and the industries, inculcating values confirming to the ethical
standards of the society, accelerating active quest for the information and producing new ideas needed to adjust to an ever changing society.


La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc., envisions itself to be a learning community characterized by academic excellence, creative activity,
social responsibility and integrity.


La Union Colleges of Science and Technology, Inc. commits itself to provide well-rounded educational trainings and experiences to students whose
knowledge, skills and value system will enable them to adjust to an ever-changing society, be competitive in the global market and contribute to the
improvement of the quality of life.


Guided by the School philosophies and VMGO, as a private educational institution, the ultimate goal of the LUCST is to produce holistic graduates who
have realize their vast potentiality and responsibilities to the society and to the world as a whole aided by relevant curriculum and instruction, competent
learning facilitators, meaningful lifelong experiences as well as presence of the complete and adequate facilities.
It is expected that their stay in the institution, the graduates will have been molded as men and women who:

a. Realize their role and obligations to themselves, their fellowmen, to their country and the world and to their Creator
b. Are academically competent and nurture
c. Respect and maintain their Filipino identitiy and share their giftness to the rest of the world
d. Contribute to nation building and sustainable development
Subject Description:

Statistics and Probability for grade 11 is designed to equip students with essential mathematical knowledge and skills. The students must know how to find the mean
and variance of a random variable, to apply sampling techniques and distributions, to estimate population mean and proportion, to perform hypothesis testing on population
mean and proportion, and to perform correlation and regression analyses on real-life problems.

Session/ Hours:

4 times a week/ 80 hours

Required Tasks for the subject:

a. Quizzes
b. Graded Recitation
c. Performance task
d. Passed the Quarterly Examinations

Values to be integrated:

a. Creativeness and Innovative

b. Resourceful
c. Interpersonal Relationships Skills
d. Critical Thinking and Judgments

Computations of Grades:

Written Works-25%
Performance Task-50%
Quarterly Examinations-25%
TOTAL: 100%
Subject Content:

Content Content Standard Performance Learning Competencies Time Frame Methods and Evaluation
Standards strategies
First Quarter The learners The learner is able The learners 48 hours  Small group  Quizzes
(2nd Semester) demonstrate an to 1.1illustrates a random variable discussion  Group/
1. Random understanding of… (discrete and continuous).  Solving Individual
Variables and 1.2distinguishes between a discrete problems on Performance
1. apply an
board  Assignments
Probability 1. key concepts of appropriate and a continuous random variable.
 Group  Long test
Distributions random variables and random variable for 1.3.finds the possible values of a
activity  Quarter Exam
probability a given real-life random variable.  Games
distributions. problem (such as in 1.4 .illustrates a probability  Board Drills
decision making distribution for a discrete random
and games of variable and its properties.
chance). 1.5. constructs the probability mass
function of a discrete random variable
and its corresponding histogram.
1.6 computes probabilities
corresponding to a given random
1.7 illustrates the mean and variance
of a discrete random variable.
1.8 calculates the mean and the
variance of a discrete random variable.
1.9 interprets the mean and the
variance of a discrete random variable.
1.10 solves problems involving mean
and variance of probability

2.1 .illustrates a normal random

2. Normal 2. key concepts of 2. accurately
variable and its characteristics.
Distribution normal probability formulate and
2.2 constructs a normal curve.
distribution. , solve real-life
solvency, profitability, problems in 2.3 identifies regions under the normal
and stability of the different curve corresponding to different
business disciplinesinvolving standard normal values.
normal distribution 2.4 converts a normal random variable
to a standard normal variable and vice
2.5 computes probabilities and
percentiles using the standard normal
3.1 illustrates random sampling.
3. .Sampling 3.2 distinguishes between parameter
3. key concepts of 3. apply suitable
and Sampling sampling and sampling and and statistic.
Distributions sampling distributions sampling 3.3 identifies sampling distributions of
of the sample mean. distributions of the statistics (sample mean)
sample mean to 3.4 finds the mean and variance of the
solve real-life sampling distribution of the sample
problems in mean.
different 3.5 defines the sampling distribution
disciplines. of the sample mean for normal
population when the variance is: (a)
known (b) unknown
3.6 illustrates the Central Limit
3.7 defines the sampling distribution
of the sample mean using the Central
Limit Theorem.
3.8 solves problems involving
sampling distributions of the sample
Second Quarter The learner The learner is  Small group  Quizzes
(2nd Semester) demonstrates able to... The learners 32 hours discussion  Group/
understanding of...  Solving Individual
4. Estimation of 1. key concepts of 1 estimate the 4.1 illustrates point and interval problems on Performance
Parameters estimation of population mean board  Assignment
population mean and  Group s
population proportion and population estimations activity  Long test
. proportion to make  Games  Quarter
soundinferences in 4.2 distinguishes between point and Exam
real-life problems interval estimation.
in different
disciplines. 4.3 identifies point estimator for the
population mean.

4.4 computes for the point estimate

of the population mean.

4.5 identifies the appropriate form of

the confidence interval estimator for
the population mean when: (a) the
population variance is known, (b) the
population variance is unknown, and
(c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be

4.6 illustrates the t-distribution

4.7 constructs a t-distribution.

4.8 identifies regions under the t-

distribution corresponding to
different t-values.

4.9 . identifies percentiles using the


4.10 computes for the confidence

interval estimate based on the
appropriate form of the estimator for
the population mean.

4.11 solves problems involving

confidence interval estimation of the
population mean.

4.12 draws conclusion about the

population mean based on its
confidence interval estimate.

4.13 identifies point estimator for

the population proportion.

4.14 computes for the point

estimate of the population

4.15 .identifies the appropriate form

of the confidence interval estimator
for the population proportion based
on the Central Limit Theorem.

2 .perform 4.16 computes for the confidence

appropriate tests of interval estimate of the population
hypotheses proportion.
involving the
5. Tests of 2. key concepts of population mean 4.17 solves problems involving
Hypothesis tests of hypotheses on and population confidence interval estimation of the
the population mean proportion to make population proportion.
and population inferences in real-
proportion. life problems in 4.18 draws conclusion about the
different population proportion based on its
confidence interval estimate

4.19 . identifies the length of a

confidence interval

4.20 computes for the length of the

confidence interval

4.21 computes for an appropriate

sample size using the length of the

4.22 solves problems involving

sample size determination.

5.1 . illustrates: (a) null hypothesis

(b) alternative hypothesis (c) level of
significance (d) rejection region; and
(e) types of errors in hypothesis
testing. M11/12SP-IVa-1 2.

5.2 calculates the probabilities of

committing a Type I and Type II error.

5.3 identifies the parameter to be

tested given a real-life problem.

5.4 formulates the appropriate null

and alternative hypotheses on a
population mean.

5.5 identifies the appropriate form of

the test-statistic when: (a) the
population variance is assumed to be
known (b) the population variance is
assumed to be unknown; and (c) the
Central Limit Theorem is to be used.

5.6 identifies the appropriate

rejection region for a given level of
3 perform
correlation and significance when: (a) the population
regression analyses variance is assumed to be known (b)
on real-life the population variance is assumed
3. key concepts of problems in to be unknown; and (c) the Central
6. Correlation correlation and different Limit Theorem is to be used.
and Regression regression analyses. disciplines.
Analyses 5,7computes for the test-statistic
value (population mean).

5.8 draws conclusion about the

population mean based on the test-
statistic value and the rejection

5.9 solves problems involving test of

hypothesis on the population mean.

5.10 formulates the appropriate null

and alternative hypotheses on a
population proportion.

5.11 .identifies the appropriate form

of the test-statistic when the Central
Limit Theorem is to be used.
5.12 identifies the appropriate
rejection region for a given level of
significance when the Central Limit
Theorem is to be used.

5.13 computes for the test-statistic

value (population proportion).

5.14 draws conclusion about the

population proportion based on the
test-statistic value and the rejection

5.15. solves problems involving test

of hypothesis on the population

6.1. illustrates the nature of bivariate


6.2 constructs a scatter plot.

6.3 describes shape (form), trend

(direction), and variation (strength)
based on a scatter plot.

6.4 estimates strength of association

between the variables based on a
scatter plot.

6.5 calculates the Pearson’s sample

correlation coefficient.
6.6 solves problems involving
correlation analysis.

6.7 identifies the independent and

dependent variables.

6.8 draws the best-fit line on a

scatter plot.

6.9 calculates the slope and y-

intercept of the regression line.

6.10 interprets the calculated slope

and y-intercept of the regression line.

6.11 .predicts the value of the

dependent variable given the value of
the independent variable.

6.12 solves problems involving

regression analysis.

References: Statistics and Probability ( Rene R. Balencia , Elisa S. Baccay , Efren B. Mateo)

Prepared by: Checked by: Verified by: Noted by:

Joecel D. Torrefranca Elvira R. Tavares Mr. Raymond B. Panis Sheila F. Tabian, Maed

Teacher Academic Coordinator Principal Executive Vice President

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