Arco - Unit 4

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Christine Joy Manantan Arco BSED 1-D

ED 203-The Child and Adolescent Learner & Learning Principles


Lesson 1 - Characteristics, Developmental Tasks of Late Childhood and

Physical & Motor Development


Look for pictures of children in their late childhood ages 6 – 11 (from the net or
magazines available). On a bond paper, make a collage of these pictures and discuss
below the common characteristics that you have seen or observed in those pictures.

Pictures of children in their late childhood

My Observations

Based on my observations in the above pictures, children in their late childhood

are more active. They recognize social aspect of the self. They love to get along with
other children. They can do variety of activities that are more complex. They learn
physical skills for sports and games. Their balance and coordination increases. They
develop attitudes towards themselves and others.
1. What characteristics of children ages 6 – 11 have you observed?
 I have observed that the children ages 6-11 are more likely to be active, they do
more complex motor skills. They are more sociable, do sports and games with
2. What activities were commonly done by these children which help them to develop
 They commonly play and do sports which can help them develop their physical
3. In what aspects do girls and boys in the late childhood stage differ? Do boys follow a
different growth pattern compared to the girls? Explain your answer.
 None. Until puberty starts, at around the age of 10, there isn't much difference
in growth rate between boys and girls; about two inches (5 centimeters) per
year. This is the reason girls are often taller than boys of the same age in early
adolescence. The growth spurt in girls is also shorter than in boys.


1. Peter complained to his mother one evening that it wasn’t fair that his younger sister
Pearl was almost as tall as he was. He worried that he wasn’t growing fast enough. If
you are Peter’s mother, how should you respond to Peter’s concern?
 If I am Peter’s mother, I will gladly explain why such phenomena happen. And I
will tell him that it was all normal.
2. Carla, a very overweight child in the class, often stood on the sidelines and watched
during recess. When she did join in the children’s games, she was slow and clumsy.
On a daily basis, Carla was the target of unkind comments: “Move it, Tubs!” “No
fatsoes allowed”. She walked home from school by herself while other children
gathered in groups, talking, laughing, and chasing. Being the class adviser, how are
you going to help Carla?
 Being the class adviser, I will talk to Carla’s parents first. I will tell them what
Carla is going through and tell them to encourage their daughter to mingle with
others more. Then after I talked to her parents I will talk to the whole class and
tell them not to tease Carla because of how she looks like. And that I will not
tolerate bullying inside and outside the classroom. Lastly, I will talk to Carla and
tell her how beautiful she is and that she needs to be more confident of herself.
3. On weekends, 8-year-old Jose gathers with his friends at the school playground to
practice soccer. Besides improved ball skills, what is he learning?
 It will help them to develop physically and improve their social skills.
4. As a teacher, what ideas can you give in order to help school-age children develop
 As a teacher, I will encourage school-age children to engage in sports.
5. Describe the effects of malnutrition and identify the factors that may influence its
long-term outcomes.
 Malnutrition can lead to the development of diseases and chronic health
conditions. Long-term effects of undernutrition include a higher risk of obesity,
heart disease and diabetes.

Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper:

1. What are the characteristics of late childhood? Describe each.

 It is the period of skill development, fundamental skills in language, calculations,
eye-hand coordination, and other cognitive abilities develop along with micro-
skills like prehension. It is the 'gang age' as boys and girls tend to form their
separate groups.
2. What are the developmental tasks of late childhood and how can these tasks be
 The late childhood period is characterized by more purposeful, industrious
behavior when compared to earlier stages. New developmental tasks are
highlighted as children become focused on friendship formation, concrete mental
operations, skill learning, self-evaluation, and team play.
3. What are the common issues of late childhood? Discuss each.
 These include changes in eating or sleeping patterns, childhood nutrition, and
insecurities. Obesity is becoming a major concern for parents and health care
providers, since it seems it becoming a trend. Childhood obesity can profoundly
affect children's physical health, social, and emotional well-being, and self-
esteem. It is also associated with poor academic performance and a lower
quality of life experienced by the child. At these ages, with social, school, and
family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later. Malnutrition remains
a major health issue in the Philippines. This has been proven to have serious
effects on the physical and mental development of children. For most Filipino
children, poverty is the chief reason why they do not get the nutrients and
energy required for their age. Children may become very concerned about their
physical appearance. Girls especially, may become concerned about their weight
and decide to eat less. Boys may become aware of their stature and muscle size
and strength. Since this stage can bring about insecurities, parents and teachers
must be very conscious about their dealings with these children.
4. What are the prevalent motor skills that children use in their academic and non-
academic tasks?
 At the age of 10 or 11 years, most children will have learned to play sports like
swimming, basketball, volleyball and running. These physical skills become a
source of pleasure and great achievement to the children. In activities that use
large muscle activities, boys tend to be nimbler than girls. Although a significant
increase in physical activity may occur in this stage, children in their late
childhood is far from being physically mature. They become overwhelmed when
sitting or standing too long than when running, jumping, or playing actively. This
is because they need time to refine their skills, so they prefer active rather than
passive movements. From the age of 8, children show greater coordination in
writing. Their fine motor skills develop gradually which may be evidenced by the
size of the letters and numbers. Font size becomes smaller and are more even.
They may even produce good quality crafts or have greater control in playing
instruments like the piano or guitar. In these skills, girls usually surpass the boys.
Lesson 2- Cognitive Development


Experiencing First-hand
Beads, Beings, and Basketballs

Take a moment to solve the following three problems and explain your answer.
1. If there are 12 wooden beads, 10 brown ones and 2 white ones. Are there more
brown beads or more wooden beads?
 There are more wooden beads for all the 10 brown beads and 2 white ones are
also wooden beads.
2. If all children are human beings, and if all human beings are mammals, then
must all children be mammals?
 Yes, they must be all mammals because they are human beings.
3. If all children are basketballs, and if basketballs are jellybeans, then must all
children be jellybeans?
 No, because children are human beings and only love basketball but they’re not

1. What did you notice of the answers? In number 1, in number 2 and in number 3?
 The answers in number 1, in number 2 and in number 3 are in the questions.
2. What question contradicts what is true in reality? Why?
 The question in number 3.

Write the definition of the following words based on how you understood them.

a. Decentering- the ability of a child to be more open for different views becoming


b. Reversible transformation- the child learns that some things that have been changed

can be returned to their original state.

c. Sense of competence- have a sense of themselves as being capable to tackle the

tasks and challenges they encounter daily in their lives.

d. Sense of self-efficacy- they have the skills to help them steer through life and reach

their goals. It’s all about learning how to persevere during a challenge or setback.
Describe an example of a schema in your daily life – a mental framework for acting
upon or understanding your physical and social environment. Examples include parallel
parking, reading a book from left right and knowing how to act in a restaurant or in a
classroom. Briefly describe the schema and how you use it in your daily life.

Before going to a party, say a birthday party, we have a preconceived idea about
what is going to happen at that party which includes cake, food, and dance. We don’t
know what exactly is going to happen. But we form preconceived schemas about the
party that we had gained through past experiences.



7 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits

1. Missing breakfast

2. Sleeping late

3. High sugar consumption

4. More sleeping especially in morning

5. Eating meal while watching television or computer

6. Wearing cap/scarf/socks while sleeping

7. Habit of blocking/stopping urine

Complete the sentences with reference to the seven statements above.

I will stop missing breakfast, sleeping late, high sugar consumption, more sleeping
especially in morning, eating meal while watching television or computer, wearing
cap/scarf/socks while sleeping, habit of blocking/stopping urine.
I will continue to stop missing breakfast, sleeping late, high sugar consumption, more
sleeping especially in morning, eating meal while watching television or computer,
wearing cap/scarf/socks while sleeping, habit of blocking/stopping urine.


1. Why are you going to stop these activities?

 I am going to stop these activities because it is not good to me especially my
2. Why are we going to continue these activities?
 I am going to continue these activities so that I could avoid unhealthy habits that
can damage my body especially my brain.

3. What made you decide?

 The consequences I may face in the future made me decide to continue living a
good and healthy life.

Complete the blanks in the chart.

THINKING involves…….

Representing visual Process information in our minds. Creativity

pictures and other
sensation in our
in the form of which is aided by which can be impeded by which can be
classified as

Mental images Problem –solving Mental set Reflective

strategies Functional fixedness
Cognitive unnecessary
constraints and irrelevant

Concepts Reasoning Emotions, likes and dislikes Critical

Words Comprehension Oversimplified thinking Conceptual


What kind of a learner are you?

 For me, I am an auditory learner who’s in all ears. I tend to prefer listening to
information rather than reading it or seeing it visually displayed. I tend to be
linear thinker and may repeat things I hear out loud. When it comes to studying,
I remember material best if I talk about it with someone else, since it is easier to
recall a conversation than a visual image of words on a page.

Share to us your best practices in learning effectively.

 To review, I have someone to ask me questions, or repeat facts out loud. When
I read stories, I read it out loud. If I want to learn how to use some things, I
prefer listening to someone explain how to use it.

Write your own understanding of the following statements:

1. Acquiring the language in one’s culture is extremely complex and challenging.

 It’s true, acquiring or learning new language in one’s culture is very difficult and
challenging. If you wish to, you need to take some time studying it.
2. Mastering the four components of language is a remarkable achievement for a
 Yes, it is a remarkable achievement, because I believe that if a child can master
the four components of language meaning the child is ready for more things
ahead of him or her.
3. Some aspects of language development during the school years reflect an
increasing ability to think abstractly about physical and social phenomena.
 Children also learn about looking after themselves and the effect had on their
bodies. Language and communication skills aid children in developing their
physical development in everyday life. It is fundamental that children gain the
physical skills needed to grow and learn other skills.


1. What could be the factors that affect language development?

 The factors that affect language development are exposure to the new
language, the age of the learner, the learner's native language, and the
learner's motivation.

2. Who are the significant others in the child’s life during this stage?
 Parents are the most important person in a child's life. We all recognize
that parents have a noble role to play in the life of their children.
3. How do proper nutrition and stimulation affect language development?
 Children who eat nutritiously in early childhood are more likely to do
better in school, more likely to score higher on tests, and less likely to
have speech and language delays.

Fill-in the table with 3 correct concepts based on language development.



Knowledge of about 80,000 High school graduate Regularly use the

words terminologies associated
with various academic

Children in middle elementary grades have only limited ability to make sense of
figurative language. Reflect on this statement.

“Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”


It is an expression used when somebody wants more food than he or she can eat, or
when someone takes more food than he or she could possibly finish. In my experience
the expression is used in cases where someone initially expected to be able to eat all
the food that they took but then came to realize it was too much after they started
Lesson 3- The Child in School


Recall your elementary grades. How would you describe those years? Write an essay
describing your experiences during your elementary days. Make sure you include
significant persons behind your success. Mention their contributions to your life. Recall
also those who hindered your tendency to achieve and describe their negative effects
on your academic struggle.

My Elementary Years: An Essay

My elementary years are awesome. Those years are remarkable because I
meet true friends, I overcome my stage fright and learn how to respect and be
polite to others. In elementary I was thought to stand on my own. Do my
assignments, outputs, activities, and projects by myself. I learn how to read at
home, and when I went to kinder, I was a fluent reader.
Back then cellphones are not as rampant as now. And internet is not as
good as today, so I am not engaged in social media in my elementary years. I am
not very sociable. I spent most of my time at home and read some story books.
Maybe that’s why compared to other younger girls I can read better.
Once, when we we’re in grade 6 we are told to join the “balagtasan”. I have
this stage fright. I thought of not joining such event, my knees we’re trembling
just hearing about the event, but my teacher insisted that I can do it. She really
did everything just to encourage me and thanks to her I overcome my stage fright.
In elementary I met this girl who became my best friend until now. We’re
not really close before but when we enroll to high school, there, we formed a very
tight bond. She became my walking diary.
Based on the essay that you have written, list down the factors that contributed to or
hindered your academic success during your elementary grades. Write your answers on
the table below or print the table. You may also answer on a separate piece of paper.
Some examples are provided to you.

Factors Influencing My Significant Negative Effects

Academic Success Contributions

1. Parents Helped me with my Being dependent to them.


2. Teachers Encourage me to do more. Biased; discriminating

3. Friends Become my study-buddy Misunderstanding; fights.

and walking diary.


1. The teacher plays an important role in motivating children to learn. It is a

common observation among modern day teachers, however, that many
elementary pupils’ manifest boredom in the classroom and are less interested to
learn. As a would-be-teacher, how would you motivate your pupils such that they
would sustain their interest to learn? Device motivational strategies to keep
pupils interested in their academic work.
As a would-be teacher, to keep my pupils motivated and active so that
they can sustain their interest to learn, I will encourage open communication and
free thinking with my students to make them feel important. I will be
enthusiastic and praise the good work of my pupils. I will make participating fun
by giving each student a job to do. I will give rewards; rewards give students a
sense of accomplishment and encourage them to work with a goal in mind. I will
teach through games and discussions instead of lectures, encourage students to
debate and enrich the subject matter with visual aids, like colorful charts,
diagrams and videos. Teaching a class full of motivated students is enjoyable for
teachers and students alike. Some students are self-motivated, with a natural
love of learning. But even with the students who do not have this natural drive, a
great teacher can make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full
2. Home-school partnership is a factor in assuring children’s academic success. Assume
that you are holding a meeting with the parents of your pupils. Prepare a script of
the message that you (the teacher) will deliver to the parents regarding the
need for them to actively participate in the school activities of their children.

Teacher: So, good morning parents! Today we gather here as we talk about how you
(parents) can help your children be more active in school and your participation in
school activities of your children.
Parents are responsible for every detail of their young children’s lives, from potty
training to eating fruits and veggies. When kids finally board the school bus for the first
time, most moms and dads breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, you can hand off some of
that pressure to someone else, knowing that a qualified teacher will make sure your
child receives the education they need! But the role of parents in education involves
more than just getting your kids safely to and from the bus stop. Research shows that
parental involvement in education leads to greater student success and increased
Parents who try to be present around their children’s school are showing their
kids that they care about their education—and that it’s important enough to deserve
their attention. This doesn’t mean busy parents have to sacrifice all their free time to
volunteer at school! Classrooms have many opportunities to get involved, so parents
can choose the ones that work best with their schedules. Parents who are genuinely
interested in their kids’ education are in a good position to provide support or find
outside help if they notice a child is struggling. They also build connections with their
children as they share excitement over their successes and help them work through
Parents have a lot to worry about when it comes to raising young children but
determining how to support their kids’ education shouldn’t be one of them.

Parent 1: Thank you for binging us here today! We greatly appreciate your big
concern to our children.
Try answering the following questions on a piece of paper. Your course
handler will take charge of giving you specific instructions.

1. Give the factors that influence the academic achievement of children. Discuss the
role played by each of these factors.
 Family- The home environment sets the stage for openness to learning;
appreciation for achievement; and opportunity for learning outside of school.
 Teachers’ expectations and teacher-student Interaction- Teachers can have a
positive effect on student achievement by encouraging students to do their
best and by having high expectations of student performance.
 Educational system- Each small step that leaders in education take, gets
closer to providing students not just an education, but a complete academic
experience that gets them closer to realizing their dreams.
 Culture- A person’s culture and upbringing have a profound effect on how
they see the world and how they process information. Teachers need to
ensure that they incorporate methods of teaching in their classrooms that
accommodate various beliefs and cultural notions students bring to school.
2. Comment on Isaac Wagner’s description of an ideal classroom.
So, I agree with the description of Isaac Wagner’s of an ideal classroom. It is
true that thoughtfully designed classroom can stimulate and balance the five
senses of students so that they can learn well.

Lesson 4- Socio-emotional & Moral Development




Whom Do You Know?

Write the words that best describe the three psychologists.

Freud Erikson Kohlberg

most influential among the More influential among the influential among the
intellectuals intellectuals intellectuals


1. What are the main contributions of the three in the field of developmental
There are many theories regarding how babies and children grow and
develop into happy, healthy adults. Sigmund Freud suggested that we pass
through a series of psychosexual stages in which our energy is focused on
certain erogenous zones on the body. Eric Erikson modified Freud’s ideas and
suggested a theory of psychosocial development. Erikson said that our social
interactions and successful completion of social tasks shape our sense of self.
Finally, Lawrence Kohlberg turned his attention to moral development. He said
that we pass through three levels of moral thinking that build on our cognitive
2. How did their contributions affect our homes and schools?
Each psychological theory that Freud, Erickson, and Kohlberg presented
expands our understanding of human development. Some of the theories focus
on different periods of development while others expand on how changes occur
across the lifespan. The theories presented cover core aspects of psychology –
including cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytical, and social development.
You read already the concepts of the three renowned psychologists in the specific
stages of the life span.

1. Write your own understanding of the following concepts:

Standstill – you are at a same spot, not moving and is stable.

Dedication to education and learning – you have your willingness to learn and is

very passionate about it.

Inflexible rules – you cannot change nor violate it.

What do you think?

Based on the discussion above, reflect on the role of the home and school in the
total package of a child.
Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives. Parents, teachers,
and other family and community members should work together to encourage and
support them. This basic fact should be a guiding principle as we think about how
schools should be organized and how children should be taught. Schools alone cannot
address all a child's developmental needs. The meaningful involvement of parents and
support from the community are essential.

Look for a picture of you when you were in Grade 4, 5 or 6. Recall a significant event
that happened to you. Write the title and make a short description about it.


This picture was taken at Madong Central

Elementary School during our graduation in Grade 6.
Well, as you can see, I wasn’t smiling. It was supposed to
be a happy event though. Indeed, it is! I was just a
little uncomfortable because they took this picture of
me with someone I really hate (that time).


Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think were the factors that contributed to your reaction? And
 The factors that contributed to my reaction and feeling were the people
around me, my family, friends, enemies, teachers, and others. Also, the event
in that time have great impact.
2. How do you think has this event affected you socially and emotionally?
 Well, graduation is a great opportunity to show people around me that I can
do better, that I have dreams that I can achieve and that I have a future in
front of me. This event makes me more confident and be proud of myself.
3. Thinking about it now, do you think you could have acted or felt differently?
 Thinking of it now, I think I could act or felt differently. I really regret that I
didn’t smile in that picture. I didn’t have a nice photo of myself during that
graduation. It could be great if I have a nice picture of me to look at that will
bring me back to the old times.

Make a poster-slogan that depicts tips on how to promote a holistic and well-balanced
intermediate school-age child.
Complete the table below with corresponding answers.

Comparison of “Self” Related Concepts


Self-esteem Your self-esteem is how For example, if you have

you feel about yourself. low self-esteem, you do
not like yourself, you do
not think that you are a
valuable person, and
therefore you do not
behave confidently.

Self-efficacy Self-efficacy refers to For example, a student

your belief in your own who has a high level of
ability to control your self-efficacy in
motivation and behavior. mathematics will feel
confident in their ability
to do well in a tough
statistics class.

Resiliency An ability to recover from In life, we all face

or adjust easily to stressful experiences—the
misfortune or change. death of a loved one,
financial hardship, social
rejection, and many
others. But we have a
surprising amount of
variability in how we cope
with these experiences.

The Journey
Read the following questions. Recall your late childhood, you may also ask your

parents for some information.

1. When I was 11 years old, my parents are not there. My mother work

abroad and my father works in the city, he goes early in the morning and came

home late at night.

2. As a child, my unforgettable playmates were my neighbors and cousins

same with my age.

3. My favorite TV show was tom and jerry.

4. When I was growing up, I went to church in Jaro with my mother.

5. The most serious challenge I experienced was when my mother work as

a OFW in Saudi. I felt like I was alone, well, I’m literally alone. My father was a

carpenter, and he goes by the morning and came home late at night. My brother

and sister were in Manila. It was very challenging to do all the chores at home

and go to school at my age, that time I was just 11.

6. The most important thing that I learned from my elementary school

was to respect people around you, be polite to them and you should help people

who badly needed your help because when the time comes those people you do

good will pay you good time not by money but with good deeds.
Based on the activity, group your answers, and write them beside the circle.

When I was 11 years old,
my parents are not there.
My mother work abroad
and my father works in
the city, he goes early in
the morning and came Family
home late at night. The most serious challenge I
experienced was when my mother
work as a OFW in Saudi. I felt like I
was alone, well, I’m literally alone.
Community My father was a carpenter, and he
goes by the morning and came
home late at night. My brother and
As a child, my sister were in Manila. It was very
unforgettable challenging to do all the chores at
home and go to school at my age,
playmates were my that time I was just 11.
neighbors and

cousins same with
my age.

The most important thing
Church that I learned from my
elementary school was to
When I was growing respect people around you,
up, I went to church be polite to them and you
should help people who badly
in Jaro with my needed your help because
mother. when the time comes those
people you do good will pay
you good time not by money
but with good deeds.
Make a poem to address the issue of bullying in and out of schools.

Bullying is a Bad Habit

Nobody’s perfect,

You have your own flaws,

So, why laugh at others,

You are not perfect too.

At school, you learn to be good,

So, why you’re not always in the mood?

Throwing tantrums and always furious,

Dear, remember, it’s not good.

In the community,

You always want to be pretty,

You always want to be the honey,

So, you tyrannized those who are pity.

Bullying is not good,

Don’t bully because of jealousy,

Be contented of your beauty

And you’ll be happy.

Create a proposed mental health advocacy for children. You may ask help from
knowledgeable persons.

“Promoting Awareness of Children's Mental Health Issues”


What is the advocacy What programs are we What are your insights
about? doing to move the about this advocacy?
advocacy forward?

The advocacy is all about We can disseminate We must address the

promoting the awareness infographics in the prevalence of child and
of children mental health community, and we can adolescent mental health
problems. organize assembly in the problems and reduce the
stigma faced by these young

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