CAT C7 Prefix C7S Wiring Diagrams

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C7 Engine

ECM Wire Diagram

OEM Connector
ECM Connector
C7 On-Highway Engine
How to Read This Diagram

Module Connector

Intermediate Connector





Twisted Pair

3 Pin Connector

4 Pin Connector PU PURPLE

4 Capital Abbreviation’s Represen t Wire Main Color

Lower Case Abbreviation’s Represen t Secondary Color


Componen t Name

Part Number

Con nection
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Sensor, Valve, ECM Connector

ECM Connector

Y748-A79 WH Y748-A101 WH Y748-A68 WH

1 81 +5v Sensor (ARD Active)

RD Y749-A74 GN Y749-A103 GN Sensor Return (ARD Sensors

CRS Flame Boundary 1 2 83 Active & Passive)
Temperature Sens or 274-8008 BK Y753-A99 OR ARD Flame Boundary
2 3 63 Temperature

Y748-A105 WH
ARD Combustion Delta Pressure Y749-A97 GN
Sensor 298-6502 2
Y923-A71 VT ARD Combustion Delta
3 27 Pressure

RD Y748-A93 WH
1 1
CRS Flame Detect Sensor
BK Y749-A85 GN Y749-A106 GN
2 2

RD Y743-A56 OR ARD Flame Detect

CRS Turbo Outlet Temperature 1 3 91 Temperature
Sensor BK T846-A94 PK ARD Turbo Outlet
2 4 55 Temperature

Y748-A61 WH
CRS Main Fuel Pressure Sensor Y749-A64 GN
300-7324 2
Y747-A67 BR
3 89 ARD Main Fuel Pressure

Y748-A92 WH
CRS Pilot Fuel Pressure Sensor Y749-A95 GN
285-9259 2
C803-A58 BR
3 41 ARD Pilot Fuel Pressure

E963-A27 BK E963-GF1 BK E963-A27 BK Cams haft (Primary) Speed /

Primary Engine Speed / Timing A 1 25 Timing (-)
Sensor (CAM Top) 109-7194 E964-A26 WH E964-GF2 WH E964-A26 WH Cams haft (Primary) Speed /
B 2 35 Timing (+)

E965-A48 BU E965-GF3 BU E965-A48 BU Cams haft (Secondary) Speed /

Secondary Engine Speed / A 3 47 Timing (+)
Timing Sen sor (Crank Bottom)
E966-A49 YL E966-GF4 YL E966-A49 YL Cams haft (Secondary) Speed /
B 4 46 Timing (–)

Y737-A4 YL Y737-GF5 YL Y737-A4 YL

1 5 69 ARD Fuel Enable
CRS Fuel Enable Valve 300-0510
Y738-A65 GY Y738-GF6 GY Y738-A65 GY ARD Fuel Enable Valve
2 6 52 Actuator Return

Y735-A109 PK
Purge Air Control Valve 1 45 Purge Air Control

287-5801 H807-A111 YL
2 79 Purge Air Return

C801-A60 OR ARD Combustion Air Control

CRS Combus tion Air Control 1 10 Return
Valve 298-6410 C800-A63 GY ARD Combustion Air Control
2 20 HS
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Sensor, Valve, Soleno id , ECM Co nnector

ECM Connector

G828-A13 WH G828-A78 WH +5V P ress ure Sensor (Abs P,

1 72 Delta P)
Crankcase Pressure Sen sor G829-A46 GN G829-A2 G N Analog Sensor Ret (Cool T,
3056873 2 17 Inlet T, Abs P, CCV P)
E795-A72 YL
3 33 Crankcase Pressure

995-A12 BU
Coolant Temperature Sens or 1 84 Coolant Temperature

234-5012 G829-A44 GN

G828-A40 WH
CGI Absolute Pressure Sen sor G829-A42 GN
303-3357 2
U779-A6 BR
3 57 CGI Absolute Pressure

G828-A70 WH
CGI Delta Pressure Sensor G829-A96 GN G829-A110 GN
298-6502 2
U787-A21 YL
3 16 CGI Delta Pressure

X980-AR4 WH X980-A32 WH
1 2 24 Turbospeed (+)
Turbo Speed Sensor 291-3979
X981-AR5 YL X981-A50 YL
2 1 34 Turbospeed (–)

OR U774-AR6 BU U774-A104 BU
1 1 11 51 CGI Actuator
CGI Actuator 298-6166
BK U775-AR7 GY U775-A59 GY
2 2 8 43 CGI Actuator Return

OR C814-AR12 GN C814-A66 GN
1 1 4 44 AVNT Actuator (+)
AVNT Actuator 290-0508
BK C815-AR8 BR C815-A34 BR
2 2 10 32 AVNT Actuator Return

G828-AR2 WH G828-A98 WH
1 3
RD G829-AR3 GN G829-A86 GN
CGI Temperature Sen sor 1 2 9
317-9564 BK U773-AR13 VT U773-A69 PK
2 3 6 70 CGI Temperature

U793-AR14 VT U793-A54 VT
Air Inlet Temperature Sensor 1 5 38 Air Inlet Temperature

234-5013 G829-AR1 GN G829-A86 GN

2 9

Y750-AR11 YL Y750-A88 YL
1 7 109 ARD Ignition Coil

200-AR16 BK
CRS Ignition Coil 296-7725 2
Y751-A15 OR Y751-A80 OR
3 12 88 ARD Ignition Coil Return

Sparkplug Engine Ground

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Sensor, Valve, Soleno id , ECM Co nnector

ECM Connector

BK Y733-A90 VT ARD Fuel Main Pressure

CRS Pilot Fuel Control Valve 1 1 59 Control Valve
285-8735 BK Y736-A100 OR
2 2

BK Y736-A100 OR
CRS Main Fuel Control Valve 1 1
285-8734 BK Y734-A91 BU ARD Fuel Main Pressure
2 2 60 Control Valve Return

G826-A38 BR G826-A1 BR +5V P ress ure Sensor Power

1 80 (Fuel Rail, IMAP, Oil)
Engine Oil P res sure Sensor G827-A43 BU Analog Sensor Return (Fuel T,
293-5535 2 54 Fuel P, Lube P)
994-A10 GY
3 28 Engine Oil P res sure

G826-A89 BR
G833-A87 PK G833-A47 PK Analog Sensor Return (Fuel
Fuel Rail Sensor 293-5340 2 30 Rail P, IMAP, IMAT)
Y946-A55 BU
3 85 Fuel Rail Pressure

G826-A39 BR
Intake Manifold Air P ress ure G833-A41 PK
Sensor 266-8650 2
R746-A20 PK
3 15 Inlet Manifold Air Pressure

C967-A15 BU
Intake Manifold Air 1 95 Inlet Manifold Air Temperature

Temperature Sens or 234-5013 G833-A45 PK


C818-A37 BU
Fuel Pump Solenoid 1 (Fore) 1 77 Fuel Pump 1 (Fore) Driver

292-3709 C819-A52 VT Fuel Pump 1 (Fore) Driver

2 111 Return

F793-A33 OR F793-A31 OR
A 5 Air Inlet Heater Relay / Lamp
Air Inlet Heater Lamp
C830-A3 BU C830-A57 BU Air Inlet Heater Relay / Lamp
B 76 Return

BK F793-A30 OR
Inlet Air Heater
BK C830-A53 BU
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Sensor, Heater, ECM Connector

ECM Connector

OEM Harness
U781-P28 YL U781-F1 YL U781-A77 YL +5V Sensor Power (Particulate
1 1 1 82 Trap Active)
U782-P29 PK U782-F6 PK U782-F2 PK U782-A83 PK
(See OEM Truck Manual) 2 2 2 93 Particulate Trap Return

Y746-P30 PK J896-F3 OR J896-A62 OR Particulate Trap Differential

3 3 3 66 Pressure
Y741-P31 YL J894-F4 WH J894-A82 WH Particulate Trap Inlet
4 4 4 56 Temperature
Y742-P32 GN J892-F5 VT J892-A76 VT Particulate Trap Outlet
5 5 5 94 Temperature
Y745-P33 BU U782-F7 PK K895-A73 BU
6 6 6

G856-A8 W H
1 26 TDC Service Probe (+)
Timing Calibration Probe
G857-A9 YL
2 36 TDC Service Probe (–)

C820-A36 OR
Fuel Pump Solenoid 2 (Aft) 1 61 Fuel Pump 2 (Aft) Driver

292-3709 C821-A51 BR Fuel Pump 2 (Aft) Driver

2 113 Return
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Injector, Injector Harness Intermediate Connector, ECM Connector

Injector Harness
Intermediate Connecto r ECM Connector

T957-J1 VT T957-A35 VT
A 1 116 Injector 1 LS
Injector 1 260-5663
T858-J2 GY T858-A22 GY T858-A23 GY
B 12 104 Injector 1&2 HS

T958-J3 YL T958-A17 YL
A 2 118 Injector 2 LS
Injector 2 260-5663
T858-J4 GY T858-A16 GY
B 11

T959-J5 BR T959-A18 BR
A 3 106 Injector 3 LS
Injector 3 260-5663
T859-J6 W H T859-A14 WH T859-A24 WH
B 10 115 Injector 3&4 HS

T960-J7 BU T960-A19 BU
A 4 108 Injector 4 LS
Injector 4 260-5663
T859-J8 W H T859-A11 WH
B 9

T961-J9 GN T961-A28 GN
A 5 107 Injector 5 LS
Injector 5 260-5663
T860-J10 OR T860-A7 OR T860-A25 OR
B 8 99 Injector 5&6 HS

T962-J11 W H T962-A29 WH
A 6 105 Injector 6 LS
Injector 6 260-5663
T860-J12 OR T860-A5 OR
B 7
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Chass is Connector

Chass is Connector Chass is Connector

1 43
2 +5V 44 Resu me

3 Inpu t Sensor Common #2 45 Service Brake P edal Po sition Switch

4 +8V 46 Inpu t #7

5 AP Sens or / Switch Common 47 Inpu t #5

6 Input #6 48 Unswitched +Battery

7 Inpu t #4 49 Engine Coolant Level N ormal

8 J1587 Data Link Positive 50 J1939 Data Link Positive

9 J1587 Data Link Negative 51

10 Output #2 52 Unswitched +Battery

11 Outpu t #5
53 Unswitched +Battery

12 Output #3
54 Engine Coolant Level Low

13 Outpu t #4
(See OEM Truck Manual) 55 Unswitched +Battery

14 56 Input #1 (P TO On/Off Switch)

15 57
16 58 Input #2

17 T #14
59 Cruise Control On/Off Switch

18 Inpu t Sensor Common #1

60 Input #3

19 Outpu t #6
(See OEM Truck Manual) 20 Outpu t #7
62 Input #12

21 Output #8 (Cooling Fan)

63 -Battery

22 Clutch P edal Position Switch

64 Input #13

23 Engine Brake Lo w / High Switch

65 -Battery

66 Accelerator Ped al Pos ition

67 -Battery

68 Input #8 (Remote PTO Accelerator)

69 -Battery

28 Check Engine Lamp

70 Ignition Key Switch

29 Warning Lamp

30 Outpu t #1

31 Outpu t #9

32 Vehicle Speed In P ositive

33 Vehicle Speed In N egative

34 J1939 Data Link Negative

35 Set

36 Speedometer Positive

37 Speedometer Negative

38 Tachometer Positive

39 Tacho meter Negative

40 Engine Break Med / High Switch

41 Inpu t #11

42 J1939 Data Link Shield

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