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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Iloilo
Kapit- Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services
National Community Driven Development Program

Municipality of Anilao, Iloilo

Office of the Municipal / Area Coordinating Team

a. Title of the Activity : Design, Planning and Analysis (DPA) Workshop
b. Date of Conduct : August 25-26, 2021
c. Venue : Barangay Badiang covered gym or any conducive place
(ensuring to follow health protocols)
d. Target Participants :
Expected articipants (Day 1) No. of Expected Participants No. of
Pax (Day 2) Pax
Participants (Barangay 22 Participants (Barangay 20
Representatives) Representatives)
Representatives) CSO Representatives)
Total 37 Total 35

e. Training Team Day Expected Members Number

: 1 Area / Municipal Coordinating Team 15
2 Area / Municipal Coordinating Team 15

f. Proposed Budget : Total: Php 35,700.00

g. Source of Fund : KALAHI CIDSS NCDDP

The National Community Driven Development Program (NCDDP) Additional Financing (AF) will scale
up the Disaster Response Operations Modality (DROM) developed under the parent project (KALAHI-CIDSS-
NCDDP) in order to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other major disasters and to
pursue the institutionalization of Community Driven Development principles and systems in the harmonized
barangay local development planning.
NCDDP AF will work in partnership with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to
assist in preparing the LGUs within its coverage for the expanded responsibilities as a result of the
Mandanas ruling and the full devolution of basic services by way of strengthening local response to COVID
19 and other natural hazards. DSWD will facilitate citizens’ participation in the barangay development
planning process in order to ensure continuity, quality, and inclusive provision of services and disaster
Upon identification of COVID-19 emergency response sub-projects for NCDDP-AF support, Project
implementation proceeds to the 2nd stage, covering design, proposal preparation and implementation of
priority sub-projects that will be provided with NCDDP-AF support. In this stage, the barangays will be
capacitated to design and develop emergency-response sub-project ideas into full-blown sub-project
proposals with detailed technical, financial and implementation management specifications consistent with
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NCDDP standards and best practice. The Phase 1 project development will serve as a pilot demonstration
phase towards the second (2nd) and third (3rd) round of sub-project preparation and implementation using
Project funds and GOP funds and procedures, respectively.
Design Planning and Analysis is one of the capacity building activities in KALAHI-CIDSS Program
that involves a hands-on capability building process, where community volunteers discuss and are provided
technical assistance inputs on the four key areas of the project development cycle namely the project
identification & selection; project development; project implementation & management; and project
As a program adopting a Community-Driven Development (CDD) strategy, one of its goals is to
empower local communities to participate in addressing development challenges. Hence, communities
through their volunteers are being capacitated to collectively identify and agree on the kind development
interventions, participate in the design and its finalization, facilitate and prepare the documentary
requirements and to work together in the implementation and maintenance of the prioritized and funded
Specifically, the proposed DPA activity will create an enabling environment for community
volunteers to learn to decide on the appropriateness and technical feasibility of their chosen development
interventions based on available financial resources and local technical capacities.
The project development activities cannot be completed on 3-day activity, rather, it is a start to a
series of parallel activities both at the municipal and barangay level. The 3-day activity will only serve as an
orientation and a brief technical assistance provisions to the various aspects of the project development
planning process and documentary requirements for the release of grant fund. Most of the activities will be
done and the documents will be finalized at the community or barangay level.

General Objectives
1. To orient project stakeholders particularly the community volunteers of the KALAHI-CIDSS NCDDP
Participatory Project Development Processes;
2. To create a venue for creative dialogue and provision of technical assistance between community
volunteers and MDC/MDRRMC/MIATF/MIAC members along project development;
3. To equip project stakeholders particularly the community volunteers with the necessary knowledge
& skills in the preparation & completion of the documentary requirements (social, technical and fi-
nancial) for the release of grant fund intended for their community sub-projects;
Specific Objectives:
All throughout the preparation process of the sub-project proposals for NCDDP-AF grant support,
the BDC-appointed BDC TWGs are:
a. Trained on the sub-project proposal preparation requirements, standards, and processes;
b. Conduct safeguards screening and process/prepare required safeguards documents;
c. Conduct technical assessments (e.g. site visits for infrastructure sub-projects, feasibility study
for livelihood and local economic development support subprojects, etc.);
d. Prepare sub-project design documents (i.e., technical drawings for infrastructure SPs, business
plans for livelihood and LED support SPs, etc.) & full sub-project proposals consistent with & in-
formed by the results of the RDANA & PSA, & the Barangay Profile and;
e. Prepare required supporting documents including procurement plans, costs estimates, program
of works, financial plans and budgets, implementation work plans, operation and maintenance
(O&M) plans, sustainability plans, and other documents as appropriate, using prescribed for-
mats and templates, and;
f. Prepare documents to facilitate the opening of bank account in order to receive block grants.
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a. Content and Process:
This is a two (2) days activity wherein the Municipal Coordinating Teams (MCTs) with the assistance
of the 3 Technical Persons (AC, TF and MFA) of the ACT together with the Municipal Inter-Agency
Committee will be facilitating the activity. The Day 1 of the activity is designed for the 11 barangays, in the
morning session- the salient features of design, planning and analysis will be discussed as well as the pre-
engineering documents like plans, program of works and detailed estimates as well as also an input about
the selection of appropriate technology. In the afternoon session, the discussion will revolve around finance
matters and social process like proposal making and environmental and social feasibility focusing on the
making of Environmental Social Management Plan (ESMP).
The Day 2 of the activity will be attended by the volunteers of another batch of 10 barangays and
the topics as well as the discussion is the same to the Day 1 topics.
Please see attached detailed version of the flow of activity.

b. Participants
The activity will be participated by the community volunteers, MIAC/MDRRMC members, ACT and
MCT members, and RPMO staff.

c. Activity Management
Since virtual meeting is not applicable in the municipality due to lack of internet connection and
poor telecommunication signal, the ACT/MCT facilitators will observe the safety health protocols mandated
by the IATF. These protocols will be:
 The venue can accommodate the declared number of participants, the venue will be the
covered gym that can accommodate 100 pax.
 Mandatory wearing of face mask and eye shield/face shield among participants and
facilitators at all times.
 Checking of body temperature upon arrival of the participants in the registration area.
 Availability of hand sanitizers or alcohol in the venue to be accessed anytime by the
 Chairs in the venue will be arranged one meter apart to follow the physical distancing
 The food during the snacks and lunch will be packed one by one and will be served by the
facilitators to avoid long lines by the participants.
 Participants must bring his/her own ballpen.
 No group work or SLEs to avoid close contacts among the participants.

a. Meals (Day 1) 1 meal (lunch) & 2 snacks (AM & PM snacks)
Php350.00 x 52 participants x 1 day 18,200.00
b. Meals (Day 2) 1 meal (lunch) & 2 snacks (AM & PM snacks)
Php350.00 x 50 participants x 1 day 17,500.00
GRAND TOTAL Php 35,700.00

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As with the above stated rationale and activity details, the proponent therefore finds the realization
of the proposed activity very important specifically in the social preparation stage of the CEAC in the
implementation of the KC Project. It is therefore recommended that this proposal be approved along with
its budgetary requirements amounting to Thirty-five thousand and seven hundred pesos only

Prepared by:


Area Coordinator

Certified as to Funds Availability:

Administrative Officer V

Certified as to Purpose:

Assistant Regional Director - Operations

Approved/Disapproved by:


Regional Director

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Design, Planning and Analysis (DPA) Workshop
Date and Time Activity Methodology In-charge
Day 1
7:30AM- 8:30AM Registration MCT Staff
8:30AM-9:00AM Opening Preliminaries Meta-cards MCT Staff
-Opening Prayer LCD
-Singing of the Philippine National Anthem Presentation
-Opening Remarks
9:00AM-9:45 AM Introduction on Design, Planning and Analysis (DPA) PPT Presentation ACT staff
and KC NCDDP Features and other adult
learning visuals

9:45 AM- Inputs on Selection of Appropriate technology and PPT Presentation ACT and MCT
10:45AM Design In DPA and other adult Technical
learning visuals Facilitator
10:45AM-12:00 Lecture on Pre-Engineering PPT Presentation ACT and MCT
NOON and other adult Technical
learning visuals Facilitator
1:00 PM- 2:30 PM Social and Environmental Feasibility (ESMP) Meta-cards AC, TF and CEF
2:30 PM- 3:30 PM Proposal preparation and making including Sub- PPT Presentation
project concept form (SPCF) and other adult AC and CEF
learning visuals with CVs

3:30 PM- 4:00 PM Discussion about finance matters PPT Presentation

and other adult ACT & MCT
learning visuals MFA
4:00 PM- 4:30 PM Wrap up of Agreements and Closing Session Area
Note: Same flow of activity will happen on the Day 2 for the next batch of Barangays.

Prepared by:


Area Coordinator
Noted by:

Training Specialist IV

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Activity Title : Design, Planning and Analysis (DPA)
Date : August 25-26, 2021

Day 1

AM Snacks : Bihon Guisado, Bread and Juice

Lunch : Fish sinigang, Pork Barbecue, Rice, Fruit punch, and Mango float

PM Snacks : Siopao and Juice/Softdrinks

Additional Item : Flowing Coffee, Milo, Tea and drinking water

Day 2

AM Snacks : Sotanghon Guisado, Garlic Bread and Juice

Lunch : Chicken Pork Adobo, Fried Fish, Rice, Soup, Softdrinks, and Mixed fresh fruits

PM Snacks : Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Juice/Softdrinks

Additional Item : Flowing Coffee, Milo, Tea and drinking water

Prepared by:


Area Coordinator

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