Words - Week 123

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1100 Words-week 1/2/3

A. Words are misused in the sentences. Correct them.

1. Her appetite for information was steep. ____________________
2. The terrorists are responsible for eminent killing. ____________________
3. She's an perceived psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical School. ____________________
4. You should leave the tea bag to indiscriminate. ____________________
5. The forests realm with deer, birds, and squirrels. ____________________
6. The new discoveries were made in the badger of science____________________
7.  John and Val's domestic problems were imploring by stress at work. ____________________
8. My friends compounded me to get a cell phone. ____________________
9. After interminable top officials for years to improve conditions for orphans, she was fired in June1993.
10. We watched an drudgery documentary on rice production. ____________________
11. What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and abound. ____________________
12. He voracious that there was no other way out of the crisis. ____________________

B. What does given idiom mean? to pour oil on troubled waters


C. Match the definitions

1. Throng a. doing something as much as possible(keen)

2. Reticent b. clever and skillful
3. Irate c.  to persuade someone to do something
4. Felon d. criminal
5. Adroit e. furious
6. Pretext f.  reason given for an action
7. Cajole g. unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know 
8. Avid h. crowd

D. Check the spelling. Put a tick if it is correct. If not, correct it.

1. Reprimand ___ ________________
2. Wrast ___ ________________
3. Kcaustic ___ ________________
4. Lucklaster ___ ________________
5. Imedvertent ___ ________________

E. Fill in the gaps with the words given below

Cessation repudiate bristle ominous tremulous

There was an 1.______________silence when the jittery defendant rose in court. He explained in a
2._____________ voice what had led him to 3. _____________ his confession made at the police station on the
night of the crime. The audience began to buzz excitedly until the judge demanded a 4._____________ of the
noise. Although the district attorney 5. ____________ with anger, the defendant kept insisting that his rights
had been violated because he had not been told that he could see a lawyer before confessing.

F. Circle the odd one out.

1. Denounce Reprimand Criticize Compliment

2. Caustic Harsh Soothing Bitter
3. Adore Hate Loathe Dislike
4. Inadvertent Accidental Careless Cautious
5. Mature Incipient Beginning Developing
6. Calm Quivering Shaking Tremulous
7. Dangerous Ominous Sinister Encouraging
8. Harmonious Incongruous Contradictory Inappropriate
9. Banal Ordinary Supernatural Commonplace
10. Stipulate Specify Impose Decline

G. Fill in the gaps (remember the words from 1/2/3 weeks)

1. ____________________________ is a compound adjective that means without brilliance, shine, or

2. ________________________to forcefully grab or take something away. 
3. An impatient person ______________________ other people out of his way on a crowded bus or
4. __________________________ things are uninteresting compared to the delights of Heaven.
5. Objects can be _________________________________ away, but so can non-physical things.
6. You’ve likely heard the unsteady voice of a person close to tears, or seen the trembling legs of a
frightened child — both could certainly be described as ______________________________.
7. If you think it's true, then it must be false, but if you think it's false, it must be true. Now that's
a _________________________________!

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