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Choose the correct synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences . 20×1=20
1. That seemed quite absurd and undignified.
a) Inconsistent b)Comprehend c) Illegible d) Absolute
2.We were confined to the sports arena.
a) Restricted b) Confused c) Compelled d) Continued
3.Therefore has no time to remember the mediocre
a) Extraordinary b) Exceptional c) Ordinary d) Creative
Choose the correct antonyms of the underlined word in the following sentences.
4.I cherished the moist imprint at the last sign of physical contact.
a) Marshy b)Slimy c) Arid d)Sultry
5.The people were enormously nice too.
a) Extremely b) Enlarge c)Tiny d) Enforce
6.It is only a very methodical man.
a) Logical b) Disorderly c) Systematic d) Orderly
7.Choose the blended form of “ Motel”
a)Motor car + Hotel b) Motor+ Hotel c) Motorway + Hotel d) Motorist + Hotel
8.Choose the clipped form of the word for " Newscast "
a) Cast b) New c) Casts d)News
9....Is one who studies atmosphere, weather and climate.( Definition of terms )
a) Meteorologist b) Geologist c) Archaeologist d)
Seismologist 10.Which word can be placed before “ Power” to form a compound word ?
a) Head b) House c) Horse d) Mute
11.Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word" Dominate "
a)Il b)Re c)Pre d) Dis
12.Choose the correct expansion for the abbreviation. " CRPF "
a)Central Railway Protection Force b) Central Reserve Proper Force
c) Common Reserve Police Force d) Central Reserve Police
Force 15.Choose the Tetra syllabic word from the given option.
a) Expression b) Energetic c) Merchant d)Father
16. Choose the American English word for " Wash -_basin "
a) Washer b) Basin c) Sink d) Sinker
17. Choose the polite alternative word for the underlined word in the following
sentences. This watch is very " Cheap ".
a) Low b) Inferior c) Depreciate d) Economical
18.Kailash gave vidhya a rose. ( Correct sentence pattern)
19.Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative pronoun.
This is the town.................I spent my childhood.
a) Which b)Where c)Whom d) Who
20.Choose the meaning of the foreign word " En famille "
a) Familiar b) Individual c)As a lonely d)As a family.
Read the following sets of poetic line and answer any four of the following questions. 4×2=8
21. "And I must think, do all I can;
That there was pleasure
a) What did the poet notice about the twigs?
b) What was the poet's thought about
them? 22." If this belief from heaven be sent;
If such be Nature's holy plan ".
a) What does ' heavan ' refer to?
b)Why does the poet call it ' holy '?
23. " Well, ego it might be pleased enough;
But zealous athletes play so rough .."
a)What please the ego?
b)Why are the athletes often rough during play?
24." When officialdom demands ;
Is there a doctor in the
a) why are doctors called from stands by the sponsors?
b) Why does the poet make such an observation?
25. " But now they only laugh with their
teeth; While their ice- black - cold eyes."
a) Explain: ice -block - cod eyes.
b) Identify the figure of speech used here.
26. "Most of all, I want to relearn;
Sows only my teeth like a snake's bare fangs!"
a) Whom does the poet want to relearn from?
b) Mention the figure of speech used here.
Do as directed (Any three) 3×2=6
27 . Combine the following sentences using 'If ' clause.
Raj join us, We will win the game
28. If I had a car, I would drop you. ( Begin with 'Had')
29. when I .....( reach ) the bus stop. the bus.......already.......( leave ).(Used to tense form )
30. I was ill. I did not attend the exam. ( Combine using 'If')
Explain any two of the following with reference to the context 2×3=6 .
31. "Feel at home ! Come again".
32. "That I am not them, that they are not
me." 33."Bring sad thoughts to the mind"
Answer any two of the following briefly. 2×3=6
34. How is school education in the village different from that in the city?
35.What was her first impression of America?
36. What is common about the 'angler' and 'poet '?
Answer any three of the following briefly. 3×3=9 are nithish /Nithiya , cultural Secretary of ABC school. Draft a notice inviting
the students of participate in the music competition.
38. Write a dialogue of at least six utterance between a customer and a Bank Manager.
39. Describe the process of preparing buttermilk for four persons.
40. Complete the proverbs.
a) the policy.( Punctuality /Honesty /
Sincerity) b) makes a man . ( Money /
Power / Manners)
c )....was not built in a day.( India / Rome / Italy)
Answer all the following questions. 7×5=35
41. Answer in a paragraph any one of the following.
a) Describe the author's about "The Portrait of a Lady".
b) How is this evident from Mary Kom's life?
42.Answer in a paragraph any one of the following.
a) Explain the things the poet has learnt when he grew into an each.
b) How does the poet establish the victory of common sense over
ego? 43.Answer in a paragraph any one of the following.
a) Explain compare and contrast the characters of Jimmy Wells and Bob.
b) summaries saki 's distinctive ideas in 'A Short in the Dark'
44 .Write a summary or make notes of the following passage.
The aim of education is the overall development of the personality of man. it
means the development of not only the mind but also the body.Games keep the body fit.
Swami Vivekananda was of the view that only a healthy mind can realise God. But a
healthy mind can dwell only in a healthy body. For keeping a body healthy, games are
indispensable. For this reason, Swami Vivekananda has advised that all young men and
women should play games.People who have developed the habit of playing games regularly
can maintain good health. Games help to build a muscular body. They include sound sleep,
which is a sign of good. Therefore,games are good for the body as knowledge is food for the
mind. In fact, all work and no play make jack a dull boy. Everybody likes games because
these keep them physically fit and mentally alert.
45. a) Write an application for the post of personal secretary to the managing director
of M/S Vikas Power corporation,Mount Road,Chennai -2 include the following details
Education qualification,Experience, various other qualification required for the post. OR
b) you are the school pupil leader of your school you organised an inter school
cultural competitions.Write a report about this competition .
46. a)Do as directed .
i) I.....( buy ) shares in that company, if I had money. ( Use a suitable tense form )
ii) Water......( collect ) in the tank. ( Used for tense form )
iii) The protruding........( route/ root ) of the tree object our way.( Used appropriate word )
iv) This is the house......He lived. ( Used for relative pronoun )
v) Shankar.......( play ) cricket every Sunday. ( Used for tense form )
b) i) Satellites are helpful in weather forecast.
ii) Good link of roads would help smooth flow of traffic.
iii)Data can be easily transferred by using floppies .
iv) I am good at billiards
v)We watched a thriller movie
yesterday. (
47. a) Write a paragraph "My Dream House " OR
b) Read the following passage and answer the questions in your own words.
Mr. Bean is a series created by Roman Atkinson and Richard Curtis which
was aired from 1990-95. It was first released in UK as a live action comedy,and was
later also made into an animated series for children. Atkinson plays the role of the
protagonist Mr.Bean with the great comic timing. He admits to having conceived the
character within a span of 48 years while he was studying in Oxford. Following the
style of old silent films, Mr Bean rarely speaks,but his facial expressions and physical
gestures convey the plot of each episode. Since language is not an issue,this series has
been the broadcast in about 200 countries around the world.
i) who created the television series Mr Bean?
ii) When and How did the character of Mr Bean emerge?
iii) What medium did the character use to convey the plot to the audience?
iv) What feature of the series has made it possible to be broadcast in about
v) pick out the word from the passage which means "a lead character or one
the major characters in a play, film or novel".


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