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VED (GMRC) works.

once they are

acquired, they become
Our values inform our
thoughts, words, and
characteristics of a actions. 
MODULE 1: person
Our values are
Concept of Virtues
and Values . Values important because they
help us to grow and
are individual beliefs develop. They help us
that motivate people to to create the future we
Virtue act one way or want to experience.
another. They are the every individual and
The word virtue is standards that form the every organization is
derived from the latin foundation of an involved in making
word “vir” or “virtus” individual’s character, hundreds of decisions
which means shaping his personality, every day. The
“manliness”or attitudes, behavior, and decisions we make
pagpapakatao perceptions. reflect our values and
beliefs, and they are
Virtue They can be defined as
always directed towards
are the things that a “principles or
a specific purpose. That
person makes in order standards of behavior;
purpose is the
for him/her to one’s judgement of what
satisfaction of our
considered as a good is important in life”
and positive person.  (Oxford dictionary).
Values are based on
According to Aristotle it culture, religion and WHAT ARE
is not only about experience Generally, PERSONAL
manliness or showing people are predisposed VALUES AND ITS
good manners or to adopt the values that
characteristics, it is not
they are raised with
just showing a humility, people also tend to Personal Values are
it has more deeper believe that those broad desirable goals
meaning. values are “right” that motivate people's
because they are the actions and serve as
Aristotle defines moral values of their particular guiding principles in
virtue as a disposition culture. their lives. Everyone has
to behave in the right values, but each person
manner and as a mean Values describe the has a different value set.
between extremes of personal qualities we These differences are
deficiency and excess, choose to embody to affected by an
which are vices. guide our actions; the individual's culture,
sort of person we want personal upbringing,
A virtue is also a habit to be; the manner in life experiences, and a
(habitus) that makes which we treat ourselves range of other
the person disposed and others, and our influences
towards the interaction with the
performance of good world around us 
The Two Types  True  values chat as
friendship/mature experience change
of Personal love       our value
Values  Family security  
 Equality
INSTRUMENTAL 1 Corinthians 15:33 Be
are behaviors that help VALUES not deceived: evil
people achieve their communications
lifelong goals and  Ambition corrupt good manners
include independence  Capability
ambition and obedience.  Honest
It is also representing  Helpful PERSONAL
the acceptant behavior  Courage DEVELOPMENT
as the means to reach  Love GOALS
a goal.
Personal development
CHARACTERISTIC goals are objectives
Are lifelong personal EDUCATION your character, skills
goals and include and capabilities and
What is the identifying the areas in
freedom and salvation
characteristic of which you can improve
or inner harmony. it
values? to maximize your
also represents the
goals to achieve potential.
 values are personal
This are the things that living in your personal
we can work towards values is better and it
how to set personal
or we think are most will be the most
development goals for
important are we feel important thing in your
are most desirable. life. Our action or
character of being 1. Create a vision.
 If instrumental values individual that
did not exist, they would describes or point to It assesses your
be no terminal values, if what we really are. performance and your
terminal value did not desires to identify what
exist there’s no  Our values give us your personal
instrumental values. our perception of development goals are.
the world It is a set to improve
the character, skills
Examples:  inconsistent behavior and capabilities and
indicates an absence identify the areas in
TERMINAL VALUES which can improve to
of value
 Happiness maximize the
2. Develop a plan and your level of Reading more is a
empathy. It can help great personal
Identify the areas you you to resolve development goal
need to act on to workplace conflicts—a because it has many
accomplish your target useful trait for leaders benefits, including that
and begin to articulate and managers. it is a means of
objectives to improve in education.
all of them. 3. Cultivate resilience Furthermore, reading is
3. Track your progress a means of opening
A resilient individual yourself to the
Record your moves on from experiences of others.
development as you difficult situations This gives you multiple
work on your goals. quickly. perspectives on the
world and informs the
4. Review your plan 4. Develop a growth decisions you make.
regularly mindset Altogether, this
improves your
It is important to return A growth mindset is a competence in the
to your plan way of thinking that workplace.
periodically to upholds hard work
determine if the path and dedication as the 7. Learn new things
you are on is keys to success and
worthwhile. improvement. Moreover, Committing to learning
a growth mindset will new things is a key
Examples of personal improve the way you set step in personal
development goals for goals for yourself, development.
work tracking learnings as
well as performance. 8. Listen actively
1. Improve your time
management     5. Improve your An active listener
public speaking assimilates what they
To make the best use of skills have heard and
your time in the considers that
workplace, allocate a A good public speaker is information carefully
timeline to every task clear, confident and before providing a
and follow it diligently. engaging. Public response or taking any
Time management skills speaking is important to action. Active listening
can increase your the workplace because is an essential
productivity and you may have to communication skill, so
efficiency address your team in a this is a helpful goal if
briefing, deliver a you want to become a
2. Develop emotional presentation to the better communicator. It
intelligence board or pitch to can also help you build
prospective clients. trust with your
Emotional intelligence coworkers. 
describes your control 6. Develop a reading
over your emotions habit 9. Meet new people
Making new business STRESS RELIEVING bereavement, or
contacts is a great way TECHNIQUES traumatic events. 
to build a network and
expand the opportunities Stress it defined as a Chronic stress - lasts
available to you in your feeling of physical, for a long term. Scott
industry. Creating new emotional, and (2022) stated that it
relationships can also psychological tension. occurs when the body
result in opportunities It may come from experiences stressors
for you to share your thoughts or events that with such frequency or
ideas with others and make us feel frustrated, intensity that the
learn from them. angry, or nervous. It is a autonomic nervous
normal feeling because system does not have
Benefits of personal it is our body's reaction an adequate chance to
development goals for to stressors, either activate the relaxation
work challenges or response regularly.
demands (Medline According to American
Plus, 2020). Psychological
1. Clear sense of Association (2019), it
Stress is one of the can affect our physical
direction factors that affect our and psychological well-
actions and decision. being by causing
When you have clearly Sometimes, it causes
articulated goals, you various problems such
positive, wherein it as anxiety, insomnia,
can complete tasks helps us to avoid danger
with a strong sense of muscle pain, high blood
or accomplish things pressure, and a
direction and a better before the deadline. But
focus. weakened immune
sometimes, it also system. 
causes negative,
2. Improved work ethic especially when stress
lasts for a long time; it Stress-Relieving
Setting goals for may harm our health.
yourself ensures that Techniques
you approach tasks 1) Breathe/ Deep
with dedication. Breath
Types of Stress:
3. Better workplace Whenever you start to
Acute stress is short- feel overwhelmed by
relationships term that goes away your worries or tasks, a
quickly. It is the few deep breaths can
A commitment to
reaction after a steady and calm you
personal development
particularly stressful According to Life
can often help you
event but helps us Changing Medicine
maintain positive
manage dangerous (2022), Deep breathing
relationships with your
situations. According to is a technique that
Shah (2022), it occurs allows you to calm your
after an unexpected mind and reduce the
life crisis, such as an concentration of stress
accident, sudden hormones in your blood,
which can contribute to simple act of silently preventative step, try to
the enhancement of talking to yourself in the get between seven to
your health. Deep third person during nine hours of sleep a
breathing helps you stressful times may night to avoid the rise in
calm down rapidly, think help you control hormone levels
more clearly, and focus emotions without any altogether and reduce
on what you are doing. additional mental existing feelings of
effort. stress and anxiety.
2) Laugh
6) Ask for help
When you laugh, you 4) Be Mindful  Don't be afraid to ask for
take in more oxygen. help from your family,
Your heart, lungs, and It allows you to notice
whatever is pleasing classmates, friends, and
muscles get a boost and neighbors. It is okay to
your body releases to you and give your
full attention to these ask for help from
those feel-good anyone, especially
hormones. Robinson et good things since they
are happening. from your trusted
al. (2021), Laugh makes persons. Their
you feel good. This According to the
University of presence and
positive feeling remains willingness to help will
with you even after the Washington (2017),
Mindfulness training reduce your pressure
laughter subsides. because
Humor helps you keep may reduce depression
and anxiety. Also, it can they helped to solve
a positive, optimistic your problem. Strong
outlook through lead to less intense
stress responses. It has support is significant for
difficult situations, every individual. It
disappointments, and many health benefits,
such as lowering your has many positive
loss. Also, you will not benefits, such as higher
feel anxious, angry, or blood pressure and
strengthening your levels of well-being,
sad when you are better coping skills? and
laughing, as it reduces immune system.
longer and healthier life
stress and increases
energy, enabling you to
5) Get enough sleep  7) Exercise
stay focused and
accomplish more. Physical Activities
Inadequate or poor- produce endorphin.
quality sleep can These are the chemicals
3) Talk to Yourself negatively affect your in the brain that act as
mood, mental alertness, natural painkillers. It
energy level, and also helps to improve
You can decrease your physical health. Banner
stress by learning to the ability to sleep,
Health (2019) stated which in turn reduces
talk to yourself that getting more rest
positively and stress. According to
can significantly Harvard Medical School
reassuringly. According decrease cortisol levels
to Michigan state (2020), Regular exercise
and restore balance to will bring remarkable
university (2017), the the body systems. As a changes to your body,
metabolism, heart, and anxiety, and mental generation to
spirit. It has a unique health conditions.  another.
capacity to exhilarate 2. Environment
and relax, provide 10. Connect with  the surroundings or
stimulation and calm, others conditions in which
counter depression, and a person, animal, or
dissipate stress. Spend time with a plant lives or
friend or family operates and where
member who will listen people, plants and
8) Eat Healthy Foods/ to you. It is a natural animals adapt.
Diet way to calm you and 3. The Self
lower your  Self, Mean Yourself.
A healthy diet can
stress. Stein (2020) it technically
lessen the effects of
stated that means You And
stress, build up your
positive connections you can only be
immune system, level
lower perceived tension you, You're the one
your mood, and lower
as well as levels of who decides, You’re
your blood
stress hormones. the one who
pressure. According to
Connecting with the controls, there’s no
Lewin (2019), Eating a
right people can improve one who can be
balanced and healthy
mood, help you feel yourself, only you.
diet is key to helping
safer, and reduce
our bodies to manage
stress. Spending time
the physiological
with like-minded people NATURE OF THE SELF
changes caused by
can have a positive
impact on stress levels. A Nature Self does not
9) Make a Journal  share the same identity
conditions as the body
Journaling can reduce and is not reducible to
stress by serving as the physical states of
an escape or MODULE 2: the body, but it is
emotional release of The Self and It’s metaphysically
negative thoughts and Development . dependent on the
feelings. According to body from which its
the University of states emerge and upon
Rochester (2022), a which they supervene. It
journal can help you THE SIGNIFICANCE
OF THE SELF also does not survive
identify your for any longer than the
stressors. Once you body.
know your stressors, To understand himself
you can work on a plan man must understood:
1. Heredity SELF
to resolve and reduce development and
your stress. Remember  the passing on of
physical or mental personal growth is a
that journaling is just lifelong process which
one aspect of a healthy characteristics
genetically from one enables you to assess
lifestyle for better your abilities, to set
managing stress,
goals, and then take Self-development experiences, the
action to help you to covers activities that demands of society,
achieve those goals improve awareness and and what you admire
and to maximize your identity, develop talents in your role models.
potential. The ultimate and potential, build
goal of self-development human capital and 4. Self Direction
is to be a self-fulfilled facilitate employability,  a model of long-
person. That means enhance the quality of term care service
living consciously at life and contribute to the delivery that helps
your full potential and realization of dreams people of all ages,
reaching true happiness and aspirations. with all types of
in your life. disabilities, maintain
Self-concept their independence
CHARACTHERISTICS incorporates: at home. When a
OF THE SELF person self-directs,
1.Self Identity they decide how,
1. The self is not an  Self-identity is how when, and from
entity, but a process. you see yourself whom their services
2. The self is reflexive. and how you feel and supports will be
3.The self is comprised about yourself. It is delivered
of attitudes. your own
4. The self is the means understanding of
whereby social control you true self THE SELF-
becomes self-control. including both the DEVELOPMENT
strengths and ACCORDING TO
The Origins of Self possess.
explores the role Psychological
selfhood plays in 2. Self-Evaluation Perspectives on Self-
defining both human  Self-evaluation is a Development
society and each procedure to
individual in that systematically
society. It considers the
1. Sigmund Freud -
observe, analyze
genetic and cultural He believed that
and value your own
origins of self, the role personality and sexual
professional action
that self plays in development were
and its results in
socialization and closely linked, and he
order to stabilize or
language, and the types divided the maturation
improve it
of selves we generate in process into
our individual journeys psychosexual stages:
3.Self Ideal
to and through oral, anal, phallic,
 The Ideal Self is an
adulthood. latency, and genital.
idealized version of
yourself created
what do we mean by
out of what you
DEVELOPMENT OF psychosexual?
have learned from
THE SELF The psychosexual
your life
energy, or libido, was
described as the driving the outside world.
force behind behavior. And in this stage
their ego has  Genital stage - the
Sigmund Freud 5 developed. last stage of Freud's
psychosexual stages psychosexual theory
of personality
 Oral stage - around development, and
birth to 1st year. the  Phallic stage - begins in puberty. It
libido is centered in spanning the ages is a time of
a baby's mouth. of three to six adolescent sexual
During the oral years, wherein the experimentation,
stages, the baby infant's libido the successful
gets much (desire) centers resolution of which is
satisfaction from upon their genitalia settling down in a
putting all sorts of as the erogenous loving one-to-one
things in its mouth to zone. The child relationship with
satisfy the libido, and becomes aware of another person in
thus its id demands. anatomical sex our 20's.
Which at this stage differences, which
in life are oral, or sets in motion the Sexual instinct
mouth orientated, conflict between is directed to
such as sucking, erotic attraction, heterosexual pleasure,
biting, and resentment, rivalry, rather than self-pleasure
breastfeeding. jealousy and fear like during the phallic
which Freud called stage. For Freud, the
the Oedipus proper outlet of the
complex (sa lalaki) sexual instinct in
 Anal stage - around and the Electra adults was through
1 to 3 years old complex (sa heterosexual
During the anal babae). intercourse. Fixation
stage of and conflict may prevent
psychosexual this with the
development the  Latency stage - is consequence that
libido becomes the fourth stage of sexual perversions may
focused on the psychosexual develop. Freud thought
anus, and the child development, that most sexual
derives great spanning the period impulses are
pleasure from of six years to repressed during the
defecating. The puberty. During this latent stage, and
child is now fully stage the libido is sexual energy can be
aware that they are a dormant and no sublimated towards
person in their own further school work, hobbies,
right and that their psychosexual and friendships. Much of
wishes can bring development takes the child's energy is
them into conflict place (latent means channeled into
with the demands of hidden). developing new skills
and acquiring new this stage, the infant is control over physical
knowledge, and play uncertain about the skills and a sense of
becomes largely world in which they live, independence.
confined to other and looks towards their
children of the same primary caregiver for  during this stage
gender stability and consistency children begin to
of care. assert their
2. Émile Durkheim -  If the care the infant independence, by
was the first to make receives is walking away from
this distinction in consistent, their mother, picking
research, when he predictable and which toy to play
attributed differences reliable, they will with, and making
in suicide rates among develop a sense of choices about what
people to social trust which will carry they like to wear, to
causes (religious with them to other eat, etc.
differences) rather than relationships, and  Success in this
to psychological causes they will be able to stage will lead to
(like their mental feel secure even the virtue of will. If
wellbeing). when threatened. children in this stage
 If the care has been are encouraged and
3. Erik Erikson - inconsistent, supported in their
created a theory of unpredictable and increased
personality unreliable, then the independence, they
development based, in infant may develop become more
part, on the work of a sense of mistrust, confident and secure
Freud. However, suspicion, and in their own ability to
Erikson believed the anxiety. In this survive in the world.
personality continued situation the infant  Failing If children
to change over time will not have are criticized, overly
and was never truly confidence in the controlled, or not
finished. His theory world around them or given the opportunity
includes eight stages of in their abilities to to assert themselves,
development, beginning influence events. they begin to feel
with birth and ending inadequate in their
with death. 2. Autonomy versus ability to survive,
shame and doubt and may then
Erik Erikson Theory of (Virtue of WILL) become overly
personality dependent upon
This stage occurs others, lack self-
1. Trust vs. mistrust – between the ages of 18 esteem, and feel a
(Virtue of HOPE) months to sense of shame or
approximately 3 years. doubt in their
This stage begins at According to Erikson, abilities.
birth continues to children at this stage are
approximately 18 focused on developing 3.Initiative versus guilt
months of age. During a sense of personal
(Virtue of PURPOSE) 4. industry ability to achieve
(competence) vs. goals.
During the initiative Inferiority  If this initiative is
versus guilt stage, (Virtue of not encouraged, if it
children assert COMPETENCE) is restricted by
themselves more parents or teacher,
frequently through occurs during childhood then the child
directing play and between the ages of five begins to feel
other social and twelve. inferior, doubting
interaction.  Children are at the his own abilities
stage where they will and therefore may
 During this period be learning to read not reach his or her
the primary feature and write, to do potential.
involves the child sums, to do things  Some failure may be
regularly interacting on their own. necessary so that
with other children at Teachers begin to the child can develop
school. Central to take an important some modesty.
this stage is play, role in the child’s life Again, a balance
as it provides as they teach the between
children with the child specific skills. competence and
opportunity to  It is at this stage that modesty is
explore their the child’s peer necessary.
interpersonal skills group will gain Success in this
through initiating greater significance stage will lead to the
activities. and will become a virtue of competence
 Children begin to major source of the
plan activities, make child’s self-esteem. 5.Identity vs. role
up games, and The child now feels confusion
initiate activities with the need to win (Virtue of FIDELITY)
others. If given this approval by
opportunity, children demonstrating it occurs during
develop a sense of specific adolescence, from
initiative and feel competencies that about 12-18 years.
secure in their are valued by society During this stage,
ability to lead and begin to adolescents search for
others and make develop a sense of a sense of self and
decisions. pride in their personal identity,
 Success in this accomplishments. through an intense
stage will lead to the  If children are exploration of personal
virtue of purpose encouraged and values, beliefs, and
reinforced for their goals.
 Failure results in a initiative, they begin  During adolescence,
sense of guilt. to feel industrious the transition from
(competent) and childhood to
feel confident in their adulthood is most
important. Children
are becoming more others. We explore being a part of the
independent, and relationships leading bigger picture.
begin to look at the toward longer-term  Success leads to
future in terms of commitments with feelings of
career, relationships, someone other than usefulness and
families, housing, a family member. accomplishment,
etc. The individual  Successful while failure results
wants to belong to completion of this in shallow
a society and fit in. stage can result in involvement in the
 Erikson claims that happy relationships world.
the adolescent may and a sense of  By failing to find a
feel uncomfortable commitment, safety, way to contribute, we
about their body for and care within a become stagnant
a while until they can relationship. and feel
adapt and “grow  Avoiding intimacy, unproductive. These
into” the changes. fearing commitment individuals may feel
Success in this and relationships can disconnected or
stage will lead to the lead to isolation, uninvolved with
virtue of fidelity. loneliness, and their community
Fidelity involves sometimes and with society as a
being able to commit depression. whole. Success in
one's self to others Success in this this stage will lead to
on the basis of stage will lead to the virtue of care.
accepting others, the virtue of love.
even when there 8. Ego integrity vs
may be ideological 7. Generativity vs despair
differences. stagnation (Virtue of WISDOM)
(Virtue of CARE)
6. Intimacy versus This stage begins at
isolation This stage takes place approximately age 65
(Virtue of LOVE) during middle and ends at death. It is
adulthood (ages 40 to during this time that we
This stage takes place 65 yrs.). contemplate our
during young  We give back to accomplishments and
adulthood between the society through can develop integrity if
ages of approximately raising our we see ourselves as
18 to 40 yrs. During this children, being leading a successful life.
stage, the major productive at work,  As we grow older
conflict centers on and becoming (65+ yrs) and
forming intimate, involved in become senior
loving relationships community activities citizens, we tend to
with other people. and organizations. slow down our
 During this stage, we Through productivity and
begin to share generativity we explore life as a
ourselves more develop a sense of retired person.
intimately with
 Erik Erikson believed understanding is Exchange of
if we see our lives as constructed, in part, by Symbols. Mead
unproductive, feel their perception of how emphasized the
guilty about our past, others view them a particularly human
or feel that we did process termed “the use of language
not accomplish our looking glass self” and other symbols
life goals, we  The looking-glass to convey meaning.
become dissatisfied self describes the
with life and develop process wherein
despair, often individuals base
leading to their sense of self  Knowing Others’
depression and on how they Intentions Requires
hopelessness. believe others view Imagining the
 Success in this them. Using social Situation from
stage will lead to the interaction as a type Their Perspectives.
virtue of wisdom. of “mirror,” people Mead believed that
Wisdom enables a use the judgments social experience
person to look back they receive from depends on our
on their life with a others to measure seeing ourselves
sense of closure and their own worth, as others do, or, as
completeness, and values, and he coined it, “taking
also accept death behavior. the role of the
without fear. other.”
2. George Herbert
4. William James – Mead - studied the self,
According to William a person’s distinct
James, "self" is united identity that is  Understanding The
to our feelings and developed through Role of The Other
attitudes along with social interaction. Results in Self-
the principle of four ideas about how the Awareness. Mead
causality. self develops by George posited that there is
Herbert mead an active “I” self
The principle of and an objective
causality states that a  The Self Develops “me” self.
cause always has Solely Through  The “I” self is active
effects, or that all real Social Experience. and initiate’s
events necessarily have Mead rejected action.
a cause. Freud’s notion that  The “me” self
personality is continues, interrupts,
Sociological determined partly by or changes action
biological drives. depending on how
Theories of Self-
others respond.
Mead believed that
the key to self-
1. Charles Cooley - development is
He asserted that  Social Experience
Consists of The understanding the
people’s self-
role of the other. reward is must be  Authority is
He also outlined good. internalized but
steps in the process not questioned,
of development from  Stage 1. Obedience and reasoning is
birth to adulthood. and Punishment based on the
Orientation. The norms of the
3. Lawrence child/individual is group to which
Kohlberg – “Moral good in order to the person
development” is an avoid being belongs.
important part of the punished. If a person
socialization process. is punished, they  Stage 3. Good
The term refers to the must have done Interpersonal
way people learn what wrong. Relationships.
society considered to  Stage 2. The
be “good” and “bad,” Individualism and child/individual is
which is important for a Exchange. At this good in order to
smoothly functioning stage, children be seen as being
society. recognize that there a good person by
is not just one right others. Therefore,
view that is handed answers relate to
 Level 1 -
down by the the approval of
Preconventional authorities. Different others.
morality is the first individuals have
stage of moral different viewpoints.  Stage 4.
development, and Maintaining the
lasts until  Level 2 - Social Order.
approximately age The
9. child/individual
At the morality is the
becomes aware
preconventional level second stage of
of the wider rules
children don’t have moral
of society, so
a personal code of development, and
morality, and is characterized
concern obeying
instead moral by an
the rules in order
decisions are acceptance of
to uphold the law
shaped by the social rules
and to avoid guilt.
standards of adults concerning right
or (Authority) and and wrong. At
the physical the conventional
level (most  Level 3 -
consequences of
adolescents and Postconventi
following or breaking
their rules. adults), we begin onal morality
For example, if an to internalize the is the third stage
action leads to moral standards of moral
punishment is must be of valued adult development, and
bad, and if it leads to a role models. is characterized
by an
individuals’  Stage 6. between the needs
understanding Universal of the self and the
of universal Principles. needs of others, a
ethical People at this woman will choose
principles. stage have to address her own
These are developed their needs.
abstract and ill- own set of moral  Transition 1 During
defined, but guidelines which the first transition
might include: may or may not from the
the preservation fit the law. The Preconventional to
of life at all costs, principles apply the Conventional
and the to everyone. Level, the woman
importance of realizes that she has
human dignity. 4. Carol Gilligan - a responsibility to
recognized that others. It is the first
Individual judgment is Kohlberg’s theory time that she realizes
based on self-chosen might show gender her previous moral
principles, and bias since his perspective could be
research was only characterized as
moral reasoning is conducted on male selfish.
based on individual subjects. Would
rights and justice. females study subjects
According to Kohlberg have responded
this level of moral differently?  Conventional
reasoning is as far as Morality at the
most people get. Gilligan proposed that Conventional Level,
women come to moral judgment
 Stage 5. Social prioritize an "ethics of becomes
Contract and care" as their sense of concentrated on
Individual morality evolves along caring for others.
Rights. The with their sense of self The woman starts to
child/individual while men prioritize an see herself as a
becomes aware "ethics of justice". participant in society
that while whose claim to being
rules/laws might Gilligan's Stages of a good citizen relies
exist for the good Moral Development on helping and
of the greatest protecting others.
number, there  Preconventional This concern for
are times when Morality at the others overrides her
they will work Preconventional concern for herself,
against the Level, moral leading to a morality
interest of judgment is entirely focused on self-
particular focused on the self sacrifice.
individuals. and the need to  Transition 2 During
survive. When a the second transition
conflict arises from the
Conventional to the to accept confident in some areas,
Postconventional responsibility for her such as academics, but
Level, the woman choices. lack confidence in
starts to experience  Gilligan didn't others, like relationships
tension between the identify specific
needs of others and ages when the levels Self-Respect - is about
the needs of the self. of moral having the courage to
She begins to realize development would stand up for yourself
she must strike a be reached. when you are being
better balance However, as treated in a manner
between her needs Kohlberg did with his that is less than what
and the needs of theory, she noted you deserve. It is about
others. some women might knowing your worth and
 This leads to a shift not reach the having the ability to
in moral judgment highest level. She adjust your life and
away from also observed that it remove people from it if
"goodness" to wasn't life they are treating you
"truth" as she starts experience that poorly
to honestly assess pushed a woman to
her own desires, not higher levels, but
just her responsibility cognitive ability and
to others changes in a PLURAL
woman's sense of PARTICIPATION OF
self. THE SELF

 Postconventional 1. Social Distance

Morality at the VALUES  It measures the
Postconventional degree of intimacy
Level, moral Self Esteem - is an or remoteness, of
judgment is individual' s subjective acceptance or
dictated by the evaluation of their own rejection, in social
principle of worth. Self-esteem relation
nonviolence. The encompasses beliefs
needs of the self are about oneself as well as 2. Identification
just as important as emotional states, such  In this process, the
the needs of others, as triumph, despair, individual takes
which causes the pride, and shame over the ideas,
woman to arrive at a beliefs, and habits
universal ethic of Self Confidence - is an of the members of
care and concern. attitude about your a group and makes
Adhering to the skills and abilities. It them his own
obligation of care means you accept and
while avoiding harm trust yourself and have 3. Assimilation
or exploitation to a sense of control in  This is the final
herself and others your life. For instance, stage in the
enables the woman you can feel very imperceptible
transmission from
cultural hybridity to greatest needs of man  Life Lesson #4:
cultural fusion. today is Life is all about
 a true and deep learning
PERCIEVING AND love of self,
EXPERIENCING  a genuine and  Life Lesson #5:
1. categorized and joyful self- Hard work gets you
organized into some acceptance, through hard times
relationship with the  an authentic self-
self; esteem,
2. ignored because  an interior sense of
they are not perceived celebration
as having significance to Example: "It's good to Module 3:
the self; me. I am very happy to The Definitions of
3. perceived in a be me" Character,
distorted way because 1. Increased autonomy.
they are incongruent 2. More adequate
Individuality and
with the individual's self- assumptions. Personality .
concept 3. Improved
THE SELF experience.
1. Self-defense and self- Character
enhancement Life-Changing Is typically learned
2. Repression Lessons You Will from your parents,
3. Fantasy Learn on Your Journey teachers and friends.
4. Compensation to Self-Improvement This learning comes
from being taught
SELF-ESTEEM AND  Life Lesson #1: directly or from
PLEASURE Change comes from observations of others.
acknowledging Since it is learned, your
Pleasure personal character can also
is a metaphysical responsibility change over time.
concomitant to life, the
reward and  Life Lesson #2: It is the one of the
consequences of Without action, attributes or features
successful action, just dreams are just that make up and
as pain is the symbol of dreams distinguish an individual.
failure, destruction and This is a side of her
death.  Life Lesson #3: character that few
Your relationships people have seen.
AUTHENTICITY AND are your biggest The mental and moral
BECOMING motivators qualities distinctive to an
- In the words of many individual.
psychologist and social
philosophers, one of the
Character relates to THREE CHARACTER Work ethic is a belief
attitudes and values. TRAIT that hard work and
CLASSIFICATIONS diligence have a moral
Example of Character benefit and an inherent
Character traits can be ability, virtue or value to
 trustworthy divided into three
 curious strengthen character
distinct and individual abilities.
 impatient classifications:
 unkind It is a set of values
 daring  PERSONAL centered on
 creative  SOCIAL importance of work
 cruel  CULTURAL and manifested by
 demanding determination or
 immature desire to work hard
 intelligent  Personal Character
Trait Moral character or
Personal character traits character is an
are attitudes you have evaluation of an
There is some overlap
toward Thoughts individual's stable
in the theories of
moral qualities. The
character and Typical positive and concept of character can
personality, as can be negative personal imply a variety of
seen by the big five character traits attributes including the
personality traits: include: existence or lack of
 Extroversion and virtues such as
 Positive or Good
introversion empathy, courage,
 Conscientious 
 Agreeableness fortitude, honesty, and
 Conscientious
 Conscientiousnes loyalty, or of good
 Determined
s behaviors or habits.
 Confident
 Neuroticism /  Hard working
Emotional Negative or Bad
 Cultural Character
stability traits Traits
 Openness to  Cowardly
experience  Careless Attitudes toward the
 Easily discouraged cultural laws, rules,
 Unsure and values of the
- Character is a set of
 Lazy community,
behavior traits that
organization, and
define what type of
group determine a
person you are. It Social Character Traits person's cultural
determines whether
character traits and
you will achieve your The impressions other
whether or not he or she
goals, be forthright in people have
adheres to those laws.
dealing with others concerning how you
Most people are
and obey the rules of deal with them make
members of community,
the group up your social character
culture and religions. 
Social Character Individual vs perceiving ourselves
Traits: from some past
individuality image 
 Positive or Good >Individual is a person  Spending time
Traits or specific object connecting with your
 Honest inner space 
 Kind >Individuality is the
state or quality of  The practice of
 Reliable relaxed awareness 
 Fair being individual
 The experience of
 Considerate (Your distinctive limitation shapes
 Negative or Bad personality quirks and your individuality
traits unique sense of
 Dishonest humor are an example
 Cruel of your individualism.) Importance of
 Unreliable Individuality 
 Biased
 Inconsiderate How to Attain  Making yourself a
Individuality good individual will
help you survive in
DEFINITION AND  Be true to yourself.  the world, succeed,
IMPORTANCE OF  Know exactly who and be recognized
INDIVIDUALITY you are and understood.
 Make a list of the  To be able to survive
Individuality things you like. as an individual we
An abstract word,  Mold your life around have to think for
individuality is a what you like ourselves. 
philosophical term for  Don't change  A good individual
what constitutes the yourself for society.  can help a person to
individual. Individual  Be happy with succeed and make a
itself is the translation of yourself and what change in this world.
the Greek term you like and your
“ἄτομον” and personality is what
designates what is not
individual LEADERSHIP
divided. In the strictest
sense of the word, an Individuality
individual is a being Understanding our encourages self-
distinct from every Individuality reliance, initiative,
other being and persistence and
undivided in itself. It is,  Understanding our unique perceptions
then, an ontological limitations, and and visionary ideas. 
unity that is not identical working with them 
with anything else.  Being aware of our  All these are very
current individuality useful to leaders and
The particular character  Biggest challenge  therefore it is not
distinguishes from  See ourselves in the surprising that many
others.  “present” light rather leaders are highly
than constantly individualistic.
 For example,  Personality reflects • Openness-
Gandhiji was a great individual differences measures the extent to
leader of modern  Personality is which an individual is
India consistent and imaginative and
enduring creative, as opposed to
 Personality can down-to-earth and
DEFINITION OF change conventional.
• Stress-
Personality refers to - Personality traits Tolerance measures
individual differences reflect people’s the ways in which
in characteristic characteristic individuals react to
patterns of thinking, patterns of thoughts, stress.
feeling and behaving. feelings, and
The study of personality behaviors.
focuses on two broad Personality traits DIFFERENCE
areas: One is imply consistency BETWEEN
understanding individual and stability. PERSONALITY AND
differences in particular CHARACTER
characteristics, such as DEFINITION OF BIG Character reveals what
sociability or irritability FIVE you are inside. As
these are directly related
Persona • Agreeableness - to a person’s attitude
is a measure of an and behavior
 From the Latin word individual’s
“Persona” which tendencies with respect Personality shows
was associated with to social harmony.  what you are outside
Greek theater in or what you are to the
ancient times. • Conscientious- world.
 The Greeks actors is a measure of how
commonly used to careful, deliberate,
wear masks in their self-disciplined, and Character Versus
faces during their organized an Personality by Ron
performances on individual is. Kurtus
 Personality was • Extraversion- is  Your character
thought to be the a measure of how consists of a set of
effect and influence sociable, outgoing, learned behavior
which the and energetic an traits that determine
individual wearing individual is. whether you will
left on the audience Individuals who score effectively achieve
lower on the goals, be forthright in
extraversion scale are dealing with others,
Three Distinct considered to be more and will obey the
Properties of introverted, or more laws and rules of the
Personality deliberate, quiet, low group.
key, and independent.
 Your personality Character refers to a Personality is the outer
consists of inborn set of moral and mental appearance and
traits that are qualities and beliefs that behavior of a person.
demonstrated makes a person
externally. different from others. Character indicates the
Temperament refers traits of a person which
to personality traits are hidden from sight.
that determine how 2.)
someone reacts to
the world. Personality implies 7).
Who we seem to be?
Personality of an
Character Versus Character represents individual may change
Personality Who we actually are? with time.

 Character and Character lasts longer.

personality both 3).
answer the
question of what Personality is a set of 8).
type of person you personal qualities
Personality does not
Character is a need validation and
 Although character
collection of mental and support from society.
is related to
moral characteristics of
personality, it is Character requires
an individual.
not the same thing. validation and support
Personality from society.
primarily consists
of inborn traits, 4).
while character Personality is the mask
consists of learned or the identity of a
behavior person.
Character is the learned

1). Personality is
Personality refers to
the combination of Character is objective.
qualities, attitude and
behavior that makes a
person distinct from 6.)

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