Part 2 Political Scence +1 Focus Area

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+1 Political Science


Focus Area

Prepared by

Muhammed Iqbal

PPMHSS kottukkara
Part - 2 Political Theory

Chapter 11 Political Theory: an Introduction

Objective Questions

1 The Political Thinker who observed that politics envelops us like the coils of a snake and there is no other
way but to wrestle with it. An : Gandhiji

2 who is the author of the book Hind Swaraj An . Gandhiji

3 The Political Scientist who argued that equality was as crucial as freedom An : Karl Marx

Short Questions

4. Why do we study Political Theory?

The study of political theory is very relevant to all people. This study is very useful to lawyers, judges,
activists, journalists, politicians, students etc. we have to study political theory because of following reasons

1 As students ,we have to choose any one of the professions in future. The study of political theories is
indirectly relevant to us .

2. We are all going to be citizens entitled to vote and decide other issues. So one must have a basic
knowledge of the political ideas and institutions that shape the world.

3 .Political theories inspire us to examine our ideas and feeling about political events.

4 Political theories provide opportunities for systematic thinking on political ideas like justice, equality, etc...
Chapter 12
1 Match the following
1 Long walk to freedom Aung San suki
2 Freedom from fear - Nelson Mandela
3 On Liberty - JS Mill
4 Ramayana Retold - Aubrey Menon
5 The Satanic verses - Salman Rushdie

An 1 Long walk to freedom- Nelson Mandela, 2 Freedom from fear- Aung San suki
3 On Liberty - JS Mill 4 Ramayana Retold - Aubrey Menon
5 The Satanic verses - Salman Rushdie

2 Who is the exponent of Harm Principle An .J S Mill

Short Questions

Q 3 Write a short note on Harm principle

JS Mill discusses the harm principles in his essay "on liberty". Mill distinguishes the actions of an individual
into two.

They are self regarding actions and other regarding actions.

Self regarding actions

In Self regarding actions individual is free to do what he wishes .Nobody interfere him .The Consequences of
self regarding actions will be affected him only and nobody else.

Other regarding actions

The other regarding actions will affect the others also . So an external authority will interfere him .Here, the
state should control the person from acting in a way harmful to others.

Q4 What are the difference between Negative Liberty and Positive Liberty ?
An: Negative liberty and Positive Liberty are two dimensions of freedom

1 -Negative Liberty

Negative Liberty is the freedom of the absence of external constrains. Negative liberty sets an area in which no
external authority interference is allowed. The individual is free to do whatever he/she likes.

2- Positive Liberty

Positive Liberty the freedom the expansion of the opportunities to express one's self

Positive Liberty recognizes that one can be tree only in society, not outside it, and hence, the society should
provide condition for the development of Individual
Chapter 13

Short answer

Q 1 How can we promote equality?

We can promote equality by three ways

1 Establishing formal equality.2 Equality through different Treatment 3 Affirmative action

1 Establishing formal Equality

In order to bring about equality we should end the formal system of inequalities and privileges. These
types of social, economic and political inequalities all over the world are protected through customs and
various legal systems. Examples of such inequalities are:

•Poor people were not granted the right to vote in certain countries. Women were not allowed to take up
many professions • Caste system in India restricted 'low caste from doing many jobs

To ensure equality, all such restrictions and privileges should be put to an end. Our constitution tries to end
such social evils. •The constitution of India Prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, caste, sex, place of
birth etc.• It also abolishes the practice of untouchability

2) Equality Through Different Treatment

Sometimes it becomes necessary to provide differential treatment to people to promote equality.

For instance disabled and old people have to provide special ramps in public places to get an equal chance of
entering public buildings. Women working in call centers at night should be given special protection during

3) Affirmative Actions

Affirmative action is another way to promote equality. Inequalities are sometime deeply rooted in our
system. Therefore to minimize and eliminate all such social evils, we have to provide some positive measures.
Affirmative action can take many forms.

•Giving facilities for disadvantaged communities, eg: Scholarship, hotels, etc

•special consideration in admission to educational institutions and employment. Reservation of seats in

education fields and placement are the examples of affirmative action

3 what are the three Dimensions of Equality?

Various thinkers and Ideologies have highlighted three main dimensions of equality namely

1 ) Political 2) Social 3) Economic

1 Political Equality

In democratic societies Political equality include grating equal citizenship to all members of the state

Political equality implies that all citizens have equal political right, and equal voice in government.

Political equality includes right to vote, right to contest elections, right to hold public offices and right to
criticize the government.

2 Social Equality

Social equality means that all are equal units of society. No special privilege is allowed on grounds of religion,
race, wealth, colour and so on. It guarantee adequate health care, opportunity for good education, minimum
conditions of life

2 Economic Equality

Economic equality means all should enjoy the wealth of the state equality. It aims abolition of poverty and
reduce the differences between haves and have- nots

Economic equality guarantees right to work , right against unemployment ,right to minimum wages , equal
wages for equal work etc
Chapter 14

Objective Questions

1 German thinker who commented that human beings possess dignity An: Immanuel Kant

2 Who is the author of the book The Theory of Justice An : John Rawls

3 Who is the exponent of veil of ignorance An : John Rawls

Short answer

Q 4 Briefly discuss the three principle of justice

Justice has three Principles .they are

1)Equal Treatment for Equals 2 Proportionate Justice 3 Recognition of special Needs

Let us briefly discuss them

1 Equal Treatment for Equals

Equal justice is to all is the base of this theory. It is considered that all individuals share certain characteristics
as human beings. Therefore they deserve equal rights and equal treatment. Some of the

Important rights which are granted in most liberal democracies today like rights of life, liberty and property,
political rights like the right to vote are on the basis of this theory. This theory is also called numerical concept
of justice .According Jermy Bentam" Everyone is count for one nobody is count for more than one" This
theory requires that People should not be discriminated against on grounds of class, caste, race or gender.

2) proportionate justice

Equal justice to equals and unequal justice to unequal is the base of this theory . This theory is also called
geometrical concept of justice . Treating all as equals in all circumstances will not work. It would be fair if we
award marks to students according to their performance in the exam and not on equal basis. In other words,
people are rewarded in proportion to the scale and quality of their effort. Aristotle propounded this concept
of justice

3) Recognition of special needs.

Another important principle of justice is the recognition of special needs of people while distributing
rewards or duties. Under this concept of justice special recognition is given to physical disabilities, old age
people etc. By upholding the recognition of special needs, our constitution allowed for reservations of
government jobs and quotas for admissions in educational institution for SC/ST Candidates
Chapter 15

Objective Question

1 The Universal Declaration was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations

An December 10 ,1948.

2 . Human Rights Day is observed every year on ...... An :December 10

Short answer

3 What are kinds of rights

Rights can be classified into 1 Political Rights 2 Economic Rights 3 Civil Rights 4 Cultural Rights

1 Political Rights

Political rights give to the citizens the right to equality before law and the right to participate in the political
process. Right to vote , Right to elect representatives, right to contest election, right to form political parties
are the main political rights

2. Economic Rights

Right to employment. •Right to equal pay for equal work. •Right to leisure. •Right to organize association.

3 Civil Rights

Right to a free and fair trail, Right to freedom of expression, Right to protect and express dissent

4 Cultural Rights

Right to education in one's mother tongue. Right to keep one's language and culture. The right to establish
institutions for teaching one's language and culture.
Chapter 16

Objective question

Q 1 French Revolution was started in………….. An : 1789

Q2 Define Citizenship

an: Citizenship has been defined as full and equal membership of a political community. In the
contemporary world State provide a collective political identity to their members as well as certain rights.

Q 3. How can Indian citizenship be acquired.?

Indian citizen ship can be acquired by the following ways

1) Citizenship by birth

A child born to an Indian citizen on or after 26th, January 1950, shall be a citizen of India.

2) Citizenship by descent

3) Citizenship by registration

4) Citizenship by naturalization

5) Citizenship by incorporation of territory.

Q 4 How will lose Indian citizen ship?

Indian citizenship may lose by the following ways

1)Renunciation of citizenship 2)Termination of citizenship 3)Deprivation of citizenship.


When we think of refugees, or illegal migrants, many images come to our mind. The people have to migrate
by many reasons like war, famine flood etc. by this migration people are displaced from one country to
another country.

We often assume that full membership of a state should be available to all those who ordinarily live and
work in the country as well as to those who apply for citizenship. But although many states may support the
idea of universal and inclusive citizenship, each of them also fixes criteria for the grant of citizenship.
The problem of stateless people very pathetic. They may be forces to live in camps, or as illegal migrants.
Often they cannot legally work, or educate their children, or acquire property. The problem is so great that the
U. N. has appointed a high commissioner for refugees to try and help them.


Today we live in an interconnected world. New means of the communication such as the internet,
television and cell phones, etc have brought a major change in the world. These communication connected us

We can watch disaster and wars on our television screens as they are taking place. This has helped to develop
sympathies and shared concerns among people in different countries of the world.

It created a Global citizenship and helped for a mutual help. Global citizenship is a solution for problems
between countries and international issues. We should try to strengthen this feeling and work towards a
concept of global Citizenship. The concept of global citizen ship is an imaginary one. All countries didn’t
recognize this concept.
chapter 17
Essay / short Essay

1 what are assumptions which people make about nation ? or what are factors which help to create
nationalism among people

Let us identify and understand some of these assumptions in the minds of people about the nation.

1 Shared Beliefs

Nationalism is a feeling of oneness. A nation is constituted by certain beliefs. Nations are not like the physical
things such as buildings, forests, rivers which can be seen and felt. Nations can be compared with a team who
work or play together .Nations are dependent on beliefs that people have about them. A nation exists when
they have the belief of oneness.

2 History

History also help to create nationalism . People also see themselves as a nation embody a sense of continuing
historical identity. They accept their own history by drawing on collective memories, legends, historical
records etc. India's ancient civilization and cultural heritage are basis of Indian nation

3 Territory

Nations identify with a particular territory. A nation is a population of an ethnic unity inhabiting a territory of a
Geographic unity. It helps them to imagine themselves as one people .Sharing a common past, and living
together on particular territory gives the people a feeling of oneness. Nations call their homeland
differently- motherland, fatherland, holy land, promised land etc

4 Shared political ideas

shared Political Ideals plays an important role in Creating a sense of oneness . members of nation share a
vision of the kind of state they want to build. Values and principles such as democracy, Secularism and
liberalism helps us to create nationalism

5 Common political identity

Shared cultural identity such as a common language or common descent is called common political
identity. Common languages and a common religion make people relation easier . Observing the same
festivals and seeking same holidays , holding same symbol etc bring people together.
Chapter 18

1 What are difference between Western secularism and Indian secularism?

Western Secularism Indian Secularism

•state will not intervene in the religious affairs •Indian secularism place equal focus on Intra
religious and inter religious domination.

•The individual and his Liberty are the most • Indian secularism deals not only with
important. Religion is private matter religious freedom of individuals but also with
the religious freedom of minority

•The government does not support religious • state supports religious reform

• The state cannot aid any religious •Religious Institutions are financially
Institutions supported by the state

Chapter 19
? 1 Find out the 19th century German philosopher who glorified war
An Friedrich Nietzsche
? 2 The Italian social theorist who described the governing elites as lions
An Vilfredo Pareto
? 3 When did Cuban missile crisis occur?
An In 1962
?4 Which country followed apartheid till 1992
An South Africa
? 5 what are the contemporary challenges of peace

An .There are many challenges for peace .they are

Terrorism, genocides , nuclear weapons , war etc

? 6 . Explain the different forms of structural violence

An Violence emerges as the responses to inequalities and exploitations . Violence is often rooted in the very
structure of society .Such violence are called structural violence. The forms of structural violence are

1 caste system, 2 class disparity 3 patriarchy,4 colonialism,5 racism, 6 communalism, etc.

1 Caste System

Under the caste system lower castes were treated as untouchables. The lower castes were not included in the
main stream of society. They were denied the benefits of education and social mobility. The caste system
caused exploitation and deprivation.

2 Class disparity

Class polarization is another structural issue. In developing countries majority of labours work in the
unorganized sector. In the unorganized sector wages are low and working conditions bad.

3 Patriarchy

Patriarchy is another form of unjust social system. In patriarchal societies, women are suppressed and
discriminated. This leads to:
female foeticide ,denial of adequate nourishment, denial of education to the girl child, child marriage
Dowry related crimes, sexual harassment of women in work place, wife battering, rape, etc.

4 Colonialism

The colonial powers conquer the other countries and deny the nights of natives. The Palestinian struggle
against Israeli domination shows that it has not disappeared completely.

5 Racism

Racism is another form of structural violence in which one race control and suppress the others . The white
controlled government in south Africa treated the black people as second class citizen .
6 communalism
Communalism also leads to violence. Minority religious groups become the victims of such violence.
communalism is seen in the South Asian part of the world

? 7 How does the patriarchy leads to violence ?

An . The 3rd point of 6th question


Q1 What are the Social Costs and Environmental Costs of Development?

An. 1. The Social Costs of Development

Development has economic benefits such as higher employment, higher incomes, etc. But, every major
project such as construction of major dams, large industries, highways, etc., has its social costs. It affects the
society badly. It is called the social Costs of Development. Important social costs are:

1, Displacement of people from their living places. 2 ,Loss of livelihood. 3 , Submergence of agricultural land
4, Loads to the growth of slums 5 , Loss of traditional skills. 6. Adverse impact on culture 7 .Rural agricultural
communities are displaced. 8, Leads to Migration

2. Environmental costs of development

Many developmental projects affect our environment and ecosystem. It is called environmental costs of

The main environmental costs of development are

1 .Air and water pollution 2, Global Warming 3, Poisoning of the soil 4, De forestation 5, Leads to
flood 6, Reckless use of non-renewable resources damage the eco system. 7, Destruction of bird ,
animal and medicinal herbs 8, Leads to drought

The environmental costs effect rich and poor, nature etc adversely .so environmental damage is everybody's

Q 2 what are the challenges of Development [unfocussed area]

Poverty , malnourishment , unemployment , Illiteracy and the lack of basic amenities are the main challenges
of Development

Q 3 what is the meaning of development [unfocussed area]

The term development is used in two sense- narrow sense and broad sense
In narrow sense the development means increasing the rate of economic growth or modernizing the society.
In broad sense development conveys the ideas of improvement, progress, well being and aspiration for better

Prepared by
mm iqbal kondotty

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