4 NewtonLaws

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Newton’s Laws of


PowerPoint® Lectures for

University Physics, Twelfth Edition
– Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman

Lectures by James Pazun

Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
• To visualize force as a vector
• To find the net force acting on a body and apply
Newton’s First Law
• To study mass, acceleration, and their
application to Newton’s Second Law
• To calculate weight and compare it with mass
• To see action–reaction pairs and study Newton’s
Third Law

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• Kinematics: motion in one, two, and
three dimensions… but what causes
• This causality was first studied in the
late 1600s by Sir Isaac Newton.
• Dynamics: the relationship of motion
and forces that cause it.
• Late 1600s, Sir Isaac Newton
introduced the principle of dynamics
(Newton’s laws of motion)

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What are the properties of force(s)?

• Combinations of “push” and “pull”

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There are four common types of forces

Normal force:
• When an object rests or pushes
on a surface, the surface pushes
• Normal means perpendicular to
the surface.
Friction force:
• Surfaces can resist motion along
the surface.

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There are four common types of forces II
Tension force:
• When a force is exerted through a
rope or cable, the force is
transmitted through that rope or
cable as a tension.
Long range forces:
• Act on a body without contact.
• Force between magnets, weight
• Weight: The force that earth exerts
on us and other objects.

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Typical Force Magnitudes

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How to denote a force—Figure 4.3

• Use a vector
arrow to indicate
magnitude and
direction of the

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Superposition of forces (net force)
• Several forces acting on a point have the same
effect as their vector sum acting on the same point.

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Decomposing a force into components
• Fx and Fy are the parallel and perpendicular components
of a force to a sloping surface.
• Use F*cosθ and F*sinθ operations to find force

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Notation and method for the vector sum

Resultant force vector:

Magnitude and direction

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Three professional wrestlers are fighting over a champion’s belt. The figure shows the horizontal
force each wrestler applies to the belt, as viewed from above. The forces have magnitudes F1 =
250 N, F2 = 50 N, and F3 = 120 N
Find the x- and y-components of the net force on the belt, and find its magnitude and direction.

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Three professional wrestlers are fighting over a champion’s belt. The figure shows the horizontal
force each wrestler applies to the belt, as viewed from above. The forces have magnitudes F1 =
250 N, F2 = 50 N, and F3 = 120 N.
Find the x- and y-components of the net force on the belt, and find its magnitude and direction.

𝐹1𝑥 = − 𝐹1 cos 53
= − 250 cos 53 = −150 𝑁

𝐹1𝑦 = 𝐹1 𝑠𝑖𝑛 53
= 250 𝑠𝑖𝑛 53 = 200 𝑁

𝐹2𝑥 = 50 𝑁
𝐹2𝑦 = 0 𝑁

𝐹3𝑥 = 0 𝑁
𝐹3𝑦 = −120 𝑁
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley
Three professional wrestlers are fighting over a champion’s belt. The figure shows the horizontal
force each wrestler applies to the belt, as viewed from above. The forces have magnitudes F1 =
250 N, F2 = 50 N, and F3 = 120 N
Find the x- and y-components of the net force on the belt, and find its magnitude and direction.

Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

Newton’s First Law

• Simply stated—“objects at
rest tend to stay at rest,
objects in motion stay in
• More properly, “A body
acted on by no net force
moves with constant velocity
(which maybe zero) and zero

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Newton’s Second Law
• An unbalanced force (or sum of forces) will cause a mass to accelerate.
• More properly, “Force = Mass * Acceleration”

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The relationship of F, m, and a
• Because a depends
linearly on m and F, an
acceleration will be
directly proportional to the
applied force.
• Solution of the units gives
a new combination of
kg*(m/s2) for the force.
The neat thing about being
a scientist then was that
you got to leave your
name on the unit. We give
you… the Newton.
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The relationship of F, m, and a

• The mass and acceleration

are inversely proportional
to each other.
• The smaller the mass, the
larger the acceleration and
vice versa.

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Newtons, kilograms, pounds, and slugs
• Pound is a unit of force in some systems. The
popular culture refers to it as a weight (which is
actually a slug).
• The Dyne is actually a cgs version of the Newton

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Weight on Earth

• On Earth, g depends
on your altitude.
• g, and hence weight, is
only constant on earth,
at sea level
• On other planets,
gravity will likely have
an entirely new value.

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An object undergoing uniform circular motion
• We have already seen the centripetal acceleration. But,
if we measure the mass in motion, Newton’s Second
Law allows us to calculate the centripetal force.

Velocity has Acceleration is

constant perpendicular
speed and to the velocity

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A 2.49 x 104 N car traveling in the +x- direction makes an emergency stop; the x-component of
the net force acting on it is -1.83 x 104 N. What is its acceleration?

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A worker applies a constant horizontal force with magnitude 20 N to a box with mass 40 kg
resting on a level floor with negligible friction.
What is the acceleration of the box?

෍ 𝐹𝑥 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 20 𝑁

෍ 𝐹𝑦 = 𝑛 − 𝑊 = 𝑚𝑎𝑦 = 0

σ 𝐹𝑥 20
𝑎𝑥 = = = 0.5 𝑚/𝑠 2
𝑚 40

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Newton’s Third Law

• Exerting a force on a body results in a force back

upon you.
• More properly, “exerting a force on a first body,
the second body will exert an equal force in the
opposite direction” . “for every action there is an
equal reaction”

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Newton’s Third Law—Objects at rest

• An apple on a table or a person in a chair—there

will be the weight (mass pulled downward by
gravity) and the normal force (the table or chair’s

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