Manual - Cost Theory Exercises
Manual - Cost Theory Exercises
Manual - Cost Theory Exercises
l. ABC'Pool Services provides tyeekly pc'ol rnaintenance services in the Klang Valley.
ooi\rs 9f firry provide this seMce. The service is sbandardized, eacfr comparry
deans the pool and maintairs the proper level of chemicals in the water. Th;
service is typically sold as a three-rrronth contract The market price for the
thi'ee-month conb-act is RM115. ABC has fixed costs of RM3,SOO.
Using data for the last one year, its toial variable cost functicn is sfn:-icd es:
a) Determine the averagie tobl cosQ averdge variairie cust arrd rrrarginai cu:i
(3 marks)
b) .At vshat ouQut level does averagc variable cost reach iE minimum value?
(2 marks)
c) What is the value of aver4e variable cost at its rnirrimun point?
i1 mark)
d) Shouid ABC conUnue to opeiat= or shculd it close dovrn? Explzrin',ttri..
i2 niaiks)
ii-crial: 3 nrarks)
(ECO 45s OKT 99)
7. Slarikat Pastijaya has the foirowtng srbal revenue ( TR i and lotal cost ( TC )
functions: _
TR = 1500Q -0.5Q'
rL = 50,000+75Cr2-0.05Q2
Q is the rcte of ou@ut
a ) Determine:
i. Average fixed cost funcion
it. Average variabie cost F:,rction
iii. Marginal cost ftlnction
d) In the short-run, if the market price for the firm's product b Rl'rs, should
the firm continue or stop production? Wfry? ' '
(2 n:e*s)
(fotal:8 Marks)
r(ECO 510; Oct 98)
7. During the current year ITM Boolstore estimates the following accounUng ccst
and demand relation for iG product.
TC = $150Q+90.01Q2
p = $9s0-$0.03e
Managerial Economics Cost'Iheory
b ) Determine the profit maximising output and the tobal amount of profits at
- this level of output.
( 3 marks )
(rco 46s APR s9 )
3. A firm sells ouQut for R1430 per unit and has a total cost function:
TC = z0 +16e-12e2 +e3
' a ) Determine the firm's rnarginal proiit function, marginal cost and average
cost function.
( 3 marks )
b ) Determine the output level that mirrinrizes marginal cost.
( 2 ntat'rs )
,c) Briefly discuss the relationship between average cost and marginal cost.
Use appropriate diagram.
( 3 marts )
Total :8 marks
( ECo ssO ARP 99)
4. )OZ manufacturing is operating in a local markel It has a fixed ccnt of 5000. Its
aver?ge variable cost function ( AVC ) has -heen app:'cxineted by :
AVC = 1000 + 3Q ,
a) Derive the firm's total cost function
( 2 marks )
b) Determine the equation for each of tlre fotlorving;:
i. Average fixed cost ( AFC )
ia. Aveage r---l ( AC ) .
iii. Total variable cost ( TVC )
iv. Marginalcost ( MC )
( ?- marts )
(a rrarks)
(4 rnet-.<s)
('fotal : 8 F{arks)
(ECO a65; Oct 1998)