Staffing Requirements

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The primary healthcare service must be guided by a consultant/specialist in family medicine,

internal medicine or pediatrics based on the population served and staffed by a
multidisciplinary team based on the scope.



I. Personnel
The base requirements concerning supplementary personnel for a primary hospital should be
set apart according to the following:
A. Practitioner in Charge
● Medical Doctor
○ at least five years post qualification experience
○ good standing with the Medical of Philippines
B. Heads of Departments/Units/Services
● Each department/ Unit should be headed by a senior specialist or consultant in
good standing with the Medical on a full time basis.
● Director of nursing service should be at the level of Deputy Director of Nursing
(DDNS) with a minimum of a master’s degree in nursing, and a certificate in
Midwifery, Public Health and must be in good standing with the Nursing and
Midwifery Council.
C. Medical Practitioners
● At least two medical doctors
○ Must at least have 5 years experience post qualification
D. Additional professional staff
● At least eight Professional nurses, nurse practitioners, and midwives
○ must have at least five years post qualification experience and in good
standing with Nursing and Midwifery Council
○ One of these nurses serving as the head of the nursing group should be a
Professional Nurse (with a minimum of a first degree and a certificate in
● One Pharmacist
○ must have at least five years post qualification experience and to be in
good standing with the Pharmacy Council of Philippines
● One Medical Laboratory Scientist
○ must have at least five years post qualification experience and to be in
good standing with the Allied Health Professionals Council of Philippines
● One Anesthetist
○ must have at least five years post qualification experience and to be in
good standing with approved council in Philippines.
E. Auxiliary staff
● Health Assistants
○ Clinical
○ Community Health Nurses
F. Ancillary staff (non-professional staff)
● Ward assistants
○ at least two per ward
● Hospital Assistants/orderlies
○ at least 4 per department
● Groundskeeper(s)
● Cleaning staff
● Security staff

II. Services
A. General Services
● First line treatment
● Primary Health Care services
● Health promotion and preventive services
● Out-patient services for general, medical, surgical, pediatric and maternal care
● In-patient services, for general, medical, surgical, pediatric and maternal care
B. Maternal and Child Health Services
● Short and Long term Family Planning
● Antenatal services
● Postnatal services
● Expanded Program on Immunization
● Reproductive and Child Health Services
● Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Care
● Deliveries and cesarean sections
C. Mandatory Specialty Health Departments and Services
● Public Health Department
● General Surgery Department
● Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
● Pediatric Department
● Internal Medicine Department
D. Emergency Services Support
● First Aid training
● First Aid box maintenance
● Emergency Care service & referral system
● Comprehensive emergency plan development
● Ambulance services
E. Medical Diagnostic Services
● Clinical and Biomedical laboratory services
● Imaging
○ Ultrasound services
○ X-ray
○ CT services
○ MRI services
F. Additional Services
● Blood Bank
● Pharmacy service

III. Premises- Physical Design, Layout, Furnishing and Ancillary Facilities

A. Information desk
B. Waiting and reception area
● at least 4 x 3 meters size with seating facilities, a reception table, a registration
table, medical record keeping facilities, a wheelchair/patients’ trolley, adequate
ventilation, a weighing scale and stadiometer for heights
C. Triage Area
D. Nurses bay
E. Doctors rooms
F. Consulting rooms
● at least 4 x 3 meters with an examination couch, a wash hand basin,
thermometer, stethoscope, diagnostic set, sphygmomanometer, table and chairs,
and adequate ventilation
G. Treatment rooms
● at least 2 x 3 meters with instruments cabinet, with washable floors and floor
H. Wards
● Observation ward
○ minimum of 2 beds, locker and over-bed table for each bed, ward screen
● Separate wards
○ males and females with locker and over-bed table for each bed
● Children’s wards
○ with locker, over-bed table, ward screens for each bed, sleeping couch for
parents, play area for children
● Maternity wards
○ with beds, lockers and over-bed-table for each bed, fetal stethoscope,
■ Lying in room with beds
■ Labor room
● must have a delivery bed, infusion stand, delivery lamp
and delivery set, oxygen system, resuscitative equipment,
suction machine
I. Units and Departments
● Fevers unit
● Laboratory unit
● Blood Bank unit
● Pharmacy unit
● Central Sterile supply department
● Accident and Emergency Department
○ Centralized within facility with a small theatre for emergency procedures
● Operating theaters
○ with sluice, washable floors and floor drains, oxygen system, anesthetic
machines, patient monitors, theater lamp, theater table, resuscitative
equipment and attached recovery rooms
● Sluice room with adequate water supply
● X-ray rooms with protective gear and changing area
● Medical records department
○ with up to date records
● Clean patients’ toilet and bath facilities with adequate water supply
● Mosquito proof doors and windows
● Adequate general water supply
● Washable floors with floor drains
● Constant electricity supply with alternative power supply in good working

IV. Equipment, Devices and Supplies

● Thermometers
● Stethoscopes
● Sphygmomanometers
● Diagnostic sets
● Glucometers
● Weighing scales
○ for adults and babies
● Stadiometers
● Fetoscopes
● Sterilizers/autoclaves
● Dressing trolleys/trays
○ with cotton swab, needles and syringes, galipot dressing, forceps needle
holder, antiseptics and disinfectants, gauze/bandages, disposable gloves,
injection trolley and equipment, wash hand basin and dressing stool
● Emergency trays
○ containing needles and syringes, scalp vein needles, iv giving set,
injection hydrocortisone, injection adrenaline, 5% dextrose, normal saline,
injection aminophylline, gloves
● Suture Kits
○ containing needles, nylon, analgesics, iodine, gauze etc Resuscitative
equipment including ambu bag, masks, flow meter, oxygen trolley, suction
machine (auto or pedal) and drip stand
● Baby resuscitation table
● Special maternity emergency packs available for obstetric emergencies (e.g.
PPH, eclampsia), emergency medicines (ergometrine, oxytocin, magnesium
sulfate, hydrocortisone, IV fluids).
● Vaginal examination tray
○ with gallipot, receiver and vaginal speculum
● Delivery tray
○ containing episiotomy scissors, kocher forceps, artery forceps, mucous
extractor, suction device, surgical scissors, straight scissors (long), needle
& syringe, surgical gloves, disposable gloves, draw mackintosh, tape rule,
sterilizer (for delivery pack), kidney dish with cover (2), kidney dish
without cover (2), suturing materials, gauze bowl
● Delivery bed
● Adult Hospital Beds
● Pediatric hospital bed
● Baby Cots
● Wheelchair (s)
● Stretcher (s)
● Patient trolley (s)
● Immobilization devices
○ Splint
○ slings
● Possession of appropriate equipment and staff to render services in the fields of
● Procedures for processing (transport, disposal) of used medical devices, supplies
and equipment

V. Wards
● Handwashing facilities
○ at the entrance to each ward
● Separate Wards
○ males, females, children and maternity cases
● Each ward to have beds, ward screens and drip stands
● Each bed to have locker and over-bed table
● Clean bathing facilities to be provided for each ward with adequate water supply
● Clean toilet facilities to be provided for each ward with adequate water supply

VI. Catering
● Catering facilities or agreement to be made with an approved catering facility
certified by the Philippine FDA for all clinics/hospitals with wards
● Provision of breakfast lunch and dinner
● Designed menus for different dietary requirements
● Crockery, cutlery and napkins
● Food covers for delivery of cooked meals to patients
● Trolleys and trays for food delivery
● Food hygiene and food safety certificates for catering staff
● Clean washable floors with drains
● Clean walls with light paint
● Windows and doors intact without gaps
● Washable countertops for food preparation areas
● Adequate water supply
● Storage facilities for cooked and raw food (fridges, freezers, shelves and
● Clear Separation of areas for handling raw and cooked food
● Covered trash cans for disposal of food items

VII. Safety and Security

● Structural
○ Unobstructed access to facility
○ Easily accessible to the disabled and aged
○ Parking area
○ Roof walls and ceiling intact
○ Windows and Doors for facility intact with mosquito netting
○ Outer walls with clearly identified 24 hour security manned entrance and
exit point(s)
○ Facilities for storage of outer garments and personal items away from
work area
○ Adequate working space
○ Clear separation of different general areas (reception, registration,
consulting, diagnostics, treatment, observation areas and wards)
○ Separate work and storage areas are provided within the hospital for
administration tasks and associated paperwork/reference material.
○ Separation of areas for different specialties
● General
○ Non-slip floors
○ Unobstructed walkways, paths and corridors
○ Adequate illumination
○ Adequate ventilation
● Signage
○ Department/Unit Identification signs
○ Directional signs
○ Warning signs
○ Health promotion/prevention posters (HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis etc.)
○ Emergency evacuation diagram clearly displayed in all areas
○ Entry and exit signs
○ Hazard/safety signage on entrance/s clearly visible and contains
information including:
■ Authorized access only
■ No food or drink allowed
■ Medical Doctor(s) contact details
■ Laboratory supervisors contact details
■ Dispensing technician/pharmacists contact details
● Hygiene and Sanitation
○ Fairly distributed number of pedal operated dust bins
○ Means of decontamination of hands
○ Posters on appropriate hand washing technique
○ Posters on appropriate use of toilet facilities
○ Signs for disposal of different types of waste
○ Cleaning time tables for all rooms, offices and bathrooms
● Food Hygiene and Safety
○ Appropriate Storage and handling of food and drink
○ Prevention of contamination of food and drink
○ Handling and storage of utensils
○ Cleaning schedules for food preparation areas
○ Calibration and maintenance of food thermometers
● Protective Clothing and Gear
○ Aprons
○ Masks
○ Gloves
○ Goggles Protective eye gear
○ Covered shoes
○ Patient gowns
○ White coats for medical personnel
○ Protective laboratory hair nets
○ Protective laboratory coats
○ Protective laboratory feet covers
○ Provision for washed and clean linens
● Biohazards
○ Procedures for handling, storage, treatment, transportation and disposal
of waste (colour codes for different waste etc)
○ Sharps disposal
○ Consumables disposal
○ Biological waste disposal
○ Incineration procedures for biological waste
○ Protocols and procedures for managing accidents with sharps
○ Protocols and procedures for managing cross contamination
● Emergency
○ Exit doors
■ clearly marked and can be opened from inside (not padlocked)
■ unobstructed from inside and outside the building
○ Fire equipment (fire blanket, extinguisher)
■ accessible and clear of obstruction
■ have been inspected/tagged within the last 6 months.
○ Fire exit and escape (for structures 2 storey and above) clearly marked
and devoid of obstruction
○ A first aid kit is located in the near vicinity
● Biosafety
○ Procedures in place to account for all samples reagents or materials
○ Protocol and procedures for prevention of spread of infectious diseases
○ Protocol and procedures for managing patients with infectious diseases
○ There is appropriate Biosafety signage at the laboratory entrance and on
storage room doors/vessels
○ All cultures or biohazardous materials are correctly labeled
○ A supply of disinfectant for decontamination purposes is available and is
clearly labeled.
○ Instructions for dilution of disinfectant are clearly displayed e.g chlorine
○ Diluted bleach is stored away from heat and is kept in light proof
containers with the preparation date displayed.
○ A supply of hospital grade antiseptic for washing hands is available at all
○ All gowns are stored in a manner that prevents cross contamination
○ All keyboards have protective covers.
○ Protocols in place for safe storage, handling and transport of dangerous
substances and of waste containing dangerous substances
● Biosecurity
○ There is appropriate signage at the entrance to all areas
○ All samples, reagents, liquids are appropriately stored in appropriate
storage vessels
○ All samples are secondary contained (fridges and freezers count as
secondary containment within a lab)
○ Security arrangements are in place and various areas have restricted
○ There are locks on fridges and freezers.
○ Procedures are in place for the transport of materials
○ All surfaces (including furniture) within the facility are smooth,
impermeable to water and resistant to any decontaminant materials.
○ There are appropriate pest control procedures in place (spraying,
weeding etc.)
○ All windows and walls are intact and sealed and there are no gaps.
● Chemicals, Handling and Storage
○ Chemicals stored in appropriate containers.
○ Containers are labeled correctly
■ not handwritten
■ label contains minimum chemical name
■ pictogram depicting hazard level
○ Chemicals are stored according to compatibility.
○ Compatibility chart is readily available.
○ Dangerous goods are stored under COSHH guidelines (Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health)
○ COSHH cabinets must be used, labeled and maintained in accordance
with COSHH practices and other international best practices including but
not limited to:
■ Self-closing and close fitting doors
■ Locking automatically (flammable)
■ Locking mechanism in 2 or more places (flammable/corrosive)
■ Self-releasing locking mechanism (oxidizing agents and organic
■ Clearance from ignition/heat sources (flammable, oxidizing
agents, organic peroxides)
■ Ventilation
■ COSHH approved labels for various hazards (toxic, danger to
environment, corrosive etc.)
● Flammable Liquids
○ Must be stored in suitable closed vessels in limited quantities in fire
resistant cabinets or bins designed to retain spills
○ Cabinets to be located in designated well ventilated areas away from the
immediate area for processing but not placed in a way to jeopardize the
means of escape from other areas
○ Must be stored away from other dangerous substances that can increase
the risk of fire or compromise the integrity of the storage container or
● Radiation
○ Access to Designated Radiation Areas limited only to authorized persons.
○ Suitable radiation/contamination monitoring equipment is available and in
working condition.
○ X-ray and other radiation producing equipment is kept in a room solely
dedicated to it.
○ Ionizing equipment is contained in appropriate enclosures.
○ Enclosures have interlocks preventing users from being within the
confines of the enclosure.
○ Visible and audible signals are provided inside and outside enclosures to
provide warning before and during irradiation.
○ Fail-safe mechanisms are provided to prevent generation of X-rays.
○ The laboratory is secured against unauthorized access.
○ Radiation storage sites are lockable, secured and shielded as required.
○ All work with radioactive material is segregated from other work.
○ Spill trays and absorbent bench coverings are available.
○ The counting apparatus is in a separate room.
○ All containers are labeled appropriately.
○ Routine radiation monitoring of all technical staff & doctor through
○ The monitoring equipment has been calibrated and up to date.
○ The radioisotope laboratory is placarded with
■ The identification of the laboratory
■ Main potential hazards
■ Personal protective equipment is to be worn
■ After hours contact name and phone number

VIII. Schedules
● Preventive maintenance schedules for the building housing the facility together
with fixtures
● Preventive maintenance scheduled for equipment used in the facility
● Standard Operating Procedures
● Fire practices, drills, fire alarm tests and their results and action taken where

IX. Records
● Facility equipment records
● National health insurance scheme claim forms and other records
● Facility inspection records
● Waste tracking log book
● Occupational log books to record results of all staff investigations
● Log books for recording accidents and injuries at the facility
● Log books for recording potential and actual infections
● Routine (monthly/quarterly) data on ailments/illnesses/conditions reported at the

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