Assignment 3 PP2 Lau Hui Ming 0323827

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Student Name: Lau Hui Ming Student ID No.

ASSIGNMENT 3: Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship II, March 2022
Due: 6:00 pm, Thursday 14 July 2022

PART 1 ANSWER (Word count: 299)

a) Design fault
Sometimes the architect needs to decide how to resolve some constraints, and how to
make compromise between constraints. These constraints are linked to the client or
building’s (future) users, to technical issues such as stability, acoustics, materials, budget
to the building-site, aesthetics, personal brand or concepts inherent to the architect and
etc. The Architect cannot manage all parts of the design with all constraints. Therefore,
the legal standard of reasonable care is frequently applied to architects when designing.
There may be situations when specific measures are required to meet that level. There
can even be a responsibility to make sure the design is appropriate for the intention.

b) Providing a misleading estimate

Before embarking on a building project, a client will commonly ask an architect or quantity
surveyor for an estimate of cost. An example, the designer incorrectly estimates the price
of an elevator because he never designed elevator. Therefore, reasonable skill and care
must be exercised when providing a cost estimation. If the architect lacks the necessary
expertise or experience in this field or the project is exceptionally complex, they should
think about consulting a quantity surveyor.

c) Lack knowledge in building legislations, planning & building control

requirements and Code of Conduct
The architect is not expected to have in-depth legal knowledge. Sometimes the Architect
has issue with building plan approval thus causing further delays in the process. However,
architects do need to pay particular attention to certain documents such as certificates of
compliance and collateral warranties. For example. when the architect is asked to sign
an Architect Certificate of Compliance with Building Regulations, it is particularly
important that the signing architect can “stand over” the certificate. On signing collateral
warranties, architects should again be vigilant and should ensure that such warranties
limit their liability.

Student Name: Lau Hui Ming Student ID No. 0323827
ASSIGNMENT 3: Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship II, March 2022
Due: 6:00 pm, Thursday 14 July 2022

PART 2 ANSWER (Word count: 383)

1. In my opinion, PAM Contract 2018 is more balanced, fair to both parties of the contract.
It also provides in detail timeline regarding the process compared to PWD 203A (Rev.
1/2010). It also has more relevant events to granted by the Contractor.

2. i. Contract Administrator (architect): Certificate Extension of Time

Both of the Architect and S.O may refer to certificate extension of time as they can
accepted or rejected the submission of extension of time made by the Contractor.
According to clause 23.4 of PAM Contract 2018, when the Contractor has submitted
sufficient particulars for the Architect's consideration, the Architect should be subject to
Clauses 23.5. 23.6 and 23.8, consider the Contractor's submission and should either
reject the Contractor's application or issue a Certificate of Extension of Time within 6
Weeks from the receipt of sufficient particulars. The Architect may issue the written notice
of rejection or the Certificate of Extension of Time before or after the Completion Date.
While according to clause 43.1 of PWD 203A, S.O. is of the opinion that the extension of
time should be granted as soon as he is able to estimate the length of the delay beyond
the date or time aforesaid issue a certificate of delay and Extension of Time giving a fair
reasonable extension of time for completion of the Works. Therefore, we can see the PAM
Contract 2018 has timeous notice of delay which would help the Architect to make an
informed decision as to how the instruction is to be given or to be mitigated to reduce the
effect of an event of delay or even to withdraw the instruction altogether.

ii. Contractor: Relevant Event

The contractor may refer to the relevant acceptable delay for the purpose of applying for
an extension of time (PAM 23.8 and 43.1). To apply for a time extension, the PAM contract
covers 25 relevant events and the PWD contract covers 10 events. The Extension Clause
in the PAM contract makes clear the important events, whereas other clauses in the PWD
contract make generalisations about the various relevant events. In comparison to the
PWD contract, the PAM Contact 2018 contract is more generous to the contractor and

Student Name: Lau Hui Ming Student ID No. 0323827
ASSIGNMENT 3: Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship II, March 2022
Due: 6:00 pm, Thursday 14 July 2022

offers a wider range of situations under which the contractor may request an extension of
time for a project.

PART 3 ANSWER (Word count: 391)

1. In my opinion, negotiated tender would be the most suitable tender method for this
situation. These kinds of contracts are frequently used in the engineering and construction
sectors. The client is free to select the preferred contractor of their choice. The removal
of the tendering procedure results in time and cost savings. It can shorten the length and
expense of the bidding process and enable early supplier engagement. It can also provide
the customer the assurance of working with a supplier they already know. Due to the fact
that the contractor is not just looking to submit the lowest proposal, their costs and prices
are more visible.

2. THREE (3) most important criteria for selecting contractors to recommend to the client:
a) Contractor reputation
To determine whether contractor truly has the capacity to manage the project, clients
must investigate the reputation of the principal contractor. The customer can learn what
a contractor has done by looking at their previous project, but they can only learn whether
these projects were successfully completed by looking into the performance of the
contractor. The completion of projects is the major focus of the construction industry,
therefore the project goals of quality, cost, and time gained importance as the primary
determinants of customer satisfaction.

b) Technical Capacity
It's critical to evaluate the technical expertise of the contractor based on prior
performance, including experience, plant, equipment, and employees. In other words,
clients evaluate a contractor's technical ability by focusing on his tangible assets (such
machinery and equipment) and the amount of technical skill required to carry out certain
projects. A contractor's technical competency may be determined by looking at his or her
preferred construction methods, the knowledge and experience of their technical team,

Student Name: Lau Hui Ming Student ID No. 0323827
ASSIGNMENT 3: Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship II, March 2022
Due: 6:00 pm, Thursday 14 July 2022

the efficiency and speed of their building processes, and the caliber of their services and
end product.

c) Financial capacity
A contractor's trust and reputation among customers and suppliers grow together with his
financial stability. Most construction projects are financed by the customer, who pays the
contractor on a regular basis. The contractor then reimburses the subcontractors,
suppliers, and other project participants for their services. Typically, the customer retains
a share of the recurring payments. The contractor's and client's financial stability is crucial
to the routine's success.

PART 4 ANSWER (Word count: 375)

In my opinion, for a private hospital project, Design and Build procurement method favors
the client more as follows:

a) Fast Delivery Time

The design-build delivery method's naturally low risk of schedule erosion and project
delay is yet another benefit. There are no longer any bid periods or redesign times.
Construction work can start earlier—in certain situations, even before the construction
documents are finished—and before the procurement of materials and equipment. In the
competitive healthcare sector, the likelihood of a late entry into the market or production
interruption is drastically decreased. By saving time and money on working with many
contractors and teams, the design-build method offers several benefits. This allows more
of the budget to be used on design components, including high-tech systems and goods,
within the building.

b) Single point Responsibility

According to the Scale of Minimum Fees Rules 2010, a hospital falls under category 1,
which is a very complex building to design and construct. It required design and
construction experts with in-depth knowledge of the difficulties. Because there are fewer

Student Name: Lau Hui Ming Student ID No. 0323827
ASSIGNMENT 3: Professional Practice & Entrepreneurship II, March 2022
Due: 6:00 pm, Thursday 14 July 2022

parties involved and the customer has less administrative work to do, the Design and
Build procurement contract gives the client a single point of contact, which may help to
prevent disagreements and conflicts. The main contractor's consistent communication
with consultants, suppliers, and contractors reduces the probability of discrepancies.
Since the client will provide relatively little information for the contractor to estimate the
concept design and finish the technical design, the main contractor will choose and
coordinate with consultants and experts from the design to construction process. The
construction work is completed by subcontractors. As the contractor oversees both the
works' design and construction, it reduces risks for the client.

c) Cost Savings
Financial risk reduction begins at the early stage of a hospital's design. Construction
specialists are an integral part of the design team, so construction issues are addressed
early. The design-build team works together to decide the most cost-effective materials
and methods of delivery before a design is finalized, enabling them to provide more
accurate costs and better scheduling up front. Because the same group is responsible for
aesthetic, cost, and functional performance of the hospital, the possibility of costly
surprises in the construction phase is virtually eliminated.


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