04 Samss 048

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Materials System Specification

04-SAMSS-048 10 October 2017

Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements
Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee

1 Scope ............................................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................................. 2
3 References ..................................................................... 2
4 General Requirements ................................................... 4
5 Pressure and Functional Tests ....................................... 5
6 Hardness Testing ........................................................... 7
7 Impact Testing ................................................................ 7
8 Inspection and Testing of Major Components Material .. 7
9 Plating Tests................................................................... 8
10 Sampling Criteria ............................................................ 9
11 Documentation and Traceability Requirements .............. 9
Revision Summary ............................................................... 10

Annex A - Hydrotest Water Quality

and Drying Requirements ................................... 11

Previous Issue: 1 March 2016 Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020

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Contact: Meehan, Martin F. (meehanmf) on phone +966-13-8809668

©Saudi Aramco 2017. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

1 Scope
1.1 This specification, together with the Purchase Order and appropriate data sheets,
cover the minimum requirements for inspection and testing of metallic and
non-metallic valves normally classified under Saudi Aramco Materials System
(SAMS) Class 04. Such valves include gate, globe, angle, check, needle, ball,
plug, piston, butterfly, choke, diaphragm, etc., used for on-off, manual control
service or for prevention of reverse flow, as appropriate.
1.2 Specifically excluded from the scope are: control, safety-relief, relief, surge
relief, solenoid, pilot, and other valves classified under SAMS Class 34; and
wellhead valves classified under SAMS Class 45.
1.3 Requirements for SAMS Class 04 API STD 6A / ISO 10423 valves and chokes
are covered in 04-SAMSS-055.
1.4 The typical quality characteristics to be witnessed and the documents to be
reviewed by and/or provided to Buyer's Representative by the Vendor, are
specified on Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Forms 175-043000,
175-043600 and 175-043601 which shall be included as part of the Purchase
Order, as applicable.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.

Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

3 References

Material or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition
of the references listed below unless otherwise noted:

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-A-206 Positive Material Identification

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

02-SAMSS-012 Weld Overlayed Fittings, Flanges, and Spool Pieces
04-SAMSS-003 Additional Requirements for Low Temperature Valves

Saudi Aramco Inspection and Testing Requirements

Form 175-043000 Valve Materials Certification Requirements
Form 175-043600 Valves: Metallic
Form 175-043601 Low Severity, Valves

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute

API STD 598 Valve Inspection and Testing

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B16.34 Valves-Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End
ASME SEC VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A956 Standard Test Method for Leeb Hardness Testing of
Steel Products
ASTM B733 Standard Specification for Autocatalytic Nickel-
Phosphorus Coatings on Metals
ASTM E10 Test Method for Brinnell Hardness of Metallic
ASTM E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell
Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials

British Standards Institute

BS 6364 Specification for Valves in Cryogenic Service

Manufacturers Standardization Society

MSS SP-53 Quality Standard for Steel Castings - Magnetic
Particle Examination Method
MSS SP-55 Quality Standard for Steel Castings - Visual Method
MSS SP-93 Quality Standard for Steel Castings - Liquid
Penetrant Examination Method

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

4 General Requirements

4.1 Each individual valve shall be at least tested, examined and qualified as
specified in the industry standard (such as ASME, API, AWWA, MSS)
referenced in the Purchase Order or to the Vendor's approved standard if no
industrial standard has been specified. Nothing in this specification shall be
construed as waiving any mandatory requirement of the referenced standard.

4.2 Steel valves shall not be externally painted or coated before the shell pressure
tests are completed. Internally coated or lined valves shall be shell tested per
paragraph 5.1 before and after application of the coating or lining unless
reviewed and exempted by the Valves Standards Committee Chairman.
Cast/ductile iron valves specified for raw, sweet, seawater and sanitary services
are exempt from this requirement.

4.3 Repairs of valve components with unacceptable defects shall be in accordance

with the governing material specification for the component. Repair by grinding
or redressing of the casting surface is acceptable, provided that during the repair
not more than 10% of the original wall thickness will be removed and provided
that the minimum required wall thickness is not affected. Repair of major
defects shall not be performed without the knowledge of the Saudi Aramco
Company Representative. Welding, NDE and heat treatment procedures for
major weld repairs shall be approved by Saudi Aramco representative prior to
execution. Weld repairs shall be considered major if any of the following
conditions apply:
a) Castings leak during hydrostatic testing.
b) The depth of the repair cavity prepared for welding exceeds 20% of the wall
thickness or 25 mm (1 in), whichever is smaller.
c) The surface area of the repair cavity exceeds 65 cm² (10 in²).

Welds shall be 100% radiographed and evaluated in accordance with the

applicable ANSI/ASME standard with a minimum casting quality factor of 0.95.

Weld repair of wrought material is not permitted to correct material defects.

Weld repair of wrought material to correct machining errors shall be subject to
Saudi Aramco representative approval prior to execution.

4.4 Welding repair requirements (procedures, welder’s performance, welding

operators, etc.) shall comply with ASTM A488 and other ASME codes as
applicable. All welding procedure specifications, performance qualification
records, and weld map documents must be available for the purchaser inspector
upon his request.

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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

4.5 All valves with weld repair to the pressure containing components shall receive
High-pressure Pneumatic Shell Test (as per API STD 598) after the subject weld

4.6 Positive Material Identification (PMI) Requirements

Positive Material Identification (PMI) shall be performed on alloy material

components in accordance with SAES-A-206. One hundred percent (100%)
PMI testing shall be performed on pressure containing components and pressure
retaining bolting. This includes, but is not limited to: body, bonnet, closure,
stem, body/bonnet bolting, body/closure bolting, plugs, fittings, welds and
weld overlays/cladding. PMI testing of welding consumables shall be per
SAES-A-206, Section 7.7. Alloy verification for pressure controlling parts is
not required unless otherwise specified in the purchase order.

4.7 All valves NPS 6” and larger with pressure containing parts of steel,
nickel-base alloys, and other alloys shown in ASME B16.34 (Table 1) shall be
pressure tested in a horizontal position, i.e., with stem in vertical position.
However, when valve installation orientation (NPS 6” and larger) is specified in
the Purchase Order, applicable pressure tests shall be conducted with the valve
in the specified orientation.

4.8 Examination of weld overlays shall be carried out in accordance with


4.9 Hydrotest water quality and drying requirements shall be in accordance with
Annex A.

5 Pressure and Functional Tests

5.1 When there is an industrial standard referenced in the Purchase Order, valves
shall be tested to the requirements of that standard (e.g., ASME, API, MSS,
AWWA, etc.). In addition to tests per the applicable standard, the testing
requirements in the following paragraphs shall apply for valves with pressure
containing parts of steel, nickel-base alloys, and other alloys shown in
ASME B16.34 (Table 1):

5.1.1 For all valves with a cast pressure containing part:

a) NPS 2 and below, the shell hydrostatic test shall be maintained for
one minute.
b) Above NPS 2, valve shall be subjected to cyclic hydrostatic shell
test for two cycles as follow:
 Primary pressure-holding period;
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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

 Reduction of the pressure to zero;

 Secondary pressure-holding period.

For the first cycle “Primary Period” the shell test pressure shall be
maintained for a minimum of five minutes or as required by the
applicable industry standard, whichever is greater. For the second
cycle “Secondary Period” shell test pressure shall be maintained for
a minimum of 15 minutes.

5.1.2 API 6D valves specified for gas service shall be subjected to gas shell
and gas seat testing in accordance with API 6D, Annex H.

Other valves in Class 600 and higher which are specified for gas service
shall be subjected to a pneumatic high-pressure shell test per API STD
598 paragraph 5.5, the holding time shall be a minimum of 5 minutes
and no visible leakage is allowed.

5.1.3 Valves specified for flare system isolation service, regardless of size,
shall receive low pressure pneumatic seat tests at 5 psig.

5.1.4 All valves specified for subsea service, regardless of size, shall receive
100% witnessing of the shell hydrotest.

5.1.5 Metallic valves NPS 2 and larger shall be subjected to a high pressure
closure test in accordance to API STD 598 irrespective of type and
pressure class, except for API 6D valves which shall be tested in
accordance to API 6D.

5.1.6 Valves NPS 26 and Larger

At least one valve per batch, per design, per size, per rating and per
material shall be tested with full pressure end thrust effect, the entire
valve assembly including the end connection seal area shall be subjected
to full test pressures.

For the purpose of this test, flanged-end valves shall be tested using blind
end flanges and welded-ends valves shall be tested using temporary caps.

5.2 When there is a governing industrial standard, but it does not specify test
durations or leakage acceptance criteria, paragraph 5.1.1 and API STD 598
requirements for durations and leakage shall apply, unless specified otherwise
by the Valves Standards Committee Chairman.

5.3 When there is no referenced governing industrial standard, valve testing shall be
in accordance with the following requirements:

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Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

5.3.1 Metallic valves smaller than NPS 2, and all non-metallic valves, shall be
tested per Vendor's procedure as approved by the Valves Standards
Committee Chairman or his delegate.

5.3.2 Metallic valves NPS 2 and larger shall be tested in accordance with
paragraph 5.1 and API STD 598 requirements for shell tests and closure
tests, unless specified otherwise by the Valves Standards Committee

5.4 When a valve is ordered together with an actuator, the valve/actuator assembly
shall be tested together as a unit. As part of functional testing, the valve shall be
opened under the maximum differential pressure that the actuator has been rated
for. The vendor shall take necessary steps to ensure that the valve is not
damaged during this functional test.

5.5 10% of all valves specified for cryogenic service, regardless of size, shall be
tested in accordance with Appendix A of BS 6364 at the service temperature
specified by the Purchaser. One valve shall be tested from each PO item as a
minimum. The Vendor may propose an alternative procedure for approval by
the Valves Standards Committee Chairman.

6 Hardness Testing

Hardness tests, when required by specified service and/or material specification, shall
be conducted by the Vendor on all wetted parts in accordance with ASTM E10,
ASTM E18, or ASTM A956 Leeb Hardness Test.

7 Impact Testing

When 04-SAMSS-003 is specified in the Purchase Order, the Vendor shall conduct
impact tests as required by the specification.

8 Inspection and Testing of Major Components Material

8.1 Visual Inspection

All castings shall be visually inspected in accordance with MSS SP-55. A casting
shall be rejected if any surface irregularity exceeds example “a” of any defect type
as per MSS SP-55.

8.2 Surface Examination

For valves NPS 6 and larger, the internal and external surface areas of 10%
(minimum one) of all cast steel, cast nickel-base alloys, and other cast alloys
shown in ASME B16.34 (Table 1) pressure containing and controlling
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Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

components (bodies, bonnets, covers and closure element) per heat shall be
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspected in accordance with MSS SP-53
or MSS SP-93. If any unacceptable defect is detected, all castings from the
quantity on order shall be inspected.

8.3 QA Program Casting Qualification and Volumetric Examination

8.3.1 As part of their QA program, the Vendor shall implement a qualification

procedure for all pressure containing castings of steel, nickel-base
alloys, and other alloys shown in ASME B16.34 (Table 1). As a
minimum, the vendor shall have qualified each foundry's casting patterns
by radiographic examination of the initial casting. Records of these
qualifications shall be made available upon request.

8.3.2 Radiography shall be performed on all valves listed in 8.3.3.

The examination shall be in accordance with and have included all
critical areas as defined in ASME B16.34, paragraph For valves
other than those included in ASME B16.34 figures, ASME SEC VIII D1,
Appendix 7, Section 7 – 3 (a) (1) Endnote 17 shall be used to determine
the critical areas. See acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with
ASME B16.34 Appendix I.

8.3.3 The vendor shall radiographically examine and qualify all castings of
steel, nickel-base alloys, and other alloys shown in ASME B16.34
(Table 1) for valves NPS 24 and larger. For cast valves of steel, nickel-
base alloys, and other alloys shown in ASME B16.34 (Table 1) in NPS 2
and larger in ASME Class 600 and higher, the vendor shall
radiographically examine and qualify one valve per size per heat from
the lot on order. If this radiographic sampling results in a rejection
(defined as requiring weld repair); then, an additional 10% sample from
the same size and foundry shall be subjected to radiographic examination
as defined in 8.3.2. Further radiographic rejects resulting from this
inspection mandates 100% radiography of castings as defined in 8.3.2.

8.4 Valves fabricated by welding shall be qualified in accordance with

ASME B16.34, paragraph 2.1.6.

8.5 Radiography can be replaced by ultrasonic examination for valves with

minimum wall thickness higher than 175 mm the acceptance criteria shall be in
accordance with ASME B16.34, Appendix I.

9 Plating Tests

The Vendor's Quality Assurance program shall include the following tests of carbon and
low alloy steel electroless nickel plated parts on a sample basis:
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Document Responsibility: Valves Standards Committee 04-SAMSS-048
Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

9.1 Bend Test per ASTM B733 paragraph 9.4.1.

There shall be no evidence of lifting upon insertion of a sharp probe at any

ENP-Base Metal interface.

9.2 Ferroxyl Test per ASTM B733 paragraph 9.6.1.

There shall be no indications in primary service exposure areas. When this test
is impractical due to the size of the parts, the Vendor shall submit an alternate
procedure for approval by the Valves Standards Committee Chairman.

10 Sampling Criteria

Visual inspection and witnessing shall be based on Table 1 sampling plan. At minimum,
the sample shall include at least one valve from each Purchase Order item.

The sampling plan does not relieve the Vendor of the responsibility to ensure
compliance of each valve with specified requirements and to test each valve.

When a discrepancy is found, the entire lot shall be rejected. The lot shall be
re-inspected and re-tested by the Vendor, prior to presenting them again for inspection.

Table 1
Minimum Sample Size
Valve Category
(% of Item Quantity)

All valves NPS 2 and smaller all ratings 10%

2< valves < 14 NPS and less than ASME Class 600 25%

All valves NPS 14 and above

All valves >2" and ANSI Class 600 and above 100%
All valves >2" and API rating 2000 psi and above

However, if Buyer's Representative witnesses a failure of a hydrostatic shell test, all

valves in the lot shall be re-tested and witnessed by Buyer's Representative. The cause
of failure shall be investigated and reported.

11 Documentation and Traceability Requirements

11.1 Material Test Reports and Certificates shall be supplied in accordance with
Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Form 175-043000.

11.2 All certificates and test reports shall identify the valve(s) by stating Purchase
Order and Item number, Vendor's name, type, size and rating of valves, and

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Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

quantity of valves covered.

11.3 Certificates of castings shall include weld repair data including extent of repair,
WPS, welder qualifications, post weld heat treatment, and NDE following the

11.4 If specified in the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP), Vendor shall obtain a release
note from Saudi Aramco inspection representative prior to commencing
assembly activities.

11.5 All traceability documents shall be made available upon request by Saudi
Aramco representative.

Revision Summary
1 March 2016 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, incorporated
changes based on comments received, and reissued as major revision.
The changes include revising the API 598 paragraph number references in Sections 4.2 and
5.1.2, updated PMI paragraph 4.6, added paragraph 4.8 and Annex A covering water quality,
drying and preservation procedures and records.
10 October 2017 Added new Section 5.1.6. Modified Section 5.1.2. Enhanced the definition of paragraphs
which included “steel”.

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Issue Date: 10 October 2017
Next Planned Update: 10 October 2020 Valve Inspection and Testing Requirements

Annex A - Hydrotest Water Quality and Drying Requirements

Water Quality
1. Vendor’s quality program shall include a hydrotest water quality specification.

2. Test fluid shall be clean fresh water. A non-corrosive liquid having a viscosity not
exceeding that of water may be used as an alternative test fluid unless otherwise

3. Unless otherwise specified in the purchase requisition, the test fluid temperature shall
be within the range 5°C (41°F) to 50°C (122°F).

4. The pH of the water shall be between 5.0 and 10.5.

5. Chloride content of test water shall not exceed 30 μg/g (30 ppm by mass). The total
time that hydrotest water can be in the valve is three days from start of fill to empty and
dry. When the time limit cannot be met, the chloride content of test water shall not
exceed 20 μg/g (20 ppm by mass).

6. Hydrotest water shall contain a corrosion rust inhibitor.

7. A wetting agent shall be included in hydrotest water unless otherwise specified.

8. Hydrotest water shall have been tested within 3 months prior to the hydrotest date.
The water sample tested shall have been taken from the water source that will be used
for hydrotesting. The vendor shall furnish the water test report to company
representative upon request.

9. Vendor’s quality program shall include a drying specification which shall include
appropriate techniques and steps for the specific valve design and features.

10. Each valve shall be drained and cleanly purged of hydrotest water after testing.

11. Drying method type and inspection activities performed on each valve shall be
documented by the vendor in a log book.

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