Gehry Steel Details
Gehry Steel Details
Gehry Steel Details
Steel sets the stage for the new Frank Gehry-designed Fisher Center for the
Performing Arts at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.
hile many Frank Gehry- and a roof over the entirety. The Gehry achieved only by efficient steel truss de-
serve as temporary braces. In the end, girders resting on columns below sup- Architect
two adjacent ribs were set and the tem- port these ribs. Fire protection was not re- Gehry Partners, LLP, Los Angeles
porary/permanent bracing was pivoted quired because the members exist more
into place in a matter of minutes. than 20’ above the occupied floor. Structural Engineer
Other noteworthy steel forms include: There are many other noteworthy DeSimone Consulting Engineers,
a 6,400 sq.-ft entry canopy with 85’ center steel forms in the teaching wing, such as P.L.L.C., New York City
ribs that cantilever more than 20’ feet be- a 30’ canopy beyond the drama room
yond the support at the top and bottom supported by three kickers down to the General Contractor
edges; continuous, kinked horizontal ground floor; and two “eyelid” ribs that Daniel O’Connell’s Sons, Holyoke, MA
HSS that pass through the last rib of the split to frame the extents of skylights in
side wall to cantilever the surface 8’; two the dance and drama rooms. Steel Fabricators
space frames of mitered 8”-diameter For the project, the design documents Berkshire Bridge & Iron Co., Inc.
pipes that support 20’ cantilever surfaces; not only included customary plans and (AISC member), Dalton, MA
and a 150’-long plan truss 85’ above- specifications, but also the three-dimen- Columbia Wire & Iron Works
grade, supporting the tops of the ribs that sional CATIA models. While fully coordi- (AISC member), Portland, OR
shield the front of the stage tower. nated CATIA models are required to
understand the complexities of Gehry Steel Detailer
A Teaching Theater projects, they also can result in substan- Angle Detailing, Inc. (AISC member),
The second building of the complex, a tial change-order savings in any project. Wilsonville, OR
420-seat teaching theater, is similar to the Structural change orders for the Fisher
first in that the anchor structure of the Center, including several minor owner- Architectural Modeling Software
stage tower and auditorium is made directed changes, totaled 1.3% of the con- CATIA
massive for acoustic reasons. Surround- tract value. This result would be
ing the theater box, is a lightweight struc- desirable for any project, let alone one Structural Engineering Software
ture with a compound-curved steel roof with the theatrical and architectural com- RISA-3D, ETABS, SAFE
that houses teaching areas for drama and plexity of the Fisher Center. ★
dance. Even though the teaching wing Detailing Software
features roof elements, the design con- Vincent J. DeSimone, P.E. is chairman of AutoCAD
cepts and details are similar to the undu- DeSimone Consulting Engineers. Christo-
lating walls of the Sosnoff theater. The pher Cerino, P.E. is an associate and was proj-
built-up wide-flange ribs also are trussed ect manager for the Fisher Center for the
with brace members using the single-bolt Performing Arts.
pivoting connection; however, kinked