GB Unit 2

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Unit 2
Principles and Elements of Design of Green Building

• Principles and elements of design of green building;

• Sustainability: concept and reality –
• Climate responsive process of design:
o Climatic zones, design sequence, shelter or form,
landform, vegetation, water bodies, street widths, open
spaces, ground character, plan form, orientation, roof
form; Shading devices and their effect
Principles & Elements in Green
building design
While the clear intent of green building is siting, design, construction, and
operation to enhance the well-being of a building’s occupants, and
support for a healthy community and a natural environment with minimal
adverse impact on the ecosystem, this is not always easy to achieve.

design Energy Water
efficiency efficiency

• In today’s competitive world, the practice of sustainable architecture
and construction revolves mainly around innovation and creativity.
• One of the primary attributes of green building is that materials and
techniques are employed that do not have a negative impact on the
• Also, the building’s inhabitants do not choose materials just because
they are more familiar with their use.
• For example, there are numerous recycled products that can be used
in the construction of sustainable structures, such as ceramic floor tiles,
which can be made from recycled glass. Bamboo flooring is another
suitable alternative to wood that is less expensive and is actually harder
than hardwood flooring and more durable
• It is important to address the many traditional building design concerns
of economy, utility, durability, and aesthetics. Green design strategies
underline additional concerns regarding occupant health, the
environment, and resource depletion.
➢ Encourage the use of renewable energy and materials that are
sustainably harvested.
➢ Ensure maximum overall energy efficiency.
➢ Ensure that water use is efficient, and minimize wastewater and runoff.
➢ Conserve non-renewable energy and scarce materials
➢ Optimize site selection to conserve green space and minimize
transportation impacts.
➢ Minimize human exposure to hazardous materials
➢ Minimize the ecological impact of energy and materials used.
➢ Encourage use of mass transit, occupant bicycle use, and other
alternatives to fossil-fueled vehicles.
➢ Conserve and restore local air, water, soils, flora, and fauna.
➢ Minimize adverse impacts of materials by employing green
➢ Orient buildings to take maximum advantage of sunlight and

Taking a holistic approach to implementing these strategies puts us in a

better position to preserve our environment for future generations by
conserving natural resources and protecting air and water quality.
• Green building strategies are good for the economy because they
reduce maintenance and replacement requirements, lower utility bills,
decrease the cost of homeownership, and increase property and resale
• In practical terms, green building is a whole-systems approach to
building design and construction that employs features such as
✓ Using energy-efficient appliances and water-saving devices, fixtures,
and technologies
✓ Building quality, durable structures with good insulation and ventilation
✓ Taking advantage of the sun and the site to increase a building’s
capacity for natural heating, cooling, and daylighting
✓ Recycling and minimizing construction and demolition waste
✓ Using healthy products and building practices
✓ Incorporating durable, recycled, salvaged, and sustainably harvested
✓ Landscaping with native, drought-resistant plants and water-efficient
Integrated Design
▪ Unlike the traditional approach, integrated design correctly assumes
that each system affects the functioning of the other systems, which is
why these systems must be harmonized if they are to perform together
at maximum efficiency.
▪ Optimizing the building’s performance, and thus reducing the adverse
impact on the environment, and minimizing its total cost must be the
ultimate objective of sustainability.
Site Selection
• This is one of the cardinal features of successful green building. It basically
emphasizes the reuse and restoration of existing buildings and sites.
• Site selection is also concerned with rehabilitating contaminated or
brownfield sites, as well as preserving natural and agricultural resources.
• Other features of site selection include promotion of biodiversity and
maximizing open space by reducing the development footprint,
as well as reducing light trespass to minimize light pollution associated
with interior light (e.g., existing building and exterior light luminance
should not exceed site boundaries).
• Also included are stormwater management through supporting natural
hydrology and reducing water pollution by increasing pervious area and
onsite infiltration; reduction of construction waste; reducing the heat
island effect; and encouraging use of public or low-environmental-impact
transportation options.
Site Selection
SITE SELECTION requirements
1. Topography - Contour mapping and slope stability risks.
2. Hydrology - Flood hazard areas, delineated wetlands and
other bodies of water
3. Climate - Solar exposure, heat island effect potential, sun
angles, winds, precipitation and temperature
4. Vegetation - Plant types, tree mapping, threatened or
endangered species, and unique habitat
5. Soils - prime farmland, healthy soils, previous
development, disturbed soils
6. Human use - Views, transportation infrastructure,
adjacent properties and materials effects
7. Human health effects Proximity of vulnerable
populations, and proximity to sources of air pollution.
• Building footprint is the area defined by the perimeter of the
building plan. Non-building facilities such as pavements and
landscaping are not included.
• Development footprint is the area of the site including
pavements, parking, landscaping, roads and other facilities as
well as the building. It is essentially all alterations done to the site.
• Property boundary is the total area within the legal boundaries
of the site.
• Full Time Equivalent (FTE)- Many prerequisites and credits
require an estimated occupancy count and LEED accomplishes
this through FTE calculations.
• One FTE is equal to a 40-hour work week. Thus if the sum of all
‘people hours’ spent in the building over a week is 4000, we
divide this be 40 to equal an estimated 100 FTEs in this building
• Storm Water Design Intent
To limit disruption of natural Onsite infiltration, eliminating pollution from
storm water run off and contaminants
• Imperviousness = Surface area X Run-off co efficient
• Light pollution is brightening of the night sky caused by street
lights and other man-made sources, which has a disruptive effect
on natural cycles and inhibits the observation of stars and
Energy Efficiency
• In many ways this is the most important issue surrounding green building, and it
is also the one element of a project that can most significantly impact reductions
in operating costs.
❑ Use energy-efficient heat/cooling systems in conjunction with a thermally
efficient building shell.
❑ High R-value wall and ceiling insulation to be installed; minimal glass to be
employed on east and west exposures and light colors for roofing and wall

❑Encourage the incorporation of

renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, or other alternative energy into the
HVAC system to reduce operational costs
and minimize the use of fossil fuels.
❑ Minimize as much as possible electric loads created by lighting,
appliances, and other systems.
❑ Employ passive design strategies, including building shape and orientation,
passive solar design, and the use of natural lighting, to dramatically impact
building energy performance
❑ Develop strategies to provide natural lighting and views where this will
improve well-being and productivity. A green building is typically designed
to take advantage of the sun’s seasonal position to heat its interior in
winter and frequently incorporates design features such as light shelves,
overhanging eaves, or landscaping to mitigate the sun’s heat in summer.
Room orientation should generally be designed to improve natural
❑ Install high-efficiency lighting systems with advanced lighting control
systems and incorporating motion sensors linked to dimmable lighting
Implementing water efficiency measures conserves our depleting water
resources and preserves water for agricultural uses, in addition to reducing
pressure on water-related ecosystems. There are numerous efficiency measures
that can be implemented to advance water efficiency and conservation, including
✓ Employ ultra-low-flush toilets, low-flow showerheads, and other water
conserving fixtures to minimize wastewater.
✓ Incorporate dual plumbing systems that use recycled water for toilet flushing or a
graywater system that recovers rainwater or other non-potable water for site
✓ Install recirculating systems to be used for centralized hot water distribution, and
point-of-use water-heating systems for more distant locations.
✓ Incorporate self-closing nozzles on hoses and state-of-the-art irrigation
✓ Employ micro-irrigation techniques to supply water in non-turf areas;
• Water conservation is yet
another important
characteristic of a
sustainable building.
• A building not having
proper water
conservation features will
not be granted a green
building certification.
• In most places, the
demand for water
supply exceeds the
quantity that is
available for them.
• Graywater (or greywater)- domestic wastewater from bathroom
and laundry sinks, tubs, showers and washers. The Uniform
Plumbing Code (UPC) defines gray water as untreated household
wastewater that has not come in contact with toilet waste;
• International Plumbing Code (IPC) defines graywater as wastewater
discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers and
laundry sinks.
• Blackwater- wastewater from toilets and urinals. Most jurisdictions
consider water from kitchen sinks and dishwashers to be blackwater
and it cannot be reused
• Process water- water used for industrial processes and building
systems such as boilers, cooling towers and chillers
• Stormwater runoff- runoff water resulting from precipitation that flows
over surfaces, and conventionally into storm sewers or waterways
Materials Efficiency
• Buildings materials should be renewable materials, recycle and
friendly to the environment.
• Examples are lumber from forest, renewable plant materials
like bamboo and straw and other products that are non-toxic,
reusable, etc.
Materials Used In Green Buildings


Bamboo as a building material in the
bamboo architecture is using for
several constructions.
➢ Bamboo houses
This way of construction offers
the following advantages:
• Prefabrication, simple replacement of structural parts, simple
• The bamboo elements can be easily dismantled and reused.
• This will offers high elasticity and low mass. This is the reason, why
this houses are secure from an earthquake.
➢ Roofing
The simplest roof covering is formed by bamboo shingles which
are as long as the rafters. They are held in position by their own weight.

Green concrete is a eco-friendly concrete.

Concrete that made with concrete waste and uses less in energy in its
production & produces less carbon dioxide than normal concrete is
called green concrete.
• The environmental impact of concrete indicates air & water
pollution and CO2 emissions which leads to green house gases.
• Every 1 ton of cement produces 0.9 tons of CO2.
Green benefits:
➢ Consumes less energy
➢ Good thermal and fire resistant
➢ Minimize the destruction of natural resources

It is also known as autoclaved cellular concrete or autoclaved

lightweight concrete. Its products are in the form of blocks, wall
panels, floor & roof panels and lintels.

Green benefits :
➢ Reduces CO2 emissions
➢ Low environmental impact
➢ Excellent thermal efficiency
➢ Minimize the generation of solid waste

Glass is a indispensable material for green building. It is

transparent material which allows daylight into the interiors. Glass
is completely recyclable and non-toxic in nature.

Green benefits:

➢ Day lighting
➢ Recyclability
➢ Achieving energy efficiency
➢ Innovative application
➢ Controls noise
➢ Blending interiors with exteriors (views)

Fly ash is an excellent resource material for construction industry. It helps

to conserve natural resources like clay, limestone required for making
cement- thus saving environment.

Road and Embankment works :

➢ Core fill material for rail/road embankment constructions
➢ As reinforced fill material
➢ Sub base / base course of flexible pavements
➢ Construction of semi rigid / rigid pavements

Manufacture of Building brick

The compressive strength of fly ash bricks increased with increasing the
amount of fly ash as additive. Use of fly ash as a raw material for the
production of building bricks is not only a viable alternative to clay but also
a solution to a difficult and expensive waste disposal problem.
✓ If fly ash bricks can replace 50% of clay bricks then it will reduce
emissions of green house gas by 435000 tons each year.

Fly ash concrete

i. Concrete Workability
• Fly ash produces more cementitious paste which contributes
roughly 30% more volume of cementitious material per pound
versus cement.
• Fly ash reduces the amount of water ( 2% - 10%) needed to
produce a given slump.
ii. Offers higher durability because of less permeability

• Obtained by adding wool and a natural polymer (alginate)

found in seaweed to the clay of the brick.
• 37% Stronger than other bricks.

Green benefits:
➢ These kinds of bricks can be manufactured without firing,
which contributes to energy savings.
➢ Best alternative to conventional building materials such as
earthen bricks and concrete blocks.
➢ Zero carbon product
➢ Resistant to cold and wet climates

• Rigid insulation boards made from wood chippings and by-product

of sawmills.
• Softwood chippings are pulped and mixed with water mechanically
(20mm thick)
• Used for roof constructions, flooring board .

Green benefits:
➢ Manufactured from renewable resources
➢ Good acoustics
➢ No health risk
➢ Reusable , recyclable and 100% compostable
Indoor Environmental Quality and Safety

• The adoption of green construction principles can contribute

dramatically to a superior interior environment, which in turn can
significantly reduce the rate of respiratory disease, allergy, asthma,
and sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, and enhance tenant
comfort and worker performance.
• Materials such as carpet, paint and other wall coverings with zero or
low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) release less gas and
improve a building’s indoor air quality.
• On the other hand, building materials and cleaning and maintenance
products that emit toxic gases, VOCs, and formaldehyde should be
avoided as they can have a very negative impact on occupants’ health
and productivity.
• Daylighting can also improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ) by
boosting the occupant’s mood with natural light.
• Heating and cooling systems that ensure proper ventilation and
filtration can have a dramatic and positive impact on indoor air
• To prevent indoor microbial contamination, materials should be
chosen that are resistant to microbial growth.

• Provide effective roof drainage and

drainage for the surrounding
landscape, as well as proper drainage
of air conditioning coils.
• Other building systems should be
designed to control humidity.
• Sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behavior
• The above definition of sustainability goes against the norm. The most popular
definition of sustainability is that from the Brundtland Report of 1987, which
• Sustainable development is development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
It contains within it two key concepts:
• The concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to
which overriding priority should be given; and
• The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social
organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.
• The drawback to the Brundtland definition is it’s more inspirational
than practical. It’s not precise and measurable, so no one can agree
on what it means. This caused the definition to be plagued by
controversy from the day it was published.
• Did you know that a million plastic bottles are thrown away every
minute? In other words, 5 million single-use plastic bottles are
discarded every year. That's according to data from the United Nations,
which indicate that if the current situation continues, by the year 2050
the oceans will be home to more plastic than fish.
• On other hand, plastics pose a grave problem for the oceans and,
according to the United Nations data, over 3 million people depend on
the seas for their subsistence. Thus, the current situation needs to
change if we want to meet Goal No. 14 of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs): "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for sustainable development".
• However, sustainability doesn't just refer to the environment, it needs
to be implemented in many other ways too. In this sense, it is
important to note there are various forms of sustainability.
• Social sustainability is the ability of a social system, such as a
country, family, or organization, to function at a defined level of
social well being and harmony indefinitely.
• Problems like war, endemic poverty, widespread injustice, and low
education rates are symptoms a system is socially unsustainable.
• Environmental sustainability is the ability of the environment to
support a defined level of environmental quality and natural
resource extraction rates indefinitely.
• This is the world's biggest actual problem, though since the
consequences of not solving the problem now are delayed, the
problem receives too low a priority to solve.
• Economic sustainability is the ability of an economy to
support a defined level of economic production

All three forms of sustainability is

equally important so we need to have
balanced approach in dealing with the
sustainable development.

It provides physical description of the features, the green

components they include and the criteria for their design.

• Sites which are located in developed regions of cities and towns (covered by
master plan) and connected by public transport constitutes a green building
• Sites which have amenities and facilities like playground, school, hospital,
banks etc. within walking distances are green.
1. SITE FEATURES: It should follows the natural vegetation, provides native
vegetation and imprints minimum development footprint on it.
Such as courtyards, balconies, verandahs provide shade and catch
winds. The also provide cool air and adequate daylight.
The main task of the buffer zones is to
collect energy from solar radiation
through large glazed areas. The second
task is to store the accumulated heat and
release it to the rest of the house, if

This zone acts as a kind of buffer,

protects the premises from extreme
weather conditions and at the same time
makes it possible to use the available
energy of solar radiation in a beneficial It is worth noting here that in the summer in
way. such zones the risk of overheating of the
room increases.
Walls are the largest area of the envelope exposed to the outside. The heat gained
by wall depends on the area of the surface, thermal transmittance of material and
the temperature difference between the outside and inside. The resistance of heat
can be increased by
• The thickness of the wall may be increased.
• Light colored distemper may be
applied on the exposed side of
the wall.
• Cavity wall construction as with
rat trap bond may be adopted.
2. ROOF:
The roof receives significant amount of solar radiation.
Recommended best green practices include:
❖ Insulating materials applied externally or internally to the roofs
❖ Cultivating roof gardens
❖ Movable covers of suitable heat insulating material.

It is serves to provide heat gain, day- lighting and ventilation. It hot
❖ Minimum heat gain through fenestration is desired.
❖ Ample day lighting is required to reduce lighting energy consumption in
❖ Adequate ventilation can let in fresh air and exhaust hot room air,
resulting in cooling.
The performance of fenestration depends on
• Design of openings (size, shape, orientation)
• Selection of glass
• Design of shading devices (chajja, fins)
Window jalis are particularly suitable in hot climates keeping
interior cool, as it prevents the entry of direct solar radiation.
It includes
➢ Vegetation includes tress, hedges, plants, creepers, vines and lawns
around buildings.
➢ Pathways and paving
➢ Road and Parking
➢ Other areas: Entrance porch, terrace development

• Pathways paved with pieces of stones or tiles to makes the ground

more pervious and green thus increasing water percolation and
• Road and parking on the site to be minimal. It should be underneath
trees, or buildings.
Site Selection Criteria & Development in Green Buildings

Primary goals for green buildings in selecting a site are

• Protecting sensitive sites
• Preserving undeveloped sites
• Restoring and Reusing previously developed sites
• Reducing impact on flora and fauna
• Promoting connection to community
• Minimizing transportation impacts both on the
environment and energy use.
1. Site Selection Criteria
• Minimizing land disturbances by selecting previously disturbed lands; the
sites that are close to public transportation, community and work
centers, services such as pumping water and transporting electricity.
• Minimize long-term impacts on the community.
• Creating neighborhoods with compactness, connectivity, and walkable
• Climate zones (cold /hot/mixed) and Local Hydrology will have an impact
on building design. The design varies in various aspects such as:
• Wall materials and assembly
• Size and orientation of windows
• Heating system selection
• Methods for controlling moisture
• Type of vegetation available for landscaping.
• Encouraging using less polluting modes of transportation.
2. Protection of Sensitive sites

• Protect sensitive sites. These include

• Prime farmland
• Parkland
• Flood hazard areas
• Habitat for endangered or threatened species
• Primary dunes
• Old-growth forests
• Wetlands and other water bodies (50′-100′ buffer space)
• Conservation areas
• Not developing or undergoing any construction activities within
these sites and also including buffer zones surrounding them.
3. Preservation and Restoration

• Greenfields are defined as previously undeveloped sites.

• Brownfields are abandoned industrial and commercial sites that
have perceived levels of contamination.
• Greyfield’s are previously developed sites that are not
contaminated and have a visible development and infrastructure
• Developing Greyfield’s and promoting urban density
4. Protection of Natural Features

• Minimize Site disturbance.

• Protecting Site’s soil conditions.
• Retaining soil’s in place.
• Stockpiling and reusing soils.
• Restoring soils during construction.
• Revegetation of disturbed soils.
• Measures to prevent soil runoff during construction.
• Protection of vegetation present on site.
5. Heat Island Reduction

• The heat Islands are generated by the raised levels of temperatures

from hardscape and buildings, particularly in urban areas.
• It refers to the absorption and retention of incoming solar radiation
by the buildings and hard pavements surrounding them.
• When this heat is released into the atmosphere, heat islands are
formed having higher temperatures in urban areas, compared to
rural areas.
Effects of Higher Temperatures/heat Islands:
• Increased energy consumption for cooling during summers.
• Elevate emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases.
• Contribute to heat exhaustion.
• Stressing aquatic ecosystems due to raised temperatures of water
in streams, lakes and ponds, rivers, etc.
Ways to Reduce the Heat Island Effect:
• Using light-colored roofing having high solar reflectance.
• Installing green roofs/Vegetated roofs.
• Including pavement with non-heat-absorbing materials.
• Planting trees
• Providing landscapes
• Shade Parking surfaces.
6. Greener forms of Transportation

• Proximity to public transportation.

• Onsite Traffic Signs.
• Providing facilities of transportation that emit fewer carbon
• Installing Bicycle racks.
• Facilities for storing and covering bicycles.
• Providing pedestrian paths.
• Sidewalks for walking and biking.
• Vehicles serving Carpools.
• Encouraging Electric vehicles and providing electric charging
7. Minimizing Light Pollution
Light pollution is the presence of artificial light into the outdoor
Impacts of Light Pollution:
• Interferes normal plant growth cycles.
• Causes light trespass – Spill of light into neighboring properties.
• Safety Hazard – Produces glare while driving.
• Wastes energy – impacts environmental and economic concerns.
Strategies to Reduce Light Pollution:
• Selecting light fixtures that minimize spillage, focus light
downward rather than upward.
• Providing accent lighting for pathways instead of higher
pole-mounted lighting.
• Installing fixtures downwards.
• Locating outdoor amenities close to the main building.
• Motion sensors and time schedules that keep exterior lights
most of the time.
• Eliminating exterior lighting wherever possible.
8. Storm and Site Water Conservation

• One of the important goals of green projects is to mitigate the

negative environmental effects of stormwater runoff and reduce
the use of outdoor use of potable water on the site.
• Impervious surfaces, buildings, and conventional storm drainage
systems prevent rainwater from percolating into the soil.
• Surface runoff (also known as overland flow) is the flow of water
occurring on the ground surface when excess rainwater,
stormwater, meltwater, or other sources, can no longer
sufficiently rapidly infiltrate the soil.
Effects of Storm Water Runoff:
• Soil erosion
• Habitat damage
• Flooding
• Water Pollution
Strategies to Reduce Storm Water Runoff:
Quantity of Storm Water Runoff:
• Providing on-site percolation facilities.
• Replacing Impervious surfaces with permeable methods such as
• Pervious pavers,
• Porous asphalt,
• Pervious concrete
• Vegetated Landscapes
• Rainwater harvesting methods on site.
• Reuse of stormwater for landscapes and flushing toilets.
9. Other Site Issues
• Trees and vegetation, which are helpful for shading and protection
from the energy effects of Sun, can also adversely contribute to
humidity and other environmental problems if located adjacent to
• Trees can also threaten building’s structure with their roots and
• Leaves and small branches can protrude into the windows.
Strategies to overcome the above problems:
• Providing buffer zone between the building and trees/vegetation.
• Promote indoor environmental quality by protecting building from
dirt and moisture.
• Installing walk-off mats at entrances.
• Proper selection of landscaping materials and plants.
“Orientation of building is defined as a method of fixing in
direction of the plan in such a way that it receives
maximum benefit from the elements of nature such as
sun, wind, and rain.”
• Solar Heat Gain
• Solar heat gain, for which it is essential to know the sun’s path
throughout the years and relative position with respect to the
✓ The intensity of solar radiation depends on the direction of
sunrays. The temperature of a structure and living space increases
due to sun radiation and affects environment of the house.. Solar
radiation acts in two ways
• Sunrays directly come to the house through openings
• Radiation comes indirectly through walls and roof of building by
absorbing heat.
✓ From solar radiation point of view, the best orientation is that
which receives maximum solar radiation during winter and
receives minimum solar radiation during summer season.
• Rainfall
• It is very important to know the direction and intensity of
rainfall. The rainfall affects the drainage of the site and is
hence vital from an orientation point of view.
• Wind Direction
• The direction of the wind flow is a very important factor.
Wind in summer is important and should be allowed to
enter the building but in winter it should be avoided.
• Site Condition
• Site condition means the location of the site either rural or
urban or suburban area. Orientation of the building also
depends on the site location where it is to be built.
Wind Direction
• Prevailing winds help create natural ventilation in a building
and give more comfort during high humidity.
• During orientation of a building and designing doors and
windows openings, the direction of wind flow should be
• Fix windows and ventilators at proper location in building to
provide maximum air and light. The height of windows has
much concern about ventilation.
• Maximum air and ventilation can be obtained if the level of
opening is at the level of occupancy.
Hot and Dry Climate Zone
• Exterior orientation
• The main criteria here is to minimize the exposure of the built
form with the direct sun in summers.
• The larger building face should face NORTH – SOUTH. Orientation
along the west is never preferred in case of hot and dry climatic
• Interior Orientation
• In case of residential buildings, the bedrooms are located on
the east side whereas the living room is located on the north
or south side.
• The materials used should be bad at absorbing heat like sun –
dried earth bricks and the walls should be made thick enough
to resist heat.
• A larger number of windows should be provided in the north
façade of the building as compared to the east, west and
south as it receives lesser radiation from the sun
throughout the year.
• Openings are necessary for natural lighting and ventilation.
Windows should be shaded. This can be achieved either by
shading devices, roof overhangs or by deciduous trees.
• The size of the windows on the west and east sides should
be minimum in order to reduce heat gains into the house in
the early morning and late afternoon.
Warm and Humid Climatic Zones
• Exterior Orientation
• The structures planned in such climatic
regions need to be oriented away from
each other giving them a clear scope for
cross ventilation without any obstructions.
• The east – west sides receive more
radiation as compared to north – south
sides, thus the planning and orientation
need to be in such a way they don’t absorb
more of warm radiations from east – west
sides and increase the heat gain.
• Interior Orientation
• Maximum ventilation by providing large openings and clear air
flow without obstructions in the interiors should be provided.
• Maximum shading should also be provided resisting the direct as
well as diffused solar radiations.
• It should be made sure that the cross ventilation throughout the
house is maintained so as to maintain the internal thermal
comfort of the structure.
Points for Obtaining Optimum Orientation

• The building planning should be done in such a way that it can

receive maximum solar heat in the winter season and
minimum in the summer season.
• Solar heat radiation can be minimized by planting shady trees
on the exposure side and also by providing shorter walls or
barriers in the east and west side.
• In hot climate regions, living rooms on the south and west sides
should be covered by verandah, bath, store, etc. If you do not want
to provide Verandah then I recommend you to provide chhajjas
or sun breakers instead of Verandah.
• For hot and humid regions, the building orientation should be
governed by the direction of the breeze.
• Prevailing winds play an important role in the case of orientation.
The bathroom should be placed in the path of the prevailing wind.
Benefits of building orientation
• Energy saving
Orientation of building is energy efficient approach as the
building orientation saves heating, cooling and lighting cost. You
can take optimal benefits of the sun by maximizing southern
exposure. It lowers cooling cost by minimizing western exposure
where it is most difficult to provide sunshade.
• Breeze/Natural Air
Orientation of building provides breeze is in warm and humid
climates. On the other hand, the orientation prevents hot winds
in hot and dry climates.
• Natural ventilation
Building orientation provides natural ventilation and light which is
beneficial to the health of inhabitants of the house.

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