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Sexual Offences

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Sexual offences

Dr. Awatif Shamata
M.B.CH.B, MSc, PhD

Dr. Awatif Shamata 1

Classification of sexual offences
‫األعتداءت الجنسية‬

Sexual offences

Natural Unnatural
sexual sexual
offences offences
Dr. Awatif Shamata 2
Classification of sexual offences

Natural sexual offences: Un-natural sexual offences:

1. Rape. 1. Bestiality.
2. Indecent assault. 2. Sadism.
3. Indecent exposure. 3. Masochism.
4. Adultery. 4. Necrophilia.
5. Pedophilia.
6. Incest.
7. lesbianism.
8. Sodomy.
9. Buggery.
Dr. Awatif Shamata 3
Natural sexual offences

Dr. Awatif Shamata 4

Rape is unlawful sexual intercourse by a male with a female without her consent and by

▪ Unlawful: outside the bond of marriage.

▪ Sexual intercourse: ranged from penile insertion up to complete penetration.
▪ By a male with a female: the male should be above the puberty. While, for female there
is no age limit.
▪ Against her will: no consent.
▪ By force: either physical force or even fear or threats.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 5

Consent is considered free and legal (valid) when the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. She must not be under the age of 18 years (age of consent for rape)
2. She must not be mentally deficient.
3. She must not be under fear or threats.
4. She must not be under fraud, as when a man impersonates her husband.
5. She must be fully conscious (i.e. not under the effects of alcohol, narcotics or anesthesia) and
was not sleeping.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 6

Signs of virginity are:
1. Labia majora are firm and rounded, completely
closing the vaginal orifice in the lithotomy position.
2. Labia minora are pink and covered by labia
3. The vestibule is narrow, the fourchette is intact.
4. Hymen is intact.

Fourchette is where the labia minora meet.

Perineum is where the labia majora meet

▪ It is a thin membrane (is a thin piece of mucosal tissue), which partially
closes the vaginal orifice in the virgin.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 8

Types are:

1. Semilunar or crescentic hymen.

2. Annular hymen.
3. Dentate hymen.
4. Fimbriated hymen.
5. Septate hymen.
6. Cribriform hymen.
7. Imperforate hymen.

▪ Annular hymen: is a membrane with a central opening which may be wide and dilatable
to allow intercourse without being ruptured.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 11
▪ Semilunar or crescentic hymen: is a thin crescentic membrane with anterior opening.

▪ Fimbriated hymen: It has a number of fimberia around its opening.

▪ Dentate hymen: the opening has a serrated edge (toothed).

Dr. Awatif Shamata 14

▪ Septate hymen: It shows a longitudinal septum dividing the opening into two.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 16
▪ Imperforate hymen: the membrane completely closes the vaginal orifice,
resulting in collection of the menstrual blood and distension of the uterus, which
simulate pregnancy.

▪ Cribriform hymen: It has a number of small openings giving the membrane a
sieve-like appearance.


A: Crescentic. B: Annular. C: Fimbriated. 19

Hymens of medico-legal importance:

Imperforate hymen Elastic dilatable hymen Dentate & Fimbriated hymen

1. Imperforate hymen: This may simulate pregnancy.

2. Elastic dilatable hymen: which is fleshy dilatable hymen that dose not bleeds
with the first intercourse.
3. Dentate and Fimbriated hymen: This may simulate torn hymen.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 20

Differences between recent tears, old tears &Dentate or
fimbriated hymen

Recent tears of the hymen Old tears of the hymen Dentate or fimbriated
1. Painful swollen edges Painless edges. Painless edges.
2. Hyperemic, they bleed on Do not bleed on touch Do not bleed on touch
3. Irregular asymmetrical Irregular asymmetrical Bilateral symmetrical
indentations not disappear on indentations not disappear indentations that disappear
stretching the hymen. on stretching the hymen. on stretching the hymen.
4. May not reach the vaginal Reach the vaginal wall. Never reach the vaginal
wall. wall.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 21

‫هل فحص "عالمات" العذرية يطلب‬
‫في حاالت األغتصاب فقط ؟‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪22‬‬

Medico-legal conditions in which a female is examined for signs of virginity:
▪ Alleged rape.
▪ Alleged non-virginity of the wife.
▪ Alleged impotence of the husband.
Impotence is inability of penile
erection in males after puberty

Dr. Awatif Shamata 23

Forensic examination of victims of sexual offences

History Examination Evidence collection Documentation

General examination Local examination

Dr. Awatif Shamata 24

Forensic examination of victims of sexual offences
Ideally, the examination needs to be performed as soon as possible after the incident.
▪ Examination room: Examination must be performed in a suitable and well-equipped room. Adequate
lighting and other facilities should be available.
▪ Consent: Informed consent is obtained.
▪ Privacy: There must be a guarantee of privacy.
▪ Confidentiality: The doctor must explain that no absolute guarantee of confidentiality.
▪ History: The doctor can, if necessary, ask the victim some additional questions in order to clarify particular
▪ Examination: General examination concentrating on evidence of injury and disease, and all abnormalities
should be noted and the injuries described and measured. Local examination: The specific anogenital
examination should be performed last and the extent of the examination will depend on each individual case.
▪ Evidence collection: Samples of head hair and fingernails, blood and urine should be obtained.

Forensic examination of victims of sexual offences
The examination of the anogenital region of the victim will include:
▪ Congenital abnormalities and diseases as well as for evidence of injury.
▪ Combings of the pubic hair and retrieval of any foreign objects from the region.

Examination of the female anogenital region of the victim will include:

▪ The labia for injuries.
▪ Two dry swabs are taken at this time.
▪ The vagina is then examined using a clean speculum.
▪ The vaginal wall and the hymen for evidence of recent injury and tear
▪ High vaginal and endo-cervical swabs are taken and low vaginal swabs are taken when the speculum is

Dr. Awatif Shamata 26

Forensic examination of victims of sexual offences
The examination of the anus is the same.

▪ Swabs should be taken from the perianal region, the anal canal and the lower rectum.
▪ The anus, anal canal and rectum should then be inspected for injury, using a proctoscope if this will be
tolerated by the individual (LE).
▪ Damage to the anal mucosa may be due to fissures, tears or lacerations.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 27

Survival of sperm
▪ Vagina: 24-72 hours
▪ Cervix: up to 7 days
▪ Anus: 24-72 hours (depends on defecation)
▪ Mouth: less than 15 hours ( depends on drinking, brushing teeth)

Dr. Awatif Shamata 28

Examination of an alleged assailant
▪ Examination Room: same.
▪ Privacy: Same.
▪ Confidentiality: Same.
▪ Consent: Same.
▪ General examination: linear parallel scratches on the face, neck and chest from the victim’s fingernails.
▪ Evidence collection:
✓ Samples of pubic hair should be taken, along with head and even moustache or beard hair if appropriate.
✓ The pubic hair should be combed out to recover foreign hairs.
✓ Blood samples for grouping, alcohol and DNA are taken and any evidence of venereal infection noted.
▪ Local examination: Rarely reveal any significant signs.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 29

‫قانون العقوبات الليبي في هذا الشأن‬
‫المصدر‪ :‬قانون العقوبات الليبي والتشريعات المكمله له‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪30‬‬

‫مادة ‪ -407‬المواقعة‬

‫❑ كل من واقع أخر بالقوه أو التهديد أو الخداع يعاقب بالسجن مده التزيد عن عشر سنوات‪.‬‬
‫وتطبق العقوبة ذاتها علي من واقع ولو بالرضا صغيرا دون الرابعه عشر أو شخصا ال يقدر علي المقاومة‬
‫لمرض في العقل او الجسم‪ ..‬فاذا كان المجني عليه قاصرا اتم الرابعة عشر ولم يتم الثامنه عشر فالعقوبة‬
‫بالسجن مدة التزيد عن خمس سنوات‪.‬‬

‫❑ واذا كان الفاعل من أصول المجني عليهم أو من المتولين تربيته أو مالحظته أو ممن لهم سلطة عليه أو‬
‫كان خادما عنده او عند من تقدم ذكرهم يعاقب بالسجن مابين خمس سنوات وخمس عشرة سنة‪.‬‬

‫❑ وكل من واقع انسانا برضاه يعاقب هو وشريكه بالسجن مده التزيد علي خمس سنوات‪.‬‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬

‫قانون رقم ‪ 70‬لسنه ‪1973‬م‬

‫مادة (‪ -)1‬تعريف‬
‫تعريف الزنا ‪:Adultery‬‬
‫هو ان يأتي رجل وامراه فعل الجماع بغير أن تكون بينهما العالقة الزوجية المشروعة‪.‬‬

‫مادة (‪)8‬‬
‫كل من واقع انسان برضاه يعاقب هو وشريكه بالسجن مده التزيد عن خمس سنوات‪.‬‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪32‬‬

Indecent assault
‫هتك العرض‬
▪ Indecent assault covers a very wide spectrum of acts or actions performed by members of
either sex on victims of either sex.
▪ These acts may include:
✓ A failed attempt at penile penetration of the vagina or anus.
✓ The actual penetration of the vagina or anus with a finger or an object.
✓ Penetration of the mouth by the penis.
✓ Touching of the buttocks, breasts, thighs, perineum, penis.
✓ Putting a hand up a woman’s skirt or inside a man’s trousers.
Dr. Awatif Shamata 33
Indecent assault
‫هتك العرض‬
▪ It may leave (injuries are caused during the incident) such as bruises, bite marks and
▪ All the acts are very likely to leave the victims psychologically traumatized.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 34

‫أنواع جرائم هتك العرض‪:‬‬
‫هتك العرض‪ :‬محاوله االغتصاب‪.‬‬
‫هتك العرض‪ :‬عن طريق فض غشاء البكارة باإلصبع‪.‬‬
‫هتك العرض‪ :‬محاوله ممارسه الجنس مع ذكر أو أنثى عن طريق إتيانها من الخلف‪.‬‬
‫هتك العرض‪ :‬ممارسه الجنس الفموي‪.‬‬
‫هتك العرض‪ :‬عن طريق مالمسة الجسم باليد (مثل لمس البطن والثدي)‪.‬‬
‫هتك العرض بممارسه الجنس مع أنثى عن طريق االحتكاك الخارجي‪.‬‬

‫عقوبة هذا النوع من الجرائم يقع تحت مادة (‪.)408‬‬

‫كل من هتك عرض انسان يعاقب بالسجن مدة التزيد علي خمس سنوات‪.‬‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬

Charges of Doctors in sexual assault

▪ Doctors of either sex are at particular risk of the claims of patients that they have been
indecently assaulted during the course of a consultation, examination or treatment.

▪ The practitioner should have a chaperone (preferably of the same sex as the patient) in
the examination room.

Dr. Awatif Shamata 36

Indecent exposure
‫الفعل الفاضح‬
▪ Indecent exposure, often known informally as ‘flashing’, occurs when a person, usually a
man, displays his genitals in public ‫ امام الجمهور‬to the irritation and embarrassment of
members of the public.
▪ This is physically harmless to victims but may cause them psychological distress.
▪ Psychiatric treatment of the offender are probably more important than a custodial

Dr. Awatif Shamata 37

‫ماده ‪ 421‬األفعال او األ شياء الفاضحة‬

‫كل من ارتكب فعل فاضحا في محل عام مفتوح أو معروض للجمهور يعاقب بالحبس مدة التزيد عن سنة‬
‫او بغرامة التجاوز خمسين جنيها‪.‬‬
‫وتطبق العقوبة ذاتها علي من اخل بالحياء بتوزيع رسائل أو صور أو أشياء اخري فاضحة أو بعرضها‬
‫علي الجمهور أو طرحها للبيع ‪..‬‬

‫‪Dr. Awatif Shamata‬‬ ‫‪38‬‬

Un-natural sexual offences
Bestiality Sexual connection between human and animals.
Sadism The male inflicts pain on the female partner as a source of sexual
Masochism It is opposite to sadism; a man obtains sexual arousal on receiving a
painful stimulus from women.
Necrophilia Sexual intercourse with a dead female.
Pedophilia Sexual activity with children either males (homosexual pedophilia) or
females (heterosexual pedophilia).
Incest Carnal connection between persons of the forbidden degrees of
Female Homosexuality Abnormal sexual connection between two females.
Male Homosexuality Anal intercourse between two males.
Buggery Anal intercourse between male and female.
Dr. Awatif Shamata 39
Dr. Awatif Shamata 40

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