Unit 4 Hola

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Unit 4 - hola

Ingles (Universidad del Valle de México)

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Downloaded by Esperanza Rico Lopez ([email protected])

Task Roberto Alexander Hernández Mendoza

Act 1. Complete the sentences using the words and expressions in the box.

1. In Japan, bowing is customary when two people introduce themselves.

2. In the United States, it’s polite to shake hands firmly when you are introduced to a

3. In South Korea, eating food on the subway is considered rude.

4. In many places of worship in Asia, it’s polite to take off your hat and shoes.

5. In Chile, people often say hello by kissing each other on the cheek.

6. In Australia, walking around barefoot is acceptable at beach resorts, but not in public

7. In Taiwan, having an argument in public is considered impolite. It’s better to keep your
voice down .

In Great Britain, it’s considered rude to cut in line . You should always wait your turn.

Act 2. How might Brad and Gayle’s friends say the things below? Replace the underlined words
with an expression each person has already used above.

1. Phil They say it’s going to be really warm. It is supposed to be really warm

2. Sue Brad shouldn’t eat chocolate. Brad is not supposed to eat chocolate

3. Patty I have to get up early tomorrow. I supposed to get up earlier

4. Anna I should be working on a paper. I am supposed to be working on a paper

5. Patty Jen and Martin agreed to be here by 7:00 Jen and Martin were supposed to be here by

6. Sue I intended to make a dessert, but I didn’t. I was supposed to make a dessert, but I

Act 3. Complete the conversations with the correct form of be supposed to or was / were going to
and the verb. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Then practice in pairs.

1. A. It is supposed to rain (rain) tonight. Do you want to go see a movie?

B. Yeah. I want to see that new Stephen King movie. It is supposed to be (be) good. I went
to (see) it last weekend, but I ended up going to a party instead.

2. A. Do you have plans for the weekend? I heard the weather the weather is not supposed to be
(not / be) very good.

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B. Yeah. I was supposed to go (go) to a family reunion, but I’m not really looking forward to it.

A. Why not? Reunions are supposed to be (be) fun.

B. Well, I am supposed to make (make) 80 cupcakes. I was going to buy (buy) them,
but my husband said that’s cheating!

3. A. What did you do last night? Did you go out?

B. No. I was supposed to cook (cook) dinner for a friend. I mean, I wasn’t going to make (not
/ make) anything special, but then he called, and it turned out he was supposed to go (go) to
soccer practice or something, so he didn’t come. So I had a TV dinner! How about you?

A. Actually, I was supposed to go (go) to a movie, but then I decided to stay home.

Act 4.

2. Sometimes I get the feeling that people are annoyed with me for being late

3. its hard for me to finish long novels. I just cant get throught them

4. why don’t some people dress up for weddings? I don’t get it .

5. ill never get used to wearing formal clothes. They don’t feel right

6. I wish I could get away with wearing jeans to work. Theyre so comfortable

Circle the correct choice to complete the questions. Use the conversation to help you.

Downloaded by Esperanza Rico Lopez ([email protected])


1. Will Luis’s mother get over it / get it over if they’re late?

2. Rosa had to attend a meeting at work. Why couldn’t she get out of it / get it out of ?

3. Can Rosa get away with wear / wearing pants?

Act 5. Complete the questions. Put the words in order, and use the correct form of the verbs. Then
ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. If you weren’t ready for a test, would you try to get out of it (of / out / it / get)?

2. Do you find it hard to get through the day (the day / through / get) without texting
your friends?

3. Do you know anyone who tries to get out of going (of / get / go / out) to parties
because they are shy? Is it possible to get over feel (get / feel / over) shy?

4. Have you ever told a “white lie” to get of an invitation (of / get / an invitation /
out)? Did you get away with it (get / it / away / with)?

5. How do you feel about buying gifts? Does it take you a long time to get around choosing
(to / get / choose / around) something?

6. Do you often argue with your friends? How long does it take you to get over an argument
(over / get / an argument)?

7. Does it take you a long time to get around to starting (start / to / get / around) your
homework assignments because you’re on social networking sites?

Act 6. Read more of Hugo and Greg’s conversation. Change the questions to “statement
questions.” Then listen and notice what they say.

Hugo: So, aren’t you going to show up at all? So you aren’t going to show up at all, huh?

Greg: No. Those work parties aren’t my thing. Do you like them? You like them, right? .

Hugo: Yeah. But don’t you want to network? You may get a promotion but you don’t want to
network? .

Greg: Yeah. But I’m happy in my job right now. I’m not looking for a promotion or anything

Hugo: Oh. Don’t you want to work your way up in the organization? You don’t want to work in
your organization .

Greg: Actually, um, no. Not really. So are you pretty ambitious? So, you’re pretty ambitious right?

Hugo: I guess I am. But, the parties are fun anyway, and the people are interesting

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Greg: So, do you know a lot of people in the company? So you know a lot of people in the
company .

Act 7. Find three places where you can use so in each conversation. Change the capital letters and
add commas where necessary. Then practice with a partner.

A. So, what do you think of surprise parties?

B. I don’t know. I’ve never had one or been to one, so ....

A. So , no one has ever given you one? Do you think your friends would ever do that ?

B. No. My friends don’t do that kind of thing.

2. A. So , have you thrown any parties in the past year?

B. Actually, yes. I had one last month. and A lot of people came.

A. So All your friends came?

B. Yeah, they did It was great.

Act 8. Read the article again. Complete the sentences below with the correct information. Choose
a or b

1. Companies encourage their workers to be b

a. introverts b. extroverts

2. Cain believes extroverts are b .

a. not valued enough b. valued too highly

3. Self-assured people are more likely to be b .

a. introverts b. extroverts

4. The “Extrovert Ideal” means that introverts b .

a. get fired b. feel ignored

5. In open office plans, employees are more likely to a .

a. leave the company b. work harder

6. Cain believes that extrovert behavior leads to b performance in the workplace.

a. better b. worse

Act 9. Article about your social style

Downloaded by Esperanza Rico Lopez ([email protected])


I think that I’m introvert, I don’t socialize with all, but I always try to help other people. I like to talk
to certain kind of people, for example, the people that have things in common with me. I hardly
invite people in my house and also I don’t like parties, only when my best friends are in there. I
mean, a like to talk to people, but when for example, when I move to a new school, it’s too difficult
for a lot of people to socialize, because you don’t know the other people and you think that you
may not interact too well with people that you don’t know. But when you realize that it’s not that
hard to talk to others, sometimes you have the courage to speak with anyone, some people may
feel uncomfortable because you are trying to see if the other person you are speaking with, like
your conversation or not. That is one of the fears to introvert people

Downloaded by Esperanza Rico Lopez ([email protected])

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