Academic Skills - Discursive Essay 500

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• Discursive essay 500 words (option A)

◦ In some countries, university education is mainly theoretical, while in others, students get a
large amount of practical experience during their degree course. Which of these do you think
is the best system? Support your position using specific reasons and details.

Nowadays, education has become one of the most significant priorities in every society, not
only it serves as an indicator of how academically successful a certain population is, but there is
also a correlation between high levels of education and overall quality of life. On this line, some
countries believe that theory-based university education is the framework for a good instruction,
whereas others state that a focus on a practical-based system is needed. Even though both methods
are essential, I firmly consider that practical education is the best system for a top-class education.

In the first place, it is well documented that the most effective learning technique is
practising and testing. Contrary to the conventional idea which claims that theoretical education is
better, according to the famous American educator Edgar Dale, the best way for a student to learn is
by experiencing the lesson, by simulating models or even by teaching what one just learned. He
proved this by developing the well-known Learning Pyramid, which classifies overall practical
methodologies on top of the pyramid because they result in a retention rate of more than 75%. In
contrast, just reading or listening to theoretical classes gives out nothing but around 20% of
retention. In addition, practical assignments prepare young students for their upcoming jobs,
therefore companies will not have to worry about training their employees and this will boost the
overall performance. Last but not least, several sociological studies have shown that application-
based education lead to optimum levels of motivation and mental status. Owing to the fact that
students will not deal with the same amount of frustration and pressure when doing something in
their jobs for the first time. Instead, they will develop a kind of intuition as result of their trial and
error problem-solving practise, which will allow them to adapt to whatever situation they may
encounter in their daily life.

In the second place, no one would dispute that theoretical education is the basis for practical
methodology, this is why it is of major significance. There are several reasons for this. For instance,
in an education system based on theoretical subjects it is easier to evaluate the students. This is
specially useful for teachers and evaluators who must come up with the accurate examination that
allows companies/institutions to find the most suitable students for their workplaces, whereas
designing practical exams for each student will be a much more laborious task. Moreover, a
theoretical procedure is fairer and more impartial than a practical one, since the vast majority of
undergraduates start from the same background regarding knowledge. However, in a practical one
each individual would have different capabilities and the education system would be full of
inequalities non-correlated to effort but to genetical randomness.

In conclusion, even though both education system serve as a symbiosis for the complete
development of a student, I strongly believe that a practical-based education is the most efficient.
Due to the fact that the way students learn the subjects the most is by testing their knowledge,
which will prepare for their upcoming jobs, while their motivation and mental status are on their

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