Wireless Indoor Localization Without Site Survey

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4, APRIL 2013 839

WILL: Wireless Indoor Localization

without Site Survey
Chenshu Wu, Student Member, IEEE, Zheng Yang, Member, IEEE,
Yunhao Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, and Wei Xi, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract—Indoor localization is of great importance for a range of pervasive applications, attracting many research efforts in the past
two decades. Most radio-based solutions require a process of site survey, in which radio signatures are collected and stored for further
comparison and matching. Site survey involves intensive costs on manpower and time. In this work, we study unexploited RF signal
characteristics and leverage user motions to construct radio floor plan that is previously obtained by site survey. On this basis, we
design WILL, an indoor localization approach based on off-the-shelf WiFi infrastructure and mobile phones. WILL is deployed in a real
building covering over 1600 m2 , and its deployment is easy and rapid since site survey is no longer needed. The experiment results
show that WILL achieves competitive performance comparing with traditional approaches.

Index Terms—Wireless, indoor localization, fingerprint, site survey


P ERVASIVE and mobile systems for context-aware comput-

ing are growing at a phenomenal rate. In most of today’s
applications such as pervasive medicare, smart space,
Although site survey is time consuming, labor intensive,
and easily affected by environmental dynamics, it is
inevitable for those RSS fingerprint matching-based ap-
wireless sensor surveillance, mobile peer-to-peer computing, proaches based on RSS fingerprint matching, since the
[1], [2] etc., location is one of the most essential contexts. In the fingerprint database is constructed based on on-site
literature of pervasive computing, wireless indoor localiza- fingerprint collection.
tion has been extensively studied and many solutions are To avoid site survey, researchers turn to characterizing
proposed to provide room-level localization services, such as wireless signal propagation. They aim to build accurate
locating a person or a printer in an office building.
signal attenuation models and use RSS as an indication of
A majority of previous localization approaches employ
signal propagating distance. Unfortunately, attenuation
Received Signal Strength (RSS) as a metric for location
models perform poorly due to unpredictable signal propa-
determination. RSS fingerprints can be easily obtained for gation in complex and dynamic indoor environments,
most off-the-shelf equipments, such as WiFi- or ZigBee- lacking technical potentials for practical uses.
compatible devices. In these methods, localization is divided The advance of wireless and embedded technology has
into two phases: training and serving. In the first phase, fostered the flourish of smartphone market. Nowadays,
traditional methods involve a site survey process, in which mobile phones possess powerful computation and commu-
engineers record the RSS fingerprints (e.g., WiFi signal nication capability, and are equipped with different kinds
strengths from multiple Access Points, APs) at every position of built-in sensors for various functions. Accompanying
of an interesting area and accordingly build a fingerprint with users round-the-clock, mobile phones can be viewed
database. Next in the serving phase, when a user sends a as an increasingly important information interface between
location query with its current RSS fingerprint, localization users and environments. These advances lay solid founda-
algorithms retrieve the fingerprint database and return the tions of breakthrough technology for indoor localization.
matched fingerprints as well as corresponding locations. On this basis, we reassess existing localization schemes
and explore the possibility of using previously unavailable
information for wireless indoor localization. Considering
. C. Wu is with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, user movements, originally separated RSS fingerprints are
School of Software, TNLIST, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.
E-mail: [email protected].
connected under certain semantics. Similarly, studying the
. Z. Yang and Y. Liu are with the School of Software, TNLIST, Tsinghua penetrating-wall effect of wireless signals is a good
University, Beijing, 100084, China, and with the Hong Kong University of starting point for characterizing different rooms or func-
Science and Technology, Hong Kong. tional areas. These observations motivate us to design
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected].
. W. Xi is with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, School rapidly deployed localization approaches without the
of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, laborious site survey process.
Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, China. E-mail: [email protected]. In this study, we propose WILL, a wireless indoor logical
Manuscript received 13 Feb. 2012; revised 9 May 2012; accepted 29 May localization approach. By exploiting user motions from
2012; published online 6 June 2012. mobile phones, we successfully remove the site survey
Recommended for acceptance by J. Cao.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
process of traditional approaches, while achieving compe-
[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TPDS-2012-02-0097. titive localization accuracy. The rationale behind WILL is
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2012.179. that human motions can be applied to connect previously
1045-9219/13/$31.00 ß 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
Authorized licensed use limited to: Monash University. Downloaded on January 29,2021 at 14:54:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

independent radio signatures under certain semantics. light, color, WiFi, and etc. And [12], [13], [14] utilizes FM
WILL requires no prior knowledge of AP locations, and Radio, acoustic background spectrum (ABS) and geomag-
users are not required for explicit participation to label netism, respectively, as fingerprints for indoor location
measured data with corresponding locations, even in the estimation. All these approaches require site survey over
training phase. In all, such features introduce new pro- areas of interests to build fingerprint database. The
spective techniques for indoor localization. considerable manual cost and efforts, in addition to the
To validate this design, we deploy a prototype system and inflexibility to environment dynamics are the main draw-
conduct extensive experiments in a middle-size academic backs of fingerprint-based methods.
building in Tsinghua University. Experiment results show Model-based techniques. Another type of localization
that RSS-based indoor localization can achieve room-level approaches use geometrical models to figure out locations.
location accuracy even without site survey. The average In those methods, locations are calculated rather than
room localization accuracy, namely, accuracy of locating searched from known reference data. For example, the
fingerprints to the rooms they are actually collected from, is log-distance path loss (LDPL) model is used to estimate RF
over 80 percent, which is competitive to existing solutions. propagation distances according to the measured RSS
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We values. These approaches trade the measurement efforts at
investigate the state of the art on indoor localization the cost of decreasing localization accuracy due to the
technology in Section 2. Section 3 presents our design irregular signal propagation in indoor environment. Lim
overview. The generation of virtual rooms is studied in et al. [15] deploy WiFi sniffers at known locations to
Section 4. In Section 5, the techniques of floor plan mapping, measure the RSS from various APs and then uses the LDPL
a key step of constructing the relation between virtual model to construct RSS map. Ji et al. [16] also employ
rooms and ground-truth floor plan without site survey, are sniffers at known locations but uses a more sophisticated
ray-tracing model. Madigan et al. [17] use a Bayesian
discussed in detail. Section 6 summarizes the entire work-
hierarchical model to avoid the need of locations of the
ing process of WILL when it receives a location query. The
training points. However, they still depend on knowledge
prototype implementation and experiments are discussed
of the AP locations. To cut down the laborious measure-
in Section 7. We conclude the work in Section 8. ment efforts and avoid the use of AP locations, EZ [18]
models the physics constrains of wireless propagation with
2 RELATED WORK LPDL model and uses a genetic algorithm to solve them for
localization. However, EZ still relies on occasionally
Location information is essential for a wide range of available GPS information at the entrance or near a
pervasive and mobile applications, such as wireless sensor window. Besides, EZ involves in complex computation
networks, mobile social networks, location-based services, and the physical localization scheme might result in lot of
smart space, etc. [1], [2], [3]. In the literature of indoor misdetections of rooms.
localization, a well-known research direction, many tech- Other than the RSS related model, other geometric
niques have been proposed in the past two decades. models are also exploited for characterizing the relationship
Generally, they fall into two categories: fingerprinting of signal transmitters and receivers. These systems include
based and model based. PinPoint [19] based on Time of Arrival (ToA), Cricket [20]
Fingerprinting-based techniques. A large body of in- based on Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA), and VOR [21]
door localization approaches adopt fingerprint matching as based on Angle of Arrival (AoA). Model-based techniques
the basic scheme of location determination. The main idea is usually require the placement of additional infrastructure,
to fingerprint the surrounding signatures at every location modifications of off-the-shelf products, or knowledge of
in the areas of interests and then build a fingerprint hardware configuration.
database. The location is then estimated by mapping the Different from previous work relying on infrastructure
measured fingerprints against the database. Researchers and propagation model, WILL adopts the fingerprinting
have striven to exploit different signatures of the existing technique but avoids site survey. WILL users are not
devices or reduce the mapping effort. Most of these involved in any work of data collection.
techniques utilize the RF signals. An early system using
these techniques is RADAR [4]. Horus [5], improved upon
RADAR, employs a stochastic description of the RSS- 3 OVERVIEW
location relationship and uses a maximum likelihood based 3.1 Unexploited Potential for Localization
method to estimate locations. OIL [6] structures an organic WiFi technology has shown its great potentials for
indoor localization system by using Voronoi regions for ubiquitous localization as it is available in a large amount
conveying uncertainty and employing a clustering method of buildings through personal electronic devices like mobile
for identifying potentially erroneous user data. Varshavsky phones and laptops.
et al. [7] demonstrate that GSM signals from various towers By investigating the temporal and spatial characteristics
can also be used for indoor localization. PlaceLab [8] uses of indoor RF propagation of WiFi signals, we discover some
radio beacons to localize mobile devices in the wild. easily overlooked but dramatically useful characteristics. A
ActiveCampus [9] project adopts similar techniques but key observation is that signals may encounter a considerable
assumes availability of AP locations. Some systems, such as drop while passing through a wall (as shown in Fig. 1). As a
LANDMARC [10], utilize RFID for indoor localization. result, RSS of a same AP can vary significantly in two rooms.
Recently, SurroundSense [11] performs logical location People have been observing this wall-penetrating effect of
estimation based on ambience features including sound, radio signals when using wireless routers in everyday life.

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Fig. 1. Abrupt signal changes through a wall. AP1 is deployed in Room I

and AP2 in an adjacent Room II.

Such characteristic, however, has not been fully exploited

for positioning. As shown in Fig. 1, this variation of AP Fig. 3. WILL architecture.
signal strength can be used to distinguish different rooms.
On the other hand, smartphones integrate various types During the training phase (database construction), users
of sensors such as accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, in a building work with routine business while their mobile
etc., offering new opportunities to capture environment phones automatically measure WiFi signal strengths and
signatures and to detect user behaviors. WILL exploits record accelerometer readings. Raw data are collected in the
accelerometers to obtain user movements, which will be fingerprint collection module on the mobile phone side. All
further utilized to assist localization. Tri-axial accelerometers raw fingerprints (not tagged with a known location) are
provide apparent evidence of human walking patterns [22]. preprocessed in fingerprint processing module and divided
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the acceleration variation for walking into two types: space-continuous and space-discontinuous,
users is clearly different from those static. Amplitude of according to users’ motion states when the fingerprints are
about 2 m=s2 is caused by foot lifting and around 3 m=s2 by measured. Both types of fingerprints are classified into
foot down. This signature is deeply explored in WILL to different virtual rooms, which are virtual containers of
detect user motions and collect user traces. fingerprints with high similarity. A logical floor plan showing
WILL provides human localization service through a view of relative location relationship (e.g., connectivity
locating mobile phones. Even though mobile phones can and reachability) between virtual rooms is then constructed
integrate sensors like compasses, cameras, microphones, by leveraging user trace information from the space-
gyroscopes, WILL uses only accelerometers since no human continuous data, which connect previously independent
fingerprints. Afterwards, the logical floor plan is mapped to
participation is involved for such sensors. Moreover,
a given ground truth one by using a novel mapping
different from many previous work using accelerometers
method. By doing so, we associate the isolated fingerprints
for step counting or displacement estimation [22], [23], with physical rooms. Floor plan database stores these
WILL utilizes accelerometer sensors to explore reachability associated relationships.
between different areas. In the serving phase, when a user sends a location query
with his/her currently measured data using mobile phone,
3.2 System Architecture
WILL server will response the user with the estimated
In this section, we present the overall vision of WILL, as location. The query may contain a variety of information,
shown in Fig. 3. The working process of WILL consists of including WiFi measurements and sensory data. The
two phases: training and serving. We describe high level localization engine consults the fingerprint database to
architecture and present the details later. localize the virtual room and then obtains the correspond-
ing physical room from floor plan database. The location
estimation and, if possible, the floor plan that the user
currently locates at are sent back to the user. The querying
data can be simultaneously used as collected fingerprints to
update the databases.


In this section, we define virtual room and describe how to
extract distinct features of fingerprints from raw data.
Afterwards, we classify fingerprints into a number of
virtual rooms.

4.1 Fingerprint Collection

Fig. 2. Acceleration signatures of 10 steps (each step marked with a WILL users do not need to deliberately collect data even
cross). during the database building phase. They just work in

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offices, consume in shopping malls, or have a rest at coffee !ðfi Þ ¼ Iðfi  fj > 0Þðfi  fj Þ; ð3Þ
shops, walking or sitting. The information of WiFi signals j¼1
and sensor readings is collected automatically by their cell
phones. A regular record can be represented as Dt ¼ where I is an indicative function.
<F ; A>, where F and A indicate the WiFi signal fingerprint
and accelerometer value, respectively. Assuming totally n
4.3 Virtual Rooms
APs in the building, the WiFi signals fingerprint F can be Fingerprints are partitioned into different virtual rooms
represented as according to the values of RSS stacking difference. A virtual
room is a virtual container which consists of the fingerprints
F ¼ ½f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fn ; ð1Þ with high similarity. Formally, if ðF1 ; F2 Þ < , F1 and F2
where fi denotes the RSS value of the ith AP. are treated to be in the same virtual room, where  is a
The motion state of users, walking or staying, is dissimilarity threshold of the room.
determined by accelerometer readings. Records of a Virtual rooms are generated by applying data mining
walking user are integrated as an entire user trace approaches on fingerprints. We adopt several clustering
U ¼ <F ; A>, where F is a set of RSS fingerprints and A a techniques, including KMeans, FarthestFirst, EM, and
set of acceleration values. Such records are called space- FilteredCluster, which are implemented in WEKA, a
continuous as they are measured during user’s movements. popular classification and clustering tool. Among different
For ease of presentation, we refer to continuous data as techniques, KMeans demonstrates its high accuracy and
space-continuous data in this paper hereafter. efficiency for this application. Generally, the virtual room
Theoretically, the traveling distance of a user can be number (or the cluster number k) can be automatically set
derived from the continuous data which contain acceler- equal to the zone number in the physical floor plan in
ometer readings by integrating acceleration twice with practice. Detailed results of performance comparison are
respect to time. However, due to the presence of noise in the shown in Fig. 8. After virtual room generated, each
sensor readings, error accumulates rapidly and can reach fingerprint is tagged with a virtual room label which it
up to 100 meters after one minute of operation [22]. To belongs to. In addition, each virtual room R is marked with
avoid accumulation of measurement errors, most research- a representative fingerprint F ½R for fast location estimation
ers adopt the individual step counts for estimating walking (See Section 6). This representative fingerprint, along with
distance, just like a pedometer [23]. Different from previous the dissimilarity threshold , is dynamically determined
work, in WILL, it is unnecessary to estimate displacement and updated in the fingerprint database. In addition, both
or accumulate step counts of mobile users. The continuous parameters are room specific, namely, each room has a
data are merely used to detect user mobility, i.e., to detect distinct value for each parameter.
whether a user is mobile or static. We modify the local
variance threshold method [23] to detect user footstep only,
instead of step counts. The method is based on filtering the 5 FLOOR PLAN CONSTRUCTION
magnitude of acceleration followed by applying a threshold
Without site survey, the key challenge of localization is
on the variance of acceleration over a sliding window. Note
how to associate the fingerprints with their locations. In
that a filter has been applied to smooth the raw sensor data
this section, we provide a matching based technique to
because measurement errors as well as signal fluctuations
find a mapping relation between logical floor plan of
exist. We omit the details here due to space limitation.
generated virtual rooms and the ground truth one, which
4.2 Fingerprint Processing then tells the correspondence of fingerprints and their
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the absolute RSS values of each measured locations.
individual AP vary widely over time (even at a fix location) 5.1 Logical Floor Plan
while the difference relationship between them maintains.
Conventional work mostly focuses on a single location or a
Consequently, it is inadequate to utilize absolute RSS
single room. The relationship of different rooms have not
values directly for location estimation like conventional
been sufficiently excavated. In WILL, traces of user’s motion
work. In contrast, the difference relationship among
indicate the reachability among virtual rooms, which is used
different APs is exploited for fingerprint feature. In this
to construct the logical floor plan of virtual rooms.
work, we propose the RSS stacking difference, which means
A logical floor plan is a diagram showing the view of
the cumulative difference between one AP and all other
the reachability among virtual rooms. It is formalized as
APs. RSS stacking difference embodies the RSS gap an undirected graph P ¼ ðV ; EÞ, namely, the logical graph,
relations of the RSS fingerprint at a specific time and where each vertex v 2 V denotes a virtual room and an
location and tends to be a relatively stable feature of radio edge ðu; vÞ 2 E indicates that virtual room u and v are
signals than absolute RSS values. reachable from each other. We observed that user move-
Formally, given two fingerprints F ¼ ½f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fn  and ments inside a building, from one room to another or
F 0 ¼ ½f10 ; f20 ; . . . ; fn0 , the dissimilarity (euclidean distance) through the corridors, might indicate the connectivity
between them using feature of RSS stacking difference can between rooms. Two rooms are referred to be connected in
be calculated by the following formulae: logical floor plan if and only if a user can walk seamlessly
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi from one to the other without passing through any other
Xn  2 room. For ease of understanding, we take an example in
ðF ; F Þ ¼ !ðfi Þ  !ðfi0 Þ ð2Þ the ground truth floor plan (as shown in Fig. 4). If a user
walks from room A to room B through a corridor segment

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Fig. 4. Examples of user traces through the building. Fig. 5. Floor plan of the building in Tsinghua University. APs with
unknown locations are not marked.
C, then it can be derived that C is reachable from both A
and B, but A is not directly connected to B on only this 5.2 Floor Plan Mapping
condition. We assume that reachability is bidirectional, Logical floor plan needs to be mapped to the ground truth
namely, if room A is reachable from room B, then B is also floor plan, which is available to the estate manager of a
considered reachable from A. building who is also supposed to be the provider of location
A series of fingerprints can be collected during users’ services in this building. For convenience, the ground truth
movements. As fingerprints are labeled with virtual
floor plan is also referred to physical floor plan hereafter.
rooms, an entire trace may traverse different virtual
The physical floor plan is modeled with an undirected
rooms. In addition, the sequence of the virtual rooms
graph P 0 ¼ ðV 0 ; E 0 Þ, i.e., the physical graph, where each
being traversed can be obtained because the trace is time
stamped and ordered. vertex v 2 V 0 indicates a room (or a functional area) and
Concretely, we consider a single user trace U ¼ <F ; A> each edge ðu; vÞ 2 E 0 means the reachability of two rooms u
where F ¼ ½F1 ; F2 ; . . . ; Fm  and A ¼ ½A1 ; A2 ; . . . ; Am  indicate and v. Under this scheme, the corridors are connected to
a sequence of m fingerprints and acceleration readings most rooms while the adjacent rooms are not connected if
collected during the user’s movement. Each Fi belongs to a no door exists between them. In the physical floor plan, a
virtual room Ri . Thus F corresponds to a series of virtual corridor can be divided into several segments, mainly
rooms R ¼ ½R1 ; R2 ; . . . ; Rm . Accordingly, the reachability according to the rooms’ corresponding areas in the corridor.
between virtual rooms can be obtained by following rule: if Specifically, one corridor segment corresponding to a room
Ri 6¼ Riþ1 , which means the user walks into virtual room is usually cut as an area, which then becomes a vertex in
Riþ1 from Ri , then Ri and Riþ1 is marked to be reachable to physical graph (as seen from Fig. 5). Hence, length of each
each other. In other words, an edge ðRi ; Riþ1 Þ is added to the segment is roughly in line with that of the largest room it
logical floor plan P if ðRi ; Riþ1 Þ 62 E. Fusing a large amount connects. The modeled physical floor plan of our experi-
of user traces together, the logical floor plan P is constructed. ments is shown in Fig. 6, where the corridor is segmented
There is a key problem about how to construct user into four parts. Given the logical floor plan P ¼ ðV ; EÞ and
traces when user behavior is unknown and unconstrained. the ground truth floor plan P 0 ¼ ðV 0 ; E 0 Þ, we define the floor
User motions may be irregular, intermittent and convo- plan mapping as a function p : V 7!V 0 . In WILL, we set the
luted, making it hard to select valuable and reliable traces numbers of virtual rooms to equal to or more than the
from large quantity of raw measurements. Nonetheless, the number of physical areas, i.e., jV j  jV 0 j.
more favored long-distance and relatively straight traces We propose a subsection mapping method (SSMM) which
can be picked out basing on the distinctive sensor readings contains three stages: skeleton mapping, branch-knot
and WiFi signal features. We defer to the following two mapping, and the correction. The virtual rooms with higher
simple but effective principles for trace selection: betweenness are in prior mapped in skeleton mapping
while the rest are mapped using bipartite matching in
. Traces with very few steps are dumped. branch-knot mapping. The initial mapping results are
. Traces passing through less than two APs are
adjusted in the correction stage. Because of space limitation,
we only present the brief framework here. For details of the
The first principle ensures the user is walking, where the mapping algorithm, readers are referred to [24] and [25].
steps are approximately counted by the accelerometer Skeleton mapping. Betweenness centrality [26] is a
readings along with the trace. The second implies the measure of a vertex’s centrality within a graph. Vertices
user’s location is changing, namely, the user is walking that occur on many shortest paths between other vertices
rather than shaking the phone or pacing back and forth in a
small area. The second principle is according to the
observation that RSS values are relatively similar at close
locations but change dramatically with distant locations,
especially when the locations are separated by walls or
other obstructions. The number of APs passed by a trace is
determined by the AP peaks appeared within the trace. An
AP peak is an RSS value which is the maximum signal
strength of this AP during a trace and is at least higher than
a significance level, for instance, 2/3 of the maximum RSS Fig. 6. Physical floor plan graph. Vertices with “Z” denote rooms and “C”
value indicated in the database. denote corridor segments.

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have higher betweenness than those do not. As shown in and A indicate WiFi signals and accelerometer values,
Fig. 6, the vertices in the center (labeled C1, C2, C3, and C4) respectively. The localization engine of WILL first deter-
apparently have higher betweenness than others. Based on mines the virtual room F belongs to, and then consults the
this observation, vertices which have the highest between- floor plan database to obtain the mapped physical room,
ness in P are mapped to those with highest betweenness in which is the response to be sent back to the user. F is
P 0 . Here, the mapping goal is to minimizing the total estimated to be in the virtual room which has the shortest
difference of betweenness for all matching pairs. distance to F among all virtual rooms. Formally, F belongs
Branch-knot mapping. The rest of vertices in P are to virtual room Ri if the dissimilarity of F and F ½Ri  satisfies
mapped using the sum of shortest paths length as weights.
ðF ; F ½Ri Þ ¼ minfðF ; F ½Rj Þ; Rj 2 Rg; ð5Þ
In other words, for each vertex v in graph P , its weight wðvÞ
equals to the sum of all shortest pathPlengths from v to all and
other vertices in P , namely, wðvÞ ¼ u2P ;u6¼v dðv; uÞ where
dðv; uÞ is the length of the shortest path from v to u. The ðF ; F ½Ri Þ < ; ð6Þ
weight of each vertex in P 0 is calculated in the same way. where  is the dissimilarity defined by (2), R is the set of all
Then, the mapping goal Pis to minimize the total weight virtual rooms, and  denotes the dissimilarity threshold of
difference, say, W ðpÞ ¼ v2V jwðvÞ  wðpðvÞÞj. rooms. Fingerprints beyond above two equations are
We formalize the branch-knot mapping as a weighted treated as outliers and discarded. Assuming that virtual
minimum bipartite matching (WMBM) problem where every room Ri is mapped to a physical area R0i , the user location is
vertex in P is matched to another vertex in P 0 , resulting in a estimated as zone R0i and the result is sent back to the user
perfect matching. The WMBM problem is then performed with, if possible, the floor plan.
using the Kuhn-Munkras (KM) [27] algorithm. We design the localization engine as lightweight as
Combining the result of skeleton mapping and branch- possible for the purpose of better user experience on mobile
knot mapping, an original mapping is obtained. Figs. 10a phones and making WILL easily scalable.
and 10b show the result of skeleton mapping and branch-
knot mapping, respectively. Evident from Fig. 10, mapping 6.2 Database Update
errors could exist in the initial mapping result. We perform The floor plan and the fingerprint database should be
the correction stage of SSMM to fix some error mapping. updated over time to capture environment dynamics and to
Correction. Redundant information in the initial map- remedy fingerprint deviations as the data collected in the
ping result is utilized for correction. By comparing the training phase of WILL might not roundly reflect the overall
neighboring set of every skeleton vertex, error mapping can situation of the building. We execute two types of update
be figured out and corrected. The basic idea is: 1) if a pair of operations in WILL: minor update and major update.
mapped skeleton vertices have very different neighboring Minor update, being triggered frequently, deals with
sets, they tends to be an error link; 2) if two branch-knot newly collected fingerprints. When user queries arrive, the
vertices do not belong to a pair of mapped skeleton vertices, attached fingerprints are not only used for localization, but
they are likely to be mistakenly mapped. Please refer to [25] also for updating virtual room features, including the
for more detail algorithm descriptions. The corrected results representative fingerprints and dissimilarity thresholds.
of SSMM in our experiments are depicted in Fig. 10c. Major update is carried out occasionally for a large
amount of new data, resulting in large modifications in the
previous database. For instance, if huge data are collected
6 LOCALIZATION USING WILL through a long-term running, especially when enough
We have constructed the fingerprint database and the floor continuous data are included, the floor plan is refreshed
plan database during the training phase of WILL. The using the updated logical floor plan.
association between these two databases is established as
well. In this section, we present the entire working process 7 EXPERIMENTS
of WILL when it receives location queries, which corre-
sponds to the localization engine module in WILL system. 7.1 Experimental Methodology
We developed the client of WILL on the increasingly
6.1 Localization popular Android OS. WiFi signals are recorded with the
Recall Section 4, we mark each virtual room R with a frequency of around twice per second when measuring.
representative fingerprint F ½R after they are generated from Accelerometers work in two frequencies: when detecting
the fingerprints. We use the mean value of all fingerprints in motions, they record sensory data with short intervals of
virtual room R as F ½R. Formally, F ½R can be calculated by 50 milliseconds; otherwise a relatively long interval of one
the following formulas: second is adopted.
We implemented our prototype on two Google Nexus S
1 X phones, which support WiFi and contain accelerometer
F ½R ¼ Fi ; ð4Þ
jF R j F 2F sensors. We deployed WILL system in one floor of an office
i R
building covering over 1600 m2 in Tsinghua University,
where F R is the set of fingerprints that belong to R which contains 16 offices, of which five are large rooms of
When one user visits a building where WILL is deployed, 142 m2 , seven are small ones with different sizes and the
he/she queries WILL server for his/her current location other four are inaccessible. The floor plan is shown in Fig. 5,
with a record Dt ¼ <F ; A>, where t is the time stamp, F where every physical zone is marked with a sequence

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Fig. 7. Accuracy of virtual room generation using RSS stacking Fig. 8. Assignment error with virtual room number (using KMeans).
difference versus raw fingerprints.
the rhythmic acceleration signatures in human walking
number. Most rooms are installed with one or more APs patterns are evident no matter what postures the mobile
while some have none. Totally, n ¼ 26 APs are installed in phones are. As observed in the experiments, although the
the floor, of which 20 are with known locations and are most remarkable acceleration variation caused by walking
marked in Fig. 5. Note that the walls of the experimental appears on different axes, the triaxial accelerometer
building are constituted by only steel keels wrapped in two captures rhythmic fluctuations finely whenever the mobile
wooden clapboards instead of reinforced concrete, which phone is placed horizontally in hand, sideways up, or
reduces the walls’ shielding effects of wireless signals to a vertically held. In addition, as WILL detects user mobility
certain extent. instead of user displacement or step counts, WILL avoids
Fig. 5 depicts the ground-truth floor plan, where the
the accumulate error caused by noisy sensor measurements.
black triangles indicate physical functional zones and the
edges show their connected relationships. In our evaluation, 7.2.2 Virtual Room Generation
each physical room is modeled with a vertex while the
For all virtual rooms, we mark each of them with the label
corridor is divided into 4 segments. As a result, there are
of a physical zone where the largest portion of fingerprints
total 16 functional zones in the physical graph.
To evaluate WILL, we need the accurate room of each user within this virtual room are collected. The assignment error
when the location query is submitted. We require location rate (AE) is used for evaluation of virtual room generation,
samples, especially those close to the walls, to evaluate the which is referred to the percent of fingerprints tagged with
localization performance. To obtain these location-labeled those virtual rooms taking a physical zone label different
data, we set a data acquisition point every 4 m2 and have from the zone where the fingerprints are actually collected.
some volunteers move around the space, stopping regularly As illustrated in Fig. 7, we notice that all clustering
to take 30 measurements and manually recording the ground approaches can achieve a fairly good accuracy of over
truth locations. The data records for evaluation are extended 80 percent on virtual rooms. Particularly, the KMeans
to be Dt ¼ <F ; A; L> where L is an additional tuple, approach can reach an accuracy of 93 percent when the
location. We collected 16,336 records (data set #1) on one virtual room number is set to 16 (equal to the physical
phone and 14,271 records (data set #2) on another. All data are functional zones number), which outperforms the best
evenly collected from accessible areas in the floor. performance achieved by SurroundSense [11], a mobile
Space-continuous data, say, the mobility data collected phone localization system using many kinds of fingerprints
during user movements, consist of two parts in our relying on site survey. We are delighted even more that
experiments. One part are collected from real user traces, such improvement is made while fewer kinds of finger-
the other are generated from the discontinuous data. To prints (actually only WiFi here) are involved. The results
collect continuous data, volunteers, as normal users with a benefit from the proposed feature of RSS stacking difference
mobile phone in hand, walk naturally in the building and and the concept of virtual room. Fig. 7 further shows that
collect traces and fingerprints during their natural move- partitional clustering approaches (KMeans) achieve better
ments. WILL records the accelerometer readings and picks performance than others like density-based clustering (EM)
up RSS values during moving with a, respectively, proper and hierarchical clustering methods (FarthestFirst).
period. Totally, 30 real traces are extracted and additional Both physical rooms and corridor segments can be
118 traces are generated from those location-labeled data. partitioned well. Moreover, even two connected areas
Different traces have various lengths and cover different totally without APs installed in (e.g., two adjacent corridor
areas of interests. Note that the generated traces are also zones) can also be distinguished by RSS data. As shown in
realistic because the experimental data contain manually Fig. 8, AE of partition on physical rooms is lower than
labeled accurate location information. 9 percent. As expected, partition on corridor segments is
less accurate. Nevertheless, the error is smaller than
7.2 Performance 19 percent, which we think is acceptable as fingerprints in
In this section, we evaluate WILL using data set #1 as corridors are farraginous. Moreover, there are no walls or
training data for building databases and data set #2 as other obstructions between corridor segments, which
querying data to localize. enlarges the fingerprint similarities between different
corridor segments.
7.2.1 User Trace Detection It is also indicated that some virtual rooms may be
Though the users kept their mobile phones in hand when indistinguishable. As illustrated in Fig. 9, when virtual
collecting continuous data in our experiments, we find that room number increases, we observe that AE caused by

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Fig. 9. Assignment error caused by different rooms. Rooms causing no

AE are not indicated. Fig. 11. CDF of per room accuracy.

some specific rooms always keep relatively large. On the 7.2.4 Comparative Study
other hand, the special building structure and materials of We compare WILL with some recent competitive techni-
the building, as described above, add to the difficulty of ques, specially, SurroundSense [11] and EZ [18] , in terms of
distinguishing rooms, which results in larger AE. We complexity and accuracy. SurroundSense utilizes ambience
believe WILL would work better in typical modern features, including WiFi signals, accelerometer, camera
buildings with walls of reinforced cement. sound, light, and even color, for indoor localization. It is a
pervasive work exploring logical localization and opens
7.2.3 Localization Accuracy new possibilities for indoor localization. SurroundSense
The final localization accuracy is affected by two factors: the achieves an encouraging average accuracy of 87 percent,
virtual room estimation accuracy and the floor plan which is almost the same as WILL. SurroundSense,
mapping results. We present the mapping results and however, relies on site survey and needs user-aware
evaluate the ultimate localization performance using accu- participation in localization, which makes it labor intensive
racy of virtual room localization (VRL) and physical room and deployment expensive. Moreover, SurroundSense is
localization (PRL) in the following. inefficient in energy and computation cost as so many
We use the virtual room results generated by KMeans features are used.
with virtual room number of 16 for evaluation. The original EZ in [18] performs indoor physical localization with no
results of the proposed SSMM on the logical and physical pre-deployment efforts. EZ models the physical constraints
graphs are displayed in Figs. 10a and 10b. Some of the of wireless propagation of all observations and uses a
mapping errors are corrected in the correction stage of genetic algorithm to solve them. EZ yields a median
SSMM, as shown in Fig. 10c. There are two virtual rooms localization error of 2 and 7 m, respectively, in a small
marked with the same physical room label and mapped to a and a large building. Nonetheless, EZ falls short of
same physical room. As a result, one room in the physical distinguishing physical rooms. In other words, the claimed
floor plan is not mapped with any virtual rooms. In other median 7 m error of EZ might imply lot of misdetections of
words, 15 out of 16 virtual rooms are correctly mapped rooms, which is where WILL stands out. In addition, EZ
while totally 14 out of 16 physical rooms are mapped. relies on occasionally available GPS information at the
We evaluate the location estimation accuracy based on entrance or near a window.
the mapping result illustrated in Fig. 10c. To understand the
localization accuracy of each room, we plot the cumulative
distribution function (CDF) in Fig. 11. Seventy five percent 8 CONCLUSION
of physical rooms can achieve localization accuracy of Previous indoor localization approaches mostly rely on labor-
80 percent or more. The median accuracies of VRL and PRL intensive site survey over every location. In this paper, we
are 89 and 90 percent and the average accuracies of them presented WILL, an indoor logical localization approach
are 81 and 86 percent, respectively. Such encouraging without site survey or knowledge of AP locations and power
results show competitive performance of WILL comparing settings. The main idea is to combine WiFi fingerprints with
with traditional site survey-based methods. user movements. Fingerprints are partitioned into different

Fig. 10. Floor plan mapping. Vertices colored the same indicate ground truth mapping pairs.

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Yunhao Liu received the BS degree in automa- Wei Xi received the BE degree from School of
tion from Tsinghua University, China, in 1995, Computer Science and Technology from Xidian
the MS and PhD degrees in computer science University, Xi’an, China, and is currently working
and engineering from Michigan State University, toward the PhD degree of Xi’an Jiaotong
in 2003 and 2004, respectively. He is now an University. His research interests include wire-
EMC chair professor at Tsinghua University, as less sensor networks and mobile computing. He
well as a faculty member with the Hong Kong is a student member of the IEEE and ACM.
University of Science and Technology. His
research interests include wireless sensor net-
work, peer-to-peer computing, and pervasive
computing. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
. For more information on this or any other computing topic,
please visit our Digital Library at www.computer.org/publications/dlib.

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