History Format MS

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= Full name, Age, Sex, Occupation, Address, Religion, name of

admitted hospital, Hospital bed number, date of admission

= previous hospitalization

= Chief complaint

+ Date of onset

+ Mode of onset, course and duration

+Character and location

+Exacerbations and remissions

+ Effect of treatment

+ Negative-positive statements

+ Changes in strength, weight and color

=Past illnesses
+ illnesses experienced in the past unrelated to the current

+ malaria, TB, HTN, DM, Cardiac, Renal, trauma, Asthma, allergy

+surgery, anemia

+Head: Headache, head injury

+Eyes: Blurring of vision, pain, itching, lacrimation, photophobia

+Ears: pain, deafness, ear discharge, vertigo, tinnitus

+ Nose: Nose bleeds, discharge

+Mouth and throat: Gum bleeding, dental hygiene, sore throat

+Respiratory system: Cough, expectoration (sputum),

hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, stridor

+ Cardiovascular system: Dyspnea (exercise intolerance),

palpitation, orthopnea (number of pillows required),
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, swelling of legs, chest pain
(anginal pain), syncope, intermittent claudication, fatigue
+ Gastroin
Gastro-intestinal system: Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,
dysphagia, (diarrhea, constipation), jaundice, colored stool

+ Genitourinary system: flank and suprapubic pain, hematuria,

oliguria, polyuria, frequency, dysuria, urgency, dribbling,

+ menstrual history (age at menarche/interval between

periods/duration of flow/amount of flow), dysmenorrhea,
menorrhagia, dyspareunia, amenorrhea, urethral or vaginal
discharge, post coital bleeding, menopause, post-menopausal

+ Locomotor system: Joint deformities, bony deformities, joint

pain or swelling, limping, loss of function of limbs or joints,
muscle weakness or wasting

+ Central nervous system: Amnesia, speech disturbance,

seizures, diplopia, vertigo, weakness of extremities, urinary
incontinence or retention, fecal incontinence disturbance in
sensation, insomnia

= Personal history
+ Place of birth, childhood development, health and activities

+ Education, work, job hazards

+ Habits: Alcohol, tobacco smoking, illicit drug use, herbs

+ Marital status: Health of wife/husband, adjustment (marital

harmony), number of children and their health

=Family history
Father and mother: Age, health, (if dead, mention date, age
and cause of death)

Siblings: List with ages, health (if dead, mention date, age, cause
of death)

Family disease: Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, migraine,

asthma and other allergic diseases, other hereditary disease

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