What Is Flash
What Is Flash
What Is Flash
The Timeline
The timeline is one of the most important components
of Flash. It is located below the Stage. It is used to
specify of each element’s appearance and animation.
The Timeline also contains Frames and Layers. Flash
movies measure time in frames. Frames are the
discrete, small slices of time. You can change the
content on the Flash Stage for different frames
Property Inspector
The Property Inspector appears on the right side of
your Flash workspace by default. It is grouped with the
Library panel. It displays properties and options for
objects selected on the Stage, and also allows you to
modify them. The object can be text, an image, a line,
or any other shape.
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Using the Polystar Tool
Working in much the same way as the Oval and
Rectangle tools, the new Polystar tool allows you
to easily create complex vector shapes. You can
use this tool to create polygons and stars with up
to 32 sides. Choose between creating a polygon or
a star. Both styles have characteristics that can be
adjusted in the Property Inspector before you draw
the shape.
Draw a Polygon or Star Shape
Click and hold the Rectangle tool in the
Toolbar, and then point to PolyStar Tool.
The pointer becomes a crosshair that you
can drag anywhere on the Stage.
Click Options in the Property Inspector.
Click the Style popup, and then
select Polygon or Star.
Enter a value for the number of sides.
You can create an object with up to 32
For the Star style, you can specify an
additional option for your point size. You
can enter a value ranging from .10 to 1.0
Click OK.
Contrary to the pen tool that makes use of plotted
anchor points on a line, you can directly use your
mouse or drawing tablet to create any shape you
want. This is exceptionally brilliant for designers
who want to dive right in and create artwork from
It also works excellently for outlining and tracing
existing artwork because of its capability to support
variable widths and pressures of stroked paths.
The pencil tool provides the best balance between
line accuracy and line smoothness. You can choose
whether you want to have a smoother line or a
more precise line.
The paths created using the pencil tool can also be
edited easily by tracing over the previous path. This
makes it even more effortless to get the exact path
you’re looking for.
The pencil tool is an excellent alternative to the pen
tool in case you’re looking for a simple way to
outline, trace, detail, or create new artwork.