3is LAS Week 1-2 Q3

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Inquiries, Investigation and


Quarter 3 – Learning Activity Sheet 1-2:

 WEEK 1: Brainstorming for Research Topics

 WEEK 2: Identifying the Problem and Asking the Questions
Unlocking of Keywords
Inquiry - It is a question which you ask to get some information.
It is the process of asking about or investigating
something to find out more about it.

Investigation - It is a proper inquiry or efficient study.

Immersion - It is the process of learning a skill by using nothing

else but that skill. It is the fact of becoming
completely involved in something.

Research Study - Research is like exploring things to come up with the

best idea/s to respond to the needs of society.

Concept - It is a conceptual representation abstract objects, or

abilities that make up the fundamental building
blocks of thoughts and beliefs

Brainstorming for Research Topics
Research provides the best solution to some of the world problems and also enhance the
knowledge of the researchers. It can give explanations to certain questions stated in the research
problem. Through the explanations, it serves as a tool for building knowledge and for facilitating new
Research also introduces new ideas, helps the researchers identify problems and appropriate
solutions in new ways and provide new framework to guide thinking and action. It informs action,
proves a theory and contributes to develop knowledge in a field or study. Therefore, it understands
various issues and increases public awareness.
The following shall help you recall some significant details relevant to your previous
understanding about the types of research namely: qualitative and quantitative researches.

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Involves processes, feelings, and motives (the why’s Aims to characterize trends and patterns
and the how’s) and produce in- depth and holistic data

Usually concerned with generating Usually starts with neither a theory nor
hypothesis from data rather than testing a hypothesis hypothesis about the relationship between two or
more variables
Uses either unstructured or semi-structured Uses structured research instruments like
instruments questionnaires or schedules
Uses small sample sizes chosen purposely Uses large sample sizes that are
representatives of the population
Has high validity Has high output replicability
Used to gain greater understanding of individual Used to gain greater understanding of group
differences in terms of feelings, motives and similarities
Uses more flexible processes Uses structured processes
Methods include field research, case study and Methods include census, survey, experiments and
secondary analysis secondary analysis

An inquiry is a method that has the aim of extending knowledge, undertaking doubt, or solving a
problem. A theory of inquiry is an interpretation of the various types of inquiry and action of the ways
that each type of inquiry attains its aim.
Now, to give you an idea of how to prepare for research, you may do the inquiry- based learning using
the following steps mentioned below:
 Focus. An ill-structured problem demands
consideration of diverse perspectives.
 
 Decide on a topic. Think-aloud, asks probing questions,
monitors and encourages participants to decide a topic.
 
 Understanding theproblem. This will include
clarifications of misconceptions and possibilities.
 
 Design on the problem. This is the final stage done to
address problems within manageable scales and extend
their learning pathways.

Brainstorming is a way of inquiring ideas that will help you to develop concepts and focusing
techniques by asking questions and knowing the interests of the persons involved in the said issues.
The potential ideas can be visualized for interpretations.
The following are the things that may be considered before starting the research
1. A problem that is most interesting to you
2. Existing problems in the class/school/campus which one may want to solve
3. Existing needs of the community or society
4. Area of interest, specialization or event from related fields
5. Prevailing theories and philosophy

Criteria in Choosing a Research Topic:

1. It should be something new or different from what has already been

written about.
2. It must be original.
3. It should be significant to the field of study or discipline.
4. It must necessarily arouse intellectual curiosity.
5. It should be of researcher’s interest.
6. It should be a modest one for a beginner to be carried out within a limited
period of time.
7. It should be clear, not ambiguous.
8. It should be specific, not general.
9. It should consider the training and personal qualifications of the researcher.
10. It should consider the availability of data involved in the study and the
methods and techniques to be employed in gathering them.
11. It should consider the availability of effective instruments for gathering the
data and their treatment.
12. It should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the
13. It should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking.
If you already identified the possible topic in the agenda of your research study, you may think
of the identity of your research either a qualitative or a quantitative research then decide on the
methodology by not disregarding the importance of your research to others, to the community, to the
society or to the nation as well.
Observe the given example as a guide about the mentioned concerns in your research agenda.
RESEARCH AGENDA - Academic Track
TOPIC Community Waste Problem
TYPES OF RESEARCH Qualitative Research
METHODOLOGY Interview and Survey Questionnaire
IMPORTANCE Provide awareness and information about Clean and Green Project
and Health & Sanitation Program


TOPIC Level of Effectivity of TVL - SMAW Offering
TYPES OF RESEARCH Quantitative Research
METHODOLOGY Interview and Survey Questionnaire
IMPORTANCE Provide data as basis for the improvement and enhancement of the TVL- SMAW
Prepare a research agenda following the steps below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Choose a topic according to your academic choice considering the criteria in the research topic.
2. Determine the type as to qualitative or quantitative research.
3. Identify the methodology to be used in the preparation of the research agenda.
4. State the importance of your research agenda in the community or society.




Identifying the Problem and
2 Asking the Questions

In the previous lesson, you’ve learned on how to choose research topics and formulate
Background of the problem or the statement of the problem, following the different elements
in writing a statement of the problem helps you to create a god topic for your research.

This lesson has seven sub- lessons:

 Background of the Problem
 Conceptual Framework
 Research Hypothesis (for Quantitative Research)
 Statement of the Problem
 Importance of the study
 Scope and limitations of the study
 Definition of terms


The background of the study will deliberate your statement of the problem, rationale, and research
questions. It links the introduction to your research study and guarantees a logical flow of ideas. Thus,
it helps readers understand and comprehend your reasons and explanations for conducting the study.
Problem statements or background of the study have three elements:
 The problem itself, stated clearly and with enough contextual detail to establish why it is important;
 The method of solving the problem, often stated as a claim or a working thesis;
 The purpose, statement of objectives and scope of document the writer is preparing.

Research Problem

A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be

eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the
need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. It is typically posed in the form of a question.

Sample Background of the study:

In today’s generation, a lot of problems have been emerging in our society and the most common problem that
humans are facing right now is the environmental concerns, specifically the solid waste which includes the
biodegradable and non- biodegradable. Waste can be defined to be as those materials that are no longer needed
at some point. Biodegradable wastes are those that can be easily decomposed while non-biodegradable wastes
are those that cannot be broken and decomposed in which these will remain stable indefinitely. Moreover, non-
biodegradable wastes bring problems to our environment.

Assessment 2: Write the above research topics (refer to Assessment 1) you have created and identify at least
three research problem for each and explain why you choose them.

Propose Research Title: __________________________________________________________

Background of the Problem: _______________________________________________________
Reasons: _____________________________________________________________________

II. Conceptual Framework

A Conceptual Framework is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts that can be applied in
different categories of work where an overall picture is needed to come up with the desired goal. It is necessary
to make conceptual and theoretical distinctions and organize ideas. Strong and resilient conceptual
frameworks capture and apprehend something real and do this in a way that is easy to remember and apply.

The theoretical and conceptual frameworks provide evidence of academic standards and procedures that
validates the authenticity of the study. They also proposed an explanation and clarification of why the study is
relevant and how the researcher expects to fill the gap in the literature.

How to create a Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is a bit like a recipe or a blueprint. It provides an outline of how you plan to conduct
the research of your thesis, but it goes further than that by also positioning your work within the larger field of
 Conduct a Literature Review
Before you can have your research, you need to understand and comprehend what research has
already been conducted on your topic of interest and curiosity. Conducting a literature review
can help you to refine your central argument or hypothesis. You must also conduct and gather
the literature review to be able to place and organize your work within the larger and greater area
of study in your conceptual framework. Your framework should present the relevant research
ad show how your work will help to advance the field.
 Create a Flow Chart
Conceptual frameworks are frequently visual and allow those reading the framework to
understand the course of your research. You can present this in whatever way makes the most
sense for your work, which can include a flow chart, mind gap or diagram. In every component
of your research, you should showcase the variables that influence it.
 Write a Narrative
Conceptual frameworks don’t have to include a diagram or graphic. You can always present the
same information and evidence by writing a narrative. Your narrative should recap the variables
influencing your research and explore how they may change the hypothesis. The narrative
should also explain and enlighten the basic methodology for your research. If you include a
diagram in your conceptual framework, a narrative should also be included explaining these
details for those who prefer more in-depth information. Bolded headers to separate the sections
of your narrative and to create a visual order of information.
 Return and Revise
As you begin your research, you may discover that certain elements of your conceptual
framework are no longer needed. You will discover new variables, or you may identify that your
hypothesis is incorrect. You may discover additional research that challenges your theory and
ideas. You should return to your framework and revise it if necessary.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms

Gender: Academic Achievement of 4Ps Pupils
Grade Level: - Recipients
Occupation of the parents: Monthly
income of the parents: Interactive

Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram showing the perimeter of the study

III. Research Hypothesis

Research Hypothesis is vital to all research endeavors, whether qualitative or quantitative,

exploratory or explanatory.

In developing a testable research hypothesis, it takes skill, however, along with careful
attention to how the proposed research method treats the development and testing of

The hypothesis in your study, you are predicting the relationship between two variables.
Following are some hints for the formulation of your hypothesis.

 Be certain to read on the subject matter to explain with it before making a final decision
 As noted, a research hypothesis is more than just a topic. It has two elements (variables) that
are in relation to each other. Your hypothesis is what you propose to “prove” by your research.
As an outcome of your research, you will arrive at a conclusion, a theory, or understanding that
will be useful or applicable beyond the research itself.
 Avoid judgmental and critical words in your hypothesis.
 Your hypothesis must involve an issue or question that cannot be answered exclusively by the
discipline of law.
 Be certain that each term if your hypothesis is clearly understood and defined, do not deal in
generalities or assume that the reader knows the meaning of the technical term.
 Specify, if appropriate, whether you will be dealing with state or federal law or both on a
comparative basis if appropriate.
 Know that your hypothesis may change over time as your research progresses.

You must obtain the teacher’s approval of your hypothesis, as well as any modifications to your
hypothesis, before proceeding with any work on the topic. You will be expressing your hypothesis in
3 ways:
 As a one-sentence hypothesis.
 As a research question.
 As a title for your paper.
Your hypothesis will be part of your research proposal.

Sample on Research Hypothesis:

Does taking aspirin everyday reduce the chance of having a heart attack?
Null Hypothesis:
Taking aspirin daily does not affect heart attack risk.

Assessment 3: Writing Exercise: Make your Research Hypothesis

Directions: Based on the topic that you’ve chosen (refer to Assessment 1), write a statement
on the Research Hypothesis on your chosen topic.


Research Hypothesis:


IV. Statement of the Problem

Writing a Statement of the Problem

After identifying a research problem, the next step is to write a problem statement. It has to be
concise and concrete. Writing a problem statement can help the researcher put the topic in context
and have a deeper understanding of its significance. A problem statement may be written in several
paragraphs or in several sentences incorporated in the introduction.
Problem statement should address the relevance of the research: why is it important to resolve
the problem. The problem statement need not lay world- changing impact. What is important is that
the problem statement should lay how you intend to address the problem. Your goal should not be to
find a conclusive solution, but to seek out the reasons behind the problem and propose more effective
approaches to understanding it. You may start with the following phrases:
a) The aim of this study is to determine…
b) This project aims to explore…
c) I aim to investigate…
Purpose of the Statement of the Problem:

 To describe the substantive focus of the research study

 To frame it as
 A larger theoretical policy
 A practical problem and thereby, develop its significance
 To pose initial research questions
 To forecast the literature to be discussed in the second section and
 To discuss the limitations of the study.

Specific Title of the Study:
Narcissism in Teenagers: Root Causes, Manifestations and
The different parts of the problem statement will be written as follows:

Taking selfies or a video of oneself has become a social phenomenon that has
been brought about by the use of modern gadgets, particularly the mobile phone -
adolescents take pictures or videos of themselves, their possessions, their latest
happenings or gigs, their friends, their food-anything, anyone they take a fancy on,
anywhere, anytime. A good number of people say that this social phenomenon has
evolved into narcissism. There is, to date, a dearth of research on this topic.

Statement of the Problem

Major Problem: This study aims to investigate the root causes of narcissism, as well
as its manifestations and possible forms of intervention.

Specific Problems: Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

 What are the underlying causes of narcissism?

 How has technology contributed to narcissistic behavior?
 What are the manifestations of narcissistic behavior in adolescents?
 What forms of intervention can be done to address this behavior of
 How can the following help in developing healthy self-esteem, positive
outlooks and attitudes in adolescents?
 Parents
 Curriculum Planners
 Administrators Teachers
 Guidance Counsellors
 Peers

Assessment 4: Writing Exercise: Make your Statement of the Problem
Directions:. On the topic that you have chosen (refer to Asesessment 1), write a specific statement or inquiry
showing the following:
Satement of the Problem:
V. Importance of the Study

The section on the significance of the study provides information to the reader on how the
study will contribute. It must be exactly stated, however, what the study will contribute and
who will benefit from it.


Significance of the Study

The researcher believed that the result of this study will help the following assess the 4Ps program and its
effect to the performance of the pupils.

 The Department of Social Welfare and Development. The researcher believes that the result of this
study will be of great importance to the department since they are the ones monitoring the 4Ps
program. May this study serve as the basis in the modification of the conditions in giving cash grants

 The Administrators. The result of the study would be the basis of constructing and implementing new
and innovative teaching aids to help teachers fully supervise and assess the pupils to achieve their full
potentials, since children are financially supported in their studies by the government.
 The Teachers. The result of this study may help the teacher in constructing and
developing new teaching strategies to help the students in their performance and be
mindful that even if students are provided and supported by the government, they still
need equal guidance to perform well in school. The factors affecting the performance of
the students may also help the teacher as their basis in making daily lessons.

 The Parents. The result of this study will inform the parents that their guidance is a big
impact on the performance of the students in school.

 The Students. May the result of this research help the student in understanding that
coming to school daily may be a guarantee that they will also have good academic
performance. And may the result give them the overview of how the government is
supporting their studies and that they must do their part by studying well.

Assessment 5: Writing Exercise: Writing a statement on the Significance or the Importance of

the Study

Directions: On the topic you’ve chosen, write a specific statement regarding the Significance or the Importance
of the study.

Significance of the Study:


VI. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope and delimitation of the study set borders and limitations of the problem
inquiry and narrow down the scope of the inquiry.

The purpose of the delimitation of the study is to delimit by geographic location, age, sex,
population traits, population size, or other similar aspects. Delimitation makes study more
manageable and feasible. Part of it sets the constraints or weaknesses of a study which are
beyond the control of the researcher.

Examples of Delimitation of Research

 This study covers only those families in Barangay San Jose, Pasig City, benefited by the
government’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

 This study includes only those English freshman classes that use both Blended Learning and
standard ways of Language teaching.
Assessment 6: Writing Exercise: On the Scope and Limitation of the Study
Directions: Go back in the sample given. On the topic that you’ve chosen, write a specific
statement showing the Scope and Limitation of your study.

Scope and Limitations:


VII. Definition of Terms

Glossary of Research Terms- this glossary is intended to assist you in understanding commonly used
terms and concepts when reading, interpreting, and evaluating scholarly research in the social sciences.
Types and Functions
 Conceptual Definition
Refers to the dictionary meaning.
 Operational Definition
The meaning of the concept or terms as used in a particular study.

Sample Operational Definition of Terms

Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

Academic Performance CCT or Conditional Cash Transfer

It is the product of education- the degree to This is a program that transfers cash, largely to
which a student, a teacher or organization deprived families, on the circumstance that those
has attained their educational goals. It is families make prespecified funds in the human
dignified by the final grade earned in the assets of their kids.

Assessment 7: Writing Exercise: Defining a Term

Directions: On the topic chosen, write a specific statement using the different Types and Functions of
the Definition of Terms.

Conceptual Definition:
Operational Definition:

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer. Kindly write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is a limitation to brainstorming?
a. free riders work harder in a group c. people are more willing to talk because they are part of a group
b. only a few people can contribute d. only one person can speak at a time
2. What characterizes inquiry?
a. it is designed to generate multiple alternatives c. it is an open process
b. it encourages an exchange of ideas d. all of the above
3. What are the two phases of brainstorm?
a. cause and effect c. idea generation and evaluation
b. projection and selection d. problem and solution
4. What is an informal or indirect expression of knowledge?
a. Books b. gestures c. sentences d. words
5. How will you capture the ideas?
a. traditional method c. post – it notes
b. electronic method d. all of the above
6. Which of the following statements about brainstorming is NOT correct?
a. brainstorming is often used for creative problem-solving
b. no criticism is allowed in brainstorming
c. brainstorming is an exposed game without rules or guidelines
d. all participants in brainstorming should be given a chance to contribute
7. Which criteria should you use to evaluate ideas?
a. feasible c. novel
b. attractive d. none of the above
8. Which of the following is a limitation to brainstorming?
a. free riders work harder in a group. c. people are more willing to talk because they are part of the group
b. only a few people can contribute. d. only one can speak at a time
9. Which among them does not belong to ruining a brainstorm?
a. early criticism of ideas c. need evaluation
b. having no clear focus or objective d. settling for too few ideas
10.Which of the following are the benefits of brainstorming when compared to the nominal group
a. brainstorming is more fun
b. brainstorming can create a positive organizational climate
c. brainstorming can encourage talented and highly skilled employees to remain in an
d. all of the above
11. The part of your study that will provide context to the information discussed
throughout the research process.
a. Background of the Study c. Operational Definition
b. Scope and delimitation of the study d. Significance of the study
12. An analytical tool with several variations and contexts.
a. Scope and delimitation of the study c. Significance of the Study
b. Conceptual Framework d. Operational Definition
13. The part of your states what the researcher expects to find- it is the
tentative answer to the research question that guides the entire study.
a. Research Significance c. Research Hypothesis
b. Research Truth d. Research Operation Definition
14. In making your conceptual framework which is not included in the steps
stated below.
a. Conduct a Literature c. Write a Narrative
b. Create a Flow chart d. Do not return and revise
15.Who are the individuals whom they explain clearly the purposes of the problem
statement or inquiry?
a. Marshall and Rossman c. F.J Espania and R.E Fernandez
b. Marshall Leu and Rose Man d. None of the above

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