FHEL1114 ELP 202210 - WEEK 1 - Introduction To Course

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General Information

• 4 Credit Hours (3+1)

- 3 represents 3 lecture credit hours per week
- 1 represents 1 tutorial credit hour per week

• This course is designed to prepare students on their English
Language and study skills in preparation for entry into tertiary
To enable students to:

• Listen critically when engaging in a conversation

• Read and understand a variety of texts
• Use appropriate language when greeting people
• Make formal and informal introductions
• Acquire a good basic foundation in grammar
• Improve their command of the English Language for tertiary
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:

• Use targeted grammatical structures meaningfully and

appropriately in oral and / or written forms.

• Listen effectively in a variety of situations for a variety of


• Demonstrate comprehension of reading texts.

Lecture Notes, Tutorial Exercises, Assignment
Materials, Announcements, etc.

Web-Based Learning Environment (WBLE)

Lecture Topics

• Listening

• Speaking

• Reading

• Writing

• Grammar
Main References:
1. Azar, S. A. (2016). Understanding and using English grammar
(5th ed.). New York: Longman.
2. Smalley, R. L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrev, J. R. (2012). Refining
composition skills: Academic writing and grammar (6th ed.).
America: Heinle & Heinle.
Additional References:

1. Ang Y. T., et al. (2010). Skills, preparation & practice. Kuala

Lumpur: Federal Marshall Cavendish Education.

2. Kaur, H., & Jonas, F. (2019). Effective practice MUET. Kuala

Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

3. Soo, E. (2011). Practical English for tertiary students: Book 1

(2nd ed.). Singapore: Cengage Learning.

4. Soo, E., & Lim, S. (2011). Practical English for tertiary students:
Book 2 (2nd ed.). Singapore: Cengage Learning.
1. Continuous Assessment
1. Assignment (Radio Play) (35 marks) 35%
2. Midterm Test (30 marks) 10%
3. Listening Test (20 marks) 05%
TOTAL: 50%

2. Final Examination / Assessment

Section A: Parts of Speech 30 marks
Section B: Tenses 20 marks
Section C: Writing 20 marks
Section D: Reading Comprehension 30 marks

*100 marks will be converted to 50%

TOTAL: 50%
Important Dates

T/L Week : 17/10/2022 – 08/01/2023

(13 weeks)

Finals : 09/01/2023 – 15/01/2023

(1 week)

Trimester Break : 16/01/2023 – 29/01/2023

(2 weeks)
Listening Test

- Week 5
- Thursday
- 17/11/2022
- 6.30pm to 7.30pm (1 hour)
- Physical Test
Midterm Test

- Week 9
- Tuesday
- 13/12/2022
- 6.30pm to 7.30pm (1 hour)
- UTAR (*will be updated on WBLE)
General Announcements

1. Use the Web-Based Learning Environment (WBLE) to

retrieve and download the lecture / tutorial notes and
exercises which will be most likely to be updated on a weekly

2. Do regularly check it out for any major and important

announcements from your respective lecturers / tutors.
General Announcements

3. Check your timetable to know about your scheduled

lecture and tutorial groups.

The course code for this subject is known as FHEL1114 and

(*previously known as FHEL1014 BASIC ENGLISH).
General Announcements
4. Please keep in mind that your participation in the physical
classroom is important because your attendance will be strictly
recorded. (*min 80%)

5. A valid record by the Hi-hive App where students are required to

scan the QR code during each class attended.

6. The QR code will be displayed / shared during the class only. Please
scan it immediately because the QR code will be deactivated
automatically once the class is over.

7. Attendance will NOT be taken if you were to enter any classes other
than your own; hence, you are NOT allowed to enter or join the other
lecture / tutorial classes without any official permissions.
Hi-Hive App
Click on this icon to
start scanning the
QR code.
You may also scan
the QR code
directly from your
phone gallery.

(*if you save the

QR code as a
picture first).
Some Do’s & Don'ts
1. Do attend your own scheduled classes regularly.
2. Be punctual.
3. Present documents for illness (MC) / on leave, etc.
4. Check the lecturer’s consultation hours and fix
appointment at least 2 days in advance. You may
contact your lecturers / tutors via email if you have
any doubts about this subject.
5. It would be appreciated if the lecturer / tutor’s
personal time can be respected / considered should
students want to ask / message him / her after the
scheduled working hours (9.00am – 5.00pm).

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