Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format

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Sample ESL Lesson Plan Format

Teacher’s name: Jesús Romero Date: 10/4/2022 Time: 90 minutes

Unit 1: Changing plans Level: Advanced C1 Semester: Sixth
Topic/Content 3: Reasons for changing Subject: Advanced English II
Objective: By the end of the class, learners will be able to create one dialogue, using future in the past

Segment/skills Teacher’s Student’s Materials/resources Time

activities activities
Feedback The teacher Students Whiteboard, 5 min.
asks a couple answer the markers, erasers,
of questions to questions and notebook, and book
the students provide
about the examples.
previous topic.
Warm-up and /or review -The teacher -Students Laptop, projector, 5 min.
presents a watch the honks, whiteboard,
video related video. internet.
to the topic.
-The teacher answer the
asks three questions
questions the asked by the
students about teacher.
the video.
Introduction -The teacher Students Laptop, projector, 10 min
Speaking introduces the answer the honks, and
content by question and whiteboard
Listening asking a exemplify it
general with personal
question about experiences.
the topic.
-The teacher -Students read
presents and listen to
vocabulary the audio.
about the topic
by playing an
Presentation -The teacher -Students Laptop, projector, 10 min.
Grammar/Future in the past presents a watch and and honk.
was/were going to and would video listen to the
concerning the video
use of presented.
Listening structures of
the future in
the past.
-The teacher -Students
asks questions answer the
to the students questions
about the properly.
video content.
Practice (wrap-up) -The teacher -Students Laptop, projector, 50 min
Writing assigns some work on the honk, course book,
exercises exercises notebook, pens,
about the assigned by pencils, dictionaries,
grammar the professor. erasers, and liquid
Listening section so that papers.
students can
solve them.

Writing -The teacher -Students read

presents a and listen to
conversation the audio.
by playing an
Writing audio
-Students fill
Writing & Speaking -The teacher in the blanks
suggests the teacher
students suggests to
complete some complete.
blanks with
from the

-The teacher Students

asks the gather in
students to get groups to
together in perform the
teams of 3 assignment
three members suggested by
to write 3 the teacher.

-The teacher Students

requires the change the
students to information in
gather in pairs the
so that they conversation
change the suggested and
information of practice it by
a changing
conversation, roles.
using their
own, and
practice it.

5. Evaluation/Assessment The teacher Students Course book, 10 min

asks a answer the notebook, pens,
Writing and Speaking question to the question in an pencils, dictionaries,
students where individual way erasers, and liquid
they will have and use the papers.
to apply the grammar
future in the structures
past (was/were required
going to and studied in the
would). Then class. Then
he suggests they provide
learners their
participate comments in
with their the class
6. Assignment The teacher Students solve Course books,
Writing assigns to the guide notebooks, hand-
students a provided by outs, laptops, tablets,
guide of the professor. cellphones, pens,
exercises pencils, dictionaries,
related to the erasers, and liquid
future in the papers.
past (was/were
going to and
would). Then
he checks the
assignment in
his time
dedicated for
that purpose,

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