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Effects of Criminology on A Nation: Evidence From Nigerias Socio-Economic

And National Security Architecture

Article  in  Quest Journal of Management and Social Sciences · January 2022


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Ezekiel Onibiyo
Nasarawa State University


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Quest Journals
Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science
Volume 10 ~ Issue 9 (2022) pp: 101-107

Research Paper

Effects of Criminology on A Nation: Evidence From

Nigerias Socio-Economic And National Security
ADILBAKIRYA, Kwadai John., 2MUNGADI, Dauda Danladi., 3AKINWUMI
Olayemi (Prof)., 4FOFAH, Florence Olanike., 5ADEKOLA, Nurudeen
Olanrewaju., 6Shittu, Hakeem Babatunde., & 7ONIBIYO, Ezekiel Rotimi
Department of Security and Strategic Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. 7Department of
Finance, Nasarawa State University, Keffi.

World over, national security architecture formulated to curtail nuclear warfare are being modified to curtail
internal plethora of crimes and criminalities; terrorism, kidnapping, secessionism, banditry, of both regional
and international outreaches. Failure to adapt to these shift of threats from external to internal, signpost a
disconnectedness from the study of criminology and the society it is meant to shepherd. It was against this
background, that this study leverages on the Concentric Circles Theory to interrogate effects of criminology on
a nation, deconstructing effect on a nation into socio-economic effects and national security architecture effect.
This study adopts qualitative research design using exploratory research design of publicly available archive
documents; study also relies solely on secondary data. The research is conducted by examining literature
concerning criminology as seen in crime and criminalities in Nigeria. The literature was obtained through
searches in publicly available material. Literature from non-serial publications, official reports, and
conferences has been included particularly if they have been cited by other references in term of effects of
criminology on a state. Results that emanate from this study revealed that crimes and criminality are additional
taxes on socioeconomic wellbeing of the people, which erode away government legitimacy and the inability of
the Nigeria State to stem the tide. This study also submits that prevalence of organised crimes has further
showed the vulnerability of the Nigeria security architecture which is more unitary than of federal disposition.
The study recommends that all tiers of government should wean itself off corruption which aggravates
organised crimes by being seen transparent in policies, deed and good governance. Study also recommends the
need to evolve proactive, decentralized and integrated national security architecture with human security as a
Keywords: Concentric Circles Theory, Security Architecture, Socio Economic Development

Received 01 Sep., 2022; Revised 10 Sep., 2022; Accepted 12 Sep., 2022 © The author(s) 2022.
Published with open access at

I. Introduction
Crime and criminalities predate civilization, it is as old as humanity itself, hence the ability of the state
to understand, prevent and control crimes through arrays of instruments is ably provided by criminology.
Criminal activity pervades both the elitist and the poor with each exhibiting different aggravated level of crime
and criminalities, criminal activity acts like a tax on the entire economy, it does not only depresses domestic and
foreign direct investments, it reduces firms' competitiveness, and reallocates resources creating uncertainty and
inefficiency. The impact of criminology which creates corridor for state and other stakeholders to strengthen
capacity to control organised crime within their borders could be seen from political impact, proactive national
security architecture and social economic impact.
Impact of crime and criminalities milk away capability, capacity and needed legitimacy for state to
deliver on good governance. Developing states impacted by organised crimes have their political, economic and
social activities infiltrated by the dark networks of organised criminal that act as policy predators. The
complicity in internet fraud, drug cartel, extrajudicial killings, choice property confiscation and conversion, by

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Effects of Criminology on A Nation: Evidence From Nigerias Socio-Economic And National ..
Nigeria‟s super cop, Abba Kyari, was not only daunting, despite topmost awards and medal of bravery from
presidential, State government and Nigeria Police in 2011, 2012 and 2013. This development exposed how
public officers are compromised in the line of duty thereby eroding legitimacy of government in the eye of the
public (Abdulaziz, 2022; Adetunji, 2021). Government and government officials could also be seen complicit in
the Zamfara state banditry debacle (James, 2021; Musa, 2020).
Concerningly, little economic gains by citizenry and corporate outfits are eroded away in efforts to
provide safety measures in earning their livings, in the daunting face of armed robbery, kidnapping, banditry
that aggravate the economic landscape of developing countries. The rational choice theory opines that
participation in crimes will be aggravated once the gains from such ventures outweigh the attending cost based
on the environment, level of protection, and likelihood of harming society members, hence increases in crime
will increase social loss (Bourguignon, 1999). The illegal activities of organized crime requires firms to monitor
their activities, which increases their costs
The inadequacy of a nation national security architecture could be seen in its inability to respond to
complex, plethora, and uncertain security environment impacted by organised crime of regional and
international reaches; kidnapping, terrorism, banditry secessionism, and regional agitation, as against an external
threat to national survival as largely witnessed during the cold war era (Edward, 2020). A responsive national
security architecture to plethora of crime and criminalities must conform, not just in terms of processes and
structures but in the mindsets of ministers and civil servants. It should be seen in close relationships with all
„strategic partners‟; the private sector and the wider public, which raises further challenges of transparency,
information sharing and trust.
The field of Criminology as a field when leveraged upon, quickens response to crime and treatment of
both victims and criminals. Crime reduction, crime analysis are driven towards society policies by
criminologists in efforts to prevent criminal behavior and reduce recidivism. It could be seen advancing law
security services, tactics and practices, such as community-oriented policing, Intelligence Led Policing amongst
others. This field of study could steer away Nigeria‟s law enforcement from reactive policing deep into
proactive style of service delivery. Criminologists gather, and routinised statistics which throws up crime
patterns for law enforcement agencies across demographs and locations.
The rate at which criminals operate unhindered in most societies especially in developing countries
around the world is worrisome. Crime creates fear and untold suffering among people. Crime often stands as a
barrier to socioeconomic growth of society, discourages investment, increases the cost of transactions and
ultimately fuel migration which eventually creates economic development disparities around the world.
This study will provide answers to the following research questions;
i. To what extent does criminology impact on socio economic security of Nigeria?
ii. What is the effect of crime and criminalities on National Security architecture of Nigeria?

II. Literature Review

Conceptual Framework
Socio-Economic Development
Crime makes income stagnate or even diminish because it reduces production taking place in the
country. This is because the police and judicial system are inadequate resourced with no commitment by
government to facilitate a more productive economy that would not only reduce unemployment but also, create
a disincentive for crime to occur. Evidence abounds that crime reduces standards of living and diverts funds
from developmental programs, as funds are stolen through crime, additional monies are needed to combat crime
and remedy the resulting consequences.
The weekly sit-at-home protests in the South East of Nigeria, which enjoyed substantial compliance,
mean schools, markets and financial institutions are shut down with total suspension of socio-economic
activities. This state of collapse has been blamed on military action through Codenamed Operations of
Operation Python Dance, which has largely resulted in confrontational stance from separatist groups (Centre for
Democracy and Development in West Africa (CDD), 2022).

National Security Architecture

A national security architecture comprises the totality of its constitutional and legal frameworks and
institutions that form and provide safety and security services for it citizens and territorial defence (Bala, 2020).
Many corporate, private, and state institutions and agencies contribute to national security management which
then bring co-ordination of decision-making to the forefront. Bearne et al. (2005) opine that national security
architectures is entirety of a state responsive system that assures safety and protection of human including
management, decision-making and oversight structures and institutions, as well as national policies, strategies
and plans.

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Nigeria security architecture has not been spared of criticisms of being too unitary, and unresponsive to
handle a complex and dynamic federal system of government. Concerningly, is the fact that the existing unitary
security structure, warehouses all security agencies responsible for community, local, state, and national security
under the federal government, and this limit responsiveness to insecurity (MaiBasira, 2022.
Study of sociology assist policy makers to discover that crimes, particularly organised crime impacted
on a security architecture hence the need to be dynamic and ensure that causes, timely identification and
containment of such crime is within the reach of the existing security architecture. While Afuzie (2022) queried
the standalone nature of security agencies under the Nigeria security architecture hence her constrained
responsiveness when terror cells attacked correctional assets across the nation. Mungadi et al.(2020) submitted
that the national security architecture harbors less integrated and self-independent federal security agencies with
no provision for fusion centres to encourage Intel sharing and collaboration not even at strategic and tactical

Crime and Criminality Pattern Aggravating Nigeria’s National Security Architecture

Public Service Corruption
This is seen as one crime that aggravates more than 80% crime in the country as most of those in this
sector are seen already compromised by dark network of organised crime. Weak public policies churned out
from the public sector creates crime getaway for barons. The sleazy public sector procurement are linked to
politicians and public sectors fleeced funds are cycled back into the electioneering process and it becomes an
unbroken vicious circle (Center for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch (CeFTIW), 2022).

Arm Proliferation
Gun running is one dark trade that impact most non state actors‟ access to small arms and Light Weapon
(SALW). Local Production of Small Arms and Light Weapons with substantial capacities exist in Nigeria and
neighbouring countries. These weapons clandestinely distributed through networks within the country (Adekola,
2022; Koroma et al., 2013).
Kidnapping and Banditry
Kidnapping is deeply aggravated across regions in Nigeria, therefore days of ethnic profiling of this crime is
over as virtually all armed robbers have scaled up their operations into kidnapping as it is more profitable
Incessant Jail break
The unabated incidence of jail breaking in Nigeria is not only worrisome but has become a metric of assessing
successes of Nigeria‟s counterinsurgency operations against terror cells of Boko Haram, Islamic State of West
Africa Province and unknown gun men (Afuzie, 2022).
Drug Trafficking
This is one crime that oils all other criminal activities, hence a drug baron can decide to be paid off with guns to
be subsequently sold in the black market to gun runners. Government officials within high echelons of law
enforcement have been found complicit in this heinous crime of importing or drug rechanneling (Abdulaziz,
Money Laundering
The crime of corruption and money laundering, mostly rationalize as elitist crime is a proven nexus through
which organised crime operatives infiltrate and criminalize the state. There are cases where links could be
confirmed between public officials and organised criminal activity, such as money-laundering, fraud and drug
trafficking (Koroma et al., 2013).There are cases where links could be confirmed between public officials and
organised criminal activity, such as money-laundering, fraud and drug trafficking
Secessionism and Regional Agitations
The violent activities of separatist movements, secessionist bodies and regional agitators also aggravate the
nation‟s security architecture as the undercurrent generate tension, fears and flight from impacted region to less
impacted region. Sit at home orders churned out destabilizes businesses, education and socioeconomic activities.
Insecurity and loss of lives through uncontrolled arms proliferations becomes the order of the day in Nigeria
South East region (Centre for Democracy and Development in West Africa (CDD), 2022).
Herders and Farmers Clash
Pocketful of herders and farmers clash across the country left many dead, property loss and spike in mutual
suspicion along ethnic profiling; Fulani herders were seen as culpable in most of the crises (Ejiogu, 2019;
Global Terrorism Database, 2018). The Fulani herders response to climate change could be seen in unregulated
movement pattern from North East to other less climate impacted region thus aggravating resistance from other
sedentary farmers along the river banks.
Empirical Review
Criminology Impact on Nigeria’s Socio Economic Development
Adekoya and AbdulRazak (2017) employed theory of rational choice to explore the nexus between economic
growth and crime in Nigeria between the periods of 1970–2013. Study employed quantitative techniques of
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autoregressive distributed lag model. Results from analysis showed that crime affects economic growth at a 1%
and10% level of significance which translates to additional costs of living which stagnates income and slow
developmental programs, which impedes growth of the economy. Study only considers economic growth while
this study captures socio economic development
Asghar et al (2016) employed ordinary least squares tools to interrogate the impact of social, economic
and political factors and the event of 9/11 on crimes in Pakistan for the period 1984-2013. The study engaged
statistics tools three models of political, economic and social factors separately. Findings revealed that political
factors; corruption, law and order, 9/11 event, triggered increase in crimes, whereas government stability
reduces the crimes. Economic factors such as poverty increase crimes while human rights abuse and population
density increase crimes. Study concluded crime mitigation stems from focus on political, social and economic
problems faced by Pakistan.
Farrall et al. (2020) engaged criminological concepts of a “criminal career” and sociological concepts
such as the life course, to analyse the macro-level economic policies on individuals‟ engagement in crime. Study
deployed individual-level longitudinal data of Britons born in 1970 from childhood to adulthood and examines
their offending trajectories through the early 1980s to see the effects of economic policies on individuals‟
repeated offending. Study developed model with data from the British 1970 Birth Cohort Study that captures
individuals, families, and schools, accounting for national-level economic policies. Result from the study
disclosed that economic restructuring was a key causal factor in offending during the period. Study submitted
that criminologists should help explain offending careers and show how political choices in the management of
the economy encourage individual-level responses. Conclusions of study, done in developed clime cannot be
generalized in developing clime hence the need to engage local data for this study.
Hassan (2020) empirically probed the politicization on crime and its impact on the relationship between
law enforcement and the public. Results showed that the politicization of crime has created a false narrative that
distorts the racial and class composition of crime, unnecessarily favors use of force and confrontational contact
with the public, and compromises the integrity of crime statistics and their collection, as all these distort the core
objective of law enforcement; public safety
Kalloo (2018) exploratively examined the nexus between country‟s economy and crime epidemic in
Trinidad and Tobago. The study employed qualitative research design with reliance on secondary data. Findings
from study revealed that decline in global oil and gas prices triggered the economic downturn, thereby stunting
economic growth. Study submitted that failing judiciary and a largely unstructured criminal system contributed
in tarnishing the image of the duet nation.
Koroma et al. (2013) probed the linkages between organised crimes and governance in West Africa;
Gulf of Guinea, Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal, Mano River Union, Burkina Faso; Mali and Niger. Study
employed qualitative study of official reports of law enforcement agencies, academic publications, newspaper
reports, and reports of governments and international agencies, supplemented by interviews with officials of
relevant security and regulatory agencies and experts. Study submitted that organised crime do aggravate
country‟s political landscape and influences policies of government since politicians are already influenced.
Study was regional, and did not capture socio economic impact which this study captures on a country specific
Mojsoska and Dujovski (2017) probed the link between criminology and economics, analysing crime
rate and pattern on the gross domestic product in the Republic of Macedonia. The study employed qualitative
study approach in drawing lines of conclusion. Study submitted that crime is thoroughly associated with
poverty, widening income gap also aggravate crime rate even as crime produces material and non-material costs.
Findings revealed that the years with economic growth and increase in the income per capita were followed by
an increase in the crime rate. Study carried out in Macedonia did not capture aggravating impact of crime on
political system which this study captures.

Criminology Impact on Nigeria Security Architecture

Afuzie (2022) leveraged on recapture regulatory theory to probe the Nigeria Security Architecture with
incessant waves of jailbreaks by terror cell groups. Study employed Krejcie and Morgan (1970) scientific
sampling technique and ordinary Least squares Regression on 384 elicited data. Study submitted that incessant
jailbreak is a reflection of the poor interagency cooperation among Nigeria security agencies as the security
architecture amplifies almost stand-alone agency‟s functionality while efforts of systemic integration foot
dragged over the decades. Study captures only jailbreak and community security while this study captures
impact of crime on socioeconomic and nation‟s security architecture
Yunusa et al. (2022) leveraged on the queer ladder theory to examine the disruption of social lives
activities and prevalence of informal security groups on human security in Southwest, Nigeria. Study employed
exploratory research design of publicly available archive documents; study also relies solely on secondary data.
The study submitted that the prevalence of informal security outfits reflect a flagging formal security structure,
with disruptions in the Nigeria‟s security architecture so much so that informal security are seen protecting the
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southwest region under the auspices of Amotekun, from private residence to street, neighbourhood, corporate
enterprise, Government own enterprise, schools both public and private, all as additional cost apart from taxes
payable. Study was a regional research work hence the need for country wide study on crime and criminalities
on national security architecture
Alao and Abioye (2020) engaged explorative study to investigate the relationship between the Nigeria
Police and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in addressing the multifaceted security challenges
besetting Lagos state, Nigeria. The study employed descriptive research design with reliance on extant literature.
Results from the study submitted that there exist rivalry between the two agencies, partly due to weak
operational guideline, greed and inferiority/superiority complex with no punishment meted to erring officers.
Study did not situate the dysfunction to the skewed national security architecture which this study does.
Campbell (2014) adopted qualitative study to query the nexus between organized crime and national
security. The study red flagged the growing tendency to characterize organized crime as a national security
threat in the United Kingdom. Study submitted that organized crime does not yet constitute such a threat in
United Kingdom. Study opine that caution must be exercised in making such a connection, given the
extraordinary legal consequences it entails. In a related but sharp contrast, Edwards (2020) probed the efficacy
of the United Kingdom national security architecture after the end of the Cold War and the attack on the World
Trade Center in 2001. The study drew on existing policy, quantitative and qualitative research, seminars,
interviews, focus Group discussion and conversations with politicians, security agencies, civil service, private
sector, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academia and the media. Findings showed that the United
Kingdom‟s national security is still structured along Cold war era of national survival of nuclear threats as
against plethora of internal threats from organised crimes. Study was done in different clime and generalization
of findings may not fit into other climes hence the need for this study.
Iregbenu and Uzonwanne (2015) qualitatively interrogated the daunting insecurity challenges in
Nigeria and its consequences on national stability. Study employed secondary sources of related literature.
Study submitted that there is a need for change of government‟s approach and attitude regarding security
matters by embarking on a de-radicalization strategy among others that will aid the government to ensure
security in Nigeria. Study did not capture non responsiveness of the security architecture which this study will
Thomas and Aghedo (2014) engaged concentric circle theory to explore the nexus between security
agencies‟ tactical structure and challenges of national security management in Nigeria. Study employed
explorative research design. Findings from study revealed that the upsurge in crime underscored the need for
decentralization of the police and other state-owned agencies of internal security management in order to
mitigate violence emanating from armed robbers, political assassins, ransom kidnappers, oil thieves, and Islamic
insurgents among others. Study focused on crimes impact on national security but did not consider impact on
socioeconomic development which this study captures.

Theoretical Review
Concentric Circle Theory
These are circles that lie in the same plain and have the same centre but different radii. The concentric
circles capture different and similar security nature that operate at various levels of environment (Russet et al,
2004). The thrust of the theory in relation to Nigeria‟s security architecture is that security management systems
should operate as much as practicable in security circles otherwise known as security communities as may be
applicable in the given environment. These security circles could be identified in the individuals, households,
communities, local government areas, states and the federal level.
It then means and requires that security management should be organized and administered critically in
all these circles to make for optimum national security delivery. Incidentally, this is contrary to the
constitutional position in Nigeria where security is exclusively placed on the central government at the moment.
The centralised authority to administered oil revenue is extended to administrations of all security agencies as
contained in the exclusive list of the constitution (Thomas & Aghedo, 2014).
With plethora of internal security challenges ravaging nations, as against external insurgency and wars.
It is then advisable for nations to primarily concentrate on internal security which is of human centered against
fear, wants and lacks, followed by those of their neighbouring or contiguous sub-regions before strategically
venturing in international security concerns. Viewed this way, players in each of the levels or circles constitute a
„security community‟ which should concentrate on the security of that community before considering those of
contiguous environments.

III. Methodology
This study engages exploratory research design to examine effects of criminology on a nation as
evidence in Nigeria‟s socio-economic security and the national security architecture. Study leverage on publicly

*Corresponding Author: ADILBAKIRYA, Kwadai John 105 | Page

Effects of Criminology on A Nation: Evidence From Nigerias Socio-Economic And National ..
available archive documents. The study relies solely on secondary data. The research is conducted by examining
literature concerning the crime and socioeconomic levels, crime and national security architecture in Nigeria.
The literature was obtained through searches in publicly available material. Literature from non-serial
publications, official reports, and conferences has been included particularly if they have been cited by other
references in term of national security architecture, criminology, criminal justice system and human security.

IV. Discussion of Findings

Reviews garnered on research question one on the extent to which criminology impact on socio
economic security of Nigeria? Reveal that crime and criminalities negatively aggravate economies of the
government; the biggest spender, as oil revenue dwindle as a result of crude oil theft, wanton illegal refineries in
the Niger Delta, thus undermining the monthly federation allocation receipt, shareable by all federating units of
thirty seven state. Likewise, crime rate from herders farmers crisis, cattle rustling amongst others, injects fear
and caution which negatively impacted on food security, while cost of transportation and road transportation
transmits fear of kidnapping hence an additional cost of doing business. The finding is in tandem with the
findings in the previous works of Farrall et al. (2020); Hassan (2020); Kalloo (2018); Adekoya and AbdulRazak
(2017);Asghar et al (2016); Koroma et al. (2013); Mojsoska and Dujovski (2017) who found that there exist a
nexus between crime and criminality, and socio economic security of a nation.
The result elicited from research question two, from empirical findings and literature review; as to the
effect of crime and criminalities on national security architecture of Nigeria?, is that prevalence of informal
security outfits reflect flagging formal security structure and the inadequacy of an overcentralised national
security architecture to contain regional outlooks organised crimes, as seen in kidnapping jailbreak, illicit
transnational trade, money laundering, small and light weapon proliferation, farmers herders clash, cattle
rustling, so much so that informal security outfits are seen protecting the regions. This finding is consistent with
the findings in the previous work of Afuzie (2022); Yunusa et al (2022); Alao and Abioye (2020); Iregbenu and
Uzonwanne (2015); Campbell (2014); Thomas and Aghedo (2014).

V. Conclusions and Recommendations

The study concludes that crime and criminalities is an additional taxation on the socioeconomic
development of a nation, which not only erode away legitimacy of a government but further threatens the human
security that sets out to protect human lives from fear, lacks and wants of decent living. The disruption of
nation‟s socioeconomic activities also transmits insecurity signals to potential investors and triggers capital
flight of existing investment.
Study also submits prevalence of organised crime aggravates the national security architecture which is
seen as too archaic and non responsive to localized crimes due to its concentric federal model. This could be
seen in the poor delivery of the needed security at instance of incessant jailbreak across the nation by terror cells
and unknown gunmen.
Based on the conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are made;
The study recommends that the federal, State and local Government should wean itself off public
corruption; by being transparent in policies and in deeds, meaning good governance in all tiers of government
will not only go a long way to counter the narratives of crimes but good governance naturally increases the cost
of crimes, thereby lessening criminal tendencies and behaviours.
The study also recommends the need to evolve a proactive, decentralized and integrated national
security architecture with human security as a referent, the dominance of the National Security Council by the
military as against Police and paramilitary should be reviewed. The urgency of a national training centre of all
security agencies will be a leverage towards a proactive security architecture

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*Corresponding Author: ADILBAKIRYA, Kwadai John 107 | Page

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