PMS User Guide - v1 (User Role)

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12/20/2019 User Guide (User Role)

Panasonic Performance Management System


Version 2.0 Created By GBI

1 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System

Table of Contents
1. Login to PMS System .......................................................................................................................... 2
2. User Access & Permission .................................................................................................................. 3
3. Management -> KPI Module (Subordinate) ...................................................................................... 4
4. Management -> Mid-Year Assessment Module (Subordinate) ........................................................ 7
5. Management -> Year End Assessment Module (Subordinate) ......................................................... 8
6. Management -> Superior Approval Module ................................................................................... 11
7. Director Approval Module (Year End Assessment) ......................................................................... 21
8. Management -> History View .......................................................................................................... 23
9. Management -> Completion Status ................................................................................................. 24
10. Report ............................................................................................................................................. 25

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2 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System

1. Login to PMS System

 To login to PMS system, Enter employee ID & Password and click on “Sign In” button.
 Successful login will access to the respective screens based on user role (Login As:
Subordinate/ Supervisor/ Administrator). Every user role will have own main menu and sub
menu access.

1.1 Subordinate Role Screen & Fields

1.2 Supervisor Role Screen & Fields

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2. User Access & Permission

2.1 User Role Definition
No User Group/Role Permission
1 Subordinate Subordinate Menu
- KPI, Mid-Year Assessment
Module, Year End Assessment,
History View, Completion

2 Superior Subordinate Menu

- KPI, Mid-Year Assessment
Module, Year End Assessment,
History View, Completion
Superior Menu
- History View, Completion Status,
Superior Approval

2.2 Company Access Permission

No Company Permission
1 All Access both Companies (Papamy &
2 Papamy Access Papamy

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3. Management -> KPI Module (Subordinate)

3.1 KPI

Form will show four rows as default for Subordinate to input

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Add o Add new row
o Button will lock after submitted
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Next Next to page Year End – Section B: PGC
KPI Text
Measurement Text
Action Plan Text
Weightage 1 decimal point, zero not allow
Target [Base/ Stretch/ Text
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

Weightage (%) not meet condition:-

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3.2 KPI -> Section B: PGC

Input Weightage and Save & Submit

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Back Back to KPI page
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Submit o Once "Submit" all the data will be locked (refer red highlighted) and
wait for superior for approval action by trigger email.
o Button will lock after submitted
Weightage 1 decimal point, zero not allow
Trigger Mail o Approval email will send accordingly to superior and subordinate for
o Refer image 9.2.1 for email format
System Check Weightage (%) cannot be empty & Weightage (%) not meet condition:-

This page will close together with KPI once period over (Control period
under KPI)

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Subject: PMS - KPI Approval 2019 Notification

3.2.1 Approval Email Format (KPI, Mid Year & Year End are in same format)

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4. Management -> Mid-Year Assessment Module (Subordinate)

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Add o Add new row
o Button will lock after submitted
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Progress Result Text
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

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5. Management -> Year End Assessment Module (Subordinate)


Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Final Result Text
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

5.2 Section B: PGC

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

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Back Back to Section A: KPI

Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Next Next to Section C: CDP page
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
Weightage 1 decimal point
Employee Self Rating Selection from 1 to 5
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-


Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Back Back to Section B: PGC page
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Next Next to Section D: COMMENTS page
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
Options Selection from master page
Remarks Text (Optional filed)
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

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5.4 Section D: COMMENTS

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Back Back to Section C: CDP page
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after submitted
Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text
Submit o Once "Submit" all the data will be locked (refer red highlighted) and
wait for superior for approval action by trigger email.
o Button will lock after submitted
Comments Text
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

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11 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System

6. Management -> Superior Approval Module

Select Subordinate for Approval action. Filter Selection refer item 6.1

6.1 KPI Module (Approval)

Approve/ Reject action and input comment for rejected

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button
2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject reason in
Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior will
proceed for approval once submission done.

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Print it out after approved

Drag the pdf file in and ensure it is correct file chosen before ‘Close’ button clicked

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Approval o Prompt for Approve/ Reject action and input comment for rejected.
If rejected, subordinate needs to re-do and re-submit. Subordinate
will be informed by trigger email.
o Button will lock after approval action
Print o After approved, Print button will enable for print and upload.
o Refer image 12.1.1 for printing format
o Button will lock after period closed
Upload o Upload the printing in hard copy
o Ensure it is correct file chosen before ‘Close’ button clicked
o Button will lock after period closed

Company Vision Text , Not editable ( Administrator set when create KPI period type)
Department Text (Update in optional)
Trigger Mail o Approved/ Rejected email will send accordingly to subordinate and
cc to superior for notification.
o Email will send if repeat the cycle for reject action
o Refer image 12.1.2 & 12.1.3 for email formats

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6.1.1 Printing Format

Subject: PMS - KPI Approved 2019 Notification

6.1.2 Approved Email Format (KPI, Mid Year & Year End are in same format)

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Subject: PMS - KPI Rejected 2019 Notification

6.1.3 Rejected Email Format (KPI, Mid Year & Year End are in same format)

6.2 Mid Year Assessment Module (Approval)

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button

2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject
reason in Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior
will proceed for approval once submission done.

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after approval action
Approval o Prompt for Approve/ Reject action. If rejected, subordinate needs to re-
do and re-submit. Subordinate will be informed by trigger email.
o All data will lock (refer red highlighted) after approval action
o Button will lock after approval action
Print o After approved, Print button will enable for print and upload.
o Refer image 12.2.1 for printing format
o Button will lock after period closed
Upload o Upload the printing in hard copy
o Button will lock after period closed
Progress Target Selection from master page
Superior’s Comments Text (Optional filed)

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15 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System

6.2.1 Printing Format

6.3 Year End Assessment Module (Approval)

6.3.1 Section A: KPI

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button

2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject reason in
Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior will
proceed for approval once submission done.

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Field Name/ Field Data Type/ Definition

Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after approval action
Approval o Prompt for Approve/ Reject action. If rejected, subordinate needs to re-
do and re-submit this page. Subordinate will be informed by trigger email if
o All data will lock (refer red highlighted) after approval action
o Button will lock after approval action
Next o Button will enable to proceed to Next once approved
o Next to Section B: PGC page
Achievement Target Selection from master page
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

6.3.2 Section B: PGC

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button

2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject
reason in Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior
will proceed for approval once submission done.
Field Name/ Field Data Type/ Definition
Back Back to Section A: KPI page
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after approval action
Approval o Prompt for Approve/ Reject action. If rejected, subordinate needs to re-
do and re-submit this page. Subordinate will be informed by trigger email
if rejected.
o All data will lock (refer red highlighted) after approval action
o Button will lock after approval action
Next o Button will enable to proceed to Next once approved
o Next to Section C: CDP page

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Superior Selection from 1 to 5

System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

6.3.3 Section C: CDP

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button

2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject
reason in Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior
will proceed for approval once submission done.

Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Back Back to Section B: PGC page
Save o Once "Save" the data will save in table
o Button will lock after approval action
Approval o Prompt for Approve/ Reject action. If rejected, subordinate needs to re-
do and re-submit this page. Subordinate will be informed by trigger email
if rejected.
o All data will lock (refer red highlighted) after approval action
o Button will lock after approval action
Next o Button will enable to proceed to Next once approved
o Next to Section D: COMMENTS page
Superior’s Comments Text
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

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6.3.4 Section D: COMMENTS

1. Click on ‘Approval/Reject’ button

2. Click on ‘Approve’ button to approve or click on ‘Reject’ button to reject. Key in reject
reason in Approval Comment (mandatory field) if ‘Reject’
3. If ‘Reject’, Repeat the cycle again as Subordinate will proceed for Submission and Superior
will proceed for approval once submission done.

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Back Back to Section C: CDP page
Submit o Once "Submit" all the data will be saved & locked (refer red highlighted)
o Button will lock after submitted
Print o After approved and submitted, superior waits for director approval. Print
button will enable after director approved for print and upload.
o Refer image for printing format
o Button will lock after period closed
o It will link with Director Approval workflow, details please refer as below.
(For comments please refer to excel sent
Upload o After approved and submitted, superior waits for director approval.
Upload button will enable after director approved to upload the printing in
hard copy.
o Button will lock after period closed
o It will link with Director Approval workflow, details please refer as below.
(For comments please refer to excel sent
Superior’s Comments Text
Final Grading Final Grading will appear once Director approved
Trigger Email Refer image to for email formats, it will slightly different
with KPI & Mid Year email format.
System Check Fields cannot be empty:-

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20 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System Printing Format (Section A to D in one pdf but break accordingly in single page) Approved Email Format, different in red highlighted Rejected Email Format, will specify rejected at which form

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21 User Guide of Panasonic Performance Management System

7. Director Approval Module (Year End Assessment)

Report -> Grading Report (Director & Administrator access)

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Final Grading Final Grading will appear once Director approved
Year End Assessment View subordinate Year End Assessment (New column)
Action o Approve – Once “Approve” final grading will appear at Year End
Assessment form
o Reject – Once “Reject” a message box will prompt for Director to input
content, email will trigger accordingly. Superior role need to modify
rating, save and re-submit assessment.
Note: Director may call HR for action [reverse] if need changes from
Subordinate side. Subordinate need to modify, save and re-submit. Same
for superior role to approve and re-submit.
Trigger Mail o Superior Approved at Year End – Director will receive email to inform to
review subordinate KPI & final grading approval. Refer 15.2.1 for email
o Approve – Approved mail will send to inform superior that director has
approved for subordinate final grading and proceed to print & upload. Refer
15.2.2 for email format.
o Reject – Review email will send to superior to inform him/her to review &
adjust for subordinate score for final grading. Refer 15.2.3 for email format.
Superior Superior has to modify through Year End Assessment for “modify & save”
Report Access Director & Admin only can view this report.

Subject: PMS - Director Approval 2019 Notification

7.1 Director Approval Email Format

Subject: PMS - Director Approved 2019 Notification

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7.2 Director Approved Email Format

Subject: PMS - Director Rejected 2019 Notification

7.3 Director Rejected Email Format

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8. Management -> History View

Filter Selection refer item 6.1

Role Access Definition

Administrator View View all employees’ records including Superior & Subordinate
Superior View View downline records
Subordinate View View own record

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9. Management -> Completion Status

Filter Selection refer item 6.1

Role Access Definition

Administrator View View all employees’ completion status of each level including Superior &
Superior View View downline completion status of each level
Subordinate View View own completion status of each level

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10. Report
10.1 Report -> Career Development Plan (Superior, Director & Admin access)

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

CDP Selection Job Rotation, Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment
Report Access Superior, Director & Admin can view this report.

10.2 Report -> Grading Report (Director & Administrator access)

Field Name/ Function Field Data Type/ Definition

Final Grading Final Grading will appear once Director approved
Year End Assessment View subordinate Year End Assessment (New column)
Action o Approve – Once “Approve” final grading will appear at Year End
Assessment form
o Reject – Once “Reject” a message box will prompt for Director to input
content, email will trigger accordingly. Superior role need to modify
rating, save and re-submit assessment.
Note: Director may call HR for action [reverse] if need changes from
Subordinate side. Subordinate need to modify, save and re-submit. Same
for superior role to approve and re-submit.

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Trigger Mail o Superior Approved at Year End – Director will receive email to inform to
review subordinate KPI & final grading approval. Refer 15.2.1 for email
o Approve – Approved mail will send to inform superior that director has
approved for subordinate final grading and proceed to print & upload. Refer
15.2.2 for email format.
o Reject – Review email will send to superior to inform him/her to review &
adjust for subordinate score for final grading. Refer 15.2.3 for email format.
Superior Superior has to modify through Year End Assessment for “modify & save”
Report Access Director & Admin only can view this report.

Subject: PMS - Director Approval 2019 Notification

10.2.1 Director Approval Email Format

Subject: PMS - Director Approved 2019 Notification

10.2.2 Director Approved Email Format

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Subject: PMS - Director Rejected 2019 Notification

10.2.3 Director Rejected Email Format

10.3 Report -> Employee Promotion History (All access)

o 2 places to view Employee Promotion History
o From Report > Employee Promotion History
o From General > Maintain Employee > View > Promotion
o Data populated from master file (First time pump all data)
o Second time onwards pump particular year only
o Delete data must come from master file
o Subordinate, Superior, Director & Admin can view this report.

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