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Alabangpuro High School

Alabangpuro Pioduran Albay

1st PERIODICAL TEST (SY 2022--2023)
Name__________________________________________ Section________ Date_______ Score_________

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.

1. What system is responsible for the exchange

of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air 9. What is the role of alveoli in the transport of
and the cells? gases in the body?
A. circulatory C. excretory A. They serve as the linkage from the
B. digestive D. respiratory respiratory system and the circulatory
2. Which part of the respiratory system filters and B. They serve as the carrier of the
warm the air upon entering it? deoxygenated blood.
C. They serve as the carrier of the oxygenated
A. air sac C. nasal cavity blood.
B. bronchi D. diaphragm D. They serve as the linkage from the
respiratory system and the digestive
3. What is the empty tube that serves as
passageway of air into the lungs?
A. trachea C. bronchioles
B. bronchi D. air sac 10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

4. What is the primary organ of the circulatory A. As the blood leaves the lungs, the blood is
system? saturated with about 97% oxygen.
A. Heart C. veins
B. Arteries D. blood B. As the blood leaves the heart, the blood is
saturated with about 97% oxygen.
5. When do you know that the diaphragm gets air?
A. When the diaphragm muscle contracts C. As the blood enters the lungs, the blood is
B. When the diaphragm muscle is relaxed
saturated with about 97% oxygen.
C. When the diaphragm muscle is dilated
D. When the diaphragm muscle is stiff
D. As the blood enters the heart, the blood is
6. What happens during inhalation process? saturated with about 97% oxygen.
A. The diaphragm moves down and contracts
the chest cavity. 11. A type of circulation which is described by the
B. The diaphragm moves down and expands movement of blood through the tissues of the
the chest cavity. heart
C. The diaphragm moves up and contracts the A. Pulmonary C. Systemic
chest cavity. B. Coronary D. Respiratory
D. The diaphragm moves up and expands the
chest cavity. 12. What is an example of a respiratory disease?
A. bronchitis
7. Which of the following are associated with B. increased blood pressure
respiratory problems EXCEPT one? C. vascular disease
A. unbalanced diet C pollutants D. arteriosclerosis
B. enough sleep D. smoking

8. How does the air enter our body? 13. Which pathway follows the right flow of oxygen
A. nose > nasal passage > trachea > bronchi > in the breathing system?
bronchioles > alveoli A. nose-nasal passages-trachea-bronchi-
B. nose > nasal passage > trachea > alveoli
bronchioles > bronchi > alveoli B. nasal passage-nose-trachea-alveoli-bronchi
C.nose-nasal passages-trachea-alveoli-
C. nasal cavity > nose > trachea > bronchioles bronchi
> bronchi > alveoli D. nose- -trachea- nasal passages-bronchi-
D. nasal cavity > alveoli > trachea > bronchioles
> bronchi > nose For item number 14
i. Increase your walking speed.
ii. Maintain a healthy weight.
iii. Stay hydrated. A. A, B, C, D, E C. B, E, A, C, D
iv. Avoid smoking. B. A, E, B, C, D D. B, A, D, C, E

14. Which of the following belongs in the blank

space above? 19. You can keep your heart strong by:
A. Causes of respiratory problems
B. Ways on how to avoid respiratory A. Eating heart-shaped candy
problems. B. Doing activities, like playing outside, riding
C. Kinds of common respiratory diseases. your bike, and swimming
D. Results of bad lifestyle. C. Smoking
D. Sleeping 18 hours a day

For items 15-16 use the image below. 20. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque
builds up inside your arteries. Plaque is made
up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other
substances found in the blood. Over time,
plaque hardens and narrows your arteries.
limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your
organs and other parts of your body.

Why is atherosclerosis especially serious when

it develops in the coronary arteries?
A. It can then go on to affect the aorta.
B. It can make red blood cells die.
C. It can lead to a heart attack.
D. It can limit the functioning of white blood
15. What is letter A in the picture?
A. Septum C. Lungs 21. Why is the human heart considered as the
B. Left Ventricle D. Tricuspid Valve double pump?
A. The heart pumps on the upper and lower
16. What is letter B in the picture? part
A. Septum C. Lungs B. It pumps from the left and right sides and
B. Left Ventricle D. Tricuspid Valve has
two chambers
17.The beating sound your heart makes comes C. It pumps twice every second
from:hhh D. It has two veins responsible for pumping
A. Blood going in the wrong direction
B. Valves closing
22. What are the advantages of quitting cigarette
C. The heart skipping beats
D. Your ears playing tricks on you
I. It makes the vendor happy
II. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
18.Arrange properly the statements below on how
the heart works. III. Reduces the risk of poor reproductive
A. When the heart contracts, the right lower health
ventricle will pump the blood into the lungs, IV. Makes you live longer.
where the carbon dioxide is exchanged for A. I, II and IV C.I and II
oxygen. B. II, III and IV D. IV only
B. The heart receives oxygen-deficient blood
from the body into the right upper atrium. 23. When we breath in, we inhale many gases in
C. Oxygen-rich blood flows from the left upper the air, including the oxygen, what happens to
atrium into the left lower ventricle. the gases that are not needed by the body?
D. After the exchange, the blood containing
fresh oxygen flows into the left upper A. As we exhale we push out the gases that
atrium. our body can’t use.
E. When the heart contracts, the left lower B. Our lungs convert it to useful gases
ventricle will force the blood out to the body C. Our body knows where to flush it
through a network of arteries. D. Nothing, it will just stay inside the body
24. An old woman joined a kilometer dash sprint 29. What flower did we used in the incomplete
and felt very exhausted afterwards. How did dominance activity?
old woman’s activity affects her heart rate? A. Four am flower C.Red Rose
A. Her age affects her exhaustion rate B. Four o’clock flower D. Pink Rose
B. Her gender affects her exhaustion rate 30. In the activity of codominance what animal
C. The body needs more oxygen that’s why
did we used to know the phenotype of the
the heart rate becomes faster
D. there is a lack of carbon dioxide in the body
A.Bull C.Sheep
25. You always see and hear the statement B.Deer D. Roan
“Government Warning Cigarette Smoking is
Dangerous to your Health. How does smoking For 31-32, A plant with red flowers is crossed
increase the risk of developing cardiovascular with a white-flowered plant of the same
diseases? species. All the seeds, when grown, produce
A. Smoking almost harm the entire organs plants with red flowers. (Assume that the
of the body. flower color is controlled by a single pair of
B. Smoking almost harm the entire organs alleles)
of the body especially the heart and lungs
caused by the hundreds of chemicals
31. Which allele is dominant
present on it.
C. In smoking, the chemicals released A. Red color C. Pink color
would stay in the environment and inhaled B. White color D. Red & Pink
by people after a month or two. Stripe
D. The government just wants to place 32.Which is recessive?
that statement there to warn people. A. Red color C. Pink color
B. White color D. Red & Pink
26. How does singing from the diaphragm instead Stripe
of throat improve the voice quality of a singer?
A.. It protects your vocal cords, improves 33.In cats, the allele (S) for short fur is
your vocal range and allows you to achieve a fuller dominant to the allele (s) for long fur. What is
and louder sound because of the mechanism in the phenotype of a cat with a genotype Ss?
the breathing system.
A.Short fur C. medium fur
B. The diaphragm does not help in air
B.Long fur D. no fur
supply in your lungs but has a cord that makes it
C. The breath coming from diaphragm 34. Which type of inheritance where both
sounds better and stronger. alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype
D. Singers does not want to use the vocal of the heterozygote?
cords because they are reserving it for higher A. Complete dominance
notes. B. Incomplete dominance
C. Codominance
27. How do you feel about Galaw Pilipinas Dance D. Multiple allele
A. Its tiring and makes me sweat a lot
35-36 In rabbits, assume that the dominant
B. The beat is good and its very upbeat I
allele (B) produces black fur. The allele (b) for
can keep up with the music
C. .Galaw Pilipinas dance routine is another white fur is recessive to B.
form of exercise that is good for my body
Rabbit 1 Rabbit 2 Rabbit 3 Rabbit 4
especially the circulatory system
D. Galaw Pilipinas dance routine is another Genotype BB Bb bB bb
form of exercise that is good for my body
especially the reproductive system 35.Which rabbits will have gray coat color?
A.1, 2 and 3 C.2 and 3
28.What is the basic unit of heredity? B.1 and 4 D.1, 2, 3 and 4
A.Gene C. autosome 36.If rabbits 1 and 4 were mated together and
B.DNA D. chromosome had 12 babies, how many of these would you
expect to be gray?
a. 0 c. 8 B.Population D. Habitat

b. 4 d. 12

37. A red cow is crossed with a white cow and 41. What do call the group of living things
produced an offspring that is a roan cow. within a certain area that are all the same
What is a roan cow? species?
A.Biodiversity C. Density
A. A purebred red cow.
B.Population D. Habitat
B. A purebred white cow.
42. What is the major problem in lakes rivers
C. A pink cow.
and ponds where organic nutrients from
D. A cow with red hair and white
garbage are mixed with the bodies of water?
A.Pollution C.Eutrophication
For 38 use the table below.
B.Electrification D. Dynamite
43.Extinction means

A. population of a species begins

declining rapidly
B. population has become so low
C. occurs when the last member of that
38.The alleles controlling the ABO blood species dies
groups are given the letters IA (group A), IB D. when the population is stable.
(group B) and i (group O). This type of
inheritance is called ________. 44.It happens when there is removing or
A. Complete dominance clearing of forest to include cutting of all trees,
B. Incomplete dominance mostly for agricultural or urban use.
C. Codominance
A. Eutrophication
D. Multiple allele
B. Acid rain precipitation
For 39, the genetic disorder phenylketonuria C. Water pollution
(PKU) is caused by a recessive allele (n). The D. deforestation
family tree below shows the incidence of the
45.A conservation biologist would _____.
disease over three generations.
A. work with government officials to
establish a plan for the protection of
endangered species
B.analyze organism characteristics that
help them survive in particular
C. investigate the impact of industrial
pollutants on an ecosystem
D. Investigate the migratory birds in
certain region
46. When do Acid deposition becomes a
A. is only a problem where sulfur
39.What is the genotype of Jane's husband? dioxide and nitrogen oxide are
A. XX C. XY B. occurs when sulfur dioxide and
B. XnX D. XnY nitrogen oxide combine with water
to produce acids
40. This refers to the variety of life in one area C.stimulates the growth of plants that
A.Biodiversity C. Density prefer acid soil
D. when it causes nutrient loss from the _____________________________________
soil _____________________________________
47. How is forest ecosystem affected when _____________________________________
trees are cut down? _____________________________________
A. It is greatly affected by soil erosion, _____________________________________
floods and depletion of wildlife _____________________________________
resources _____________________________________
B.It causes eutrophication _____________________________________
C.It creates imbalances in the _____________________________________
ecosystem _____________________________________
D.depletion of the ozone layers sets in _____________________________________
48.How will you classify how much natural _____________________________________
resources do humans still use than they did _____________________________________
100 years ago? _____________________________________
A.fewer C.better _____________________________________
B.abundant D. just right _____________________________________
49.If the population species of a given area is
doubled, what effect would this have on the 51-60 Draw and Explain the Structure of the
resource of the community? Plant Cell Explain the significance of this in
A. There will be neutral effect amongst the whole process of photosynthesis
B. There will be a rise in competition thus,
limiting the number of resources for the entire
C. They will be just commensal and will not
care what will be the effect
D. There will be rise in production of goods
and services in that given area.

50. Do you think it is good or a bad thing to

have a competition in the ecosystem?
A. Yes, its good to have competition to know
who a better species is
B. Yes, it’s a good thing for some reasons
C, It is a good thing in the ecosystem
because organisms they need to survive grow _____________________________________
and reproduce, to keep the balance in the _____________________________________
ecosystem _____________________________________
D. No, it’s a bad thing, organism should not _____________________________________
compete and live a harmonious relationship _____________________________________
among one another. _____________________________________
51.Which of the following molecules is a waste _____________________________________
product of photosynthesis? _____________________________________
A.Oxygen C. Water _____________________________________
B.Carbon dioxide D. Sugar _____________________________________
Essay. _____________________________________
51-55 Why do you think plants are considered _____________________________________
as “Great Food Providers” _____________________________________
Prepared by:

Christine L. Gaspacho
Science 9 Teacher

All the Best Everyone!

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