User - Manual Gw-Dlms-485-Elsa15 - 8.53 - en

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Gateway DLMS-MODBUS for ELSTER A1500

with RS485


Edition 2.0

Phone +390458204747
Email: [email protected]
Via Mezzacampagna 52 (int. 29)
Revision Sheet

Revision Sheet
Release Date Revision Description
Rev. 0 10/05/14 User’s Manual Template and Checklist
Rev. 1 10/06/16 Conversion to new format
Rev. 2 30/01/17 New HomeDLMS page

User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-LG Page i


Page #

1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 3

1.1 System Overview................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Features ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2.1 Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Digital Input connection......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Serial port connections ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 CONFIGURATION AND MODBUS MAP ............................................................................... 6
2.1 Web Visualization ................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Gateway Settings................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Modbus Mapping Area ......................................................................................................... 9
3.0 COMMUNICATION ERRORS ............................................................................................... 11
3.1 Type of error ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.0 MECHANICAL FEATURES .................................................................................................. 12

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map


1.1 System Overview

DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) Protocol is used in meters field and specifically in
electric Energy meter to readout consumption and other values. The reference standard is EC 62056.
This standard defines services which permit to read objects, OBIS defined. Inside these objects are
mapped running meter values using standard profiles.
By Gateway DLMS-MODBUS is possible to read DLMS energy meter’s data using MODBUS RTU or
MODBUS TCP protocol. The gateway is completely transparent to DLMS protocol, so user must know
only Modbus protocol.
This Gateway version reads data from up to four counters through the RS485 port and provides value
to two RS232 port MODBUS RTU slave and on an Ethernet port Modbus TCP Server (up to 3 client

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

1.2 Features

1.2.1 Connections

Gateway has following communication ports:

• 2 x Serial RS232 port to read energy meter’s data by master Modbus RTU
• 1 x Serial RS485 port to connect up to four energy meter
• 1 x Ethernet port to read Energy meter’s data by client Modbus TCP
• 1 screw connector to supply gateway 10-30 VDC (min. 2 W)
• Front Signal LED for communication diagnostic
• 2 x Digital Input (*)
• 2 x Digital Output (*)

(*) Their status is mapped in Modbus registers.

1.2.2 Digital Input connection

The schema of two digital input/output connection is:

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

1.2.3 Serial port connections

The schema of serial port connection is:

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map


2.1 Web Visualization

To view the web pages containing the data read from the counter you need to connect to the network
using the Ethernet RJ45 port available on the gateway. By a web browser, just type the default
In case of connection failure ensure that you have on your network card address on a subnet
This brings us to the main screen of the Gateway with the values common to all Meter

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

From this page, through the links at the top of the page, you can browse web pages that contain the
data for the single Meter or go on the configuration pages of the Gateway (Home PLC).

It’s possible to change baudrate of the port connected to meter from Serial port baudrate selection
in case meter works with speed different from 9600 that usually is standard.
Time between readouts can be set from 10 to 3600 seconds.
String debug is useful to understand the communication with meters. With GATEWAY REBOOT
button you can force the gateway to reboot. The confirmation of the changes is recorded using the
Submit button.

You can also change the energy meter’s serial number connected to the Gateway. This step is
required to enable communication between Gateway and the meter.

2.2 Gateway Settings

To change the gateway settings, such as IP address, you need access to the configuration pages
through the appropriate link (System) in the header of web pages that contain the data read from the
This brings us to the home screen of the device configuration and clicking on Network Setup, you can
change the network settings of the device.

Credentials to login and modify parameters are: Username = Admin, Password = Admin.

Changes in Hardware Setup and in Network Setup are applied to the gateway after a power reboot.

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

While going on hardware setup, you can change:

- RS232 serial port communication settings; "COM 2" port changes don’t serve, because they are
forced by the program-specific settings
- MODBUS node number, to communicate with the MODBUS RTU and MODBUS TCP

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

2.3 Modbus Mapping Area

The data read from the meters are placed in the Holding Register area.
A copy of the values is also present in the 4x20000 holding register area.
Refresh time of the values is approximately: Time between readouts * N, where N is the number of
energy meters connected to gateway and configured with a serial number different from zero in

Modbus addresses in the table are base 1; depending on used Modbus master, sometimes is
required to swap words to read data correctly.



- 4x40000 UINT DI_00 Digital Input 00

- 4x40001 UINT DI_01 Digital Input 01
- 4x40002 UINT DO_00 Digital Output 00
- 4x40003 UINT DO_01 Digital Output 01
- 4x40004 4x40006 4x40008 4x40010 UDINT SERIAL Energy meter's serial code to start communciation
- 4x40014 FLOAT ERROR Error number from gateway
0 4x40016 4x40216 4x40416 4x40616 DINT 0.9.1 Time
1 4x40018 4X40218 4x40418 4x40618 DINT 0.9.2 Date
2 4x40020 4x40220 4x40420 4x40620 DINT F.F Error code
3 4x40022 4x40222 4x40422 4x40622 DINT F.F.1 Error code
4 4x40024 4x40224 4x40424 4x40624 DINT F.F.2 Error code
5 4x40026 4x40226 4x40426 4x40626 DINT F.F.3 Error code
6 4x40028 4x40228 4x40428 4x40628 FLOAT C.1.0
7 4x40030 4x40230 4x40430 4x40630 FLOAT 0.2.1
8 4x40032 4x40232 4x40432 4x40632 FLOAT C.3
9 4x40034 4x40234 4x40434 4x40634 FLOAT C.4
10 4x40036 4x40236 4x40436 4x40636 FLOAT C.5
11 4x40038 4x40238 4x40438 4x40638 FLOAT 1.8.0 Sum Li Active Energy+ (QI+QIV)
12 4x40040 4x40240 4x40440 4x40640 FLOAT 1.8.0* Sum Li Active Energy+ (QI+QIV) - prev. period
13 4x40042 4x40242 4x40442 4x40642 FLOAT 1.6.1 Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW)
14 4x40044 4x40244 4x40444 4x40644 FLOAT 1.6.1* Max Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW) - previous period
15 4x40046 4x40246 4x40446 4x40646 FLOAT 1.2.1 Max Cumulative Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW)
16 4x40048 4x40248 4x40448 4x40648 FLOAT 1.2.1* Max Cumulative Active Power - Import - Tariff 1 (kW) - prev. period
17 4x40050 4x40250 4x40450 4x40650 FLOAT 5.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QI
18 4x40052 4x40252 4x40452 4x40652 FLOAT 5.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QI - previous period
19 4x40054 4x40254 4x40454 4x40654 FLOAT 8.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QIV
20 4x40056 4x40256 4x40456 4x40656 FLOAT 8.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QIV - previous period
21 4x40058 4x40258 4x40458 4x40658 FLOAT 2.8.0 Sum Li Active Energy- (QII+QIII)
22 4x40060 4x40260 4x40460 4x40660 FLOAT 2.8.0* Sum Li Active Energy- (QII+QIII) - previous period
23 4x40062 4x40262 4x40462 4x40662 FLOAT 2.6.1 Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW)
24 4x40064 4x40264 4x40464 4x40664 FLOAT 2.6.1* Max Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW) - prev. period
25 4x40066 4x40266 4x40466 4x40666 FLOAT 2.2.1 Max Cumulative Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW)
26 4x40068 4x40268 4x40468 4x40668 FLOAT 2.2.1* Max Cumulative Active Power - Export - Tariff 1 (kW) - prev. period
27 4x40070 4x40270 4x40470 4x40670 FLOAT 7.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QIII

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2.0 Configuration and Modbus map

28 4x40072 4x40272 4x40472 4x40672 FLOAT 7.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QIII - previous period
29 4x40074 4x40274 4x40474 4x40674 FLOAT 6.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QII
30 4x40076 4x40276 4x40476 4x40676 FLOAT 6.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QII - previous period
31 4x40078 4x40278 4x40478 4x40678 FLOAT 83.8.3
32 4x40080 4x40280 4x40480 4x40680 FLOAT 83.8.6
33 4x40082 4x40282 4x40482 4x40682 FLOAT C.7.0
34 4x40084 4x40284 4x40484 4x40684 FLOAT C.52
35 4x40086 4x40286 4x40486 4x40686 FLOAT C.53
36 4x40088 4x40288 4x40488 4x40688 FLOAT C.54
37 4x40090 4x40290 4x40490 4x40690 FLOAT C.55
38 4x40092 4x40292 4x40492 4x40692 FLOAT C.7.1
39 4x40094 4x40294 4x40494 4x40694 FLOAT C.7.2
40 4x40096 4x40296 4x40496 4x40696 FLOAT C.7.3
41 4x40098 4x40298 4x40498 4x40698 FLOAT 96.7.1
42 4x40100 4x40300 4x40500 4x40700 FLOAT 96.7.2
43 4x40102 4x40302 4x40502 4x40702 FLOAT 96.7.3
44 4x40104 4x40304 4x40504 4x40704 FLOAT 96.77.4
45 4x40106 4x40306 4x40506 4x40706 FLOAT 96.77.5
46 4x40108 4x40308 4x40508 4x40708 FLOAT C.2.1
47 4x40110 4x40310 4x40510 4x40710 FLOAT 0.1.0 Billing period counter
48 4x40112 4x40312 4x40512 4x40712 FLOAT 1.5.0 Sum Li Active power+ (QI+QIV); Last avg
49 4x40114 4x40314 4x40514 4x40714 FLOAT 1.4.0 Sum Li Active power+ (QI+QIV); Current avg.
50 4x40116 4x40316 4x40516 4x40716 FLOAT 2.5.0 Sum Li Active power- (QII+QIII); Last avg
51 4x40118 4x40318 4x40518 4x40718 FLOAT 2.4.0 Sum Li Active power- (QII+QIII); Current avg.
52 4x40120 4x40320 4x40520 4x40720 FLOAT 0.3.0
53 4x40122 4x40322 4x40522 4x40722 FLOAT 0.3.3
54 4x40124 4x40324 4x40524 4x40724 FLOAT C.70

Some systems have problem with float number, so we have created a copy of total energy counter in
UNSIGNED LONG format in the following different MODBUS area:


0 4x41046 4x41086 4x41126 4x41166 UDINT 1.8.0 Sum Li Active Energy+ (QI+QIV)
1 4x41048 4x41088 4x41128 4x41168 UDINT 1.8.0* Sum Li Active Energy+ (QI+QIV) - prev. period
2 4x41050 4x41090 4x41130 4x41170 UDINT 5.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QI
3 4x41052 4x41092 4x41132 4x41172 UDINT 5.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QI - previous period
4 4x41054 4x41094 4x41134 4x41174 UDINT 8.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QIV
5 4x41056 4x41096 4x41136 4x41176 UDINT 8.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QIV - previous period
6 4x41058 4x41098 4x41138 4x41178 UDINT 2.8.0 Sum Li Active Energy- (QII+QIII)
7 4x41060 4x41100 4x41140 4x41180 UDINT 2.8.0* Sum Li Active Energy- (QII+QIII) - previous period
8 4x41062 4x41102 4x41142 4x41182 UDINT 7.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QIII
9 4x41064 4x41104 4x41144 4x41184 UDINT 7.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QIII - previous period
10 4x41066 4x41106 4x41146 4x41186 UDINT 6.8.0 Sum Li Reactive Energy QII
11 4x41068 4x41108 4x41148 4x41188 UDINT 6.8.0* Sum Li Reactive Energy QII - previous period

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3.0 Communication errros


3.1 Type of error

Errors in modbus address 4x40014 are formed by 2 digits: AB.

• A : this indicates which energy meter is reported
• B : this indicates the type of error
5 : serial port is not correctly opened
6 : communication timeout error
1 : energy meter doesn’t answer to gateway -> please check cable connection and if
energy meter’s serial number is correct and written in the right modbus address
2 : error in extracting ID code from meter’s message -> please check cable connection
7 : message from energy meter is too big for gateway’s buffer; this error does not
compromise gateway’s normal functionality, but last part of obis list will be lost
8 : message from energy meter is empty -> please check cable connection

There are also :

• 888 : global timeout error (this happens if there aren’t meter’s serial number in modbus area)
• 999 : hardware/software authenticity error

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7.0 Mechanical features


The size of the gateway are the following:

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