Lesson Plan - Week 3

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ALEMANIA Grade Level: 8

Teaching Dates and Time: September 12 - 16, 2022 Quarter: 1st QUARTER WEEK 3

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

September 12 September 13 September 14 September 15 September 16
STANDARDS The learner…
 Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of work in relation to force and displacement.

STANDARDS The learner…
 Infer that when a body exerts a force on another an equal amount of force is exerted back on it.
 Should be able to identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is done; (S8FE-Ic-20)

D. OBJECTIVES The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
1. State Newton’s third law of 1. Identify situations in which 1. Calculate the amount of work 1 Describe the energy changes 1. Describe how work is related to
motion. work done or no work done; done using appropriate units. when energy is transferred power and energy.
2. Compare the two interacting 2. Determine the direction of the 2. Reflect on personal from one body to another. 2. Compute for your power output
forces in terms of magnitudes force applied and the direction experience at home or in daily in walking or running up a flight
and directions. of the displacement; life activities where work is 2.Give examples of how energy is of stairs
3. Identify the action and applied. transferred
reaction forces.
Newton’s Third Law of Work Calculating Work Work and Energy Work, Energy and Power
Motion: Law of Interaction

1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages 13 - 16 18 - 19 19 - 20 20 - 21 23 - 24

2. Learner’s
Materials Pages 18 - 19 21 - 23 24 - 25 25 - 26 34 - 35


ELICIT Present new lesson by playing a Students perform cleaning, When do we say that work is Energy enable us to do work. It is Differentiate potential form
Reviewing previous lesson or game called arm wrestling sweeping and mopping the floor. done? likened to money. Having a lot of kinetic energy
presenting the new lesson where students will look for While the student is executing energy is like having plenty of Video Presentation
their pair to play. the task given by the teacher, the Students will watch a short money. But having money is not Showing a short video clip about
student will answer the video clip on how to calculate enough to do useful things. sport Triathlon
questions: Are you exerting the amount of work done on Money should be handed over to (www.youtube.com/watch
force while cleaning and the object. another person so it can do ?v=wxtR9hf39Ug)
sweeping the floor? Are you (please follow the link for the something. Energy is also like
moving from one place to video clip on work this. It needs to be transferred to
another? If the answers of the www.youtube.com/watch another body so it can do
student are all Yes then will give ?v=hQKYb7P5vwA) something useful.
a follow-up question: Do you
think you consider your task as a
ENGAGE Guide questions:: Present the following diagram as Example of situational problems Examples of situation that shows Ask the students to explain if there
Establishing a Purpose for the 1. How do you compare the examples: on work transfer of energy: is work done by the athletes
Lesson direction of your partner’s and Let a learner act or portray the 1. A box is dragged horizontally 1.When you push a book across participating in the said event.
your force? following diagram and let other across a floor by a 100 N force the table, the energy from your Ask them also if they use energy.
2. Compare the direction of the students identify whether it acting parallel to the floor. What moving arm is transferred from
forces exerted by each pair. shows work done or no work is the work done by the force in your body to the book, causing
done. moving it through a distance of 8 the book to move.
a. a student pushing a chair in a m? 2. Fingers hitting piano keys
short distance b. a student transfer energy from the player’s
sitting on a chair c. a student hand to the keys.
walking while carrying a chair
EXPLORE Analyze the situations below by Present and discuss to the class Do the Activity on Calculating Do the Activity - Lesson Guide Do the Activity on How POWER-
Discussing new concepts and identifying the pairs of forces the concept of how work is done Work, Lesson Guide Grade 8 Grade 8 First Quarter pp 37- ful am I, Lesson Guide Grade 8
practicing new skills acting on the objects. in relation to force and First Quarter pp. 33-34 38Analysis: First Quarter, pp. 40-41
displacement. Ask the learners 1. Is there work done on the ball?
to explain if work is done base 2. What can a moving ball do
on the given examples. when it interacts with other
3. What happens to the energy of
the ball (doing the work) and the
bottle ( on which work is done)?
Explain your answer.

EXPLAIN The class will be divided into Identify situations in which Work problems to be solved by Discuss the answers in the given Discuss the answers in the given
Developing Mastery small group. Each group is work is done and in which no pair activity activity
assigned to 1 of the situations work is done. Write W if the 1. A body moves through a Refer to the figure below, suppose
listed below. They will be situation shows work and NW if distance of 4 m while a force F Examples of energy transfer are: Jack and Ben lift a sack of rice
given 1 minute to draw/paint no work. of 12 Newton acts on it. What is a. A spring vibrates after being weighing150 Newton’s from the
the scene and another 30 the work done by the force on stretched ground to a height of 1.5 meters,
seconds to position themselves. 1. Lifting a box from the floor. the body? b. A bicycle going uphill, which how will you describe the work
Challenge the students to guess 2. Pushing against the wall. stops. done and the time it takes Jack
the picture of the other group 3. Pushing a box along the floor. 2.Two men exerted a force of and Ben to lift the sack of rice?
then ask them to identify the 4. Carrying a bag of grocery 1080 N to push the car 218 m to
action-reaction forces present. 5. Raising a flag during the flag the nearest fuel station.
a. walking ceremony Determine the work done on the
b. a mango fell due to gravity car.
c. a man pedals a bicycle

EXTEND Students will give examples Students will cite examples of Students will cite examples of Cite other examples of energy If you were be given a chance to
Finding practical applications where law of interaction was situations or activities they situations or activities they transfer in your daily life be the leader of the our country,
of concepts and skills in daily applied. experienced which they think experienced which they think situations. how would you exercise your
life work is done. law of acceleration is applied. power of authority?
ELABORATE 1. Based from the above Conclude that: Work is a The mass of the object varies When energy is transferred, one Power provides a measure of both
Making Generalizations and activity state operationally the process of transferring energy with acceleration. With the same body loses energy, where as the amount of work done or the
abstractions about the lesson law of interaction. from one place to another. Work amount of force applied, its another gains it. Work is a method amount of energy expended and
2. Why do forces come in done in an object if the object acceleration decreases and as the of energy transfer. the time it takes to do it. If you do
pairs? moves a distance in the same mass increases. When a body does work, it loses a physical task quickly you have
3. Explain the condition on how direction of the force you energy. The body on which work more power than when you do the
to forces are equal in applied. No work is done if the is done gains energy. same task slowly.
magnitude and acting in force you exerted does not make In science, power is defined as the
opposite direction. the object move in the same rate at which work is done or the
direction as the force being rate at which energy is expended,
applied. or is transferred, or transformed
EVALUATE Identify each situation if work is
Evaluating learning done or no work is done by
determing the direction of the
force and displacement and
identify the situation whether it
is doing work or not, write yes
or no.


A. No. of students who ___ learners who earned 80% ___ learners who earned 80% ___ learners who earned 80% ___ learners who earned 80% ___ learners who earned 80%
earned 75% in the above above above above above
B. No. of learners who ___ learners who require ___ learners who require ___ learners who require ___ learners who require ___ learners who require
require additional activities additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
for remediation? remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C. Did remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
D. No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
caught up with the lesson. up the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson

E. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
continue to require to require remediation to require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation

F. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies work well?

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Teacher I JHS OIC School Principal

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