Edition 10 The View Inside Technologies Collide and Industries Transform

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The View Inside:

Technologies Collide and
Industries Transform
By Krishnan Ramanujam
President, Business and Technology Services, Tata Consultancy Services

Every company we know is in a new era of

information technology that has erased industry
boundaries, altered competitive dynamics,
and ushered in formidable new players. The
technology I’m referring to is the convergence
of several technologies that have rippled and
ripened over the last decade, most notably cloud
computing, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of
things (IoT) devices, and the internet itself.

Together they are stirring the pot of industry change faster

and faster. The first global sectors to be transformed are
those whose entire product could be digitized and delivered
digitally (media and entertainment, banking, business
information, and more). But even products that must
remain physical products, and services that customers must
experience at a company’s place of business (hotels, airplanes,
etc.), are being digitally altered to become much more useful
products and services.

The impact on industries can’t be overstated. ‘The World is Flat’ author and New
York Times columnist Tom Friedman so aptly stated this recently1:

We’re in the middle of a change in the ‘climate’ of technology. We’re

moving into a world where machines and software can analyze (see
patterns that were always hidden before); optimize (tell a plane which
altitude to fly each mile to get the best fuel efficiency); prophesize
(tell you when your elevator will break and fix it before it does);
customize (tailor any product or service for you alone) and digitize
and automate just about any job. This is transforming every industry.

While such predictions could be easily dismissed in the past, they can’t be today.
The reason is that a growing number of companies are getting rich by using
these technologies in these ways. They offer dollars-and-cents proof that the
transformation is here. Consider three stunning statistics on the money some firms
have already made (or their value in the stock market) by tapping into the cloud, AI,
IoT, and other mobile digital devices and the internet:

 2.4 trillion: The combined market value of Facebook, Apple, Google parent
company Alphabet, Amazon, and Netflix in June.2 All but Netflix deliver their
digital services to your digital devices through the cloud (their own data centers).
Netflix delivers its video services through Amazon’s cloud, AWS.
 39 billion: How much revenue investment analysts predict Facebook
will produce in 2017.3 (Its 2016 revenue was $27.6 billion.) If it hits that number,
Facebook’s revenue will surpass the revenue of the entire U.S. newspaper industry
in 2016 ($29.6 billion).4 From where does Facebook get that revenue? Since (unlike
newspapers) its members can get its content for free, Facebook gets it from
advertising that the company can tailor to its members’ needs and tastes. And it is
increasingly using AI to target those ads.

The New York Times, Climate Shifts Aren’t Limited to the Weather, August 02, 2017, Accessed August 02,
2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/02/opinion/climate-change-technology-globalization-china.
Fortune, FAANG Tech Stocks Are No Bargain. Here’s Why, June 15, 2017, Accessed August 02, 2017, http://fortune.
Financial Times, The estimate of Facebook 2017 revenue was the consensus of the 34 stock market analysts who
cover the company, Accessed August 02, 2017, https://markets.ft.com/data/equities/tearsheet/forecasts?s=FB:NSQ
PR Newswire, Newspaper industry revenue number from PwC, June 05, 2017, Accessed August 02, 2017, http://
6 reach-759-billion-by-2021-300469724.html
 7 billion: How much revenue General Electric (GE) expected to generate
in 2016 from its digital business, which helped the company, customers, and its
industry partners capitalize on IoT devices and software. GE predicts the number
will be $15 billion by 2020.5

I hope we have begun to convince you (if you weren’t convinced already) that this
technological revolution is having substantial here-and-now consequences. The
articles we’ve assembled in this issue of Perspectives shed light on why things are
playing out this way.

We’ve organized the articles into two sections: the business opportunities of the
technological transformation, and how to pursue them. Here is a preview of each article.

The Business Opportunities

Where to Turn AI and Automation Loose See page 13.

in Your Company
Industrial-strength AI is ready for deployment. But one of
the biggest challenges for large companies is determining
where to use it. Although the possibilities are endless,
companies’ budgets, of course, are not. In their article,
Ashok Pai and Krishna Mohan give executives a way to
identify the best places to use AI in their organizations.

Why Your Products Must Be Smart and Connected See page 26.

In the last few years, strategy experts like Harvard

Business School Professor Michael Porter have been
urging industrial companies to embed their products
with digital sensors and wireless devices that report back
on how they’re functioning in the field. In their article,
Sreenivas Chakravarti and Anurag Jain argue that making
such products smart and connected is no longer an
option; it’s a necessity. They explain why virtually every
manufacturer should now be using such technologies to
turn their products into services.

Investors.com, GE Sees Digital Revenue More Than Doubling To $15 Billion By 2020, June 23, 2016, Accessed
August 02, 2017, http://www.investors.com/news/ge-courts-silicon-valley-investors-for-digital-industrial-push/ 7
See page 38. Now You Can Simulate Nearly Anything
Suppliers of public cloud computing services such as
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Google represent
a powerful capability that many companies don’t
realize they now have: to simulate strategies, product
and service concepts, and new business processes
at affordable prices. In their article, PR Krishnan,
Satishchandra Doreswamy, and Suranjan Chatterjee
explain why this is so important today, and seven
applications of simulations that promise big benefits. To
illustrate each one, they point to examples at Kellogg,
Aon Benfield, GE, and HSBC, among other companies.

How to Pursue the Opportunities

See page 49. What Happens When You
Turn Your Products Into Services
So you’ve decided to make your products ‘smart and
connected’. How do you then play in the ‘servitization’
game, the one in which you’ll generate revenue by
offering your product as a service? In his article, Regu
Ayyaswamy explains why the service opportunities are
abundant: They turn what he calls ‘open-loop’ systems
into ‘closed-loop’ ones—where a manufacturer no
longer loses information to third parties on how its
products are performing for customers. He examines
four servitization opportunities for companies with
closed-loop systems, and explains how to overcome
significant obstacles that will stand in the way.

Why Agile Software Development Requires See page 60.

Radical Changes in Budgeting and Scoping

To stay competitive in this world of intelligent cloud-
based products and services, big companies need to
move as quickly as new companies. That means getting
new digital products and processes up in weeks or
months, not years. But that can’t be done if such systems
are staged, funded, and scoped in the same manner of
the enterprise systems of old. Companies must now rely
on agile cross-functional teams that use agile software
development methods. But that is harder than it sounds,
and one of the biggest barriers is how agile programs
are scoped and funded. In short, traditional systems
budgeting and scoping methods can throw wrenches
into the wheels of agile development. In their article,
Nidhi Srivastava, Apala Mukherjee, and Somnath Ghosh
provide an antidote to the all-too-frequent starts and
stops of agile teams: a different way of scoping and
budgeting these programs.

Raising Your IoT Cyber Security Game See page 71.

By making their products smart and connected,

manufacturers can transform themselves into service
companies and generate new revenue. But they can
also generate the attention of attackers to their new
IoT-enabled products, as TCS IoT cyber security expert
Satish Thiagarajan writes in his article. As he says, hacking
incidents into IoT-enabled products in the U.S. alone
soared seven times between 2010 and 2015. And most
computer networks should expect IoT security breaches
next year, warns IDC. Thiagarajan outlines eight steps
companies should take today to reduce the chances of
becoming the next victim.

See page 82. The Big Opportunities at
the Junction of AI and Analytics:
Interview with Tom Davenport
We are delighted to feature an Interview with Tom
Davenport, a leading chronicler over the past 30 years on
how information technology has radically transformed
the work and very essence of large businesses around
the world. Since the late 1980s, Davenport has been a
pioneer of business process redesign/reengineering,
business analytics, and other leading concepts. He
has published several classic Harvard Business Review
articles and bestselling books on the business value of
enterprise systems, knowledge management, big data
and analytics, and most recently AI. I think you’ll find
Tom’s interview eye-opening, particularly his call for
companies to stop focusing on using technology to get
rid of people.

Executive Traits for Recognizing the See page 91.

Bountiful Opportunities Ahead

The opportunities we point to in this edition of
Perspectives are substantial. But they are also difficult
to recognize. In our last article, I look at five personality
traits of three of the most successful CEOs of the last 10
years—Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Reed Hastings—all of
whom were early to recognize the implications of cloud,
mobile devices, and AI, and moved their businesses
forward early to capitalize on them. I explain how the
traits—abundant imagination, a voracious appetite
for often-clashing ideas, relentless focus on increasing
value to customers, calmness in the face of the rising
competitive storm, and being sentimental about top
talent but not about their jobs—are so crucial today.

I hope these articles provide you and your colleagues

with inspiration and ideas that help your organization
thrive in these exciting times.


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