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Tut Centrifugal

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Problem # 1

• At the inlet of a centrifugal compressor

eye, the relative Mach number is to be
limited to 0.97. The hub-tip radius ratio of
the inducer is 0.4. The eye tip diameter is
20 cm. If the inlet velocity is axial,
determine, (a) the maximum mass flow
rate for a rotational speed of 29160 rpm,
(b) the blade angle at the inducer tip for
this mass flow. The inlet conditions can be
taken as 101.3 kPa and 288 K.
Problem # 1

β1 C1
rt V1
Solution: Problem # 1
The rotational speed at the inducer tip is
U1 = πdN / 60 = π × 0.2 × 29160 / 60 = 305.36m / s
From the velocity traingle, we can see that
V1 C12 + U12
M1rel = =
γRT1 γRT1
T1 = T01 − C12 / 2c P = 288 − C12 / 2010
C12 + U12
M1rel =
γR(288 − C12 / 2010)
2 2
C + 305.63
0.97 2 = 1

115718.4 − 0.2C12
Simplifyin g, C1 = 114.62m / s
Solution: Problem # 1

T1 = T01 − C12 / 2c P = 288 − C12 / 2010 = 281.464K

γ /( γ − 1)
P01  T01 
=  
P1  T1 
Substituting, P1 = 93.48kPa
∴ ρ1 = P1 / RT1 = 1.157kg / m3
π 2
Annulus area at the inlet, A 1 = d (1 − rh / rt )
A 1 = 0.0264m 2
Solution: Problem # 1

Since the flow is axial,

C a1 = C1
∴m & = ρ1 A 1C1 = 1.157 × 0.0264 × 114.62 = 3.5kg / s
The blade inlet angle at the tip is
tan β 1 = C1 / U1
∴ β 1 = 20.57 o
Problem # 2

• A centrifugal compressor has a pressure

ratio of 4:1 with an isentropic efficiency of
80% when running at 15000 rpm and
inducing air at 293 K. Curved vanes at the
inlet give the air a pre-whirl of 25o to the
axial direction at all radii. The tip diameter
of the eye of the impeller is 250 mm. The
absolute velocity at inlet is 150 m/s and
the impeller diameter is 600 mm.
Calculate the slip factor.
Problem # 2

C1 25 V1

Cw1 U1

Fixed inlet
guide vane

Inlet velocity triangle

Solution: Problem # 2
Exit stagnation temperature is
( γ − 1) / γ (1.4 − 1) / 1.4
T02 (
= T01 π c ) (
= 293 4 ) = 435.56K
Therefore the isentropic temperature rise,
∆T0s = 435.56 − 293 = 142.56K
The actual temperature rise, ∆T0 = ∆T0s / η c
∆T0 = 178.2K
Work done per unit mass is, w = c P ∆T0
w = 1.005 × 178.2 = 179 kJ/kg
Solution: Problem # 2

Peripheral velocity at the tip of the eye,

U1 = πdN / 60 = π × 0.25 × 15000 / 60 = 196.25m / s
C w1 = C1 sin 25 = 63.4m / s
Peripheral velocity at the tip of the impeller,
U2 = πDN / 60 = π × 0.60 × 15000 / 60 = 471.2m / s
Solution: Problem # 2

We know that power input is, w = U2C w 2 − U1C w1

179 × 10 3 = 471.24 × C w 2 − 196.35 × 63.4
or, C w 2 = 406.27m / s
Therefore, the slip factor is,
σ s = C w 2 / U2 = 0.862
Problem # 3
Air at a stagnation temperature of 22°C enters
the impeller of a centrifugal compressor in the
axial direction. The rotor, which has 17 radial
vanes, rotates at 15,000 rpm. The stagnation
pressure ratio between diffuser outlet and
impeller inlet is 4.2 and total-to-total efficiency
is 83%. Determine the impeller tip radius.
Assume the air density at impeller outlet is
2kg/m3 and the axial width at entrance to the
diffuser is 11mm, determine the absolute Mach
number at that point. Assume that the slip factor
σ = 1 - 2/N, where N is the number of vanes.
Problem # 3
The specific work required is
w c = U2C w 2 − U1C w1
Since C w1 = 0, w = U2C w 2 = σU22
Expres sin g U2 in terms of efficiency and pressure ratio,
cp T01(π (cγ − 1) / γ − 1)
U22 =
ση c − tt
σ = 1 − 2 / N = 1 − 2 / 17 = 0.8824
Substituting all other values, U2 = 452 m / s
Since, Ω = 15000 × 2π / 60 = 1570 rad / s
Therefore, the impeller radius is
rt = U2 / Ω = 0.288 m
Problem # 3
Mach number, M2 = C 2 / a2 = C 2 / γRT2
where, C 2 = C w2 2 + C r22
& /(ρ 2 2πrtb 2 ) = 2 /(2 × 2π × 0.288 × 0.011) = 50.3 m / s
Cr 2 = m
C w 2 = σU2 = 400 m / s
∴ C2 = 50.3 2 + 400 2 = 402.5 m / s
We know that h02 = h01 + w c = h01 + σU22
or, h 2 = h01 + σU22 − 12 C 22
or, T2 = T01 + (σU22 − 12 C 22 ) / cp
= 394.5 K
Therefore, M2 = 402.5 / 1.4 × 287 × 394.5 = 1.01
Problem # 4
A centrifugal compressor with backward leaning
blades develops a pressure ratio of 5:1 with an
isentropic efficiency of 83 percent. The
compressor runs at 15000 rpm. Inducers are
provided at the inlet of the compressor so that
air enters at an absolute velocity of 120 m/s.
The inlet stagnation temperature is 250 K and
the inlet air is given a pre-whirl 22o to the axial
direction at all radii. The mean diameter of the
eye of the impeller is 250 mm and the impeller
tip diameter is 600 mm. Determine the slip
factor and the relative Mach number at the
impeller tip.
Problem # 4

C2 β2 V2 Ca

U1 Ω
V1 C1

Fixed inlet
guide vane

Inlet velocity triangle Exit velocity triangle

Solution: Problem # 4
T01 = 300 K
( γ − 1) / γ
T02s = T01 (π c ) = 250 (5)0.4 / 1.4 = 395.95 K
∆T0s = 395.95 − 300 = 95.95 K
Actual temperature rise, ∆T0actual = ∆T0s / η c = 95.95 / 0.83
= 115.6 K
The specific work required, w c = cp ∆T0actual = 1005 × 115.6
= 116.186 kJ / kg
Given that C1 = 150 m / s, ∴ C w1 = C1 sin α1 = 150 sin 22
= 56.2 m / s

Solution: Problem # 4

U1 = πdmN / 60 = π × 0.25 × 15000 / 60 = 196.3 m / s

and U2 = πdtN / 60 = π × 0.6 × 15000 / 60 = 471.24 m / s
Since, w c = U2 C w 2 − U1C w1
116.186 × 10 3 = 471.24 × C w 2 − 196.3 × 56.2
∴ C w 2 = 269.96 m / s
The slip factor, σ = C w 2 / U2 = 269.96 / 471.24 = 0.573
Problem # 4

C2 β2 V2 Ca

U1 Ω
V1 C1

Fixed inlet
guide vane

Inlet velocity triangle Exit velocity triangle

Solution: Problem # 4
From the impeller exit velocity triangle, assuming Ca = Cr
V2 = Cr2 + (U 2 − Cw 2 ) 2 = (C1 cos α1 ) 2 + (U 2 − C w2 ) 2
= 222.9 m / s
M rel = V2 / γRT2
T2 = T02 − C22 / 2c p
T02 s − T01
T02 = T01 + = 365.61 K
and C2 = Cw2 2 + Cr2 = 269.9 2 + 139.082 = 303.68 m / s
∴T2 = 365.61 − 303.682 / 2 ×1005 = 319.73 K
The relative Mach number at the impeller tip is
M rel = 222.9 / (1.4 × 287 × 319.73) = 0.62
Exercise Problem # 1
• The design mass flow rate of a centrifugal
compressor is 7.5 kg/s with inlet stagnation
temperature of 300 K and pressure of 100
kPa. The compressor has straight radial
blades at the outlet. The blade angle at the
inducer inlet tip is 50o and the inlet hub-tip
ratio is 0.5. The impeller is designed to have
a relative Mach number of 0.9 at the inducer
inlet tip. If the tip speed is 450 m/s,
determine (a) the air density at inducer inlet,
(b) the inducer inlet diameter, (c) the rotor
rpm (d) the impeller outlet diameter.
• Ans: 0.988 kg/m3, 0.258 m, 17100 rpm,
0.502 m
Exercise Problem # 2

• A centrifugal compressor runs at 10000

rpm and delivers 600 m3/min of air at a
pressure of 4:1. The isentropic efficiency
of the compressor is 0.82. The outer
radius of the impeller is twice the inner
radius. The axial velocity is 60m/s. If the
ambient conditions are 1 bar and 293 K,
determine (a) the impeller diameter at
inlet and outlet (b) the power input (c) the
impeller and diffuser angles at inlet.
• Ans: 0.92, 0.461, 2044 kW, 13.9o, 7.1o
Exercise Problem # 3
• 30 kg of air per second is compressed in a
centrifugal compressor at a rotational
speed of 15000 rpm. The air enters the
compressor axially. The compressor has a
tip radius of 30 cm. The air leaves the tip
with a relative velocity of 100 m/s at an
angle of 80o. Assuming an inlet stagnation
pressure and temperature of 1 bar and
300 K, respectively, find (a) the torque
required to drive the compressor, (b) the
power required (c) the compressor
delivery pressure
• Ans: 4085 Nm, 6.417 MW, 6.531 bar
Exercise Problem # 4
A centrifugal compressor has an impeller tip
speed of 366 m/s. Determine the absolute
Mach number of the flow leaving the radial
vanes of the impeller when the radial
component of velocity at impeller exit is
30.5 m/s and the slip factor is 0.90. Given
that the flow area at impeller exit is 0.1m2
and the total-to-total efficiency of the
impeller is 90%, determine the mass flow

Ans: 0.875, 5.61 kg/s

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