O Que É Que Tem Gutibone

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0 QUEE QUE TEM Words and Music by Jorge Alves Barcelos © 2901 - 2910 Adaptation and Transcription by Deusdet Goppen Publishing - Score Free. The use of this material is not intended of any as a copyright violaton artist or any other entities/ You can have the material only for own use. It is prohibited the sale. For Artist assigned to MUSIC. Artist Jorge a Mateus Adaptation and Transcription by Deusdet Coppen aa cop G D —+ kertoard == ete epee J a = © 2001-2010 - Transcription Sy Deusdet Coppen to MUSIC PUBLISHING. Score Free, i is prob For Ais Jorge ¢ Mateus assgned to MUSIC (S.J - PR) e-mail ceusdetealppen@gma c D Am c D G D Am D Am I c D Am c D Am c D G Am. c oD G pf umn 5 MO ee ee teep ae A (uso deste material no ¢ oretenddo come uma violacao de copyright de algum artista ov qussauer otras enidades Voce poder dspor do material somente para seupropno us, isenta de qualver dnus de Gre autora 6 0 QUE E QUE TEM Words and Music by Jorge Alves Barcelos © 2001 - 2010 Adaptation and Transcription by Deusdet Coppen, Publishing - Score Free. The use of this material is not intended of any as e copyright violation artist or any other entities/ You can have the material only for ov use. iis prohibited the sale. For Artist assigned to MUSIC. Artist Jorge a Mateus ‘Adaptation and Transcription by Deusdet Coppen 1293 >... Camabile 1 EN pee mee Gs $ Sage . = (Of aititeg | fete gee nste (za—* ce Ba, ay @ fa * eo _ os = (Qf be ein Qs se eee . aaa (on EE SS aR, © 2001-2010 - Transcription by Deusdet Coppen to MUSIC PUBLISHING. Soore Fre, For Att Jorge ® Mateus azeigned to MUSIC (S.J -PR) e-mail deuedete 2 prohibited the cae igmil.com 2) {© 2081-2010 - Transcription by Deusdet Coppen to MUSIC PUBLISHING. Score Free, itis prohibited the sale. For Artist Jorge © Mateus assigned to MUSIC (S..P- PR) e-mail deusdetcolepen@gmellcom 3 Title: 0 Que € Que Tem Performed by: Jorge e Mateus Eas ‘Arranger: Deusdet Coppon Instrument, Scoring: ino and Keyboard © 2001-2010 - Transcription by Deusdet Coppen to MUSIC PUBLISHING. Score Free iti prohibited the sale For Artist Jorge # Mateus azsigned to MUSIC (S.1P -PR) e-mail [email protected] 4

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