Sep3701 Portifolio

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Name: NOTHANDO GUMEDE sep3701 portfolio

Student no: 68193726

Step1 factor causing crime
Precipitating factors are those conditions or circumstances that create the
opportunity to commit a crime. The Nonhle Call Centre had no security officer
responsible for NCC specifically. They make use of alarm system which is more
dependent to human/people, it can also be mistakenly pressed. Which make it a bit
difficult to tell whether it was an error or intentional. These factor can create a desire
in an individual to commit crime, because they are exposing the business with less
security measures. Criminal plan and organise their criminal activities carefully. In
this case it very easy for intruders to gain excess in the building because no access
entry was registered by the security that day of the incident. No video footage to
produce for evidence for the incident that took place in the complex. The NCC has
no service level agreement with the landlord for liability loss, so they can blame the
landlord for their own negligent for not signing the service level agreement.
Step 2 security policy
A security policy may be defined as a clear and approved written statement in which
the top management of a company or organisation commits itself to managing crime
risks in a specific manner. The security policy must be companionable with the
overall policy of the organisation.
Protecting other people’s assets
The NCC has no security level agreement with the landlord, the complex
management office refuse to take responsibility for the incident or the loss of the
Nonhle call Centre. The NCC has no camera in the building because there have no
security breaches at the NCC over the past three years in the complex. If NCC had
the security level agreement all this loss could be prevented from taking place.
Potential for conflict
The NCC has 120 employees per shift so in this matter it will be difficult to tell who is
responsible for the loss for laptops and other office valuable. Firstly, there is no
security that is responsible to search staff members coming in or out. Questioning or
disciplinary investigation of members who may the suspects.
Delegation of authority
The Top management and some selected staff are the one whose responsible for
opening the premises. The Top management must come to terms to who must be
responsible closing, locking the building and setting the alarm.
Limitation of authority
The Top management must take accountability for the loss of the laptop and other
officer valuable because the fail to come to term with the company policy to have
security level agreement. if the company had the cameras in the building will be easy
to identify the culprit.
Corporate governance
In term of good corporate governance and the companies Act, top managers are
expected to manage risks in a responsible manner. Management demonstrates that
it views crime risks in a serious light and is committed to managing these risks cost-
effectively by making a clear security policy statement. The NCC they didn’t have a
clear policy statement because if they did they could have predicted something like
this have happened, they would had put measures in place to deal with the matter
they are facing right now.
Absence of top management
During weekends and after hours, the security manager or supervisor on duty is
often top management’s representative in charge of an entire factory that is worth
hundreds of millions of rands. The NCC didn’t have security manager or security
supervisor they only depending on the complex security during afterhours it was the
management and some selected staff who were responsible for opening and closing.
Step 3 orientation phase
The manager
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am wring this letter to you to grant me permission to initial exploratory investigation
on the matter that took place in the office. Identify vulnerable assets and security
risks also to see the loopholes we have in the company that leads to this incident,
studying documentation, security weaknesses. Undertaking physical inspection of
the premises, conducting interviews to the staff will also help to solve this matter.
This on-site orientation will assist on compiling the on-site report also planning for
the comprehensive security survey.
Yours faithfully
Step 4 A security risk analysis steering committee
MS Msimbithi Security manager Risk management
Mr Mathola supervisor Management skills
Mr Mosia IT specialist Upgrade software
Mr Gombo Safety manager Health and safety
Ms Smith consultant Computer literacy
Miss Van Zly Assistance manager Accounting skills

An asset may be defined as any resource or thing that directly or indirectly

contributes to the value, profitability or service levels of the organisation.
List of assets
Tangible assets
2.Cell phones /telephone
4.Staff members
5.Equipment’s electrical appliances

Intangible assets
1.Confidential information
2.Labour union confidence and support
3.Credit rating confidence of directors
4.Information, expertise and intellectual capital
5.Positive corporate image and goodwill
List potential risks
 Break in/ burglary
 Robbery
 Theft
Calculation risk factor
probability =67/100 100/1=67%
impact = 46%
risk factor = 46% + 67= 133/2 =56,5% Risk factor is 0.565
Step 5 security survey
questions recommendations
1.Did the NCC had their own security No- if the company has its own security
officer? officer will be better because the
security will the patrolling the building at
all time.
2. Does the company have cameras on No- having CCTV helps at all cost
the building? because it serve you evidence when
you in need.
3. Avoid information that thieves can Security questions should avoid
discover information that can fall into wrong hand
too easily.
4. Who keep the office keys? It very important to have one or two
loyal people to keep the office key to
avoid complications at work.
5. How safe is the working Having a safe working environment
environment? makes people feel safe and happy at all
6. Does the company have SLA? I recommend to all company to have
SLA to avoid unnecessary legal actions.

7. Do you keep register record? The reason of having are register is to

keep records of who was present on
which date and who was absent.
8. Doe the company conduct physical Physical search or scanner helps
search or scanner? because it will avoid people from
coming in with harmful things.
9. Doe the company has the after hour To keep record for people who worked
register? until late
10. Do you make time for the Making time for employees it very
employees? important as the Top manager because
it create bond between you and your
workers. Getting different opinions for
the company to progress.

Security survey sheet it very important to have because you will be able to see the
loopholes for the company and fix it on time to avoid trouble and unnecessary legal
Step 6 security risk control measures
Making your property harder for an offender to access so easily firstly, ensuring that
potential target is out of view. There are four major prevention strategies: law
enforcement and developmental, community and situational prevention. Access
control must be strong upgrading the locks on your doors, windows, sheds and
outbuilding. Improving surveillance around homes, business or public places to deter
criminals. Consider adding CCTV to a commercial site or public place, establishing a
neighbourhood watch scheme in your street. Introducing a rule that last person
entering/ leaving should lock the door and remove the key. Upgrading security to
delay an offender, meaning they have to spend more time to gain access.
These principles can assist you in reducing the opportunity for crime to occur at your
workplace. Run security check on staff, but the most important security measures to
have in the company is the SLA that will save you time to attend the legal action
someone will take the fall for you.
Step 7 service level agreement
service level agreement is a written contract between a company and the client.
These includes operational requirements and limitation of authority. The service level
agreement often completed and signed only after the needs of the client have been
established. The importance of having SLA will save you time for unnecessary legal
action. If the NCC has the service level agreement Ms Ngwenya wouldn’t be
outraged by the loss, also this issue of not having CCTV really put them to cost. I
think now it due time for the Top management to go back on the drawing board to
draft a contract for the company security measures.
The professional security practitioner must ask for an SLA before introducing a
recommended security measure.
Step 10 implementation and evaluation of security measures
Not having security measure can cause challenges for the company that can lead
the company to unnecessary loss. I highly recommend every company to have
security measures. It is extremely important to have a signed SLA. For example,
NCC had been no SLA in place before the security measures were taken over by the
security practitioner. If a signed, agreed-to SLA had been in place when the system
was handed over, the confusion would have been avoided. Therefore, the security
practitioner must for SLA before introducing security measures for the company. it
would also serve the purpose of informing top management of the kind of agreement
to be implemented between the security practitioner and the providers of the security
measures everything depends on the nature of the security measure to be upgraded,
Step 11 maintenance and upgrade
Olckers added step 11 in the security risk management model because his research
proved that very often homeowners neglect to install proper security measures or
had system that were substandard or used incorrectly. Many house owners only
installed or upgraded their security system after the burglary has come to existence.
That means the security upgrade was done only after a security breach. He also
discovered that only few house owners that had proper risk assessment done on
their security system on their premises to check whether the system in place were
sufficient to meet their risk profiles.
Olcker recommended that integrated security systems firstly need to be constantly
checked and maintained and, secondly, they need to be reviewed, regularly
evaluated for effectiveness and upgraded accordingly if the risk profile has changed
or the risk has increased.
Sep 3701/1/2016-2019 study guide

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