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Heist Instructions

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Each team creates a Heist Deck (aka their draw

The scene? Hell’s Kitchen — 1925. Dirty politicians pile) using the black cards. To create a Heist Deck,
run the town with the coppers in their pockets. deal out the appropriate number of cards to each
While these bozos sip their martinis, you’re stuck team using the chart below.
chowing down on cockroach lasagna.
Package Target Heist
It’s time things changed around here. The mayor Players Task
Cards Cards Cards
and his cronies just pooled their dough and
3 20 7 3 6
deposited it in the bank downtown. And as far as
you’re concerned, it’s up for grabs. 4 24 9 4 6
5 30 11 5 6
Assemble your team, your tools, and your wits. But 6 36 13 6 6
beware, you’re not the only fellas who want a taste
of the high life... Can you pull off the heist of the Next, each team will take one of the Heist Cards
century? and set it aside. Shuffle the rest of the cards and
place them face down within easy reach of their
CONTENTS teammates. Take the Heist Card that was set aside
and place it at the bottom of the Heist Deck.

27 Tool Cards (2x) 69 Task Cards PHASE LINE

There are three phases to the game:
36 Package Cards 21 Target Cards
P1. The Plan — P2. The Heist — P3. The Getaway
18 Heist Cards 27 Phase Cards
Choose 6 Phase Cards at random — 2 for each of
the 3 phases. Place the first Phase Card vertically to
OBJECTIVE mark the start of the phase line. All cards below it
should be placed sideways.
Heist is a cooperative party game that pits two
teams against each other in a race to rob a bank.
To do this they must resolve their Heist Deck and EXAMPLE SETUP - 3V3 PLAYER GAME
complete all Phase Cards before the other team.


Each team takes a Tool Deck — the red and yellow
decks — and deals out all the Tool Cards to all 2
players on their team. Some players may have more
tools than others. That is ok.

Tool Cards make up a player’s hand. Players may

look at these cards and MUST keep them in their
hands at all times, unless specified otherwise. 1 Tool Cards 2 Heist Deck 3 Phase Line
GAMEPLAY Each tool has a name, image and a symbol in the 1. Your team must immediately stop what they are
top right indicating its tool type. doing and pay attention.
TO BEGIN 2. Place the Heist Card beside the next Phase Card
Players MUST keep their Tool Cards in their hands at your team has yet to complete. Phase cards are
Once the game has been setup, players take their
all times. Do not play with your Tool Cards revealed. completed in order from top to bottom (P1-P3).
Tool Cards in hand and take one card from the top
of their team’s Heist Deck laying it face down in 3. Flip that Phase Card over if it is not already
front of them. Now the game can begin! flipped and resolve it with your team.
Players resolve Task Cards by placing all required
Tool Cards face up on top of the Task Card. Each 4. Once resolved, leave the Phase Card flipped over
Everyone count down together from 3 and yell
Task Card indicates what tool(s) and/or tool type(s) and continue playing as normal. In other words,
“HEIST” to begin the game. 3 - 2 - 1 - HEIST!
are needed to resolve the task. players return to the cards they were working on
before the Heist Card was revealed.
Everyone will flip their cards over at once and start
playing. THERE ARE NO TURNS. Everyone plays and When a Tool Card is placed on a Task Card, it
cannot be removed until the Task Card is resolved. Phase Cards are resolved TOGETHER as a team by
resolves their cards at the same time.
Once a task card is resolved, return the tools to your performing the challenge indicated on the card.
hand so they can be used again and shared. Everyone on the team MUST participate in the
Once the game starts, players must resolve cards
Most of the time you will not have the tools needed
one at a time. To do so, follow the steps below:
to complete a Task Card. Do your best to describe THE CARDS
the tool(s) you need to your teammates using the
1. Resolve the card in front of you by placing tool
information provided on the Task Card. One of
cards on it or following the card’s instructions. Tool Task
them definitely has it.
2. If tools were used, pick them up and place them TOOL

back into your hand. If not, proceed to step 3. PACKAGE CARDS

3. Take a new card from the top of the Heist Deck Players resolve Package Cards by performing
and place it face up in front of you. the action indicated by the card. These cards
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until all the cards in the Heist are resolved once the indicated action has been
Deck are resolved. completed. Do not read the card out loud.

In the next section, you will find a description of TARGET CARDS Heist Phase
all the different types of cards within HEIST, how Target Cards are similar to package cards except .1.

to use them and how to resolve them, which will they are given to a player on the opposing team.
ultimately allow your team to win the game by When given a target card, a player must return

completing the last card in the Phase Line. all tools in front of them to their hand and stop
working on their current card. Players must resolve
THE CARDS the Target Card before returning to the card they
were trying to resolve previously. Do not read the Package Target
TOOL CARDS card out loud.

Each team’s tool deck contains 26 unique tools.

Players will need to share their tools because not
everyone will have what they need to resolve their Heist cards mark which Phase Card a team is
cards. So if you need a tool, ask for it! Managing currently at. When a Heist Card is revealed, yell
your teams tools will be crucial to your success. “HEIST” and follow these steps:
If you have a Target or Package Card in front of you,
do not read it out loud. This ruins gameplay as the
game relies on your teammates being constantly
aware of their surroundings. Your teammates on
the other hand may look at the cards in front of
you at any time.


When reading a phase card, it might be tempting
to pick it up. However, due to the chaotic nature
of this game, the phase card usually doesn’t end
up back where they’re supposed to be. So as a rule,
please leave phase cards on the table. This also
helps during times when both teams are trying to
complete the same Phase Card simulataneously.


It is possible that a team may draw multiple Heist
cards at the same time. When this happens, place
the Heist cards as your normally would. Flip and
complete the Phase Cards one at a time.


Sometimes you might be working on a Package
Card and an opponent will slam a Target Card on
your pile and then a teammate will draw a Heist
Card and yell HEIST. In these heart-pounding
moments you must complete the Phase Card and
then go back and resolve your Target Card and then
the Package card you were initially working on.
HEIST gets crazy.


Cards will sometimes say “Stop Playing.” This
literally means stop playing. Do not talk. Do not
give people tool cards. You may only perform the
indicated action on the card. In general, you should
stop playing whenever you get a Package or Target
and only perform the action specified by that card.

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