Fighting Demons

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Spiritual Warfare –

Fighting Demons
Demons & How to Fight Them
These are generally called up for a short time,
enough to perform a specific task, and are then banished.
Like the hierarchy of angels, there is also a hierarchy of
demons.  They vary in rank, function and power.  There
are higher demons sometimes referred to as demon
princes. They are usually well known and have their
names publicized in books, as well as having relatively
clearly defined specialties/spheres of influence.
Sometimes these may also actually be known to some
cultures as a god.

It should be well noted, however, that in the area of

cleansing/liberating homes or places as well as praying
over people for spirit attachments or oppressions, it is
NOT necessary to know the demon’s name because they
will lie.  Only in an official Church-sanctioned ritual of
Exorcism is it advantageous to know the name by
commanding the possessed to reveal its name.
A basic rule of thumb is that the demon princes or
well-known higher demons are not the type that inhabit
homes or oppress people.  They are too filled with self-
importance to bother with such activity.  These are left
to lower-level demons or those who are attached to
higher level ones.  This is why the knowing of the name
is irrelevant.  It is the power of the Lord, not our own
power that casts out.

Fighting Demons
What can be effective in the confrontation of
negative, inhuman forces?  The Catholic Church has had
holy things called “sacramentals” that are of aid to those
who work in the area of confrontation with demonic
forces.  Sacramentals are objects that are given a special
blessing by the Church.  What the blessing does is takes
the objects from their ordinary, worldly use and sets
them aside for a holy purpose.  It becomes a pure and

godly object that carries the positive energy of God’s
grace with it.  It is this that both disturbs and helps to
repel that which is pure evil.  Fr. Fortea makes it clear
that it is the power of Jesus Himself that has been placed
upon the sacramental that makes it a powerful ally for
those in deliverance ministry.

Holy Water is a powerful sacramental of the

Church.  Besides reminding us of our Christian Baptism,
it also serves as a protection from evil.  Fr. Fortea further
praises this sacramental by adding that “holy water is
more effective because it symbolizes purity and

Other sacramentals that are powerful include a

blessed crucifix (which represents the defeat of satan by
the sacrifice of the Cross), relics of the Saints (as Fortea
explains: “they are filled with the spiritual anointing of
these saints and call to mind the life of heroic sanctity the
particular saint lived.”

When considering the spiritual armor when

confronting the demonic, none can be more powerful
than a worthy and devout reception of Holy Communion

(Catholics, Orthodox and some High Anglicans celebrate
the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and
wine which is transubstantiated into His Body and Blood
in the Eucharist).

Calling upon the Precious Blood of Jesus is a sure

shield as is also the invoking of our guardian angels, our
Blessed Mother and Saints such as SS. Michael, Joseph
and Benedict.

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