SOP 013 Product Identification and Traceability

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Document number: SOP 013


The purpose of this procedure is to describe the method of product

identification and traceability through all stages of the process at this


The scope of this procedure is to identify the method of trace back from the
retailer to the point of harvest at all stages of the process.


DA Approved Arrangements Guidelines

Australian Standard for Hygienic Production of Wild Game Meat for Human
Consumption AS4464:2007
Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and transportation of Meat and
Meat Products for Human Consumption AS4696:2007
Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production of Pet Meat AS4841:2006
Export Control (WGM / WGMP) Orders 2010 and Amendment Orders 2014
DA Meat Notice 2014/01
DA Meat Notice 2013/02
DA Meat Notice 2010/07
DA Meat Notice 2009/18
WQA Standard Version 8
WQA Pet Food Standard


EU European Union
AAO Australian Government Authorised Officer
CU Customs Union
OPV Department of Agriculture on Plant Veterinary officer
QC Quality Coordinator
MICOR Manual of importing country requirements
LOT defined as a batch from an independent field processor.
RUN defined as a period of production, as follows:
- Dayshift
o Run 1 from start to smoko break
o Run 2 from smoko to lunchtime
o Run 3 from lunchtime to end of shift

- Afternoon shift
o Run 4 from start to afternoon tea
o Run 5 from afternoon tea to dinner time
o Run 6 from dinner time to end of shift
HC Human Consumption
DA* The Department

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Document number: SOP 013
UBD Use by Date
WQA Woolworths Quality Assurance
WGM/WGMP Wild Game Meat/Products
NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service
PF Pet Food
AS Australian Standards
MAP Modified Atmosphere Packaging
OFFAL Lungs, Liver, Heart and Kidneys
MTC’s Meat Transfer Certificates
PIC Property Identification Code
MBL Master Butcher’s Co-operative Ltd
CEO Chief Executive Officer
PLU Price Look Up Code
Julienne Date A continuous count of the days of the year
ELMER Electronic Legislation, Manuals and Essential References


• CEO, Operations Manager, Group Technical Manager and Quality

Coordinator have the overall responsibility for this procedure.

• QA Officers are required to monitor this procedure, with the assistance of

Production Supervisors.

• Compliance Officer responsible for verifying information recorded on

driver’s sheet and QA70 via data loggers.

• Production workers have responsibility to record all relevant details

outlined in this procedure.

• AAO is responsible to ensure the correct identification of abnormal

defects on inspection.

• National Field Harvester and Logistics Coordinator responsible for any

notifications to and liaising with the Field Harvesters.

6.1 Product Identification:

Conforming Product:
• Kangaroos received, or waiting in holding chiller to be processed, are
identified by:

o Relevant state controlling authority tag (NPWS).

o Company tag, detailing harvester name, date and time of harvest,
harvest location (either full property name or PIC number related to
that property), field chiller name & number, harvesters declaration
(signed by harvester), and unique carcase number.

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Document number: SOP 013
• During processing, by the same tagging system as outlined above, until
post-mortem inspection except the relevant state controlling authority tag
which is removed with the skin after legging.

• Skins are transferred outside through chute and are collected in bins, and
shipped daily.

Non-Conforming Product:

• Applies to any carcase identified by an incomplete or defective tag.

• Carcasses retained in roo chiller using retain tags, marked with date
retained, reason why retained, retain tag unique number, and placed on
separate rail for further disposition. Retain tags are to be documented on the
register for reconciliation.

6.2 Product Traceability:

Traceability of product is controlled from harvest to dispatch. Both forward
and backward shall be traceable to 100 %.

At the time of harvest:

• Field processors are required to apply the relevant state government
authority tag on the carcase, as well as a company tag marked with:

o Field processor number and name

o Date, place and time of harvest. (Place of harvest must be either the
full property name, or preferably the relevant PIC number)
o Field chiller name and number
o A unique tag numbers
o Harvesters declaration, sign
- If the field harvesters have not signed the declaration on the
back of the leg tag the carcase shall be retained until a
declaration is received from the harvester.

At the time of pick up from field chillers

• Truck drivers are required to download the temperature data of each field
depot using a downloading device, and to collect manual temperature
sheets (QA70) from each field depot operator which may be sent to the
National Field Harvester and Logistics Coordinator via fax or email.
• Truck drivers are required to identify the following details on form QA 03
(Truck Plans), which accompanies each load.
o Transport Company and driver
o Date and time of loading at each site
o Box Operators Name
o Chiller location
o Number and species of carcasses
o Pick up deep muscle temperatures (2 at front, 2 in middle, 2 at back)
o Signature of box operator

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At the time of arrival at Factory:

• The pre-dressing operator* (AAO) conducts 100% inspection of carcases as
described in WI128
• Compliance Officer downloads deep-muscle data loggers, and air
temperature data from field depots and from truck; he then correlates
logger data, harvest date and manual data, and presents all information
to Quality Coordinator, Group Technical Manager or the Chief Executive
Officer* for review and analysis.

• Pre-Dressing Inspector operator*(AAO) completes form QA02 MHA Pre-

Dressing Carcase Inspection and records:
o Date and time of receival
o Truck details
o Field processor name
o Chiller site
o Harvest date
o Total number of carcasses
o Retained carcasses for defects*
o Retained carcass tag numbers for swabbing

• Unloading supervisor records on form QA04 Carcase Check at Receival,

the following information:
o Chiller site/operator
o Number of carcasses
o Temperature of carcasses (4% of the load at least)
o Carcase tag numbers

• The AAO completes the Form Post Mortem Carcase Inspection recording
the following information:
o Date processed
o Species
o Total carcasses processed
o Shooter number and name
o Chiller box
o The reason and number of condemned or downgraded carcasses or

During the skinning process:

• Each carcase is documented on Carcase Inventory QA 24 for traceability
prior to entering the skinning room. This form must contain:
o Harvester name and number
o Number of carcases per harvester processed
o Date, shift and run of production
o Species processed.
The Company tag remains on the carcase for AAO to inspect. The AAO then
retains the tag the tag if the carcase is condemned or downgraded. This is
then recorded on the Post Mortem Downgrade Form.

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Document number: SOP 013

Monitoring of the entire procedure is performed by QA operators, Quality
Coordinator or Group Technical Manager via verification of documentation
on a daily basis. EU traceability exercises conducted six monthly by a trained

Where a deviation from documented procedures is observed during monitoring,
immediate corrective action shall occur. Corrective action will include, but may
not necessarily be limited to:

• Correct: Regain control and prevent continued non-conformance with

• Isolate: Deal with the deviation to bring the product under control.
• Determine the Cause: Review cause of the deviation to prevent it from
• Record: the deviation to assist in future action to be taken to prevent and
assist operational procedures.
• Follow up: to establish the corrective action has been effective.
• Non-Conformance: Where non-conformance is found in any area check
corrective action on Work Instructions.
• Non-Conformances must be logged and subjected to trend analysis to
identify on going issues.
• QA19 Internal CAR to be raised if required

• QA02 MHA Pre- Dressing Carcase Inspection
• QA 03 Drivers trip worksheet
• QA 04 Carcase check at receival
• QA04a Product Receival
• QA 09 Daily Production and Temperature Records.
• QA 11 Process Monitoring.
• QA 24 Carcase inventory.
• QA 26 Carton and seal inventory.
• QA 70 Manual temperatures in the field
• QA75 Incoming Inspection
• PIC Verification
• MTCs
• Export Production file (computerised)
• Hard and soft copy of scanned reports from load outs for CU product
• DA Carton seal reconciliation.
• Health Certificates
• Request for Permits

• Internal / External audits
• Traceability exercises conducted every 6 months
• Mock Recall
• Approved Supplier Program

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The declaration is carried on the back of every tag and

must be signed by the harvester

Shooter name and chiller site is pre-printed and is linked to the unqiue
number directly on its left. The number to the right of the name is the
registration number for the appropriate food authority

Harvest location must be either a PIC number, or the full

property name where the carcase was harvested. Any
other codes or abbreviations are unacceptable.
In order to print tags for harvesters this unique number is called up
on the tag machine (GP4000) and is linked to the harvester’s
name. This is also the case with the chiller number.

Carcass weight is not a requirement but most shooters

This is a unique number so that every carcass can be Barcode is used to reconcile the carcasses will include it. Harvest Location is the particular property
recognised individually regardless of species or type loaded in at plant. Notice the number at the carcass was shot, can also use number if
of animal. the bottom of the barcode directly reflect appropriate. Harvest Date and Harvest Time are the
the shooter no. and chiller no. exact date and time the carcass is harvested.

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Document number: SOP 013



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