CDL - General Knowledge

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Always drive safely according to road conditions. Be aware of your vehicle's capabilities and limitations.

Downshift to a lower gear before starting downhill and use light, steady brake pressure. Leave extra space between vehicles.

Look for an escape ramp or route to slow your vehicle safely. Pump the brakes and downshift if possible.

CDL - General Knowledge

Q1: You are traveling down a long, steep hill. Your brakes get so hot that the fail. What
should you do?
A. Downshift and pump the brake pedal.
B. Look for an escape ramp or escape route.
C. Both of the above.
Q2: To prevent a load from shifting, there should be at least one tied down for
every___________ feet of cargo.
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
Q3: You were driving a 40-foot vehicle at 35 mph. The road is dry and visibility is good.
What is the least amount of space you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe?
A. 2 seconds
B. 4 seconds
C. 6 seconds
Q4: Which of these statements about drinking alcohol is true?
A. A few beers have the same effect on driving as a few shots of whiskey or a few
glasses of wine.
B. Coffee and fresh air will help a drinker sober up.
C. Not everyone who drinks is affected by alcohol.
Q5: You do not have a Hazardous Materials Endorsement on your commercial driver’s
license. You can drive a vehicle hauling Hazardous Materials hazardous when?
A. The shipment will not cross state lines.
B. The vehicle does not require place cards.
C. A person who has the Hazardous Material Endorsement rides with you.
Q6: Cargo inspections:
A. Is most often not the responsibility of the driver?
B. Should be performed after every break you take while driving.
C. Are needed only of hazardous materials are being hauled.
Q7: Retarders
A. Cause extra break wear
B. Allow you to disconnect the steering axle brakes.
C. Can cause the drive wheels to skip when they have poured traction.
Q8: You are driving a new truck with a manual transmission. What year will you
probably have to use to take a log steep downhill grade?
A. The same year you would use to climb the hill
B The lower gear than you would use to climb the hill
C. A higher gear than you would use to climb the hill
Q9: Which of these statements about marking a stopped vehicle is true?
A. If A hill or curved keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle within 500 feet
move the rear reflective triangle back down the road to give adequate warning.
B. You do not need to put out reflective triangles unless the vehicle will be stocked for
30 minutes or more.
C. The vehicles tail lights should be kept on to warn other drivers.
Q10: Vehicle is loaded with very little weight on the drive axle. What may happen?
A. Pour traction
B. Damage to drive axle tires.
C. Better handling
Q11: Which of these statements about speed management is true?
A. Empty trucks always stop in a shorter distance than fully loaded ones.
B. When you double your speed (go twice as fast) it will take twice the distance to stop.
C. You should choose a speed that lets you stop within the distance that you can see
Q12: Which of this best describes how you should use the brake pedal on a steep
downhill grade?
A. Light, steady pressure
B. Repeated strong pressure, then release
C. With stronger pressure as the vehicle goes downhill
Q13: Which of these statements about double clutching and shifting is true?
A. Double clutching should not be used when the road is slippery
B. Double clutching should only be used with a heavy load.
C. You can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift
Q14: Which of these statements about using turn signals is true?
A. You do not need to use your turn signal when changing lanes in traffic on four-lane
B. When turning, you should signal early
C. You should use your turn signal to mark your vehicle when it is pulled off on the side
of the road
Q15: Every time you leave your vehicle you should:
A. Turn the steering wheel as far to the left as you can
B. Apply the break
C. Leave it in gear (if it has a manual transmission)
Q16: Which of these statements about cargo loading is true?
A. The legal maximum weight allowed buy a state, can be considered safe for oil driving
B. State law's dictate legal weight limits
C. If cargo is loaded by the shipper, the driver is not responsible for overloading.
Q17: Which of these is a good thing to do when driving at night?
A. Keep your speed slow enough that you can stop within the range of your headlights.
B. Look directly at oncoming headlights only briefly
C. Keep your instrument lights bright
Q18: You are checking your tires for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these statements is
A. Tires of mismatched sizes should not be used on the same vehicle
B. Radial and bias ply tires can be used together on the same vehicle
C. A trend depth of 2/32 inch is safe for the front tires
Q19: How do you test hydraulic brakes for leaks?
A. Move the vehicle slowly and see if it stops when you put on the brakes
B. Measure the free play in the pedal with a ruler
C. Firmly push down the pedal for 5 seconds and see if it moves
Q20: You can see I'm working on a vehicle ahead of you. The market is a red triangle
with an orange center. What does the marking mean?
A. It may be a slow-moving vehicle
B. The vehicle is hauling hazardous materials
C. It is a law enforcement vehicle
Q21: And in route inspection should include checking for:
A. Tire overheating and brake overheating
B. Cargo securement
C. Both of the above
Q22: You are driving in the right lane of a 4-lane Divided road. You come over a hill and
find a car stopped ahead in your lane. You do not have room to stop. The hill blocks
your view to the rear. The shoulder is clear. Which of these is most likely the best action
to teach?
A. Steer into the left lane
B. Steer to the right
C. Use hard braking and brace for collision
Q23: here or when should you test the stopping action of your service break?
A. In a parking lot when the vehicle is not moving
B. When the truck is moving at about 5 mph.
C. Add a special break testing center only
Q24: Which of these is NOT part of the pre-trip inspection of the engine compartment?
A. Valve clearance
B. Condition of hoses
C. Worn electrical wiring insulation
Q25: Which of these statements about backing I have a vehicle is true?
A. You should avoid breaking whenever you can.
B. Helpers should be out of the driver’s sight and use only voice signal to communicate
with the driver
C. It is safer to back toward the right side of the truck then towards the driver side
Q26: Cargo covers:
A. Protect people from spilled cargo
B. May be a safety requirement in some states
C. Both of the above
Q27: High beams should be:
A. Used when it is safe and legal to do so
B. Turned on when an oncoming driver does not dim his or her lights
C. Do you mean at the time that you get within 100 feet of another vehicle?
Q28: Which of these is the most important thing to remember about emergency
A. Disconnecting the steering axle brakes will help keep your vehicle in a straight-line
during emergency braking.
B. If the wheels are skidding, you cannot control the vehicle
C. Never do it without downshifting first
Q29: Which of these statements about Managing space is true?
A. Many accidents are caused by a driver keeping too much space in front of their
B. Smaller vehicles require more space to stop than larger ones
C. When the road is slippery, you need much more space to stop.
Q30: Which of these statements about drugs is true?
A. A driver can use any prescription drugs while driving.
B. Use of drugs can lead to accidents and/or arrest.
C. Both of the above are true
Q31: You must park on the side of a level, straight, Two-lane Road. Where should you
place the reflective triangles?
A. One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one
about 200 feet to the rear.
B. One within 10 feet of the rear of the vehicle One about 100 feet to the rear, and One
about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle
C. One about 50 feet to the rear of the vehicle, one about 100 feet to the rear, and one
about 100 feet to the front of the vehicle.
Q32: The road you are driving on becomes very slippery due to glare ice. Which of
these is a good thing to do in such a situation?
A. Stop driving as soon as you can safely do so.
B. Downshift to stop.
C. Apply air brakes of 10 to keep the lining dry.
Q33: To correct a drive wheel breaking skid, you should:
A. Stop breaking, turn quickly, and counter steer.
B. Increase braking
C. Increase breaking, turn quickly, and counter steer
Q34: Which of these statements about tires and hot weather driving is true?
A. The air pressure of a tire decreases as the temperature of the tire increases.
B. If a tire is too hot to touch, you should drive on it to cool it off.
C. You should inspect your tires every two hours or every 100 miles when driving in
very hot weather.
Q35: Your truck is in a traffic emergency and may collide with another vehicle if you do
not take action. Which of these is a good rule to remember at such a time?
A. You can almost always turn to miss an obstacle more quickly than you can stop.
B. Stopping is always the safest action any traffic emergency.
C. Leaving the road is always riskier than hitting another vehicle
Q36: Which fires can you use water to put out?
A. Gasoline fires.
B. Electrical fires.
C. Tire fires.
Q37: When you down shift for a curve, you should do so before you enter the curb
You are starting your vehicle from a stop. As you apply power to the driver wheels, they
start to spend. You should.:
A. Take your foot off the Accelerator.
B. Press harder on the Accelerator.
C. Try a lower gear.
Q38: When the roads are slippery, you should:
A. Drive alongside other vehicles.
B. Make turns as gently as possible.
C. Stop and test the traction while going uphill.
Q39: Which of these statements about breaks is true?
A. Breaks have more stopping power when they get very hot.
B. Brake drums cool very quickly when the vehicle is moving very fast
C. They heavier a vehicle for the faster it is moving, the more he did the breaks have
two absorb to stop it.
Q40: Stab braking:
A. Should never be used
B. Involves releasing the brakes only after the wheels lock up.
C. Involves steady pressure on the brake pedal without locking the wheels.
Q41: When driving through the work zones, you should:
A. Turn on your flashers and drive slowly.
B. Use your brake lights to warn drivers behind you.
C. Do both of these.
Q42: It takes the body about_______ Hours to get rid of the alcohol and for drinks?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
Q43: You are driving a vehicle at 55 mph on dry pavement. About how much total
stopping distance will you need to bring it to a start?
A. Twice the length of the vehicle
B. Half the length of a football field
C. The length of a football field
Q44: Cargo that can shift should have at least____ tie downs
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
Q45: If a straight vehicle (no trailer for articulation) goes into a front wheel skid. It will:
A. Slide sideways and spin out.
B. Go straight ahead even if the steering wheel is turned.
C. Go straight ahead but will turn if you turn the steering wheel.
Q46: Which of these statements about certain types of cargo is true?
A. Unstable loads such as hanging meet or livestock can require extra caution on
B. Oversize loads can be halted without special permit during times when the roads are
not busy.
C. When liquids are hauled the tank should always be filled completely full
Q47: Which of these statements about Exceller rating is true?
A. Rough exhilaration can cause mechanical damage
B. You should feel a "jerking" motion if you are accelerating your vehicle properly.
C. When traction is poor, more power should be applied to the accelerator.
Q48: You are driving a heavy vehicle. You must exit a highway using an off-ramp that
curves downhill. You should:
A. Slow down to a safe speed before the curve.
B. Slow to the posted speed limit for the off-ramp
C. Wait until you are in the curve before downshifting.
Q49: A key principle to remember about loading cargo is to keep the load:
A. To the front
B. To the rear
C. Balanced in the cargo area
Q50: You are driving on the street, level highway at 50 mph. There are no vehicles in
front of you, suddenly a tire blows out on your vehicle. What should you do first?
A. Quickly steer onto the shoulder.
B. Begin emergency braking.
C. Stay off the break until the vehicle has slowed down
Q51: Which of these statements about staying alert to drive is true?
A. A half hour break for coffee will do more to keep you alert then a half hour nap
B. There are drugs that can overcome fatigue
C. Sleeping is the only thing that can overcome fatigue
Q52: Which of these is a good thing to remember about using mirrors?
A. You should look at a mirror for several seconds at a time
B. Convex mirrors make things look larger in closer than they really are.
C. There are blind spots that your mirror cannot show you.
Q53: Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. While traveling on a level Road you press the
brake pedal and find that it goes to the floor. Which of these statements is true?
A. You should not down shift if you have an automatic transmission
B. Pumping the brake pedal may bring the pressure up so you can start the vehicle
C. The parking brake will not work either because it is part of the same hydraulic system
Q54: Brake "fade"
A. Can be caused by the brake getting very hot
C. Can be corrected by letting up on the brakes for 1-2 seconds and then putting them
on again
B. Is a problem that only occurs with drum brakes
Q55: You are driving on a 2 Lane Rd. And oncoming driver drips into your lane and is
heading straight for you. Which of these is most often the best action to take?
A. Heart breaking
B. Steered to the right
C. Steer on to the left shoulder
Q56: Which of these statements about engine overheating is true?
A. If your engine overheats within 20 miles of the end of your trip you should complete
the trip and then check the problem
B. You should never shut off an overheated engine until it cools
C. You should never remove the radiator cup on a pressurized system until the system
has cooled
Q57: You are driving a truck with a manual transmission. You have to stop the truck on
the shoulder while driving on an uphill grade. Which of these is a good rule to follow
when putting back in motion up the grade?
A. Keep the clutch slipping while slowly exhilarating
B. Use the parking break to hold the vehicle until the clutch engages
C. Let the vehicle rolled straight backwards a few feet before you engage the clutch.
Q58: Of vehicle is loading with most of the weight on the steering axle. What may
A. Hard steering and possible damage to the tires
B. Better handling
C. To little traction on the steering axle
Q59: You were driving a 40-foot vehicle at 50 mph driving conditions are ideal (dry
pavement, good visibility). What is the least amount of space that you should keep in
front of your vehicle to be safe
A. 3 seconds
B. 4 seconds
C. 5 seconds?
Q60: Which of these is a good thing to do when steering to avoid a crash?
A. Apply the brakes while turning
B. Steer with one hand so that you can turn the wheel more quickly.
C. Do not turn any more than needed to clear what is in your way.
Q61: You are checking your wheels and rims for a pre-trip inspection. Which of these
statements is true?
A. Rust around the wheel nuts mean that they are loose.
B. Cracked wheel or rams may be used if they have been welded
C. Of vehicle can be safely driven with one missing lug nuts on a wheel
Q62: You do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on your commercial driver’s
license. You are asked to deliver hazardous materials in a place carded vehicle. You
A. Refused to haul the load
B. Take the place cards off the vehicle
C. Hall the load, but only to the nearest place where a driver with a hazardous material
endorsement can take over.
Q63: As the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) goes up, what happens
A. The drinker more clearly sees how alcohol is affecting his/her.
B. Judgment and self-control are affected
C. The drinker can sober up in less time
Q64: If you need to leave the Rhode in a traffic emergency, you should:
A. Try to get all wheels off the pavement
B. Brake hard as you leave the road.
C. Avoid breaking until your speed has dropped to about 20 mph.
Q65: You should stop driving:
A. After 5 hours
B. After 9 hours
C. Whenever you become sleepy.
Q66: I didn't which of these statements about downshifting for a long downhill grade is
A. It should not be done with automatic transmission
B. It allows engine compression and friction to help slow the vehicle
C. The proper time to downshift is just after the vehicle starts down the hill
Q67: If you must drive through deep puddles or flowing water, which of these steps can
help keep your brakes working?
A. Drive through quickly
B. Gently putting on the brakes while driving through the water
C. Apply hard pressure on both the brake pedal and Accelerator after coming out of the
Q68: When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving you should look:
A. To the right side of the road
B. To the left side of the road
C. Back and forth, near and far
Q69: Escape ramps are:
A. Used to stop runaway vehicles
B. For tanker only
C. For combination vehicles only
Q70: When driving at night you should
A. Adjust your speed to keep your stopping distance with in your sight distance:
B. Look to the left side of the road when a vehicle is coming towards you
C. Drive faster when your low beams are on
Q71: Which of these statements about cold weather driving is true?
A. An engine cannot overheat when the weather is very cold
B. When she'll washer anti-freeze should be used
C. Exhaust system leaks or less dangerous and cold weather
Q72: When should you wear a safety belt?
A. Anytime you're in a moving vehicle
B. Only when required by law
C. Only on the interstate
Q73: Controlled breaking:
A. Can be used while you are turning sharply
B. Involves blocking the wheels for short periods of time
C. Is used to keep a vehicle in a straight line for breaking
Q74: How do you correct a rear wheel acceleration skid?
A. Apply more power to the wheels
B. Stop accelerating
C. Apply the brakes
Q75: Which of these is not a good rule to follow when caring the injured at an accident
A. If a qualified person is helping them, stay out of the way unless asked to assist
B. Keep injured person cool
C. Start heavily bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound
Q76: For your safety, when setting out reflective triangles you should:
A. Carry the triangles at your side
B. Hold the triangle between yourself and oncoming traffic
C. Keep them on the sight while you walk to the spot where you set them out
Q77: The most common cause of serious skidding of a vehicle is:
A. Driving too fast for road conditions
B. Air brakes not adjusted right
C. Bad tires
Q78: Sometimes the heavy vehicles manage to drive slower than traffic. Which of these
signals is a good rule to follow when vehicles are tailing you?
A. Signal two other drivers when it is safe for them to pass you
B. Stay in your lane
C. Alert following drivers by turning on your emergency flashers if it is legal to do so
Q79: The most important reason for being alert to hazards is:
A. So, you will know exactly where an accident scene is
B. So, you will know where the bad areas are located
C. You will have time to plan escape if hazard becomes an emergency
Q80: Hydroplaning:
A. Only occurs at speeds above 50 mph
B. Cannot occur when driving through a puddle
C. Is more likely if the tire pressure is low
Q81: If you are being tailgated you should:
A. Increase your following distance
B. Flash your brake lights
C. Signal the tailgater when it is safe to pass you
Q82: Which of these statements above overhead clearance is true?
A. You should assume posted clearance signs are correct
B. The weight of a vehicle changes its height
C. If the road surface causes your vehicle to tilt towards objects at the edge of the road,
you should drive close to the shoulder
Q83: Which of these statements about fire is true?
A. If cargo in a van or box trailer catches on fire, you should open the cargo doors as
soon as you can.
B. If your engine is on fire, you should open the hood as soon as you can
C. A burning fire should be cool with water
Q84: The parking brake should be tested while the vehicle is:
A. Parked
B. Moving forward slowly
C. Going downhill
Q85: Which of these is a good rule to follow when using a fire extinguisher?
A. Keep as close to the fire as possible
B. stayed down wind of the fire
C. Aim at the base of the fire
Q86: While driving, you see a small (1 foot) cardboard box ahead in your lane. You
A. Steer around it without making a sudden or unsafe move
B. Brake hard to avoid hitting it
C. Hit it with your vehicle to knock it off the road

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