Experimen-2 Oxalic Acid Titration
Experimen-2 Oxalic Acid Titration
Experimen-2 Oxalic Acid Titration
Prepare a 250 ml standard M/40 solution of oxalic acid and determine the molarity
and strength of potassium permanganate by titrating it against the above standard
solution of M/40 oxalic acid.
Materials Required:
1. Oxalic acid
2. Potassium permanganate solution
3. 4N sulfuric acid
4. Distilled water
5. Chemical balance/electronic balance
6. Burette
7. Burette stand
8. Pipette
9. Conical flask
11.Volumetric flask
14.Bunsen Burner
15.Wire gauze.
Chemical reaction:
This titration cannot be carried out in the presence of acids like nitric acid or
hydrochloric acid because it is an oxidizing agent. So hydrochloric acid chemically
reacts with KMnO4 solution forming chlorine which is also an oxidizing agent.
Apparatus Setup:
Calculations of solid oxalic acid required to prepare desired oxalic acid solution:
M = W/gm *1000/v(ml)
W = 0.7875gm
1. For the preparation of 1 litre of M/40 oxalic acid solution amount of oxalic
acid required = 0.7875g.
2. Weigh an empty watch glass using a chemical balance.
3. Weigh 0.7875g of oxalic acid accurately in the watch glass.
4. With the help of a funnel transfer the oxalic acid into the measuring flask.
5. Now wash the funnel with distilled water without removing the funnel from
the flask.
6. Make the solution up to the marked point with distilled water and make
sure the oxalic acid fully dissolved.
7. This solution is M/40 standard solution of oxalic acid.
Observation Table:
Initial Final
( x) (y)
1 20.0 0.0 19.1 19.1
M1V1 / M2V2 = n1/ n2
1 𝑥 20 𝑥 2
M2= = 0.0105 M
40 𝑥 19.0 𝑥 5
1. Clean all the apparatus with distilled water before starting the experiment and
then rise with the solution to be taken in them.
2. Rinse the pipette and burette before use.
3. Potassium permanganate is dark in colour, so always read the upper meniscus.
4. Use dilute sulfuric acid for acidifying the potassium permanganate.
5. Take accurate readings once it reaches the end point and don’t go with average