Adjective ALL TCS Questions
Adjective ALL TCS Questions
Adjective ALL TCS Questions
All TCS Questions Till October 2022
Identify the segment that contains a grammatical 7. To descend a cragged / mountain, however, was
error. If there is no error, select ‘No error’. most/ difficult and dangerous / than to ascend
1. Open your books at page tenth. it.
MTS -11/07/2022 S1
CGL Mains- 08/08/2022
(a) To descend a cragged
(a) books at (b) Open your
(b) difficult and dangerous
(c) page tenth (d) No error
(c) mountain however was most
2. This story is quite interesting, but I have read
(d) than to ascend it
much interesting stories than this.
8. Anosmia is the / completed loss or / absence of
CGL Mains- 08/08/2022 the sense of smell.
(a) No error
MTS -11/07/2022 S1
(b) This story is quite interesting (a) No error
(d) but I have read
y s
(c) much interesting stories than this. (b) completed loss or
(c) absence of the sense of smell
E b nt
3. It turned out to be the noisy park party anybody (d) Anosmia is the
had ever attended. 9. The new media / is more faster / and more
CGL Mains- 08/08/2022 popular.
(a) It turned out to be MTS - 11/07/2022 S3
(b) anybody had ever attended. (a) No error
(c) No error (b) is more faster
(d) the noisy park party (c) and more popular
4. If you are going downhill you can go much fast. (d) The new media
h CGL Mains- 08/08/2022 10. She is brave than any other girl in the office.
(a) you can go MTS - 2/07/2022 S3
(b) No error
a s
(c) If you are going downhill
significantly ways. 11. The mountain lion is / one of the slyest and more
/ elusive animals in the woods.
MTS - 06/07/2022 S1
MTS - 13/07/2022 S1
(a) Solar storms can
(a) one of the slyest and more
(b) impact Earth-dwellers
(b) No error
(c) No error (c) The mountain lion is
(d) in significantly ways (d) elusive animals in the woods
6. The brightest stars / can be 30,000 times / most 12. Educators must roll up their sleeves and do a
luminous / than the Sun more best job of teaching critical thinking.
MTS - 08/07/2022 S1 MTS - 14/07/2022 S3
(a) The brightest stars (a) Educators must roll up their sleeves
(b) most luminous (b) No error
(c) can be 30,000 times (c) and do a more best job
(d) than the Sun (d) of teaching critical thinking
15. Sometimes we interact to people who are closed- (c) they are l kely
minded and not willing to listen.
(d) If your kids sleep well
MTS - 15/07/2022 S3
22. Other South African cities only / had one venue
(a) to people who are closed-minded for staging exhibitions or / internationals events
(b) and not willing to listen
(c) Sometimes we interact
at highly standard.
(a) No error
MTS - 26/07/2022 S2
(d) No error
16. He sat down in a darkly corner and covered his (b) internationals events at highly standard
face, and would not say a single word to anyone. (c) Other South African cities only
(d) had one venue for staging exhibitions or
MTS - 18/07/2022 S1
(a) No error 23. Soon or later, our efforts will be rewarded.
E b nt
(b) and covered his face, and would MTS - 26/07/2022 S3
(c) He sat down in a darkly corner (a) be rewarded (b) Soon or later
(d) not say a single word to anyone (c) our efforts will (d) No error
17. San Francisco is more bigger / than Boston in 24. The recently hike / in the price of petroleum
terms of / population density. products / will hit / household budgets severely.
(b) No error (b) in the price of petroleum products
(c) household budgets severely
(c) than Boston in terms of
(d) The recently hike
(d) San Francisco is more bigger Question
25. My older brother,/ which you’ll / meet later,/ is
18. Caramel is made from several thousand a dentist.
compounds, making it one of the much complex
food products. CGL-Pre 12/04/2021 S1
MTS - 19/07/2022 S2 (a) is a dentist (b) meet later
(c) My older brother (d) which you’ll
(a) Caramel is made from several
26. If he wants / farther information, / send him /
(b) No error
to me.
(c) thousand compounds, making it one of
CGL-Pre 13/04/2021 S1)
(d) the much complex food products
(a) send him (b) to me
19. We’ve got to have / beefed-up intelligence, / (c) If he wants (d) farther information
including much strong / human ntelligence than
before. 27. This park is / the largest bird sanctuary / in the
MTS - 21/07/2022 S1
(CGL-Pre 19/04/2021 S2)
(a) We’ve got to have
(a) the largest bird sanctuary
(b) human intelligence
(b) No error
(c) including much strong (c) This park is
(d) beefed-up intelligence (d) in the State
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Join Telegram- English by Prashant sir Adjective
28. I find that / I get myself tired / very easily / these 35. Economists have declared that 2020 graduates
days. will face the worse job depression since the Great
CGL - Pre 13/04/2021 S3 Depression because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(a) more better if (b) she sang
CGL Mains 03/02/2022 (c) with an orchestra (d) It would be
(a) more beautiful (b) than your 37. Parul is / ten years / elder than / her sibling.
(c) is definitely (d) Her handwriting CPO Tier-II 26/07/2021
31. The Dussehra celebrations / in Mysore / this year
(a) elder than (b) Parul is
/ are grandest than / in any other part / of the
(c) her sibling (d) ten years
38. Rice of a best quality is available in the nearby
CGL 13/8/2021 S3 supermarket at eighty rupee per kilo.
(a) in Mysore CPO 25/11/2020 S1
n y
(b) The Dussehra celebrations (a) in the nearly (b) at eighty rupees
E b nt
(c) are grandest than (c) a best quality (d) is available
(d) any other part 39. A tallest man that I have ever seen works in our
32. The weather / is much / more warmer / than it coal mine.
was a few days before. CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020
CGL 18/8/2021 S3 (a) A tallest man
(a) more warmer
h a
(b) than it was a few days before.
(b) that I have
(c) works in our coal mine
(d) ever seen
Although this is a narrowest street, many large
(d) is much
trucks can enter it.
33. The food / in the new eatery / is much best than
/ the one in RK Puram. CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
r a
(a) in the new eatery
(b) is much best than
CGL 24/8/2021 S1
(a) a narrowest street (b) Although this is
(c) many large trucks (d) can enter it
The performance of our players is worst than I
had expected.
(c) the one in RK Puram
CHSL 14/10/2020 S2
(d) The food
(a) I had (b) worst than
34. After entering the town, / go straight and then /
(c) The performance (d) our players
take a sharpest turn / towards your left / to
42. The park was well lighted at night but it was
reach the mall.
deserted, so it was a bit scared.
CGL 24/8/2021 S2
CHSL 15/10/20S3
(a) take a sharpest turn
(a) The park was well lighted
(b) towards your left
(b) but it was deserted
(c) After entering the town (c) so it was a bit scared
(d) to reach the mall (d) at night
(b) a longest and healthy life
52. The novel ‘Embers’ has a captivating plot and
(c) is associated with begins with a senior army officer preparing to
(d) According to a recent study receive a rare visitor, a man who was once his
closer friend.
45. The invited guests preferred orange juice than hot
coffeeor chilled grapes. CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
(a) The invited guests
(b) or chilled grapes
CHSL 19/03/2020 S1 (a) his closer friend
(b) has a captivating plot
(c) a man who was once
(c) preferred orange juice (d) begins with
n y
(d) than hot coffee 53. Their friendship will not last longer.
E b nt
46. The modern man is busy acquiring more and MTS 02/8/2019 S3
more wealth and designing ways to invest it in (a) will not (b) last long
more sense pleasures.
(c) No error (d) Their friendship
(a) designing ways to invest it
54. The people in my office are smarter than other
(b) in more sense pleasures
(c) modern man is busy
MTS 05/8/2019 S2
(d) acquiring more and more wealth
(a) The people in
47. No least than fifty participants were present for
(b) smarter than other offices
the singing competition.
(c) my office are
CGL, 05/3/2020 S2
(d) No error
(a) the singing competition
55. It is easier to preach then to follow.
(b) present for
MTS 05/8/2019 S3
(c) No least than
(a) to preach (b) It is easier
(d) fifty participants
48. Nikhil is more braver than Sushant who is afraid (c) No Error (d) then to follow
of the dark. 56. Pallavi is the cleverest of the two sisters.
(b) Nikhil is P
(a) more braver than
(a) Pallavi is
MTS 06/8/2019 S1
(b) the cleverest
(c) of the two sisters (d) No Error
Her relatives were presented at the station to see
her off.
49. He likes to put all the garbage into a black small MTS 06/8/2019 S3
bag . (a) to see her off
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019 (b) Her relatives
(a) into a (b) all the garbage (c) presented at the station
(c) He like to put (d) black small bag (d) No Error
60. It's important for media to be more responsibly
and careful. (b) He is more smarter
MTS 09/8/2019 S3 (c) much money
(a) It's important (b) for media to be (d) though he does not earn
66. We are witnessing the worse level of income
(c) more responsibly (d) and careful
inequality in decades.
61. Sakshi is as smarter as any other child in the
CPO- 15/3/2019 S1
MTS 13/8/2019 S1 (a) in decades (b) the worse level of
(a) in the class
(c) Sakshi is
n y s
(b) as smarter as
(d) any other child 67.
(c) income inequality (d) are witnessing
To be interested in the changing seasons is a
E b nt
happy state of mind than to be hopelessly in love
62. The climate of Dehradun is better than Meerut.
with spring.
MTS 14/8/2019 S1
CPO- 16/3/2019( Morning)
(a) is better
(a) To be interested
(b) The climate of Dehradun
(b) A happy state of mind
(c) no error
(c) Hopelessly in love with spring
(d) than Meerut
(d) In the changing season
63. The recently announcement about various
68. Scientists have found that life was creeping and
government schemes impacted the society
crawling about the Earth 1.5 billion years early
than previously thought.
MTS 21/8/2019 S3
CPO- 16/3/2019 S2
(a) about various government
(a) previously thought
(b) the society positively
(b) 1.5 billion years early than
(c) schemes impacted
(c) Scientists have found
(d) The recently announcement
(d) about the Earth
Answer Key
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b)
9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (c)
17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (a)
25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (*) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (b) 31. (c) 32. (a)
33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (a)
49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (b)
57. (c) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (c) 61. (b) 62. (d) 63. (b) 64. (b)
65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (b) 68. (b)
Select the option that will improve the underlined 7. The eighteenth century saw the middle classes
part of the given sentence. In case no improvement becoming most prosperous.
is needed, select ‘No improvement required’. MTS 05/07/2022 S2
1. The teacher found it difficult to exeed on the
(a) been more than
students’ request.
(b) No improvement required
CGL Mains 08/08/2022
(c) become more
(a) accede by
(d) became most
(b) accede to
(c) No improvement required 8. I don’t know why he is such secretly.
(d) exceed for MTS 05/07/2022 S2
2. My new work is challenging and interesting. (a) are so secretly
Phase-X (12TH LEVEL) 01/08/2022
(a) My new work is most challenging and
(b) No improvement required
(c) is many secretive
(d) is so secretive
(b) My new work is more challenging and more 9. These days, judging someone is easier then
g i
interesting. respecting them.
(c) My new work is challenge and interesting.
MTS 06/07/2022 S3
(d) My new work is most challenging and most
(a) is easier than
(b) is easiest than
E b nt
3. The money arrived when I (little) expected it.
(c) is more easier then
Phase-X (12TH LEVEL) 02/08/2022
(d) No improvement required
(a) The money arrived when I least expected it.
10. The playground was way large then I had
(b) The money arrived when I less expected it.
imagined, and in cleaning it, my back began to
(c) The money arrived when I little expected it.
(d) The money arrived when I expected it.
MTS 07/07/2022 S1
4. This is one of the beautiful places in the area.
(a) larger than I had
Phase-X (12TH LEVEL) 03/08/2022
(a) This is one of the beautiful places in the area.
(b) This is one of the most beautiful places in the
(b) No substitution required
(c) largest to what I have
(d) large then I have
(c) This is a beautiful place in the area. 11. It has been my great misfortune to follow a speech
more notable for its volume than for any sense.
(d) This is one of the more beautiful places in the
area. MTS 07/07/2022 S1
5. I told him my inner feelings. (a) following a speech most notable
Phase-X (12 LEVEL) 04/08/2022 (b) No improvement required
(a) I told him my feelings. (c) to follow a speech much notable
(b) I told him my in feelings. (d) to have being following a speech more notable
(c) I told him my more inner feelings. 12. Getting a good night’s sleep has a positively effect
(d) I told him my innermost feelings on our wellbeing.
6. Tarika dances swiftest than others and misses all MTS 07/07/2022 S2
the steps. (a) have a positively affect
Phase-X (GRAD. LEVEL) 05/08/2022 (b) has a positive effect
(a) Swiftiest (b) Swift (c) No improvement required
(c) Swifter (d) Swiftly (d) has a positive affects
(d) No improvement required (d) No improvement required
15. While travelling, one comes across the larger 22. The fashion industry is one of the largest
number of people. contributors to global warming.
MTS 08/07/2022 S1 MTS 26/07/2022 S1
(a) the large number off (a) of the larger contributor
(b) No improvement required
(c) an larger number of
(d) a large number of
(b) off the largely contributor
(c) of largest contributors
(d) No improvement required
16. We made sure our new house were closer to a 23. Peterkin readjusted his hat and soon was
good primary school when moving home last listening to the conversation with as much
summer. interest as I was.
E b nt
MTS 12/07/2022 S3 MTS 26/07/2022 S3
(a) was close (a) so many interest
(b) No substitution required (b) so much interest
(c) were closed (c) as many interest
(d) was closing
(d) No substitution required
17. His wise choice of men like Wolfe in Canada and 24. He dreams big than his friends.
Clive in India, and his vigorous measures in
managing foreign affairs, made England respected (CHSL - 24 MAY 2022 SHIFT.2)
in every part of the world.
MTS 13/07/2022 S2
(a) bigger
(c) biggest
(b) more big
(d) most big
Show me the better dress in the shop.
CHSL - 25 MAY 2022 SHIFT.1)
(c) No substitution required (a) a better (b) a good
(d) wise choose
(c) the best (d) the good
18. Bring me the finest dress from an finest shop. 26. She is educated than her sister.
MTS 19/07/2022 S2 (CHSL - 25 MAY 2022 SHIFT.2)
(a) from the finest
(b) of the finer
(c) No improvement required
(d) through a finer
The community members as well as teachers are
presently into the bus station.
(a) far educated
(c) best educated
(b) more educated
(d) good educated
She bought the fine cloth in the store.
(c) most cute (d) cutest
(a) but Rhea is one of the best
40. She should run the fast to win the race.
(b) but Rhea is better
(CHSL - 10/06/2022 SHIFT.1)
(c) and yet both of are equally good at it
(a) the fastest (b) more fast
(d) but Rhea is good
l r
(c) a fastest (d) the faster
32. Mahatma Gandhi in undoubtedly one of the
41. The movie I watched last Saturday was much
much popular authors of our times.
better interesting than the one I watched today.
(CHSL - 02/06/2022 SHIFT.2)
(CHSL - 10/06/2022 SHIFT.1)
(a) best (b) total
(a) much more interesting
(c) most (d) better
(b) much interesting
E b nt
33. One must care as for family members as possible.
(c) much lesser interesting
(CHSL - 02/06/2022 SHIFT.3)
(d) much good interesting
(a) most for family members
42. Though many of my family members can cook
(b) as most for family members
well, I can cook more well than others.
(c) more for family members
(CHSL - 10/06/2022 SHIFT.2)
(d) as much for family members
(a) I can cook best than others
34. Danny is the better basketball player in the team.
(b) I can cook more good than others
(CHSL - 03/06/2022 SHIFT.3)
(c) I can cook good than others
(a) good (b) most
(d) I can cook better than others
(c) best (d) gooder
43. Of the two plans submitted by the architect, this
35. When we reached the hill station, it was raining
the heaviest. is the one more likely to be accepted.
(CHSL - 06/06/2022 SHIFT.1) (CGL Pre - 11/04/2022 S2)
(c) heavy (d) most heavily (b) No substitution required
36. He ran most happily to receive his father. (c) most likely
(CHSL - 07/06/2022 SHIFT.2) (d) most likelihood
(a) happily (b) happier 44. This TV channel has a larger viewership from
(c) happy (d) more happily another channel.
37. The clock that we have in our town square is a (CGL Pre - 18 /04/2022 S1)
big in the whole town. (a) from the other channel
(CHSL - 08/06/2022 SHIFT.1) (b) from any other channel
(a) the bigger (b) the big (c) than any other channel
(c) the biggest (d) a biggest (d) No substitution required
year without going bad.
(d) No improvement required CHSL 19/4/2021 (S1)
47. You are so far the bright student in the class. (a) without going worst
(CGL Pre - 21/04/2022 S2)
(b) with going bad
(a) by far the brightest (c) No substitution required
(b) No improvement
(c) by so far the brighter
(d) so far most bright
ir 55.
(d) to go bad
The green shirt is too lose for me to wear.
CHSL 19/4/2021 (S3)
48. Prashant is better from more other players of our (a) lost for me
(b) loose for me
(CGL Mains- 28/01/2022) (c) No substitution required
E b nt
(a) No improvement required (d) loss for me
(b) than most other 56. What a palace home!
(c) from many other CHSL 4/8/2021 (S1)
(d) than more other (a) pushy (b) palatial
49. When I met the couple yesterday I noticed that (c) palatable (d) No improvement
the wife was more taller than her husband. 57. India has identified a nose-based vaccine against
Covid-19 that could be a ‘game-changer’.
(CGL Mains- 28/01/2022)
(a) much tallest CHSL 5/8/2021 (S1)
(a) No substitution required
(b) much tall
(b) a nasal vaccine
(c) No substitution required
(c) an aural vaccine
(d) taller
(d) a sense-based vaccine
50. Sameer gave very less information to Muneer
58. A school teacher earns fewer salary from a college
about the progress of the work.
CGL 23/8/2021 (S3)
CHSL 6/8/2021 (S3)
(a) gave very little information
(a) a lower salary than
(b) No substitution (b) No substitution required
(c) gave very less informations (c) fewer salary than
(d) give very less information (d) less salary from
51. Our debating team is superior to theirs. 59. Ashoka was one of the greater king of India.
CHSL 15/4/2021 (S3) CHSL 9/8/2021 (S3)
(a) superior than theirs (a) the more great kings
(b) superior to them (b) the greater kings
(c) superior from them (c) No substitution
(d) No substitution required (d) the greatest kings
(b) No substitution required
(c) prettier than any of
(d) pretty than either of
(d) although the more 71. Kalidasa was a greater classical Sanskrit poet of
n g
I think she would be much more happier in her
(a) No improvement
(a) No improvement (b) more happier
E b nt
(b) was a great classical
(c) much happier (d) most happiest (c) was the greater classic
64. Lenovo has launched ThinkPad XI Fold, the (d) was a greatest classical
world’s first foldable laptop which is claimed to
be so durable as its other devices. 72. I think that capitalism is not a better economic
system for our country.
CHSL 12/10/20 S1
CGL Tier II 11/09/2019
(a) to be most durable as
(a) was not the good (b) is not better
(b) No improvement
(c) no improvement (d) is not a good
(c) to be very durable as
73. His large income was still insufficiently to meet
(d) to be as durable as
the growing demands of his family.
65. The rising prices of essential food items have
CGL Tier II 13/09/2019
placed a weighty burden on the poor.
(a) No improvement.
CHSL 12/10/2020 S2
(a) No improvement (b) enormous (b) was still insufficient
(c) trivial (d) lightest (c) have been still insufficient
66. The film by itself was good but the bit long than (d) was being yet insufficient
I had expected. 74. It is danger to cross the road unmindfully.
CHSL 21/10/2020 S1 MTS 06/08/2019 S2
(a) the bit longer (b) No improvement (a) It is dangerous (b) It is full of dangerous
(c) a bit long (d) a bit longer (c) There is danger (d) no improvement
67. The selection to the police department raised him 75. A study suggests that women is good at handling
as high to a kite. emotions than men.
CHSL 19/03/2020 S2 MTS 07/08/2019 (S3)
(a) as high as (b) No improvement (a) women is better (b) no improvement
(c) so high so (d) so high to (c) women are best (d) women are better
(a) No improvement
(b) most intelligent
(d) with deeper tubewells
(c) the more intelligent
84. He has not taken any coaching in the game but
(d) much intelligen
79. Nowadays rent for a two room house can run as he plays good than many professional players.
high to Rs. 40,000 in Mumbai.
CPO 13/03/2019 (S1)
CHSL 01/07/2019 (S3)
(a) He is playing good than
(a) so high so (b) so high to
n y
(c) No improvement (d) as high as (b) he plays the best than
E b nt
80. No other man in the city is as rich than he is. (c) he plays better than
CHSL 04/07/2019 (S2)
(d) No improvement
(a) so much rich as he
(b) No substitution 85. Doing short bursts of high intensity exercise can
(c) as rich as he be most effective to weight loss than moderate
(d) more richer than he workouts.
81. Of Rama and Usha the later is the most CPO 16 /03/2019 (S2)
(a) more effective to weight loss than
CHSL 04/07/2019 (S3)
(b) No substitution required
(a) the later is more
(b) the latter is the more (c) most effective for weight loss than
(c) the latter is most
(d) zmore effective for weight loss than
(d) No substitution
Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (b)
9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (c)
17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c)
25. (b) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (b) 31. (c) 32. (b)
33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (b)
49. (d) 50. (d) 51. (d) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (b) 56. (b)
57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (a) 60. (c) 61. (*) 62. (b) 63. (d) 64. (b)
65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (b) 68. (a) 69. (c) 70. (c) 71. (d) 72. (d)
73. (a) 74. (a) 75. (b) 76. (a) 77. (a) 78. (d) 79. (a) 80. (b)
81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (c) 84. (d) 85. (*)