Rubrik Penilaian - Membacakan Teks Dialog Dari Procedure Text
Rubrik Penilaian - Membacakan Teks Dialog Dari Procedure Text
Rubrik Penilaian - Membacakan Teks Dialog Dari Procedure Text
FLUENCY 1 1 2 2 6 maks
Speaking Speaking Speakin 1 minimal
with too Speaking g fluency
many slowly generally
pauses at normal
PRONUNCI 1 1 1 2 5 maks
ATION Speaking Speaking Speaking Speakin 1 minimal
words with with g with
incompre incorrect several correct
hensibly pronunci incorrect pronunci
ation but pronunci ation
still ation
ACCURACY 1 1 2 5 maks
The 1 The The 1 minimal
serious The error speech errors
errors present still present
present in in understo in
speech speech od speech
makes the would although are so
message frequentl it consist minor so
difficult to y create of many that the
understan confusio errors message
d n would
be easily
CLARITY 1 1 1 2 5 maks
Often Speaks Speaks Speaks 1 minimal
mumbles clearly clearly clearly
or cannot and and and
be distinctly distinctly distinctl
understoo most of nearly all y all the
d more the time, the time, time, no
than one no more no more more
misprono than one than one mispron
unced mispron misprono ounced
words ounced unced words
word word
PERFORMA 0 1 1 2 4 maks
NCE Speaking Mumblin Speaking Speakin 0 minimal
in volume g, flat in soft g clearly
which is facial voice, but and
almost expressi can be loudly,
inaudible, on and understo good
no facial less od, good facial
expressio commun facial expressi
n and not icative expressio on and
n and
communi communi commun
cative cative icative
Total score 25
0 Minimal
Maximum Score = 25
Minimum Score =0
Students Score = Skor Perolehan
Skor Maksi X 100