Ifugao Executive Summary 2021

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A. Introduction

The Province of Ifugao was created on June 18, 1966 by virtue of Republic Act No.
4695. It is a third-class province in terms of income classification with 11 component
municipalities, 176 barangays and 9 Special Sitio Growth Zone established under
Provincial Ordinance No. 2020-18. The Province is primarily mandated under Republic
Act No. 7160 otherwise known as the “Local Government Code of 1991” to exercise
efficient and effective governance essential to the promotion of the general welfare and
the provision of basic services and facilities.

As of December 31, 2021, the Province had a total of 1,806 personnel consisting of
526 permanent, 1 casual, 148 contractual under the Special Education Fund (SEF) and
1,131 job order/ contract of service personnel. Moreover, PLGU Ifugao consists of 13
elective officials headed by Honorable Jerry U. Dalipog, Provincial Governor and
Honorable Glenn D. Prudenciano, Provincial Vice-Governor.

The Provincial Local Government Unit of Ifugao continues to serve the Ifugao
People guided by its mission and vision, to wit:

MISSION: To ensure the collective well-being and happiness of Ifugaos.

VISION: IFUGAO: A culturally vibrant Province with preserved heritage for


For the Calendar Year 2021, the Province of Ifugao received various
awards/recognition which includes:

• “1st Province in CAR to Complete and Upload their Provincial Devolution

Transition Plan to DILG DTP-Repository” by DILG
• “3rd Top Performing Province- Measles, Rubella, Oral Polio Supplementary
Immunization Activity” by DOH-CAR
• “LGU with Less Than 10% Stunting Prevalence in 2020” by the National
Nutrition Council (NCC)-CAR
• “Most Improved Local Government Unit in Environmental Health Service
(MILEHS) for 2021” by DOH National Office
• “Good Financial Housekeeping (GFH) in CY 2019” by DILG Ifugao
• “2nd Place Cordillera NutriSong 2021 for Local Nutrition Committee” by NCC-

Pursuant to COA Resolution No. 2011-009 dated October 20, 2011, the integrated
results and risk-based audit methodology has been adopted in the audit of the accounts
and operations of the Province for the period ended December 31, 2021.

The audit aimed to ascertain compliance with laws, rules and regulations, and
determine whether financial resources were managed economically, effectively and
efficiently. The audit was focused on the audit thrusts issued by the Local Government
Sector for CY 2021.

B. Financial Highlights

Comparative Analysis of the Statement of Financial Position and Financial

Performance as of year-end of CY 2021 & CY 2020 as graphically illustrated below
showed an increase in Assets, Liabilities, Government Equity, Revenue and Expenses
and a decrease in Surplus/Net Income.

I. Financial Position

3,000,000,000.00 ↑6.22%
In Pesos

Assets Liabilities Government Equity
2021 3,066,595,235.89 852,115,298.75 2,214,479,937.14
2020 2,868,614,013.97 783,796,335.60 2,084,817,678.37

II. Financial Performance

In Pesos

400,000,000.00 ↓69.74%
Revenue Expenses Surplus/(Deficit)
2021 1,134,386,073.24 783,832,975.99 52,401,537.79
2020 1,066,071,949.52 670,136,524.53 173,197,111.77

III. Sources and Application of Funds

The appropriations, revenue/receipts and obligations of the Provincial Government

of Ifugao for the year-ended December 31, 2021, including funds received and
transferred to other agencies with comparative figures for CY 2020, are as follows:

Increase (Decrease)
Particulars 2021 2020
Amount %
Appropriations 2,028,892,338.53 1,154,953,862.77 873,938,475.76 75.67%
Actual Revenue/Receipts 1,994,863,226.75 1,272,513,581.59 722,349,645.16 56.77%
Obligations Incurred 884,142,747.53 811,237,017.17 72,905,730.36 8.99%
Funds Transferred to Other Agencies
Due from NGAs 3,060,200.98 3,060,200.98 0.00 0.00%
Due from GOCCs 98,325.00 98,325.00 0.00 0.00%
Due from LGUs 10,370,370.33 18,593,761.76 (8,223,391.43) (44.23%)
Due from NGOs/NPOs 23,400,853.33 23,677,953.33 (277,100.00) (1.17%)
Funds Received from Other Agencies
Due to NGAs 211,066,367.66 220,645,948.25 (9,579,580.59) (4.34%)
Due to GOCCs 35,703.25 (84,802.08) 120,505.33 142.10%
Due to LGUs 19,842,875.88 20,741,428.33 (898,552.45) (4.33%)

Some of the Infrastructure Projects which were completed in CY 2021 based on

reports are as follows:

Total Cost
Name of Project Fund Source Appropriation
Rehabilitation of Little Ifugao to Pangka Road 2021-5% CF 3,000,000.00 2,915,767.83
Rehabilitation of Magne Pugol Road 2021-5% CF 3,000,000.00 2,921,655.82
Lagawe Flood Control 2020-20% DF 4,400,000.00 4,227,170.14
Pindongan Road 2020-20% DF 3,000,000.00 2,842,833.42
Polod Bangbang Road 2020-20% DF 3,000,000.00 2,882,210.36
Lamut-Panopdopan-Holowon Road Improvement 2020-20% DF 5,000,000.00 4,803,430.20
Poblacion East Farm-To-Market Road 2020-20% DF 5,000,000.00 4,841,255.67
Ifugao General Hospital (IGH) Completion 2020-20% DF 50,000,000.00 48,480,719.34

Other infrastructure projects funded through fund transfers from National

Government Agencies which were completed in CY 2021 are as follows:

Amount of Total Cost

Fund Transfer Incurred
Department of Health
Construction of Community Based Treatment Rehabilitation 5,000,000.00 4,768,477.74
Facility (Dangerous Drug Board)
Construction of Community -Based Recovery Clinic 2,184,000.00 2,183,999.90
Department of Interior and Local Government
Construction of Ifugao Halfway House 5,000,000.00 4,970,014.83
Improvement of Ubao-Haitan Road- (LGSF-CMGP 2020) 33,150,567.67 33,150,564.26
Improvement of Ubao-Lubuan Road (LGSF-CMGP 2020) 33,720,310.00 33,720,278.70
Improvement of Sta. Maria-Quarentinas Road (LGSF-CMGP 21,278,696.00 21,278,694.92
Department of Public Works and Highways
Restoration and Rehabilitation of Banaue Rice Terraces 107,365,000.00 107,365,695.47

C. Opinion of the Auditor on the Fairness of Presentation of the Financial

We rendered a qualified opinion on the fairness of presentation of the financial

statements because assets and equity were understated, both by the amount of
₱9,979,581.82, due to the non-recognition of acquired assets and the inappropriate
recognition of capital expenditures incurred.

D. Summary of Significant Observations and Recommendations

Other than the basis for the qualified opinion, the following are the most significant
observations and recommendations:

1. Dormant unliquidated fund transfers totaling ₱20,441,185.20 remain in the books

despite prevailing conditions precluding settlement thereof, thus affecting the fair
presentation of the related assets and liability accounts.

We recommended and Management agreed that the required procedures be

undertaken and that the appropriate documentation be accomplished to support a
request from COA for authority to write-off the dormant unliquidated fund transfers
amounting to ₽20,441,185.20, pursuant to COA Circular No. 2016-005.

2. Two completed projects costing ₱10,479,866.93, funded from the Bayanihan Grant to
Provinces, remain unused because the facilities lack basic amenities to cater to the
requirements necessary to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

We recommended and Management agreed that sufficient funds be appropriated from

the 20% Development Fund to complete the facilities and provide the amenities
necessary to respond to the requirements of the COVID-19 crisis situation.

E. Summary of Total Suspensions, Disallowances and Charges

Unsettled audit suspensions and disallowances of the Provincial Government

amounted to ₱7,287,223.29 and ₱63,384,537.14, respectively. There were no
outstanding audit charges as of December 31, 2021.

F. Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Audit Recommendations

Of the 63 prior years’ audit recommendations, 14 were fully implemented, 39 were

partially implemented and 10 were not implemented.


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