English 6 Q3 W4
English 6 Q3 W4
English 6 Q3 W4
Quarter 3 - Module 4
Distinguishing Text Types
According to Purpose and
Language Features
Welcome to this module! As a grade six learner, you must be very eager to start
with the learning activities prepared for you. The activities in the module have been
designed to provide you with rich and stimulating learning experience that will help you
communicate better in English and enhance your understanding to different stories.
You will do in a little while, but before you do, try to familiarize yourself with the different
parts of this module. It is important that you should know and follow what each part
covers so that you can achieve the learning objectives for each part.
The different parts of the module are presented with headings and icons.
Familiarize yourself with these headings and icons so you would know what to do in
each part.
5. read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate, and proper expression;
o General
do not put some markings on this Module as there are still other students who will
be using it. Use a separate notebook as a COMMUNICATIVE JOURNAL to keep
your answer in each activity. Be sure to LABEL your work according to the Module,
lessons and the date you work on it;
each Module has a brief instruction and followed by a list of objectives. Read them
and follow instructions carefully;
before going over the activities, answer the PRE-TEST or WHAT I KNOW first
then find out how well you did by checking your answers given in the self-
assessment activity. Each activity must be according to the objectives of this
Module. Note the skills or strategies you tried to develop;
after each activity, you need to go over the items which you think you failed.
Take the POST TEST or ASSESSMENT when you think you have mastered all
the activities
Hello learners! Do you like to learn something innovative? Well, that’s brilliant! Are you
a fan of reading stories? Very good! Reading without a purpose is just like walking without
direction. Same goes also to reading, we will embark to unleash another journey of
distinguishing text type according to purpose and language features. Now come on, have fun
and enjoy!
What I Know
Directions. Read the following test items below. Choose the best answer from the given
2.What is enumeration?
A. Listing names according to numbers
B. To name things one after another in a list
C. A rhetorical device used for listing details step by step.
D. All of the above
C. The writer’s reason for writing
D. A narrative technique that involves sensory details
He was still on the run. Paul put up his hood and stayed in the shadows. He didn’t
want to be spotted.
A. To direct
B. To inform
C. To instruct
D. To describe
7. If you are writing a persuasive speech or article, what two (2) things should you
definitely include?
A. Lies and schemes
B. Pictures and books
C. Facts and Evidence
D. Repetition and structure
9. You are reading a text that’s attempting to convince you that chocolate cake is the
best dessert. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform
B. To explain
C. To describe
D. To persuade
C. A text that is made up of information
D. All of the above
What’s In
Directions. Recall the definition of a DICTIONARY. In your activity notebook, fill in the blank
with the correct answer.
What’s New
Today, you are going to read a story about a Fox. In the Philippines, we call this, alamid.
Have you seen a fox? What comes in your mind when you hear the word fox?
Before you start reading the story, I want to you to enumerate the qualities of a fox in
this figure. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Directions: Read the story below, then answer the questions that follow.
Comprehension Check. After reading the story, read the questions carefully and answer
each question to the best of your ability.
B. Because he is thirsty D. Because he thought he was honest
10.What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing the story?
A. To inform B. To entertain.
C. To describe D. To persuade
What Is It
What have you realized after knowing what the fox did to the goat? Going back to your
description to the qualities of a fox, do you have the same description of a fox in the story? Is
it the fox that we all know?
By reading the text, it is important to distinguish the text type and purpose of the author
in writing the story. Texts are written for a variety of purposes, using different forms and
standards of composition. These forms of writing are known as text types.
A writer may choose from a variety of purposes which usually fall into three main
1. To entertain
These are texts created to entertain, and are often imaginative
works like novels, stories, or poem.
2. To inform
These texts provide facts about some topic that the writer
believe is important and necessary for the reader to understand.
Writer who wants to inform may also be writing to instruct, explain, or describe.
When writers instruct their readers, they offer a series of steps to accomplish a specific
task. When you read a recipe or an instruction manual, the writer instructs you to do a task.
When writers explain, they tell their readers how something works. Writers with the
purpose to explain write science articles and discoveries.
When writers describe, they provide sensory details that allow their readers to form a
mental picture of some person, place or an object.
3. To persuade
These types of text are persuasion and encouragement for the
readers, the writer wants to influence or persuade the reader
to do or think of something.
To determine the purpose of a text, think what the writer is trying to do.
What is the aim of the text and how do writers influence the readers by their piece of
What’s More
Activity 1
Directions. Read the following situations, then distinguish the type of text according to its
purpose whether to inform, persuade or entertain. Write your answers in your
activity notebook.
2. The Frog went out for she hated himself for being useless. He couldn’t croak and jump.
After he fell into a deep well and was about to face his death, he was able to bring his
best and did even better. He is certain that no one could help him except his own self.
3. The Free Bird cried, “My Darling sing the song of the woodlands.” The caged bird said,
“Sit by my side; I’ll teach you the speech of the learned.”
4. Rosie had the best time making her valentine cards for her classmates. She used red
and white paper, heart stickers, markers and anything else she could find. It was great.
Her friends are planning a valentine party on February 14th at school. The one she made
for her best friend is funny. Funny valentines are nice to get.
5. We supply the best brands at the lowest prices! We have received 99.9% positive
feedback from our customers. Next day delivery offered on all items.
6. For a limited period we are offering the maxi-pixel 5679XC camera at a special low
price of just P13,499 only. An amazing 32 million pixels means you get a superior image
quality and don’t lose a single detail.
8. The monkey who was so wise ate all the bananas and went down without noticing the
thorns planted by his friend turtle. His selfishness ruined him.
10. The Underground Railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves escape to
freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors and station
masters. The northern states were free states and slaves were free once they arrived in
the north. Secret codes and signals were used to identify the conductors and station
Activity 2
Directions. On your activity notebook, enumerate your favourite events that happen in the
story “Fox in a Well”.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________
Directions. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. This will help you review the concepts
from this lesson.
What I Can Do
Directions. In your activity notebook, provide details on the following scenarios. Then,
distinguish the type of text according to purpose whether to inform, to persuade,
or to entertain.
Additional Activities
Directions. Recall an experience in your life when you did something without thinking of the
consequences. In your activity notebook, enumerate the possible consequences
in making wrong doings.
Answer Key
Text type
Lesson Distinguishing Text Type
8 According to Purpose and
Language Features
(Time Order)
In this module, you will learn about distinguishing text types according to purpose and
language features of a story or article you are going to read and study. As you go over, you
will learn more about the sequence, recounts and processes used by the author in the
presentation of his written works.
2. read grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate, and proper expression; and
What I Know
Directions. Read and analyze each statement carefully. Write the letter of your answers in
your notebook.
1. It is a way of classifying and defining different types of language interaction, both spoken
and written.
A. text mate B. text-type C. text message D. text box
2. It is a succession of related shots or scenes developing a single subject or phrase of a
A. sequence B. text type C. explanation D. report
3. It tells us how to do something. Its purpose is to provide instructions for making
something, doing something or getting somewhere.
A. processes B. sequence C. response D. arguments
4. It is a sequence of events that retells its order as they occurred in the story.
A. recounts B. repetition C. description D. announcement
Directions. Read the story then write letters A to E on the blank to show order of events.
In the morning of our class field trip, I climbed into the seat beside my friend. The bus
pulled out from the parking lot after Mrs. Reyes made a head count. While the bus travelled
down the road, we were talking and shouting.
All at once the bus driver pulled over to the shoulder of the road. At first, we thought
the bus driver wasn’t happy with the noise. Then, we found out we had engine trouble.
What’s In
Directions. Recall your previous lesson and answer the following in your notebook.
1. ___________ is a rhetorical device used for listing details or a process of mentioning
words or process step by step.
2. Before the onset of COVID 19 pandemic, enumerate the things you do before going
to school:
What’s New
and laughing at their own silly jokes. When it was already time to sleep, the couple insisted
that the angels use their bed.
“we always have this bed for us. Use this tonight. Your travel must have already given
you a hard time,” the old woman said.
And all slept. The angels comfortable on the bed; the couple at ease on the floor.
The younger angel was awakened by the old woman’s loud weeping. The couple’s
only cow was dead. The cow whose milk they have drunk last night. It was such a lonely sight.
Much to the angels’ desire to stay and console the couple, they just couldn’t. They need to
continue with their journey.
While walking, the younger angel blurted out. “Don’t you think you are being unfair?”
“Why?” asked the older angel!
“We were not treated well by the master, yet you fixed the hole in his barn. He has all
his workers to do the work for him. The couple had been very nice to us, yet you allowed the
death of their cow. That’s the only thing they have,” the younger started this with such
The older angel smiled. “You know, things are not always what they seem”.
“And what does that supposed to mean?” the younger angel snapped.
“When we were at the barn, I discovered a hole that leads to a mine of gold. So, I
covered it to hide it from the master. Last night, when you were asleep, Death came. He was
there to get the old man, so I gave the cow instead. Things are not always what they seem,”
the older angel explained.
Enlightened, the younger angel quickened his steps. The older angel followed. And
both continued their journey.
What Is It
Recount- it tells us what happened. It is a sequence of events that retell the events
in the order they occurred.
What’s More
Comprehension Check
Directions. Read and answer the following questions about the selection you have read.
Write your answers in your notebook.
3. Describe how it is difficult to travel on foot. What things could you suggest to angels
so that they don’t get too weary and tired they are on travel?
4. What made the master change his decision? Are you in a way similar to him when
people start to talk about you? Why or why not?
5. Describe the old couple. Do they remind you of anyone you know? Who are they?
How are they similar?
Time Order
Part of the selection’s purpose and language feature is time order.
Directions: Label the pictures 1-5 according to its occurrence in the story.
Sequencing of Events
Directions. Read the fable carefully and arrange the events in the story.
The Crow and the Fox
A hungry crow stole a piece of cheese and flew with it to the branch of a tree. Just as
she was about to take the first bite, a sly fox spied her and called from below.
“Good day, Mistress Crow, how well you are looking! How glossy are your feathers!
How shining are your eyes! I am certain that your voice is lovely, too. Oh, if I could hear but
one song from you, I will surely greet as the Queen of the Birds.”
The crow was very vain, believed every word spoken by the Fox.
The fluttering wings, she lifted her head and opened her mouth to caw. With that, the
cheese dropped to the ground and was immediately snapped up the by Fox.
As he walked away, the Fox called back to the Crow. “In exchanged for the delicious
cheese, I will give you a bit of advice,” Remember not to trust those who praise you falsely.
When an alligator lizard attacked by an enemy, it drops its tail. The tail has a part
where the bone breaks off easily. The break bones close quickly to stop lizard from bleeding.
The tails keep wriggling after it leaves the lizard’s body. The attacker thinks it’s still
part of the lizard and pounces on it. This gives the lizard time to get away. In time the lizard
grows a new tail.
____ The tail keeps wriggling
____The lizard drops its tail.
____The lizard gets away.
____An enemy attacks a lizard
____The enemy pounces on the tail.
____The tail breaks off and the break closes to prevent bleeding.
____In time, the lizard gets a new tail.
What I Can Do
Today’s digital world paved the way for fast browsing of information. With just a click
or a swipe, one could get the desired information. This includes finding the meaning of
unfamiliar words. Dictionary or thesaurus apps are now downloadable among tablets, mobile
phones, and other gadgets. In your quickest possible time, you could get the information
about a word that you desire, including the audio of its pronunciation.
Directions. Use your gadgets or dictionaries to give the meaning of the underlined
word in each sentence. Write the letter of you answer in your notebook.
1. Roberto always shows compassion for animals. He treats them with kindness and
takes good care of them.
A. Uncaring B. Sympathy and desire to help
C. mean and harmful D. Destructive
2. The young bear found himself in a predicament. After climbing the tree, he
discovered that he did not know how to get down.
A. Troubling situation B. Pleasant situation
C. Normal situation D. Unique situation
3. Katrina will make her debut as a violinist. This will be her first time to appear in public
as a violinist!
A. First public appearance B. Second public appearance
C. Last public appearance D. First private appearance
4. Anita activated the antigravity device. However, when she pushed the button, she
suddenly began floating up toward the ceiling.
A. Pulled out B. Turned off
C. Turned on D. disconnected
5. The governor’s re-election brought elation to his supporters, but it brought sadness to
his opponent.
A. Victory B. Regret C. Sorrow D. Support
Additional Activities
Directions. Search a short story and make a summary of its events in chronological order.
1st event
2nd event
3rd event
4th event
5th event
(Note: You can continue writing events based from the story you read.)
1. B
Answers may vary 2. 3
3. 4
4. 1
5. 2
6. C
7. The family went to the
National zoo and aquarium
8. They went to the enclosure of
the zoo
9. Dad prepared the barbeque
and sausage
10. The family went home
straight for they were too tired
LEARNED Time Order 1. It is about the angels who, in a
journey, were accommodated by two
1. 4 1. 4 different house owners.
2. 2 2. 1 2. They are both sent on a mission, yet,
3. 6 3. 3 they have different ways on dealing
4. 1 4. 2 things.
5. 5 5. 5 3. Travelling on foot is really tiring. If
6. 3 there is no other way to travel other
7. 7 Sequencing than this, I suggest to do a stop over
4 every hour.
2 4. The master changed his mind when
3 passers-by started talking about him.
1 At times, I also experience the similar
5 situation. I feel affected with what other
people think of me.
5. The old couple is an ideal husband
and wife. They remind me of my
6. It could be to deal with different
kinds of people accordingly.
1. B 1. B 6. C
2. A 1. Enumeration
3. A 2. A 7. E
2. Answers may vary
4. C
5. A 3. A 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. D 10. B
Answer Key
Lesson Distinguishing Text-Type
According to Purpose and
9 Language Features
(Compare and Contrast)
The purpose of this module is to develop your prewriting skill through distinguishing the
type of text according to purpose and language features specifically using comparison and
contrast. The ability to compare and contrast things and information has its uses far beyond
the classroom. Academically, this lesson will guide you to read and think critically as you
distinguish text features by pointing its similarities and differences.
In this lesson, several exercises are well-prepared for you to enhance your knowledge
on comparing and contrasting.
What I Know
Directions. Read each succeeding paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.
Poison ivy and poison oak are woody plants that grow in almost any habitat and are
very similar in appearance. Both poison oak and poison ivy have berrylike fruit and brown
stems. But poison ivy acts more like vine than a bush and can grow high in trees. The fruit of
the poison ivy is gray and smooth. On the other hand, poison oak acts more like a bush than
a vine. The fruit of poison oak is hairy instead of smooth.
came him that he could get all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open.
But when the deed was done, not a single golden egg did he find, and his precious Goose
was dead. Those who have plenty want more and so lose all they have.
5. Which statement best expresses the difference between the Fox and the
A. The fox is happy, but the Countryman is sad.
B. The fox is bitter, but the Countryman is greedy.
C. The fox is angry that he can’t reach the grapes, but the Countryman is
angry that his goose doesn’t lay real eggs.
D. The fox is hungry, but the Countryman has already eaten.
6. Which statement is NOT true about the different problems the characters face in
both fables.
A. The fox works alone to solve his problem, but the Countryman works
with his goose to be happy.
B. The fox wants what he cannot reach, but the countryman already has
something good.
C. The fox works to try to reach the grapes, but the Countryman just
becomes wealthy from the goose.
D. The fox never gets what he wants, but the Countryman destroys what
he already has.
Tagalog Bisaya
15 18
A. data that is common to more than one group.
B. one group of data
C. none of the above
D. all of the above
10. Shiela surveyed the students in her biology class to find out what types of movies
they prefer, action/adventure or comedy. The results are shown in the Venn
diagram. How many students are represented in the Venn diagram?
Movie Preference
Action/Adventure Comedy
Neither 3
A. 18 B. 11 C. 15 D. 32
What’s In
Directions. Arrange the events in order as they happened in the story. Write numbers
1-5 in your notebook.
_______________ They entered in a narrow gate.
_______________ Wella and Bernie helped save the young girl’s kitten.
_______________ Ben felt very proud with what his two pets do.
_______________ One afternoon, Ben, Wella and Bernie went for a walk to the park.
_______________ The kitten of the young girl went into a tiny opening under large
What’s New
Have you wondered what you and your friends have in common? How about the things you
differ from them?
In this lesson, you are to determine the purpose as well as the structure of
comparison/contrast in writing. It is important to distinguish the type of text or paragraph so
that readers can tell its purpose and appreciate the importance of the different types of texts
according to purpose.
Directions. Think of a friend and identify clearly your similarities and differences in the
given aspects below.
Name: Name:
Physical Example: short hair Short hair
1. 1.
2. 2.
Hobbies 1. 1.
2. 2.
Ambition 1. 1.
2. 2.
Dress 1. 1.
2. 2.
Food 1. 1.
2. 2.
Study Habits 1. 1.
2. 2.
Behavior 1. 1.
2. 2.
1. In what aspect/s are you in common? In what aspect/s are you different?
Summarize your answer in the Venn Diagram below.
Me My Friend
What Is It
Compare-and-contrast type of text analyzes the relationship between two
subjects and it is very helpful to have some clue words that will signal the reader to such
Study the Clue Words below and how they are used in sentences.
Comparison Example
is similar to Playing basketball is similar to playing soccer.
both Both Basketball and Soccer are played with a round ball.
also Basketball also is form of exercise such as running.
too Soccer is form of exercise such as running, too.
like Like Basketball, Soccer is played two halves in a quarter.
Contrast Example
on the other hand On the other hand, basketball player uses his hands.
however However, a soccer player uses his feet.
Soccer is played outside on a large field, but Basketball is played
indoor on a court made out of wood.
in contrast to In contrast to Basketball, Soccer has a cold winter.
differs from Basketball differs from Soccer in the number of players.
while While Basketball has 5 players, Soccer has 11.
unlike Unlike Soccer, Basketball is a more popular sports.
What’s More
Directions. Read the blog written by Maribeth Q. Galindo about the two noble heroes of our
country. Then, make a Venn Diagram of how they are compared and contrasted.
The name Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio are some of the well-known personalities
that have been mentioned in the annals of Philippine history. The exemplary deeds that they
had done for our country; in order to achieve freedom from the hands of the Spanish colonizers
is worth to be remembered specially by the present generation. Indeed, their heroism is well
done. But, the comparison of these two personalities have made endless debate of who should
be our national hero is much discussed in the environment of academe.
Moreover, to give you a little background, Jose Rizal was a son of an educated parents
and belong to a wealthy family. All siblings of Rizal’s family had gone to school. Jose studied
in Ateneo and University of Santo Tomas and had gone to Europe for further studies. He
finished medical course specializes in Ophthalmology and made known for his talents in
writing, painting, sculpturing, fencing and others. He fought the Spanish tyranny through a
propaganda battles by means of using his pen in critiquing and exposing the defects of
Spanish governance. He died in front of the Spanish and Filipino crowds by a firing squad on
December 30, 1896 due to a false accusation of instigating Philippine revolution. Thus, his
charisma for the elite and intellectuals are proven strong.
On the other hand, Andres Bonifacio was a son of a farmer and belongs to a poor
family. All siblings of Bonifacio’s family had not even finished high school due to economic
instability. Andres at early age had to work hard and carries big responsibilities for him to help
his family. Andres represents the grassroots of society that were/are usually exploited,
abused, maltreated, and marginalized one. He proved to be a good organizer when he
established a revolutionary movement called “Katipunan” in 1892. He fought the Spanish
tyranny by using bolos and guns, thus, encouraging bloody revolution.
Now, would it be fair for these two personalities that are extremely opposite to be
compared? Where is fairness if an educated man who attained the higher degree of education
being compared to a man who didn’t even finished high school and vice versa. Come to think
of it…… But one thing I am sure of, that these two personalities have in common, they are
both brave and great heroes of their time. They both wanted freedom for the Filipinos that long
been controlled by the Spaniards. So, do not compare and stop using each other’s
weaknesses and flaws in order to put down one another. If Rizal and Bonifacio would still be
alive, definitely, they don’t want to be compared. Who wants to be compared anyway?
Directions. To better understand the concept, answer the questions in your own words.
What I Can Do
Directions. Compare and contrast your life experiences before the COVID-19
pandemic and your present situation in this new normal. Write a short essay on this
Additional Activities
Directions. Read the story, “THE FISHERMAN’S DAUGHTER” which you can read
at https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/37755358-the-fisherman-s-daughter and
choose one of the graphic organizers and distinguish the comparison and contrast of the story.
Answer Key