New Seep Apnea AI
New Seep Apnea AI
New Seep Apnea AI
A significant portion of the population is impacted by the sleep disorder sleep apnea. The
exposure to cardiovascular dysfunction, stroke, diabetes, and low productivity might be
increased or exacerbated by this condition. The gold standard for detecting sleep apnea, the
polysomnography (PSG) test, is expensive, inconvenient, and not available to the general
public. This necessitates the development of more user-friendly and convenient sleep apnea
diagnosis methods.
In this study, we investigate how sleep apnea is clinically identified and how machine
learning can aid in the quicker, less expensive, and more widespread detection of the
condition. We discuss the application of machine learning to the identification of sleep apnea
as well as recent developments in the field. The research covered by the proposed project
uses deep learning and machine learning, and it focuses on the following aspects of sleep
apnea detection: the kind of sensors utilized for data gathering, the feature engineering
techniques performed on the data, and the classifiers used to detect and categorize sleep
apnea. Based on the literature review, we also examine the difficulties in designing sleep
apnea detection devices.
Problem Statement
In this project, we examine and put into practice the most recent, cutting-edge research on
using machine learning to diagnose sleep apnea. The implementation discusses the
parameters, sensors, and feature engineering techniques utilized to enable the detection of
sleep apnea using machine learning.
An irregular breathing pattern while sleeping is a symptom of sleep apnea. It affects both
adults and a tiny proportion of children and adolescents. People who have sleep apnea
experience periods of no or shallow breathing while they are asleep. Apnea, the former
condition in which breathing temporarily pauses, and hypopnea, the latter condition in which
there are times of shallow breathing or decreased airflow, are both medical terms. Both
conditions are harmful to a person's wellbeing because they can lead to clinical
comorbidities. Snoring, gasping for air while sleeping, waking up with dry mouth, and
generally poor sleep quality are all physiological signs of sleep apnea. These physiological
signs result in poor attention, insomnia, a decline in cognitive abilities, accidents, and
memory loss and depression. Sleep apnea can result in serious disorders like diabetes,
cardiovascular problems, hypertension, neurological problems, and liver problems in addition
to the bad quality of life brought on by sleep deprivation and weariness. It is crucial to
diagnose and treat sleep apnea due to its widespread prevalence around the world and the
direct and indirect long-term issues it causes.
In order to find new information from datasets, machine learning utilizes mathematical
modelling to find or forecast anomalies or trends. To categorize fresh data, a model
developed on a specific dataset is employed. Supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement
learning are all types of machine learning. Using a tagged dataset as input, supervised
learning algorithms produce a hypothesis that most closely matches the labelled dataset. An
outcome variable for each record in the dataset is given to the algorithm through a labelled
dataset. Unsupervised learning methods identify patterns in the dataset to create clusters of
related records instead of using a labelled dataset for classifier training.
Classifier training is supported by the feedback component of reinforcement learning, which
includes reward points for records that are correctly classified. The capacity of machine
learning classifiers to learn from input datasets and generalize for future data makes it a
reliable approach in this field of research, even though studies have used spectral/waveform
analysis of signals for sleep apnea detection. The majority of sleep apnea detection research
utilize supervised learning.
Literature Survey
We have reviewed recent work on sleep apnea detection using traditional machine learning
methods. Numerous studies have employed a single biological marker to identify sleep apnea,
such as SPO2, ECG, EOG, or EEG. Due to their link with apneic episodes, SPO2 and ECG
signals are the focus of most studies in this category. Studies have shown that apneic events
produce an increase in heart rate and systolic blood pressure [22]. SPO2 signals, for instance,
are employed for OSA detection in [12]. ODI, total time below saturation levels (tsa), and the
other six features were derived from SPO2 during feature engineering. To achieve an
accuracy of 93%, different decision tree (DT) classifier versions were applied. Pulse oximeter
values are also used in [23] to detect sleep apnea.
To determine heart rate and breathing exertion, PPG readings from the SPO2 sensor were
collected and evaluated. The combination of SPO2 characteristics and PPG features with
linear discriminant analysis produced the greatest classification performance of 87%.
Statistical and time domain SPO2 and PPG features were retrieved around SPO2 dips and
averaged per patient in [24], which is another study that uses PPG measures deduced from
SPO2 readings. Here, it was examined how SPO2 and PPG characteristics affected OSA
detection. For the purpose of training an SVM classifier, three SPO2 based features and two
PPG features were chosen. Contrary to [23], it was discovered that the SPO2 features and the
participants' ages produced a classifier that was 77.7% accurate, while the PPG features had
no effect on the classifier's performance.
Because of its relationship to cardiovascular health, age is an evident confounding factor in
this study's findings, and employing age alone for OSA identification can produce acceptable
accuracy. Four machine learning algorithms are examined in [25] in order to not only identify
apnea but also determine its severity using only SPO2 data collected at the patient's
residence. It was done in three steps: feature extraction, feature selection, and classifier
evaluation. In addition to ODI, a total of 16 features from SPO2 were retrieved, including
statistical, spectral, and nonlinear domains. These features were then fed into a feature
selection technique called a Fast Correlation Based Filter.
The most accurate categorization of apnea severity was provided by an AdaBoost model
constructed with linear discriminants as basis classifiers. Mostafa et al. use Deep Belief
Network to assess SPO2 signals from two public datasets in [13]. (DBN). According to the
analysis, the accuracy does increase slightly as the number of hidden neurons increases,
which may not be sufficient to justify the trade-off between classifier performance and
processing demands. Seven characteristics and SVM are used in another investigation to
identify sleep apnea conditions [26].
Using a smart pillow, this work not only detects but also corrects apneic occurrences. The
set-up comprises of a smartphone, an adjustable cushion, and a wearable gadget with a pulse
oximeter. The SPO2 signal is detected by the pulse oximeter on a wearable device, which
then sends it to a smartphone. The smartphone recognizes SPO2 desaturation occurrences and
sends a command to modify the pillow. The height and contour of the adjustable pillow can
be changed with a command. The pulse oximeter additionally tracks and assesses the
adjustment effect, creating a closed-loop feedback system between monitoring and remedial
measures. Bluetooth technology is used for mobile-wristband and mobile-pillow
communication. [27] provides an overview of methods for identifying sleep apnea
specifically utilizing pulse oximetry data. Another factor that is frequently utilized to identify
sleep apnea is the ECG. Hassan and co. [28] on a dataset produced by a single lead ECG
sensor, compare several machine learning classifiers. Raw data were used to derive statistical
moment-based and empirical mode decomposition features. Naive Bayes, neural networks,
AdaBoost, bagging, random forests, extreme learning machines (ELM), discriminant analysis
(DA), and limited Boltzmann machines were evaluated for performance after feature
extraction. The best accuracy was provided by ELM, 83.77%.
The detection of sleep apnea was also done in [29] using a dataset based on single-lead ECG.
In this study, frequency sub-bands were created by feeding segments of ECG data into the
dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT). Variance, skewness, and kurtosis, three
statistical variables, were taken from the DTCWT output and examined to see if they might
be used to identify sleep apnea. The accuracy reported by LogitBoost was 84.4%. In addition
to DA, kNN, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), ELM, SVM, AdaBoost, and Bagging were
also examined as classifiers. ECG signals have also been used to identify the kind of sleep
apnea, in addition to only detecting it [20].
According to earlier studies, classifiers trained to detect sleep apnea have also used ECG
parameters such IHR, HRV, BCG, and CPC as markers. As an illustration, certain studies
[30,31] suggest that HRV measurements have a significant potential to improve OSA
detection. Khandoker et al. [32] emphasize the value of combining an SVM classifier with
HRV and EDR to achieve 100% accuracy in the detection of apneic episodes. The relative
severity of OSA is also estimated in this study using SVM.
In [33], statistical measurements of HRV were subjected to the use of kNN, QDA, and SVM.
HRV, EDR, and CPC are collected from single lead ECG signals and used by de Chazal et al.
[34] to detect sleep apnea. According to the analysis of this study, the time-domain-based
HRV parameters and CPC characteristics provided the greatest classification performance,
with an accuracy of 89.8%. Multiple logistic discrimination was the classifier algorithm that
was employed. 24 time and frequency domain features are taken out of the ECG data in [35].
This comprised frequency domain information like the vegetative balance index and
normalised power in various frequency ranges as well as time domain features like mean,
median, standard deviation, and mode for each NN interval series.
Nine features were chosen for training decision trees, discriminant analysis, logistic
regression, support vector machines, a variant of kNN, and ensemble learning classifiers after
redundant features were eliminated from the feature selection process. Sleep questionnaires
and ECG data are used by Seo et al. [36] to explore the assessment of sleep stability and
quality. The findings of the extraction of respiratory and CPC parameters from the ECG
signals revealed a substantial association between AHI and CPC. Studies on the use of EEG
waves to analyze sleep include [37,38].
Proposed Methodology
Deep Learning Based Solutions
In order to diagnose sleep apnea, deep learning techniques are increasingly being applied,
including Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent
Neural Network (RNN), and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM). The performance of
intelligent solutions, especially in the biomedical field, depends on feature engineering and
selection. Utilizing neurons, convolutional layers, and pooling layers to learn pertinent
features from the raw input is one of the benefits of deep learning. In order to decouple the
dependence of subjective human expertise on critical feature engineering issues, sparse auto-
encoders were employed with unsupervised learning methods to learn features from ECG
SVM and ANN were used for classification, and the performance of the classification was
improved via decision fusion and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Automatic sleep scoring
was done using a single electrooculogram (EOG) signal. For feature extraction and label
prediction, a three-layer DBN of 500, 200, and 100 neurons was employed. An HMM model
was trained using both the original labels and the predicted labels. To determine the presence
and severity of sleep apnea, the LSTM-RNN was used. After feature extraction and selection,
different LSTM-RNN configurations were employed for training. Deep Neural Network
(DNN), 1D CNN, 2D CNN, RNN, LSTM, and gated-recurrent unit model are the classifiers
used in our project (GRU).
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