Domestic Appliances Controlled Automation System With Nodemcu and Android Application

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Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019

ISSN NO: 0377-9254

M.Tech Student, Assistant Professor
Department of ECE

Abstract: This paper presents a low cost and flexible home control and environmental monitoring system. In today’s world
advancement of technology in the fields of automation is getting simpler and better in all aspects. There is a rapid increase in
number of internet users. Smart phones have played a very important role in helping users with a much better internet service and
different online applications. The concept of home automation is applied using internet of things. This paper can be explaining the
idea of home automation using node MCU, and IOT (Internet of Things) only in online mode with the help of a data service
provider. Home automation can include all home appliances to be managed and controlled by using mobile application. The rate
at which more people are adapting to the home automation options is high. This is an approach that provides the users more
comfort in their homes. These are features that include, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and heating among others. Our main
motive is to provide an easy control over appliances for disabled persons, That will provide convenience to their daily life and
they can control appliances even when they are away from home. This system is implemented using “Android Things” and
“Firebase” by Google, the latest technology in the field of IOT (Internet of Things) . Home automation develops the lifestyle by
automating the appliances. This project aims to achieving the home automation using wireless technology. This paper focuses on
flexible, cost friendly wireless smart home system, which would be based on an Android App.

Key words: Internet of Things (IOT), Home Automation, Mobile Application, Node MCU.
As rapid change in technology always aim to serve the places. Thus accidentally tripping or running into thing is
mankind, the expectation for living a simple yet advance life decreased. Home automation system using IOT is a way
keeps on increasing [1]. Internet has become an important through which one can explore and control home appliances
part of human’s social life and educational life without or devices with the help of internet connection. Internet has
which they are just helpless. The Internet of things (IOT) become the basic need for everyone and thus internet can be
devices not only controls but also monitors the electronic, used for controlling the basic devices or appliances like TV,
electrical and various mechanical systems which are used in lights, fans, Air conditioners and much more.
various types of infrastructures. Internet of things (IOT) is
expressed as the different computers [6]. This technology is operated with the help of smart phone
and sensor (The only thing which is needed is the
Home automation using IOT is one of the best technologies automation system should be connected to the cell
to improve our home and making economically improve phone).The main purpose of home automation system is to
country. This paper provides the information about home “SAVE ELECTRICITY” when not is used an as it is the
automation using IOT and mobile application. Home important part of our daily life it should be save for further
automation can be defined as it is the removal of human purpose when not in used. This system can control the
interaction [5]. Using the concept of IOT we make sensors settings of lights (brightness, dimming, switch (ON/OFF),
to communicate with each other which are powerful in use of fans (speed high or low) as per the people present in a
automation [7]. The efficient use of electric energy is highly particular room as shown in fig1.
dependent on energy metering. presents an idea or a concept
for smart home. Smart home or home automation can be
said as the residential extension, it also involves the
automation and controlling of lightings, ACs and security,
which includes other home appliances. Data is collected
with the help of node MCU ESP8266 [4]. Home automation
is providing home safety for dwellers. It automatically
switches on appliances in closets, stairways, and other dark Page No:281

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254
NodeMCU was connected with Blynk app. On detection of
any unwanted incident by different sensors, messages were
sent to Blynk app.

2.1 Home Automation

Home automation makes a home smarter. Smart home is the

term which has huge demand in present world and huge
possibilities in near future. A home automation system may
control lights, temperature, climate, entertainment and many
other appliances. Home security is also a part of automation
which includes security control and alarm system. Security
2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION control means controlling entries based on facial recognition
and let recognized people in. On the other hand security
Kumar Mandula [2] discusses about the process of home alarms could be for fire or security breach in the home and
automation using Bluetooth and Ethernet. When notifying the owners. Home automation typically controls
connectivity between Arduino and smart phone is all the appliances from a central hub. The end user interface
established using Bluetooth, short range wireless may vary based on application. The control system could be
communication is possible in an indoor environment. wall mounted, computers, a mobile phone application or
Ethernet module is used for connecting Arduino board from web interface. It actually depends on the developers and the
any part of the world. users. In our proposed system we have used mobile phone
android application based control system.
Bharat Bohora[3] designeda system based on Blynk
framework which controlled and monitored appliances via 2.2 IoT Based Home Automation
smartphone by using Wi-Fi as communication protocol and
raspberry pi as private server. All the appliances and sensors Internet of Things allows us to control connected devices
are connected to the internet via NodeMCU. Ming Wang[4] from anywhere and exchange data over the devices. Home
in his paper discussed about his work on system that uses a automation system controls home appliances automatically
smart central controller to set up a 433 MHz wireless sensor and when this system is connected to internet it becomes a
and actuator network (WSAN). A series of control modules, part of IoT. There are three main generations of home
such as switch modules, radio frequency control modules, automation. First is, different wireless technology with
have been developed in the WSAN to control directly all proxy servers, second is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
kinds of home appliances. controlled home automation and lastly robots which directly
communicate with humans [2]. Our project is first
P.Siva Nagendra Reddy [5] used android mobile to send generation automation. For implementing the first
commands to the Arduino board through Wi-Fi module and generation of the home automation appliances needs to
Arduino processed them to control all the home appliances. connect with internet so users can control the system from
This system controlled the voltage levels of home any remote place. That’s why IoT has become a need for
appliances like fan, light etc. They got the status of their automation.
home appliances in their android mobile phone.
2.3 Related Work
M L Sharma [6] developed a system in which a home
automation system was interfaced with Android mobile In paper [3] they have proposed a sensor based home
devices. The mobile device and system communicated with automation system which can be controlled over android
each other via Wi-Fi. phone. Yet it needs to be controlled manually by increasing
or decreasing the speed of fans and intensity of lights from
Somnath Singh [7] in his paper discussed about designing a phone. Paper [4] proposed an android based home
web-based control of home appliances which allowed user appliances control and monitor system. Their proposed
to switch appliances on/off by clicking on a webpage model can control appliances from internet and from
specially designed to interact with those devices, by being switchboards. Again this system cannot give a solution for a
anywhere in the world with a computer or a smart phone long time control system in home automation. In paper [5]
connected with the Internet. Miss. they have proposed a network assistant platform or server
for controlling appliances in different modes. This system
Aboli Mane [8] used Blynk app in her project of home
proposed less power consumption by disabling devices to
management system and security. Different sensors were
low power mode.
connected with NodeMCU. With the help of Wi-Fi, Page No:282

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254
3. SYSTEM DESIGN transmitted via the ATmega8U2 chip and USB connection
to the computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0
3.1 Arduino Mega 2560 and 1).

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board and the 3.2 Esp8266 NodeMCU
core of the board is ATmega2560 microcontroller chip. As
shown in Fig 3.1 which we have used has 54 inputs/outputs There are various platforms for IoT system one of them is
pins among them 14 can be used as PWM (pulse with NodeMCU. It provides lower level control on devices which
modulation) to level the voltage, some pins are used for is known as firmware. These control runs on ESP8266 Wi-
communication also like Serial pin: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX); Fi SoC, which hardware is based on ESP-12
Serial pin 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); Serial pin 2: 17 (RX) and module.Esp8266 is a Wi-Fi based communication system’s
16 (TX); Serial pin 3: 15(RX) and 14 (TX). Used to receive microchip. It uses TCP/IP protocol for communicating with
(RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data and rest of the pins internet through router. It uses 802.11b/g/n slandered
are used as digital inputs/outputs. Another 16 pins are used technology for Wi-Fi communication. It is a Tensilica L106
as analog inputs form the environment. It also has 4 UARTs 32-bit RISC instruction unite microprocessor with 32 KB
(hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB instruction RAM, 32KB instruction Cache RAM, 80KB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. Data memory.ESP8266 (Pin) and Arduino Mega’s (Pin)
common pins are GND TX (0)-3.3V, RX (0), 3.3V. For
running the ESP8266 on Arduino platform we need to install
ESP8266 package in Arduino IDE. As a board is using, we
need to give the additional board manager.

Fig 3.1: Arduino Mega 2560

Arduino Mega runs with 5V of DC voltage which can be a

battery or an AC to DC Adapter. The adapter can be
connected by plugging a 2.1mm center-positive plug into the
board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in
the Gnd and Vin pin headers of the POWER connector.
Normally, 6V-12V as input voltage is recommended. Each
pins gives 40mA DC current for 5V operation and for 3.3V 4. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
operation it provides 50mA DC Current and also has an
internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 4.1 System Overview
kohms. It also provides 256 KB flash memory for code
In our proposed system we have developed an android based
storage among them 8KB used for bootloader. As well as
home automation system which is capable of controlling
8KB Static Read Only Ram (SRAM) and 4 KB Electrically
home appliances based on user command. It also has own
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPRAM).
intelligence to control all the appliances according to user
The ATmega2560 provides four hardware UARTs for TTL given modes. If user wishes to turn on or off any individual
(5V) serial communication. The channel creates through appliances it is capable of doing that. The most significant
USB and a virtual com port to arduino IDE on the computer. feature of this system is mode based operation. Like when
To run the code operating system like Windows need an .inf user activates the auto mode than all the lights and fan will
file and for other operating system machine will recognize turn on or off with its own intelligence. If there is sufficient
the board as a COM port automatically. The Arduino light on the particular room than lights will remain off. On
software includes a serial monitor which allows simple the other hand if light is insufficient than lights will be
textual data to be sent to and from the board. The RX and turned on automatically. Based on different sensor values
TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being these actions are executed. Page No:283

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254


Figure.7. Mobile app to turn off home appliances

Fig 4.1: Architecture of the proposed system

As shown in Fig 4.1user controls the modes and appliances

by an android based device through our application named
“huom”. User command is transmitted from device via
internet. The esp8266 NodeMCU than receives the
Figure.8. Output for above figure-7
command from internet via Wi-Fi. The NodeMCU than
passes the command to the controller board arduino mega
2560. Arduino than executes the commanded operation. So
huom app is for end users to give input. Esp8266 NodeMCU
and arduino mega is the control unit of the system. The
arduino takes input from the esp8266 for executing actions. 6. CONCLUSIONS
For execution of the action arduino also takes inputs from
the sensors. Lastly the arduino runs the appliances according It is evident from this project work that an individual control
to user desired command. home automation system can be cheaply made from low-
cost locally available components and can be used to control
5. RESULT AND DISCUSION multifarious home appliances ranging from the security
lamps, the television to the air conditioning system and even
TURN ON HOME APPLIENCES the entire house lighting system. In this paper, Home
automation system that can be controlled remotely upon
user authentication is proposed and implementation is going
to be take place. The objective of this system is to provide a
convenient way to control home appliances by using the
MIT app inverter and save energy as well as time. In the
help of this project we are control all the home appliances
through the IOT.


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Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications
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Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254
[4] Warsuzarina Mat Jubadi and Normaziah Zulkifli,
Programmable Infrared Accessory Light Switch,
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