Dental Caries Development

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Preventive Dentistry Lecture (1)

2020-2021 5th stage (College of Dentistry/ University of Baghdad)

Assist. Professor Dr. Nada Jafer Radhi B.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. College of Dentistry/ University of Baghdad

Dental caries development

The term dental caries (tooth decay) is used to describe the results – the
signs and symptoms – of a localized chemical dissolution of the tooth surface
caused by metabolic events taking place in the biofilm (dental plaque) covering the
affected area. It is a multifactorial disease characterized by “demineralization of
the mineral components and dissolution of the organic matrix”. The destruction
can affect enamel, dentin and cementum. Dental caries affecting a large number of

Carious process is the result of an interaction of the following:

1- Host.
2- Plaque.
3- Diet.
4- Time.

The very simplest model can be used to explain the multifactorial complexity of
dental caries as shown in figure below:

Some multifactorial models have suggested determinant as any factor which may
influence an outcome (in case of dental caries). Many determinants of caries
process may act at the level of individual surface or at the individual/population
level as shown in model below:

Host Factor: This involves susceptible tooth and saliva. Several factors affecting
tooth susceptibility are:

1- Morphology of teeth: Dental caries lesions may develop at any tooth site in the
oral cavity where a biofilm develops and remains for a period of time. Such sites
include pits, grooves and fissures in occlusal surfaces, especially during eruption,
approximal surfaces cervical to the contact point/area and along the gingival
margin. Insertion of foreign bodies to the dentition (e.g. fillings with inappropriate
margins, dentures, orthodontic bands) may also result in such „protected‟ sites.
These areas are relatively protected from mechanical influence from the tongue,
the cheeks, abrasive foods and, not least, tooth brushing. These are the sites where
lesion development is more likely to occur because the biofilm is allowed to
stagnate there for prolonged time. Certain surfaces of a tooth are more prone to
caries whereas other surfaces rarely show caries. For example, in mandibular 1 st
molars the caries in descending order is occlusal, buccal, mesial, distal and lingual.
The differences in caries rates of various surfaces on the same tooth are in part due
to morphology.

2- Position of teeth: Anterior teeth are less affected by dental caries compared to
posterior teeth. The most susceptible permanent teeth are the mandibular first
molars, followed by the maxillary first molars and the mandibular and maxillary
second molars. The second premolars, maxillary incisors and first premolars are
the next in sequence. Whereas the mandibular incisors and canines are the least to
develop caries.

3- Composition of teeth: The tooth is composed mainly of inorganic elements

(96% in enamel and 70% in dentin) and the remaining are organic materials and
water. Composition of teeth is affected by environmental factors (water, diet and

Inorganic components involve:

- Major elements: calcium, phosphorous, hydroxyl group Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2.

- Minor elements: Zinc, copper, strontium, magnesium, fluoride, etc. These

elements may incorporate the enamel crystal in substitutions with one of its major
elements as substitution of hydroxyl group by fluoride ion and formation of
Ca10(PO4)6F2. Certain elements (fluoride, zinc, iron, chloride) accumulate in the
enamel surface, while others are sparse in surface as compared with subsurface
enamel. Changes of the enamel (decrease in density and permeability, an increase
in fluoride content) occur with age.

Some of these elements are incorporate the enamel and may increase the
resistance to caries like fluoride, zinc and others. While other elements such as
magnesium may increase the susceptibility of teeth to caries.

The organic constituents and water of both enamel and dentin may act as a
diffusion pathway for bacterial acids increasing the tooth destruction. In other way,
they permit the penetration of ions for physiological remineralization-
demineralization process. Such voids in enamel as well as proteins act as a caution
for intense biting pressure to prevent fracture.

Saliva through its secretion and composition affects dental caries development. It
can affect the number of microorganisms through cleansing action (oral clearance),
While buffer system in saliva affects the integrity of teeth as well as calcium and

Dental plaque: The cariogenic bacteria in plaque consist of mutans streptococci,

lactobacilli and other types. Bacteria ferment carbohydrate causing release of acid
lead to demineralization of tooth surface. Plaque accumulation may show
individual variations and affected by many factors such as age and practices of oral

Diet: It may exert an effect on caries locally in the mouth by reacting with the
enamel surface and by serving as a substrate for cariogenic microorganisms.
Frequent consumption of sweets between meals lead to continuous drop of pH,
thus demineralization will occur.

Terminology of caries

Dental caries may be classified in a number of ways, according to their anatomical


- Primary caries is used to differentiate lesions on natural, intact tooth surfaces
from those that develop adjacent to a filling material.
- Pits and fissures caries is a lesion affected tooth occlusally.
- Smooth surfaces caries is lesion that may start on enamel or on the exposed
root cementum and dentin.
- Recurrent or secondary caries is a lesion developing at a tooth surface
adjacent to a filling.
- Arrested caries is a lesion that may have formed years previously and then
stopped further progression.
- Rampant caries is the name given to multiple active carious lesions
occurring in the same patient.
- Nursing bottle caries is one type of rampant caries in the primary dentition
of infants and young children, result from a sleep sucking bottle.
- Root caries is lesion on the exposed root cementum and dentin.

Dynamics Process of De-/Remineralization

Dental caries is a disease that is manifested as a dynamic process of
de/remineralization in the mouth (Enamel sieve concept). Demineralization is a
continual imbalance between pathological and protective factors that results in the
dissolution of apatite crystals and the net loss of calcium, phosphate, and other ions
from the tooth. The first stage of demineralization is occurring at the atomic level
far before it can be seen visually as gross demineralization. During this step,
fermentable carbohydrates are metabolized by bacteria in dental plaque to produce
organic acids. The acids diffuse into the dental hard tissue through the water
among the crystals and could reach a susceptible site on a crystal surface. Calcium
and phosphate are dissolved into the surrounding aqueous phase between the

crystals. This is considered as the first step in the continuum of the dental caries
process which can eventually lead to cavitation.

The oral fluids (saliva, biofilm fluid) have calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) in
supersaturated concentrations with respect to the mineral composition of enamel.
At physiological conditions (a neutral pH of 7), low ion concentrations are
sufficient to keep dental hard tissues in equilibrium. If the pH drops because of
acid produced by the dental plaque, higher ion concentrations are needed to
prevent dissolution of dental hard tissue. Calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) ions are
continually deposited on the enamel surface or are redeposit in enamel areas where
they were lost. At a pH of 5.5, under saturation begins, that is, the calcium and
phosphate ion concentrations in the plaque fluid are not sufficient to maintain the
enamel in stable equilibrium; thus, the enamel starts to dissolve.

The term “remineralization” is used to described mineral gain. Remineralization is

the body‟s natural repair process for subsurface non-cavitated carious lesions. In
the process of remineralization, calcium and phosphate ions are supplied from a
source external to the tooth to promote ion deposition into crystal voids in
demineralized enamel to produce net mineral gain.

De-/remineralization cycles continue in the mouth as long as there are

factors including cariogenic bacteria, fermentable carbohydrates, and saliva
present. The balance between pathological factors and protective factors
determines whether demineralization or remineralization is proceeding at any one
time. There are methods to influence the De-/remineralization process include
traditional methods, novel methods and biomineralization.

The development of a carious lesion occurs in three distinct stages:

- The earliest stage is the incipient lesion; macroscopically evidenced on the tooth
surface by the appearance of an area of opacity (the white spot lesion), which is
accompanied by histologic changes of the enamel at the microscopic level and is
well established with a number of recognizable zones.

- The second stage includes the progress of the demineralization front toward the
dentino- enamel junction and/or into the dentin; the affected dentin displays
discoloration from brown to dark brown or black, microscopic changes of dentin
showed different zones.

- The final phase of caries development is the development of the overt, or frank
lesion, which is characterized by actual cavitation.

Root caries

Root caries differs from coronal caries (enamel and dentin) in several aspects
(mineralization and bacterial invasion).
Clinical appearance: Root-surface caries comprises a continuum of clinical
manifestations ranging from small, slightly softened and discolored areas to
extensive, yellow–brown soft or hard areas, which may eventually encircle the
entire root surface. The lesions may or may not be cavitated. However, even in the
case of rather extensive lesions, cavitation does not necessarily involve the pulp.
Root-surface caries lesions may be classified as:

- An active root-surface lesion is a well-defined, softened area on the root

surface that shows a yellowish or light- brown discoloration. The lesion is
likely to be covered by visible plaque. Some slowly progressing lesions may
be brownish or black and reveal a leathery consistency on probing with
moderate pressure.
- An arrested (inactive) root-surface lesion appears shiny and is relatively
smooth and hard on probing with moderate pressure. The color may vary
from yellowish to brownish or black. In both active and inactive lesions,
cavity formation may be observed, but in the latter, case the margins appear

 Textbook of clinical cariology (1996) (book).
 Comprehensive preventive dentistry (2012) (book).
 Primary preventive dentistry (2014) (book).
 Dental caries, principles and management (2016) (book).

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