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Professional, Creditable, Successful

DGUS_SDK User Guide_V5.1

Beijing DWIN Technology Co., Ltd.

Professional, Creditable, Successful DGUS_SDK User Guide V5.1

1. DGUS_SDK Instruction........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Operation of DGUS_SDK.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Main Interface of DGUS_SDK_V5.1........................................................................................................................5
2. Basic Steps for DGUS_SDK Operation.............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Create a new project.................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1.1 Start a new project...........................................................................................................................................7
2.1.2 Select corresponding resolution and save the path.................................................................................. 8
2.1.3 Add images....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 Create a CONFIG.TXT file for setting system parameters.......................................................................9
2.2 Configure touch functions........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3 Configure variable display....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Create configuration files.........................................................................................................................................13
2.5 Download....................................................................................................................................................................14
3. Main Functions of DGUS_SDK.........................................................................................................................................15
3.1 Touch Config..............................................................................................................................................................16
3.1.1 Popup Window...............................................................................................................................................16
3.1.2 Variable Data Input....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Incremental Adjustment................................................................................................................................18
3.1.4 Slider Adjustment...........................................................................................................................................19
3.1.5 RTC..................................................................................................................................................................20
3.1.6 Basic Touch Control...................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.7 Return Key Code........................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.8 ASCII Input......................................................................................................................................................23
3.1.9 Firmware Parameter Settings......................................................................................................................24
3.1.10 Status sync-returned...................................................................................................................................26
3.2 Variable Config..........................................................................................................................................................28
3.2.1 Variable Icon...................................................................................................................................................28
3.2.2 Animation Icon................................................................................................................................................29
3.2.3 Slider................................................................................................................................................................30
3.2.4 WordArt........................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.2.5 Image Animation............................................................................................................................................ 32
3.2.6 Icon Rotation.................................................................................................................................................. 33
3.2.7 Data Variable..................................................................................................................................................34
3.2.8 Text Display.................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.9 Digital RTC Display....................................................................................................................................... 36
3.2.10 Analog Clock Display..................................................................................................................................37
3.2.11 Dynamic Trend Curve................................................................................................................................. 38
3.2.12 Table Display................................................................................................................................................39
3.2.13 Basic Graphic Display................................................................................................................................ 40
3.2.14 Special Industrial Application.................................................................................................................... 42
3.2.15 Bit Variable Icon...........................................................................................................................................43
3.2.16 Timer Variable..............................................................................................................................................45
3.2.17 RollText......................................................................................................................................................... 46
4. Commands........................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.1 Data Frame................................................................................................................................................................ 47
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4.2 Command Set............................................................................................................................................................47
4.3 Register...................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.4 VP & SP......................................................................................................................................................................49
4.4.1 VP (Variable Pointer).................................................................................................................................... 49
4.4.2 SP (Stack Pointer).........................................................................................................................................51
4.5 Examples....................................................................................................................................................................53
4.5.1 Access Register of DGUS............................................................................................................................54 Write Data into Register..................................................................................................................54 Read Data from Register................................................................................................................ 54 Response from the DGUS module............................................................................................... 54
4.5.2 Access Variable SRAM.................................................................................................................................55 Write Data into variable SRAM...................................................................................................... 55 Read Data from variable SRAM.................................................................................................... 55 Response from the DGUS module............................................................................................... 55
4.5.3 Dynamic Trend Curve Display.....................................................................................................................55
4.5.4 Basic Graphic Display...................................................................................................................................56

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1. DGUS_SDK Instruction

1.1 Operation of DGUS_SDK

(1) DGUS (DWIN Graphical Utility Software) is an intelligent GUI design software for DWIN DGUS LCM with K600+ kernel. As
be helpful to interface of display design faster than ever, diversified display effects can be achieved easily and rapidly with much less
programming. The variables in use are defined by software DGUS_SDK v5.1 that is accessed by controller via address. All
parameters and images can be downloaded via SD card which stores related .bin files to make your design into real application.
(2) Install DGUS_SDK_V5.1:
Unzip DGUS_SDK_V5.1.zip, and click DGUS ToolV5.1.exe to run it.
(.net Framework 2.0 is required to run the software).

(3) Variable Definition

 VP (Variable Pointer): The addresses of variables in variable SRAM (56KB). Users can set buttons with defined VP,
to change the value in this address and display contents corresponding with the value in VP address.
 SP (Stack Pointer): the address of definitions, starting address of description data of variables. Change the value in
particular address to modify variable properties. Take <WordArt> function as example.
Add. Definition Description
0x00 0x5A03 2
0x02 *SP 2 Stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
0x04 0x0007 2 The whole process length (in terms of words).
0x06 0x00 *VP 2 Variable pointer.
0x08 0x01 X,Y 4 Top-left coordinate of text, left aligned.
0x0C 0x03 Icon0 2 Icon ID corresponding to 0, the sequence is “0123456789-.”.
0x0E 0x04:H Icon_Lib 1 Address of icon file.
ICON display mode.
0x0F 0x04:L Icon_Mode 1
0x00: transparent, others: opaque.
0x10 0x05:H Int_Num 1 Length of integer digits.
0x11 0x05:L Dec_Num 1 Length of decimal digits.
0x12 0x06:H VP_Data_Mode 1 0x00: integer (2 bytes), 0x01: long integer (4 bytes).
E.g.: If SP valued as 0x5000 for WordArt variable, VP parameter will be saved in the ADDRESS of 0x5000. Variable position
parameters will be saved in 0x5001-0x5002
(4) If you need to handle with icons, please drop icon files into Icon Generator to make icon file running in DGUS correctly.
(5) How to select area for buttons & variables.
A. Input coordinates directly.

B. Drag the button/variable with mouse.

(6) Define SP address for variables.

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SP defines the description of variable settings; to reduce overlap of SP address is necessary. There is overlap judging
embedded, Configuration files won’t be created with failure message when it comes an overlap of SP address.

(7) Import existing DGUS config. files into new project.

A. Create a new project.
B. Add pictures.
C. Import config files.
D. Copy icon files into <DWIN_SET> folder.
Note: Frame header is self-defined by users. In this document, A5 5A is taken as frame header for instance.

1.2 Main Interface of DGUS_SDK_V5.1

a) Click <New Project> to activate the window below:

b) Select resolution and path for your project.

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Screen Property Set.
E.g. for:
Color T: 16bit.
Resolution 80480: 800x480.

Navigation Bar:
New Create a new project.
Open Open an existing project (.hmi file).
Save Save the current project.
Save As Save the current project in a new folder.
Close Close the current project.
Variables Preview Preview buttons & variables
Resolution Modify resolution of project.
Generating Modify system configuration and save the settings in config.txt. Refer to illustration
Configuration file below.
Import Config. Import existing config. files to the current project.
Export Variables Generate <TouchConfig.xls> and <DisplayConfig.xls> for quick view of buttons &
System Properties Modify system properties and save the settings in config.txt. Refer to illustration
DGUS Configuration File Download <13Touch_Control_Config.bin>, <14Variable_Config.bin>, and the image;
Download debug commands via serial port.
Help Help documents.
Align Left Align the selected buttons and variables to left.

Align right Align the selected buttons and variables to right.

Align Top Align the selected buttons and variables to top.

Align bottom Align the selected buttons and variables to bottom.

Auto Width Adjust the selected buttons & variables at same width.
Auto Height Adjust the selected buttons & variables at same height.
Vertical centered Adjust the selected buttons & variables at the vertical center.
Horizontal centered Adjust the selected buttons & variables at the horizontal center.
Copy (Ctrl + C): copy
Paste (Ctrl + V): paste
Delete (delete): delete
Front Place the button or variable at front layer.
Back Place the button or variable at backward layer.
SP Address Setting Set SP for variables.
Variables Preview Preview buttons & variables
Show Text show the names of buttons & variables or not.
Reference:Inputted data will be sent via serial port only when both <TPSAUTO> in System Config. Window and <Data Auto
Upload> settings in buttons properties are ticked.

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Tool Bar:
Switching between "Touch Config" & "Variable Config" & Edit Tools using Navigation bar, or shortcut key F2, F3,F4.

2. Basic Steps for DGUS_SDK Operation

2.1 Create a new project

2.1.1 Start a new project
Open the DGUS_SDK_V5.1--------> Click “New Project” button to start a new project.

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2.1.2 Select corresponding resolution and save the path

2.1.3 Add images

Images indicating here are what to be displayed as background with “.bmp” format required.
Image naming rules: ID + Name. bmp (name as optional)
For example, “0_Data Input.bmp” or “0.bmp”

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2.1.4 Create a CONFIG.TXT file for setting system parameters
Step into setting such system as baud rate, backlight, as well as cycle time etc.

Export Configuration File – “CONFIG. txt”

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For the value and functions of each parameters, please refer to the chapter 1.2 of the DGUS Dev. Guide_V5.1—CONFIG. TXT

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If the frame header is set as R3=5A RA=A5, please use the software “Serial debugging assistant sscom32 " sending command
below for verifying all images works fine.
5A A5 04 80 03 00 01( 00 01 signify images switching to No1.)
Later, check if images No1 switched successfully. (format must be .bmp naming started from”00”).
There are config.txt failed or com port out of work in the event of images switch failure. Please affirm parameter for config.txt
again including frame header, baud rate etc.

2.2 Configure touch functions

Select the “Touch Config” from pull-down menu-------> Add touch function, as “Data Input” -------> Drag a square on your button
as follow yellow area -------> Set the properties, such as button effect, key value, etc.

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2.3 Configure variable display

Select the “Variable Config” from pull-down menu -------> add the display function, as “Data Variable” ------->Drag a blue square
on area, the variable will be displayed based on the upper-right coordinates.--------> Set the properties of variable as font color, font

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2.4 Create configuration files
Click the “Generating Configuration File” button, it will create a touch control configuration file and a variable configuration file.
Their default file names are “13Touch_Control_Config.bin” and” 14Variable_Config.bin “which cannot be renamed, or the project
can’t be opened properly.
Please note that 13&14 bin file must be dropped in corresponding DWIN_SET folder if file downloaded via UART, otherwise
pop-up red warning will show up warning correct file are not found.

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2.5 Download
When you completed above steps, it will create a DWIN_SET folder and a project named DWprj.hmi in the path you selected

The DWIN_SET folder includes as follow:

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Copy the DWIN_SET folder into the SD card root directory ------> Powered on DGUS LCM------> Insert SD card into the slot of
LCM, the configuration files will be downloaded automatically.
Note: During downloading, don’t turn off the LCM, the screen will blink to blue then back to the first image after completion

3. Main Functions of DGUS_SDK

Touch Config : users can use DGUS_SDK software to add buttons on screen, including Popup Window, Variable Data
Input, Incremental Adjustment, Slider Adjustment, RTC Setting, Touch Control, Return Key Code, and ASCII Input. Buttons are
shown as yellow rectangles in DGUS_SDK_V51. Users can also add press effect for buttons.
Variable Config : users can use DGUS_SDK to add variables on screen, including Variable Icon, Animation Icon, Slider,
WordArt, Image Animation, Icon Rotation, Data Variable, Text Display, RTC Display, Analog Clock Display, Dynamic Trend Curve
Display, Table Display, and Basic Graphic Display, Bit Icon, Timer Variable. Variables are shown as light-blue rectangles in
Parameter settings: users can use <System Properties> to adjust parameter settings of DGUS module. Parameter with
“0x” in front should be filled with hex numbers.

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3.1 Touch Config.
3.1.1 Popup Window
Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls (Excel) file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to
serial port.
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
VP: variable pointer.
VAR Type:
INT: write key code in VP address (word).
High Byte: write low byte of key code in high byte of VP.
Low Byte: write low byte of key code in low byte of VP.
Bit: write data from last bit of key code into designated bit of VP address.
(0x10 corresponds to VP.0, 0x1F corresponds to VP.F).
Popup Window: set window picture ID and window area.
Image ID: image ID of window picture.
Cut Area: cut area in image ID.
Paste Position: position of window on current screen.
Note: Only <Touch Control> buttons will work on popup window.

Illustration of button <Popup Window>:

Click <Stop> button - Window pops up - Select YES/NO.

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3.1.2 Variable Data Input
Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to serial
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Jump To: switch to a new picture after pressing.
VP: variable pointer.
VAR Type:
INT: integer.
LONGINT: long integer.
High byte: high byte in VP address.
Low byte: low byte in VP address.
Number of INT Bit: length of integer digits.
Number of DEC Bit: length of decimal digits.
Position: data position when typing.
Font Color: data color when typing.
Font ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font Size: horizontal pixel numbers.
Cursor Color: white/black cursor.
Display Mode: masked by (*)/direct display.
Define Keyboard:
Set the keyboard picture ID and the keyboard area.
Image ID: image ID of the keyboard area.
Cut Area: cut area in image ID.
Paste Position: position of the keyboard on current screen.
Enable VAR Input Limitation:
Set limits for inputting numbers.

Notes: Only <Touch Control> buttons will work on keyboard: 0x00F1 (Confirm), 0-9 corresponds to 0x0030 - 0x0039, 0x00F0
(Cancel), 0x00F2 (Backspace), 0x002D (+/-), 0x002E (.).
Ignore decimal point while setting range restriction for return value. E.g.: the setting is 3 integer bits and 2 decimal bits, and then
the top limit is 10000, rather than 100.
Inputted data can be displayed by <Data Variable>, <WordArt> etc.

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Illustration of button <Variable Data Input>:

Click text – Keyboard pops up – Type data – OK.

Click <Cancel> to interrupt input.

3.1.3 Incremental Adjustment

Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to
serial port.
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
VP: variable pointer.
VAR Type:
0x00: integer.
0x01: high byte in VP address.
0x02: low byte in VP address.
0x10 – 0x1F: adjust value in designated bit of VP address. (0x10
corresponds to VP.0, 0x1F corresponds to VP.F) Step Size must be 0 or 1.
Adjustment Method: ++/--.
Over-limit Operation: stop/ cycle.
Step Size: set step size for +/- buttons.
Min. Value: minimum value for adjustment.
Max. Value: maximum value for adjustment.
Adjusted data can be displayed by <Data variable>, <Icon variable> and
<WordArt> etc.

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Illustration of button <Incremental Adjustment>:

Click <+> or <-> to adjust corresponding value.

Hold the button to adjust continually.

3.1.4 Slider Adjustment

Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to serial
VP: variable pointer.
Value Return Type:
0x00: integer.
0x01: high byte in VP address.
0x02: low byte in VP address.
Direction: horizontal/vertical.
Start Return Value:
The value corresponding to left/top side of slider.
Terminated Value:
The value corresponding to right/bottom side of slider.
This function is only for making touching area for slider. To display it, please
use <Slider display> function.
Adjusted data can be displayed by <Data variable>, <Variable icon> etc.

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Illustration of button <Slider Adjustment>:

Hold the button over 0.5 second and slide the slider to modify number in the right, the value will also be changed.

3.1.5 RTC
Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to serial
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Display Position: data position when typing.
Font Color: data color when typing.
Font Lib_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font Size: horizontal pixel numbers.
Cursor Color: white/black cursor.
Keyboard setting:
Set the keyboard picture ID and the keyboard area.
Image ID: image ID of keyboard area.
Cut Area: cut area in image ID.
Paste Position: position of the keyboard on current screen.
Notes: A keyboard setting is the same as <Data Input>.
Use <RTC display> or <Analog clock display> to display current time.

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Illustration of button <RTC>:

Click <RTC> button - Keyboard Pops Up - Clock Sets Up the Current Time.

3.1.6 Basic Touch Control

Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Jump To: switch to a new picture after pressing.
Only <Touch Control> button works on keyboard area.
Valid key code range: 0x0030 - 0x0039 (0-9), 0x002E (.),
0x002D (+/-), 0x00F0 (Cancel), 0x00F1 (Confirm),
0x00F2 (Backspace).

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3.1.7 Return Key Code
Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to serial
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Jump To: switch to a new picture after pressing.
KeyValue: self-defined keyValue for buttons.
VP: variable pointer.
VP Type:
Save in VP address.
Save in high byte of VP address.
Save in low byte of VP address.
Save in specified bit of VP address.

Illustration of button <Return Key Code>:

Set a <Return Key Code> button, of which VP is 0x000A, key value is 0x0005.

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DGUS module auto uploads data 0005 to serial port as shown.

3.1.8 ASCII Input

Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to serial
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Jump To: switch to a new picture after pressing.
VP: variable pointer.
Text Length: length of text, by word, range from 1 to 123.
Input Mode: re-input/ edit text.
Font Lib_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font Width: horizontal pixel numbers.
Font Height: vertical pixel numbers.
Cursor Color: white/black.
Font Color: data color when typing.
Upload value as typing: tying status upload.
Text Display Area: data position on screen when typing.
Keyboard Displayed in: Current Page/Other Page.
Keyboard Setting:
Set the keyboard picture ID and the keyboard area.
Image ID: image ID of the keyboard area.
Cut Area: cut area in image ID.
Paste Position: position of the keyboard on current screen.
Note: Create <Touch control> buttons on keyboard to define the
key code of the button (0x4161 indicates “A”).
Inputted data can be displayed with <Text display> function.

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Illustration of button <ASCII Input>:

3.1.9 Firmware Parameter Settings

Selected Area: selected button area.
Preview: preview button effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
Data Auto Upload: after pressing the button, key code auto sent to
serial port.
Button Effect: set picture ID for touching effect, -1: null.
Jump To: switch to a new picture after pressing.
Mode: setup mode.
DataPack: data pack of setup.
Setup Mode

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Data Pack Description Function
Transmit data from register to variable SRAM in 0x6F00 to 0x6FFF (low
0x00 No No
Transmit data from address 0x6F00 to 0x6FFF in variable SRAM (low
0x01 No No bytes) to register and reset module parameters including R1-R3,
Coordinates of top-left Convert designated area to monochrome bitmap (vertical mode)
and bottom-right of area. and save the data to designated VP address.
VP address for restoring A. Width (Xe-Xs+1) should be even.
bitmap data. B. Height (Ye-Ys+1) should be multiple of 8.
C. VP data format shown as below:
VP: status indicator, refreshed to 0x5555 after operation.
0x02 VP+1: horizontal length, by word. (Xe-Xs+1) &0xFFFE/2
VP+2: numbers of data segment. (Ye-Ys+1) &0xFFF8/8
VP+3: bitmap data, with MSB priority.
If the key code automatically upload is enabled (R2.3=1), module
will upload message (value in VP address upload to 0x5555) to serial
The command is mainly for printing of current screen.
*VP Variable pointer. Upload data in designated VP address to serial port.
0x03 Range of Tx_LEN: 0x0001-0xFFFF.
Tx_LEN Length of data to be sent.
0x04 Same function with 0x03, uploading data to COM2 (reserved port).
Coordinates of top-left Convert designated area to monochrome bitmap (horizontal mode)
and bottom-right of area. and save the data to designated VP address.
A. Width (Xe-Xs+1) should be multiple of 16.
B. VP data format as shown below:
VP: status indicator, refreshed to 0x5555 after operation.
VP+1: horizontal length, by word. (Xe-Xs+1) &0xFFF0/16
VP address for restoring VP+2: numbers of data segment. (Ye-Ys+1)
bitmap data. VP+3: bitmap data, with MSB priority.
If the key code automatically upload is enabled (R2.3=1), module
will upload message (value in VP address upload to 0x5555) to serial
The command is mainly for printing of current screen.
Frame_Head Frame header (2byte) Send the current touched position to COM2 (serial port for
reserving the system), the format is:
Frame_End Frame end (2byte) Frame_Head + X + Y + Check (The cumulative Sum for 1 byte of X,
Y) + Frame_end.

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3.1.10 Status sync-returned
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
TP_ON_Mode: commands returned with once touch.
TP_ON_CONTINUE_Mode: commands returned with freezing
TP_OFF_Mode: commands returned with touch released.
Status sync-returned mode

Add. Definition Data Length description

0X00 Pic_ID 2 Picture ID
0X02 TP_Area 8 The selected button area
Switch to a new picture after
0X0A Pic_Next 2
0X0C Pic_On 2 Picture ID for touching effect,0XFF:null.
0X0E TP_Code 2 0XFE08
0X10 0xFE 2 0XFE
Commands returned with one touch:
0X00=no commands returned;
0X01=read LEN1 length data from
VP1S , and write to VP1T variable adds;
0X11 TP_ON_Mode 1
0X02=read LEN1 length data from
VP1S, and write to the serial port;
0X03=read LEN1 length data from
VP1S, and write to VP1T register.
Reading data adds of the first touch on the
0X12 VP1S 2
touch screen.
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Writing adds of the first touch on the touch
0X14 VP1T 2
0X16 0x00 1 0X00
Length of the returning data(byte).
0X17 LEN1 1 0X01=LEN1 must be an even
0X18 0xFE 1 0XFE
Commands returned with a freezing
0X00=no commands returned;
0X01=read LEN2 length data from
0X19 TP_ON_Continue_Mode 1 VP2S , and write to VP2T variable adds;
0X02=read LEN2 length data from
VP2S , and write to the serial port;
0X03=read LEN2 length data from
VP2S, and write to VP2T register.
Reading data adds of the freezing touch
0X1A VP2S 2
on the touch screen.
writing data adds of the freezing touch on
0X1C VP2T 2
the touch screen.
0X1E 0x00 1 0X00
Length of the returning data(byte).
0X1F LEN2 1 0X01=LEN2 must be an even
0X20 0xFE 1 0XFE
Commands returned with the button
is released:
0X00=no commands returned;
0X01=read LEN3 length data from
0X21 TP_OFF_Mode 1 VP3S , and write to VP3T variable adds;
0X02=read LEN3 length data from
VP3S , and write to the serial port;
0X03=read LEN3 length data from
VP2S, and write to VP3T register.
Reading data adds when a button is
0X22 VP3S 2
writing data adds of the freezing touch on
0X24 VP3T 2
the touch screen.
0X26 0x00 1 0X00
Length of the returning data(byte).
0X27 LEN3 1 0X01=LEN3 must be an even
0X28 0x00 8 Reserved,0x00 as d.

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3.2 Variable Config.
3.2.1 Variable Icon
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
Set SP to load description data into variable SRAM.
0xFFFF: load description data from configuration file.
VP: variable pointer.
ICON File: address of icon file.
Min/Max value: limits of variables, null if over limit.
Icon ID:
Icon address in icon file corresponding to the min/max value.
Display Mode: transparent/background.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system will
be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

Illustration of variable <Variable Icon>:

Change the value in VP address to display different icons.

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3.2.2 Animation Icon
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
V_Stop: set value to stop animation.
V_Start: set value to start animation.
ICON File: address of icon file.
ICON Stop: icon at V_stop value.
Start/end icon for animation at V_start Value.
ICON Display Mode: transparent/background.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system
will be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

Illustration of variable <Animation Icon>:

When value in VP address is 0, screen display icon 0:

When value in VP address is 9, animation starts.

...... ......

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3.2.3 Slider
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
X, W is start/end point of horizontal slider.
Y, H is start/end point of vertical slider.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
Start/End Value: value corresponding to start/end point.
Slider Mode: horizontal/vertical.
ICON File: address of icon file.
ICON ID: icon address in icon file.
Display Mode: transparent/background.
Coordinate Offset:
Offset to the left/top.
VAR Type:
Integer (whole VP address).
High byte in VP address.
Low byte in VP address.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system will
be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

Note: Set same VP address for <Slider> button and <Slider display> variable to combine them.
<Slider display> is also used as progress bar.

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, VP, Data string to display the Slider and Data above.
A5 5A 05 82 000C 002C

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3.2.4 WordArt
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
ICON File: address of icon file.
ICON 0: icon address corresponding to number 0.
ICON Display Mode: transparent/background.
VAR Type: integer/long integer.
Number of INT/DEC bit: length of integer/decimal digits.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system
will be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

Illustration of variable <WordArt >:

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, VP, Data string to display the WordArt above.
A5 5A 05 82 0CCC 0017

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3.2.5 Image Animation
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
Start Image ID: select starting picture of animation.
End Image ID: select ending picture of animation.
Image Switching Time:
Select switching speed for animation, by every 8ms.
Start image ID should be less than end image ID.
Set a <image animation> on end image to loop.
Send commands or set <touch control> button to interrupt animation.

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3.2.6 Icon Rotation
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the coordinates of rotating center.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
ICON File: address of icon file.
ICON ID: icon address in icon file.
ICON Rotation Center:
Select rotation center (X, Y) for the icon.
Initial/End VAR Value:
Value corresponding to start/end angle, null if over limit.
Initial/End Rotation Angle:
Select start/end angle, ranging from 0 to 720, by every 0.5°.
Display Mode: transparent/background.
Integer (whole VP address).
High byte in VP address.
Low byte in VP address.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system
will be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.
Send serial commands or press buttons to change value in VP
address, and then to adjust the angle of pointer.

Illustration of variable <Icon Rotation >:

Icons file for rotation:

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, VP, Data string to display the ICON above.
A5 5A 05 82 000A 0084

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3.2.7 Data Variable
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of data.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
Font Color: data color.
Font Lib_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font Size: horizontal pixel numbers.
Alignment Mode: Right/Left /Centered.
VAR Type:
0x00: integer.
0x01: long integer.
0x02: high byte in VP address.
0x03: low byte in VP address.
Number of INT Bit: length of integer digits.
Number of DEC Bit: length of decimal digits.
Unit Length:
Corresponding to displayed unit automatically.
Unit Displayed:
ASCII unit for data, max length is 11 bytes.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system
will be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.
Send commands or set buttons to modify displayed data.

Illustration of variable <Data Variable>:

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, VP, Data string to display the Data (left-up) above.
A5 5A 05 82 0000 0022

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3.2.8 Text Display
Selected Area: (X, Y) are top-left coordinates of data.
Textbox is the selected area.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
Text Color: data color.
Encoding Mode:
0x00: 8bit encoding, 0x01: GB2312, 0x02: GBK, 0x03:BIG5, 0x05: UNICODE.
Set Character Interval MANUALLY: on/off.
Text Length: select text length, by byte.
Font0_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font1_ID: address of non-ASCII font file.
Dot Matrix in X/Y-direction: select font size. Please note that parameter
should be the same with the size of font file.
Horizontal/Vertical Separation:
Pixel distance in Horizontal/Vertical.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system will
be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

Illustration of variable <Text Display>:

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, VP, Data string to display the Text (bottom-left) above.
A5 5A 0D 82 0008 64 77 69 6E 20 64 67 75 73 76

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3.2.9 Digital RTC Display
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of data.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
Font Color: data color.
Font Lib_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font Size: horizontal pixel numbers.
Date Format: refer to the red texts in picture in the left.
Use <RTC> button to modify current time.

llustration of variable <Digital RTC Display> (Digital clock on bottom-right of screen):

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3.2.10 Analog Clock Display
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the rotating center coordinates.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
ICON File: address of icon file.
Analog Clock:
ICON Hour: select hour hand ID in icon file.
Center Coordinate: rotation center in icon.
Minute Hand:
ICON Minute: select minute hand ID in icon file.
Center Coordinate: rotation center in icon.
Second Hand:
ICON Second: select second hand ID in icon file.
Center Coordinate: rotation center in icon.
Use <RTC> button to modify current time.

Illustration of variable <Analog Clock Display>:

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3.2.11 Dynamic Trend Curve
Selected Area: select window area, null if over range.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
Y_Central: select center line of trend curve.
Trend curve value at center line, normally average of Max & Min value.
Curve Color: select color for trend curve.
MUL_Y: magnification in Y direction, by every 1/256.
Data Source Channel: select channel for trend curve.
Horizontal Spacing:
Transverse spacing between sampling points.

Illustration of variable <Dynamic Trend Curve Display>:

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, Data channel, Data string to display the trend curve above.
A5 5A 18 84 01 0800 0700 0710 0733 0800 0800 0800
0800 0900 0908 0906

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3.2.12 Table Display
Selected Area: select table area, null if over range.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer, starting address of the data in table.
Column/Row Number: set the size of table.
Start Display Column/Row:
Select starting column/row to be displayed.
0x01-0x7F: length of data for one cell.
0x00: data in VP address defines the length of each column.
When Unit_Data_Num is 00, starting address of data will be (Row number/2,
round up to integer) backward from VP address.
Encoding Mode:
0x00: 8bit, 0x01: GB2312, 02: GBK, 03: BIG5, 04: SJIS, 05: UNICODE.
Set Character Interval MANUALLY: on/off.
Boarder Color: select table boarder color.
Text Color: select text color.
FONT0_ID: address of ASCII font file.
FONT1_ID: address of none-ASCII font file.
X/Y-Direction Size:
Select font size, accordant with width of fonts in font file.
Column Header: Valid Display/Invalid Display.
Row Header: Valid Display/Invalid Display.
Data for table can be loaded by 22.bin file. Refer to DGUS document for
detailed instruction.

Illustration of variable <Table Display>:

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If the length of data is shorter than designated, please use 0xFFFF as end mark of data in this cell.
For oversized table, users can use slider to pull the table.

3.2.13 Basic Graphic Display

Selected Area: select window area, null if over range.
(Limit is only effective for 0x0001 - 0x0005 commands).
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.

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String Format
Address Definition Description
VP CMD Command
VP+1 Data_Pack_Num_Max Data Pack Number
VP+2 DATA_Pack
Data Pack for Basic Graphic
Description of Data Pack Format, by word
CMD Function Relative
Length Definition Description
0x00 2 (x, y) Dot coordinates.
0x0001 Dot
0x02 1 Color Dot color.
0x00 1 Color Line color.
0x01 2 (x, y)0 Vertex 0 coordinates.
0x0002 Line
0x03 2 (x, y)1 Vertex 1 coordinates.
0x01+2*n 2 (x, y)n Vertex n coordinates.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Top-left coordinates.
0x0003 Rectangle 0x02 2 (x, y)e Bottom-right coordinates.
0x04 1 Color Rectangle’s color.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Top-left coordinates.
0x0004 0x02 2 (x, y)e Bottom-right coordinates.
Area Fill
0x04 1 Color Filled color.
0x00 2 (x, y) Circle center coordinates.
0x0005 Circle 0x02 1 Rad Radius of circle.
0x03 1 Color Circle color.
0x00 1 Pic_ID Image ID of cutting area.
0x01 2 (x, y)s Top-left coordinates of the cutting area.
0x0006 Bottom-right coordinates of the cutting
cut/paste 0x03 2 (x, y)e
0x05 2 (x, y) Paste position on current screen.
0x00 2 (x, y) Top-left coordinates of icon.
Icon Icon ID in icon file, high byte of command
Display 0x02 1 ICON_ID specifies address of icon file, display
mode is transparent.
0x00 2 (x, y) Sampling dot coordinates.
0x0008 Area fill
0x02 1 COLOR Filled color.
0x00 1 Color0
0x01 1 X0
0x0009 Vertical line Connect (X0, Y0s) (X0, Y0e) with color 0
0x02 1 Y0s
0x03 1 Y0e
Judging condition:
0xFF: finish operation,
0xFE: skip to next step.

Send command to serial port:

Frame header, Length, Command, Address, Controlling bytes, Data pack, Coordinate, Color
A5 5A 11 82 20 00 00 03 00 01 00 64 00 64 02 8C 01 90 F8 00
To get the rectangle above.

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3.2.14 Special Industrial Application
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.

String Format
Address Definition Description
VP CMD Command
VP+1 Data_Pack_Num_Max Data Pack Number
VP+2 DATA_Pack

Data pack for Special Industrial Application

Description of data pack format, by word
CMD Function
Length Definition Description
0x00 1 Color0 Color of “Safe Zone”.
Color of normally overlapped area
0x01 1 Color1
(Overlapped once).
Color of High-Risk overlapped area
0x02 1 Color2
(Overlapped twice or more).
0x03 1 Color3 Color of circles.
Area of
0x0001 0x04 1 Color4 Color of evasion.
Circles Fill
0x05 4 Disp_Area Display area, null if over range.

0x09+4*n 2 (x, y)n Center coordinates of No. n.

The bigger radius of No. n concentric
0x0B+4*n 1 RADn_1
The smaller radius of No. n concentric
0x0C+4*n 1 RAD2n_2
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3.2.15 Bit Variable Icon

Selected Area: (X, Y) are coordinates of top-left of icons.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
AP: substitutive variable pointer, reserved 2 words.
Bit Icon ON (1) /OFF (0): define BITs to display.
Disp. Mode: shown as the following table.
Align Mode:
0x00: X++, space unreserved for undesignated bits.
0x01: Y++, space unreserved for undesignated bits.
0x02: X++, space reserved for undesignated bits.
0x03: Y++, space reserved for undesignated bits.
Interval: spacing between icons.
Icon File ID: address of icon file.
Icon ID for bit0 in non-animation mode, or starting
Icon ID for bit0 in animation mode.
ICON0E: ending icon ID for bit0 in animation mode.
Icon ID for bit1 in non-animation mode, or starting
Icon ID for bit1 in animation mode.
ICON1E: ending icon ID for bit1 in animation mode.
ICON Mode: Transparent/Opaque.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system will be
initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

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Value of bit
0 1
0x01 ICON0S Null.
0x02 ICON0S Animation: ICON1S - ICON1E.
0x03 Null. ICON1S
0x04 Null. Animation: ICON1S - ICON1E.
0x05 Animation: ICON0S - ICON0E. ICON1S
0x06 Animation: ICON0S - ICON0E. Null.
0x07 Animation: ICON0S - ICON0E. Animation: ICON1S - ICON1E.

Illustration of variable <Bit Icon> (on bottom of screen):

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3.2.16 Timer Variable
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of data.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
Color: data color.
Font Lib ID: address of font file, 8bit encoding half-width.
Font Size: font size in X-direction.
Data length (Bytes): byte numbers to be displayed.
ASCII Separators: data string.
Convert: convert ASCII Separators into Hex Separators.
Encoded separators string, used to define the format of Timer. Every time a
Timer data (BCD code) is read, one ASCII char will be added after as separator.
Some special chars: 0x00: none, Timer data will be concatenated; 0x0D: new

Illustration of variable <Bit Icon> (on top-right of screen):

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3.2.17 RollText
Selected Area: (X, Y) are the top-left coordinates of data.
Preview: preview VAR display effect.
Name: name this button for viewing it in .xls file.
SP: stack pointer, default setting is 0xFFFF.
VP: variable pointer.
Text Color: data color.
Encoding Mode:
0x00: 8bit encoding,
0x01: GB2312,
0x02: GBK,
0x05: UNICODE.
Set Character Interval MANUALLY: on/off.
Roll-in Mode:
0X00=right to left
0X01=left to right
0X02=top to bottom
0X03=bottom to top
Roll-in Space: pixels to roll in each DGUS period.
Alignment: centered, left-aligned, right-aligned, top-aligned, button-aligned,
equal width, equal height.
Font0_ID: address of ASCII font file.
Font1_ID: address of non-ASCII font file.
Dot Matrix in X/Y-direction: select font size. Please note that parameter
should be the same with the size of font file.
Horizontal/Vertical Separation:
Pixel distance in Horizontal/Vertical.
Initial Value: Set the initial value & save it in the 22 config file,the system
will be initiated according to 22 config file when the DGUS is started.

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4. Commands

4.1 Data Frame

Serial data frame is constituted with 5 parts as shown in chart below:
Data Block 1 2 3 4 5
Command Data
Definition Frame header Data length CRC checksum
type string
2 1 1 N 2
Defined by
command type, Enabled by R2
Description and RA 0x80-0x84
data string and parameter in config.txt
CRC checksum
in config.txt

4.2 Command Set

Function CMD Data Description
0x80 ADR(0x00-0xFF)+Data_Pack Write data in particular address of register
Access ADR(0x00-0xFF)+
Read data in particular address of register
Register RD_LEN(0x00-0xFF)
Response of DWIN LCD module
Write data in particular address of
0x82 A0…
variable SRAM
ADR_H: L(0x0000-0x6FFF)+ Read data in particular address of
RD_LEN(0x00-0x7F) variable SRAM
0x83 ADR_H:
L+RD_LEN+DATA0……+ Response of DWIN LCD module
Write trend curve buffer.
CH_Mode defines the channels of
data :
 Each bit in CH_Mode
corresponds to one channel.
Trend  CH_Mode. 0 corresponds
Curve 0x84 to channel 0.
Buffer  Low channel ranges
 E.g.:
CH Mode=0x83(10000011B),
 data format like
Register is accessed by every byte, variable SRAM and trend curve buffer is accessed by word.

4.3 Register
Register, 256 bytes, is used for hardware operation and process control.
Register Length
0x00 Version 1 DGUS version number, BCD code, 0x10 indicates V1.0.
0x01 LED_NOW 1 LED brightness, 0x00-0x40.

0x02 BZ_TIME 1 Buzzer beeping time, by every 10ms.

Read: read current picture ID.
0x03 PIC_ID 2
Write: switch to specific picture ID.
0x5A: there is update of touching area.
0x05 TP_Flag 1 Others= no updating.
TouchPanel data is no longer updated if user did not clear the flag
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after data retrieving.
0x01: first click.
0x03: pressing down.
0x06 TP_Status 1
0x02: uplift pressing.
Others: null.
0x07 TP_Position 4 Coordinate of touching position: X_H:L, Y_H:L.
0x00: disable the touchPanel.
0x0B TPC_Enable 1 Others: enable the touchPanel.
Default setting: 0xFF.
0x0C-0x0F Reserve 4 Undefined.
0x10-0x1A R0-RA 11 Mapping of SD card config. register, read only.
0x5A: RTC data is rewritten through serial port, cleared after RTC auto
Send serial command to modify current time, e.g.: A5 5A 0A 80 1F 5A 12 10 25 0412 00 01. “04” means Thursday, it can be
written as any day you choose.
0x30-0x3F Reserve 16 Undefined.
0x40 En_Lib_OP 1 0x5A: applying writing in font flash memory, clear after operation.
0x50: Transfer data from variable SRAM to font flash memory.
0x41 Lib_OP_Mode 1
0xA0: Transfer data from font flash memory to variable SRAM.
Designate font address for data exchange. Total space are 16MB, font
0x42 Lib_ID 1
space: 0x40-0x7F, maximum space of every font is 128KW.
Designate address in font library for data exchange. Specified the first
0x43 Lib_Address 3
(word) address for data operation in font storage, 0x00:00:00-0x01:FF:FF.
Designate variable SRAM addresses for data exchange. Specified the first
0x46 VP 2
(word) address for data operation in font storage, 0x00:00-0x6F:FF.
0x48 OP_Length 2 Length of exchanged data, by word.
Save 1KW variable data string starting from 0x1000 address into #64 font ID with starting 0x0000 address, send serial
command: A5 5A 0C 80 40 5A 50 40 00 00 00 10 00 02 00.
16-bit software timer, in term of 4ms, auto-decrement to
0x4A Timer0 2
0x4C Timer1 1 8-bit software timer, in term of 4ms, auto-decrement to 0. Maximum
error is
0x4D Timer2 1 8-bit software timer, in term of 4ms, auto-decrement to 0. +/_4ms.

0x4E Timer3 1 8-bit software timer, in term of 4ms, auto-decrement to 0.

Address of key code for 13 touch control config. file, 0x00: null.
0x4F Key_code 1
Clear after operation executed.
0x50-0xFF Reserve 182 Undefined.

Register is accessed by command 0x80/0x81.

DGUS Register Space: 0x00H-0xFFH, is written / read by byte.

DGUS Variable Data Memory Space: 0x0000H-0x6FFFH, is written / read by word.
Data in Curve buffer is written / read by word.
The communication between DGUS LCMs & Controllers (MCU) are driven by Variables that you may read and write in
corresponding address.

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4.4 VP & SP

4.4.1 VP (Variable Pointer) About VP
VP is the initial address of variables in variable SRAM (56KB) which separated into 28672 pcs of memory spaces from 0x0000
to 0x6FFF occupying two bytes for each below. (High bytes and Low bytes)

Starting Address Length

The communication between DGUS LCMs and host is oriented by variables that you may read or write in corresponding
address. Reading &Writing of initial address and variable length could be changed via Command 0x82&0X83 if known in advance. How to use VP?

 Assign VP for each variables
Each variable should be assigned a VP, yet overlap is not allowed. The value of the variable will be saved from the VP. For
example, variable 1 as a long integer saved in 0x1001 while variable 2 as an integer have to be stored on another address
preventing 0x1001 and 0x1002 from conflicts with variable 1.

VP of variable 1
Length of variable 1
2 words

VP of variable 2 Length of variable 2

0x1003 2 words

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 Set VP via DGUS_SDK
For example, display and input a variable (No. 100) which is an integer. The VP of this variable is 0x1000.

VP 00

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Supposing that reading & writing to the same one, touch and input parameters of VP should be the same accordingly.

4.4.2 SP (Stack Pointer) About SP
SP is the initial address for saving variable attributes which described features of the variables, such as font color, font size and
unit of variables, etc. The variable attributes refers to the Chapter Five of DGUS Dev. Guide.

SP shares the same SRAM with VP from 0x0000 to 0x6FFF. It is only used for variable display but overlap exception.

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 Set SP via DGUS_SDK

Take “Data Display” as example:

0x5000 VP

X, Y

Aligment Mode

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 Change variable attributes via SP
Same sample as above:
In operation, if user attempts to do the changes on data color to red, just need able to write down a new value into
corresponding address.


The color is saved

in 0x5003

Frame header (2 Bytes)+Data length (1 Byte)+Command (1 Byte)+Data (N Byte: ADR+data/LEN)+CRC (2 Bytes, optional)
Send:5A A5 05 82 50 03 F8 00
Description: 5003: the address of color
F800: the value of red color

4.5 Examples
Configure frame header and baud rate in CONFIG.TXT via DGUS SDK as below:

Frame header (2 Bytes)+Data length (1 Byte)+Command (1 Byte)+Data (N Byte: ADR+data/LEN)+CRC (2

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4.5.1 Access Register of DGUS Write Data into Register
Switch current picture to pic_3:

Send: 5A A5 04 80 03 00 03
Description: 03: Register for Picture ID
00 03: Appoint picture ID Read Data from Register

Handshaking:Read DGUS version (V 5.7):

Send: 5A A5 03 81 00 01
Description: 00: Register for DGUS Version
01: Read data by a byte Response from the DGUS module

Receive: 5A A5 04 81 00 01 47
Description: 47: The version is 47 (V 4.7)

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4.5.2 Access Variable SRAM Write Data into variable SRAM
Write Data 100 to VP=0x0010

Send: 5A A5 05 82 00 10 00 64
Description: 0010: Variable pointer
0064:Data 100 in hexadecimal format Read Data from variable SRAM

Send: 5A A5 04 83 00 10 01
Description: 0010: Variable pointer
01: Read data by a word Response from the DGUS module

Receive: 5A A5 05 83 00 10 01 00 20
Description: 0020: Data 32 in hexadecimal format
4.5.3 Dynamic Trend Curve Display
Send: 5A A5 12 84 12 00 32 00 72 00 9F 00 04 00 17 00 36 00 93 00 1A
Description: 12: Channel 4 & Channel 1, 8bit(0001 0010)

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Display the trend curve in the same area Display the trend curve in the different area simultaneously

4.5.4 Basic Graphic Display

String Format
Address Definition Description
VP CMD Command.
Max number of data packs.
VP+1 Data_Pack_Num_Max
For command 0x0002, it’s number of graph.
VP+2 DATA_Pack
Date Pack For Basic Graphic
Description of Data Format, by word
CMD Function Relative Data
Definition Description
Address Length
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of dot.
0x0001 Dot
0x02 1 Color Color of dot.
0x00 1 Color Color of line.
0x01 2 (x, y)0 Coordinate of vertex 0.
0x0002 Line
0x03 2 (x, y)1 Coordinate of vertex 1.
0x01+2*n 2 (x, y)n Coordinate of vertex n.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left.
0x0003 Rectangle 0x02 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right.
0x04 1 Color Color of rectangle.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left.
0x0004 0x02 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right.
Area Fill
0x04 1 Color Filled color.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of center of circle.
0x0005 Circle 0x02 1 Rad Radius of circle.
0x03 1 Color Color of circle.
Picture 0x00 1 Pic_ID Image ID of cutting area.
Cut/Paste 0x01 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left of cutting area.

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0x03 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right of cutting area.
0x05 2 (x, y) Paste position on current screen.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of top-left of icon.
0x**07 Icon ID in icon file, high byte of command specifies
Display 0x02 1 ICON_ID
address of icon file, display mode is transparent.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of sampling dot.
0x0008 Area Fill
0x02 1 Color Filled color.
0x00 1 Color0
Vertical 0x01 1 X0
0x0009 Connect (X0, Y0s), (X0, Y0e) with color0.
Line 0x02 1 Y0s
0x03 1 Y0e
Description of Data Format, by word
CMD Function Relative Data
Definition Description
Address Length
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of dot.
0x0001 Dot
0x02 1 Color Color of dot.
0x00 1 Color Color of line.
0x01 2 (x, y)0 Coordinate of vertex 0.
0x0002 Line
0x03 2 (x, y)1 Coordinate of vertex 1.
0x01+2*n 2 (x, y)n Coordinate of vertex n.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left.
0x0003 Rectangle 0x02 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right.
0x04 1 Color Color of rectangle.
0x00 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left.
0x0004 0x02 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right.
Area Fill
0x04 1 Color Filled color.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of center of circle.
0x0005 Circle 0x02 1 Rad Radius of circle.
0x03 1 Color Color of circle.
0x00 1 Pic_ID Image ID of cutting area.
Picture 0x01 2 (x, y)s Coordinate of top-left of cutting area.
Cut/Paste 0x03 2 (x, y)e Coordinate of bottom-right of cutting area.
0x05 2 (x, y) Paste position on current screen.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of top-left of icon.
0x**07 Icon ID in icon file, high byte of command specifies address
Display 0x02 1 ICON_ID
of icon file, display mode is transparent.
0x00 2 (x, y) Coordinate of sampling dot.
0x0008 Area Fill
0x02 1 Color Filled color.
0x00 1 Color0
Vertical 0x01 1 X0
0x0009 Connect (X0, Y0s), (X0, Y0e) with color0.
Line 0x02 1 Y0s
0x03 1 Y0e
Status Flag:
0xFF Current drawing operation finished.
0xFE This operation will be skipped (ignored).

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Take Circle Drawing for example

1) Add a basic graphic display via DGUS SDK software and set vp to 0x00A0 as below:

2) Send commands by serial port

Send: 5A A5 11 82 00 A0 00 05 00 01 01 64 00 EF 00 64 F8 00 FF 00

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Hex Description
5A A5 Frame header
11 Data length
82 Command
00 A0 VP
00 05 Circle command
00 01 One circle

01 64 X coordinate of center of circle:356

00 EF Y coordinate of center of circle:239

00 64 Radius of circle:100
F8 00 Color: red
FF 00 Drawing operation finished

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