2007 - Us20070294034a1 - Method For Designing and Optimizing Drilling and Completion Operations in Hydrocacrbon Reservoirs

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4A {NO A "US 200702940: cu») United States 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2007/0294034 A1 Bratton et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 20, 2007 (64) METHOD FOR DESIGNING AND Related US. Application Data OPTIMIZING DRILLING AND CHP CEROW GEERARORTTT (60) Provisional aplication No, 60/814,482, filed on Jun. n 15, 2006, provisional application No. GOS. 870 RVOIRS filed on Jal 19, 2006, HYDROCARBON RI (95) ven: Tom Bratton, ition, CO (US) Pubieaton Csienon 9 Roepe Hands RAN, 6) agg, et ees GO6F 19/00 (2006.01) (UR) Adam Donal, : a Highlnds Rane, CO US) eae ee eet Goo Yr40 0601) us.ch 7246; TORN; TO; 022 ABSTRACT INFORMATION SOL SUITE. 1700 A method is disclosed for generating a wellsite design, 5599 SAN FEL 7 comprising: designing workllow for an Earth Model eee buikling an initial Eath Model based on the workHlow apie for modeling deiling and completions operations in (21) Appl. Nos mmtsatt 4 hydrocarbon reservoir ealibratng the inal arth Model thereby generating calibrated Fath Mode: and generating (22) Fie Jon. 14,2007 the wellste design using the calibrated Farth Model 106 a 132 OBTAIN AN INITIAL EM ~ 136 OBSERVE WELLSITE coNomions [~~ 136 PERFORM SIMULATION TO | ~ GENERATE PREDICTIONS 138 COMPARE OBSERVED WELLSITE |—~ CONDITIONS TO PREDICTIONS 140, 142 00 GBseRVATIONS ‘AGREE Win} ~>YES__| ACCEPT EM As PREDICTONS? ‘catterareD fu Iho 144 ‘ADLUST INTL EW BASED ON ACTUAL DATA Patent Application Publication Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 1 of 15 US 2007/0294034 Al 10 i WORKSTATION OR OTHER COMPUTER SYSTEM i 20 i t \ | PROCESSOR ee Li-so 30 SYSTEM BUS MEMORY SOFTWARE ADAPTED FOR OPTIMIZING DRILLING AND COMPLETION OPERATIONS IN HYDROCARBON RESERVOIRS 0 Co SOFTWARE ADAPTED FOR OPTIMIZING DRILLING AND INPUT COMPLETION OPERATIONS OATA IN HYDROCARBON RESERVOIRS 60 FIG.1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 2 of 15 US 2007/0294034 AI r i i i || | DESIGN A WORKFLOW FoR it a AN EM i i Hh 1 1 tt ri 111) guuo ima, Ew BASED ON | 60 ma THE WORKFLOW DESIGN Hy fet it | 106 i Ih it |) =) CAUBRATE INTIAL EM it \ {| 8 1 i 1 it a GENERATE WELLSIE DESIGN'S) it at BASED ON THE CALIBRAI it iy it pe s1 | ! \ ! MONITOR WELLSITE DATA ! i ! 1 110" i ' ' L US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 3 of 15 Patent Application Publication zzi—_| N3QuNEZAO set HIONRUS SUNSSId 4004 cet Ev] 9z1 AHAVAOUVeLS Nois3a Nnouoaeia 1 ronmaan MOTEIOM SSTMUS ar ort —] SolsAHdoMLad aoe oy our ‘TWINOZIHOH wy : au a OMENVALS Ls £Old Patent Application Publication Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 4 of 15 US 2007/0294034 Al 106 132 OBTAIN AN INITIAL EM [-~ 134 OBSERVE WELLSITE CONDITIONS 136 PERFORM SIMULATION TO GENERATE PREDICTIONS COMPARE OBSERVED WELLSITE |-—~ CONDITIONS TO PREDICTIONS ACCEPT EM AS CALIBRATED EM 144 ADJUST INITIAL EM BASED ON ACTUAL DATA FIG.4 Patent Application Publication Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 5 of 15 US 2007/0294034 Al 108 4 146 OBTAIN CALIBRATED EM ie 1 ____| DEFINE OPERATING CONSTRAINTS had FOR A WELLSITE OPERATION 150 DESIGN WELLSITE OPERATION BASED ON CALIBRATED EM AND OPERATING CONSTRAINTS 152 PERFORM WELLSITE OPERATION MONITOR WELLSITE PARAMETERS |—' RE-CALIBRATE EM USING ‘_— MONITORED WELLSITE PARAMETERS FIG.S US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 6 of 15 Patent Application Publication my v9'old NOWONGONd ‘DINSIIS—" 4 SNOUDIO3¥d $907 Id ‘ASH su ‘BSNOdSIY BINSSIud |— auyangov ed Srevava | ‘WOLE Welt veat voli a Nougnaoya nan ‘ 30v00ue on BUNSS3ud “4413039 | 3SIN3Y foal BQvOoveL a Welt voor zat SSRUS TWINOZINOH | NOUDaYIC SsTuIs | 3UNSSId 30d Ngqunawan0 dey ‘5S Wn "Xed HIONIUUS TWwoINvHOaN SOISAHAOSLIe DSOMANNELS ost 991 3O¥NI 3HORTIM—3UNW nan Nouwinnis $907 ann TIdOwd Tavs—TaIA |— +— Sng ony 1oIGaud sem amdy get oe BuvdNOo z91 +9 SYFdITVD 'INI-FUNTWS ees su TUsONd Wiave ‘SS—C7IA pe uvaNOO¥ “3AY3SEO ‘SSNS fp uv Lt \ ‘09b US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 7 of 15 Patent Application Publication 89°9l4 ee eee eee eee 5 1 ae | ' ' a31doddns ! SH AgOSHL i 1 fe on] ' 1 1 HONS) SNOUDIORe eee ‘auvenaav ' i ' giz | Mad | | 1 q3SOd0ud avis ' ASOBHL WITEOUd ! 1 Soe £02 ' I i TROON V GNY VIVO S38INO3Y GOHLN OUUNGOS | Se 4 ‘US 2007/0294034 AL Patent Application Publication Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 8 of 15 WOTRIOM CISVE GON FANT GAIN US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 9 of 15 Patent Application Publication Boon IN 1g2 OOM HLA MOTDUOM C3SVE TROON HIava CLVaORINI eee US 2007/0294034 AI Dee. 20, 2007 Sheet 10 of 15 Patent Application Publication ~-------------------- PO - su on Lie FONTIAXT NOUDIG3¥e Nv ‘ONY ‘SNOLWAN3SEO YOLvINNS ‘viva TWOINYHOIWOID We 64 zi get vet sassquis | Nouoaia | 3ynssaud TWINOZRIOH | SSIS Od NOWNIIXI oz ori on HIONZHLS | AHGVYDLVALS | — SOISAH 904 WOINYHOIN OULId T3Q0N HISW3 TWOINYHOIN ' m |OTDHSOM SOINVHDSNOIO US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 11 of 15 Patent Application Publication momsgomo | LI | | | NOLONGOYd 1507 NOUINGOd 1807 — NOWINGOYd 1SO7 NOWWINALS 139 OBINN-SSOYD ‘ININFD bdd 4°G1 “bdd 41 dd YIOAYISIY Patent Application Publication Dee. 20, 2007 Sheet 12 of 15 US 2007/0294034 Al 103, a ‘SURFACE 129° UNIT 149 REE STEERS ISS 1a SASS StH S 125 as ik a" 11a 108 135 JHR) 141} i 139} Sy IK 105 X Rae y Y 137—~ Ss SHS A WM3. ¥ SS " x o S VRE Patent Application Publication FIG.12 Dee. 20, 2007 Sheet 13 of 15 US 2007/0294034 AI 212 WELL LOG OUTPUT RECORD REDUCED SEISMIC DATA OUTPUT RECORD 240 INPUT DATA COMPUTER SYSTEM FIG.17 US 2007/0294034 AI Dec. 20, 2007 Sheet 14 of 15 Patent Application Publication vb Old Ooze. oze 502 NNN NNN NR IS : On x : A ez zee eee 91 sez IN | \ viva PN ouoosy | OINSI3S _— inaino B34 ee OINSRS gzz Patent Application Publication Dec. 20,2007 Sheet 15 of 15 US 2007/0294034 AI SEISMIC OUTPUT PROCESSOR 232 RECORD | 228 I SYSTEM BUS | | (225 226 l 20! RECEIVED RECORDING SEISMIC TRUCK COMPUTER} DATA MEMORY FIG.15 ee 7 I SEISMIC UT MAINFRAME RECORD 232 PROCESSOR | 2356 I Bus 234 238 240 DATA REDUCED SEISMIC} REDUCTION DATA OUTPUT SOFTWARE RECORD SSS ee el US 2007/0294034 AI METHOD FOR DESIGNING AND OPTIMIZING DRILLING AND COMPLETION OPERATIONS IN HYDROCARBON RESERVOIRS, CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED [APPLICATIONS [0001] This application isa Utley application of: (1) price Provisional application Ser. No. 60/814,482 filed Jun. 15, 2006, and (2) prior Provisional application Se. No. 604831, 1870 filed Jul. 19, 2006, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] This subject mater disclosed inthis specification relates to techniques for designing wellbore operations. In particular, this specification discloses a method and associ ‘ated system and. program storage deviee and computer program for developing earth models for designing dilling ‘and/or completions operations for a wellbore penetrating & subterranean fomation. 10003] | Many reservoirs did do not have suicent perme- ability to be commercial unless hydraulic facture was is ‘reat that connected more ofthe reservoir to the Wellbar Pemmeahility is “he ability, or measurement of a rock's ability, to transmit fluids, typically measure in darcies oF nillidarcis.” (Schlumberger Oilfekl Glossary.) ln addition, the hydraulic fracture (or other completion pathway, such as the perforation) also needed needs 10 have a suficient permecblity permeability in order forthe reservoir to be ‘commercial. (The term “conductivity” is often usod 10 describe the permeability of 2 fracture) As the search for hydrocarbons continues and the price of hydrocarbon increases, technologies are developing that allow commer production from reservoirs with “micro Darcy” perme bility and lower, However, commercial development is ‘offen limited hy insullicient permeability ofthe completion pathway. This specification discloses a ‘workllow that mod- ‘ls and optimizes drilling and completion operations ia hydrocarbon reservoirs’, where the reservoirs may OF may rot be naturally fractured. That is, the aforementioned “workflow that optimizes drilling ancl completion operations in hydrocarbon reservoirs’ will characterize or determine & set of “properties of the reservoir" with enough clarity in ‘onder design one or more “drilling aad completion opera tions’ suc that che “illing and completion operations will minimize the damage to the hydrocarbon reservoir, mini- mize the damage t the completion pathway, maximize the production rate, and maximize the ultimate recovery SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION {0004} One aspect of the present invention involves method of generating a wellsite design, comprising: design- ing # workflow for an Parth Model, building an initial Farth “Moxdel based on the workflow adapted for modeling drilling and completions operations in a hydrocarbon reservoir ‘calibrating the initial Earth Model thereby” generating. ‘calibrated Earth Model; and generating the wellste design using the calibrated Earth Mode [0005] A further aspect ofthe present invention involves a ‘computer program adapted to be executed by a processor, the computer program, when executed by the processor, ‘conducting a process for generating # wellsite design, the process comprising: designing a workflow for an Earth Dee. 20, 2007 ‘Model; building an inital Earth Model based on the wi flow adapted for modeling drilling and completions ope ‘ions in a hydrocarbon reservoir, calibrating te initial Earth Model thereby generating a calibrated Earth Model: and generating the wellsite design using the ealbrated Earth Model. [0006] _ further aspect of the present invention involves program storage device readable by a machine tangibly tembodying a set of instractions executable by the machine ‘perform method steps for generating a welste design, the sncthod steps comprising: designing a workflow foran Earth ‘Model; building an inital Earth Model based on the work- How adapted for modeling drilling and completions oper- ‘ions in a hydrocarbon reservoir; calibrating te initial Earth Model thereby generating a calibrated Earth Model: and generating the wellsite design using the ealibrated Earth Model [0007] further aspect of the present invention involves 0 ‘method of generating a wellsite design, the wellsite design relating © dlling and completions operation ina hydro- carbon reserir, comprising: designing a workflow for an Earth Model; building an initial Earth Model based on the ‘workilow, the intial Ean Model including one of more \workilow models, the workflow models of the initial Earth ‘Mode! being operatively interconnected ina particular man- ser in order to optimize the dling and completions oper- tion in the hydrocarbon reservoirs, the one or more workflow nodels of the intial Farth Model optimizing the dling and npletions operations in the hydrocarbon reservoirs by mizing a damage to the hydrocarbon reservoir, mini- ‘izing a damage 1o 8 completion pathway. maximizing production rate, and maximizing an uldimate recovery of ‘underground deposits of hydrocarbon from the reser calibrating the initial Earth Model thercby generating. 9 calibrated Earth Model, the calibrating step including (a) ‘observing wellsite conditions thereby generating observa- tions, (b) performing simulations to thereby generate pre- ictons, (€) comparing the observations with the predie- tions, (Q) ccepting the inital Farth Model, thereby generating a calibrated Earth Model, on the condition that the observations agree with the predictions e) adjusting the initial Earth Model on the condition thatthe observations do ‘ot agree with the predictions; and (I) repeating steps (b) ‘through (e) until the observations agree wit the predictions; And generating the wellste design ising the calibrated Earth ‘Model, the sep of generating the wellsite desig including cobiaining the calibrated Earth Model, defining operating constants for wellsite operation, and designing and fgenemiting the wellsite design using the calibrated Earth ‘Model and the operating constraints [0008] further aspect of the present invention involves @ computer program adapted 1 be executed by a processor, the computer program, when exccuted hy the processor conducting a process for generating a wellsite design, the wwellsite design relating to drilling and completions ope tion in a hydrocarbon reservoir, the process compsing: designing a workilow for an Earth Model; building an initial Eanlh Model based on the workilow, the initial Eaeth Model including one of more workflow models, the workflow ‘models of the initial arth Model being operatively inter- connected in a particular manner in order to optimize the Grilling and completions operation in the hydrocarbon res- envois, the one oF more workflow medels ofthe initial Bata ‘Model optimizing the driling and completions operations US 2007/0294034 AI the hydrocarbon reservoirs by minimizing a damage tothe hydrocarbon reserve, minimizing a damage © @ eomple- tion pathway, maximizing a prduetion mate, and maxiiz~ ing an wlmate recovery of uadenaround deposits of hydo- ‘earbon fom the servo calibrating the ital Earth Model thereby generating a ealrated arth Model he ealbrating Sep iacluding (@) observing wellsite conditions therchy generating observations, (6) performing, simulations. t0 thereby generate predictions, () comparing the observations ‘withthe prediction; (8) accepting te inital Earth Model, thereby generating «calibrated Earth Model, om he enc tion thatthe observations spree with the prediction, (@) adjusting the inal Earth Model on the condition that the ‘observations do not agree with the pretitions, and (D) repeating steps ()thvugh (6) unl Ie observations aaree th tho prtictions: and generating the wellito design Using the calibrated Earth Modal the step of generating the welsie design including obtaining the calibrated Farth Model, defining operating constants for a wellite opera tion, and designing and generating the wellste design using the calibrated Earth Model andthe operating consent 10009} A rte aspect of the present invention involves @ system adapted for generating a wellsite design, compsing apparatus adaped for designing a workflow for at Fath Model apparatus adapt for bulking an initial Earth Model based on the workflow, stid initial Earth. Model being adapted for modeling driling and completions operations ia ‘hydrocarbon reservoir, apparatus adapted for elibrating the intl Earth Model thereby generating calibrated Earth Model: and apparatus adapted for generating the wellsite ‘design using the calibited Earth Model 10010} A farther aspect ofthe present invention involves & system adapted for yeneating a welite design, the wellste ‘design relating o a dailing and completions operation in a hydrocarbon reservoie, comprising: apparatus adapted for sighing a workflow foran Fans Mal: appara adapted for building an inital Kath Model based on the worktow, the inal Earth Model including one or ore worklow models, the workflow models of the inital Earth Model being operatively interconnected in » particular manner ia ‘onder o opinize the drilling and completions operation in the hydrocarbon resect the one oF more worllow model ofthe inal Earth Model optimizing the dling and ‘completions operations in the hydcarbon reservoirs hy minimizing 9 damage tothe hydrocarbon reservoi,mi mizing a damoge to 4 completion pathway, maxinizing @ production rate, and maximizing an vlimste recovery of Underground deposits of lydrocarbon from the reservoir calibrating appatatis adapted fr eaibrating the initial Fath Model thereby generating a calibrated Earth Model, the calibrating appartes incloding, (2) apparatus adapted for ‘observing wellsite conditions Thereby generating. abser- tions, (D} apparatus adept for performing simulations to thereby zener proditions (c) pparatus adapted or com- paring the observations with th predictions, (2) apparatus ‘nkpted for accepting the ital arth Model, heey pen eraling a calibrated Barth Model, on the condition thatthe Dbserations ausee wilh the preieGons, (e) apparatus adapted for adjusting the initial Earth Madal onthe eon tim that the observations do not gree with the prictions, and () appara adapod for resting th (b) tough the (©) until the observations agree withthe predictions: and fBeneratng apparton adopted for generating the wellsite ‘sign usog the calibrated Earth Model, the generating Dee. 20, 2007 apparatus including apparatus adapted for obtaining the calibrated Earlh Model, apparatus adapts for defining oper ating constants for a Wellsite operation, and apparatus ‘adapted for desigaing and generating the wellsite desiga ‘using the calibrated Fah Model ane the operating. con- [0011] "Further scope of appicabitity wil become apparent from the description and detailed description presented hereinatter. It should be understood, however, that the description and detailed description and specific examples sot forth below are given by way of illustration only, sinee Various changes and modifications within the spirit and scape of the workflow that optimizes drilling and comple- ‘ion operations in hydrocashon reservoirs as described and claimed in this specification, will hocome obvious to one slilled inthe art fom a reading ofthe following description And detailed description, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] A fall understanding will be obtained from the ‘etsled description presented hereinbelow, and the aecom- panying drawings which are given by way of illustration ‘only and are not intended to be limitative to ay extent, ad ‘wherein: [0013] FIG. 1 itustrates a computer system adapted for storing a ‘Software adapted for optimizing Drilling and Completions Operations in Hydrocarbon reservoirs; 0014} FIG. 2 illustrates @ flow chart of the “Software adapted for Optimizing Drilling and! Completions Oper. ‘ions in Hydrocarbon reservoirs’ 60 which is stored in the computer system of FIG. 1 and is adapted 10 “oy Grilling and completions operations in hydrocarbon reser voirs by “characterizing the properties of the reservoir with enough clarity in onder to design drilling and completions ‘operations that minimizes the damage to the hydrocarbon reservoi, minimize the damage tothe completion palhway. ‘maximize the production rate, and maximize the uldimate recovery of underground deposits of hydrocarbon in the reservoir" and generate a “welsite design based on & cali brated Earth Model (EM) prior to procticing “monitor wellsite data’ step; 0015] FIG. 3s a schematic diagram illustrating a “wo ‘ow design’ ofan “Initial Earth Model (EMY based on the wworkllow design’ of FIG. 2, the ‘Initial Earth Mosel (EM) being adapted to model drilling and completion eperatio in hydrocarbon reservoirs, and, during the modeling, the EM ill ‘optimize drilling and completions operations in hydeo- carbon reservoirs’ by ‘characterizing the properties of the reservoir wth enough clarity in order to design ceiling and completions operations that minimizes the damage 10 the hnydtocarbon reservoie, minimize the damage to the eomple- tion pathway, maximize the production rate, and maximize the ulkimate recovery of underground deposits of hydrocar- bon inthe reservoit", [0016] FIG. 4 is a Mow chart depicting a method of calibrating the “Initial Earth Model (EM representing dell ing and completions operations” of FIG. 3 [0017] FIG. 5 is a How chart depicting a ‘method of generating a wellsite drilling and completions operational ‘design’ whieh uses the Initial Eath Model of FIG. 3 which has been calibrated using the calibration method of FIG. 4: [0018] FIG. 64 isa flow char depicting a more detailed constnction of the “method of generating a wellsite diling and completions operational design’ of FIG. §; US 2007/0294034 AI 10019] FIG. 61 illsteates a scientific method or process ‘wherein a model or theory is proposed and rlined until the model or theory accurately predicts the results of an experi- ment or process [0020] FIGS. 7A and 7B illustates how the scientific method or process of FIG. 6s applied to olleld operations [0021] FIG. 8 ilystraes an Fath Model (EM) incloding 2 Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) adapted for geomechanical simulation 10022] FIG. 9 illustrates an example of damaged natural Jctures in a well that has 19 hydraulic fracture stages; 10023] "FIGS. 10 and 11 illustrate the ultimate purpose of| the above referenced Software stored inthe memory of the ‘computer system of FIG. 1 that is adapted for practicing a “Method for optimizing Drilling and Completions Opera- tions in Hydrocarbon reservoirs’; thats, to extract oi andor as from an Earth formation, FIG. 10 illustrating the char ‘eteristies of the Barth formation, and FIG. 1 losing 3

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