Module 4 Empowerment Technologies 12 FINAL

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Grade and Section:____________________

Learning Module No. 4

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What is this module all about?

The following topics are included in this module:
(1) Online file formats for images and text
(2) Principle and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

What are you going to learn?

In this module, you are expected to meet the following competencies:
(1) use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change or enhance their current
state to communicate a message for a specific purpose (DepEd-MELC);
(2) create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message
in an online environment related to specific professional tracks (DepEd-MELC)


Before we proceed to the discussion of each lesson, let us first assess your prior knowledge about the File
Formats and Image Manipulation. Read all the questions below carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct
I. Multiple Choice Questions
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer before the number.
1. Which of the following is made up of a set grid of dots called pixels in which each is assigned a
a. File Format c. Raster File Format
b. Format d. Vector File Format
2. Which of the following file formats is mostly used because of its image quality and color fidelity?
a. GIF c. PNG
3. Which of the following file format is developed by a group of graphic software developers as a
non-propriety alternative to the GIF format?
a. GIF c. PNG
4. Which image editing techniques helps you remove unwanted areas in a photographic or illustrated
a. Brightness c. Cropping
b. Contrast d. Filters
5. Which image editing technique refers to the overall lightness or darkness of the image?
a. Brightness c. Cropping
b. Contrast d. Filters

Now check your answer using the Answer Key on the last page. Which items did you get correctly?

Day 1

Concept Notes:
Online File Formats for Images and Text

Since the introduction of graphics on the web, file formats have also become an important aspect in the
design stage. The most common file formats are JPEG, GIF, BM, TIFF, and PNG.

For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Empowerment Technologies on pages 38-40

Exercise No. 1
Directions: Read the following questions and choose the correct answer inside the box below.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

a. JPEG b. GIF c. PNG

_________1. Which file format is the best to use in online photos?

_________2. Which file format is appropriate to use when creating website buttons and icons?

_________3. Which file format supports animation?

_________4. Which file format has a lossy compression?

_________5. Which format is the best used when creating a logo?

Day 2

Activity No. 4.1

Time started:______
Time finished:______

A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letters of the correct answer on the space provided
before each number.

________1. Which file format is used on the web for photographic images?
a. JPEG c. PNG
b. PDF d. PSD
________2. What does the acronym TIFF stand for?
a. Tag Image File Format c. Tagged Image File Format
b. Tag Image Format File d. Tagged Image Format File
________3. Which of the following format is also called DIB and is not used in web since it takes up a
big space?
a. BMP c. JPEG
b. GIF d. PDF
________4. What does the acronym GIF stand for?
a. Graphic Illustration File c. Graphic Interchange File
b. Graphic Illustration Format d. Graphic Interchange Format
________5. What does the Acronym PNG stand for?
a. Portable Network Graph c. Printable Network Graph
b. Portable Network Graphics d. Printable Network Graphics

B. Essay-Type
Directions: Read and answer the question below. Write your answer on the space provided. Be guided by
the given rubric.
1. What are the differences between JPEG and GIF File format? Explain you answer.

Anchors 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

The output shows The output is The output
The output shows The ideas
excellence with remarked very well shows
a little needed are
regard to the which shows complete
Content completeness in not
completeness of completeness of information
the presented complete at
essential information information and ideas
ideas. all.
needed. presented. needed.
The output shows The output is The output The output at The ideas in
excellence with remarked very well shows unity in least shows unity the output
regard to the unity of as unity of the terms of the in the message or show no
the message of the message of the ideas presentation. unity at all.
output or presentation output or presented.
that is highly visible. presentation that is
The output shows The output is
The output
excellence with remarked very well The output shows
shows The output
regard to the very in terms of the minimum
creativity and shows no
Creativity evident creativity and creativity and creativity and
cleanliness in creativity at
cleanliness of the cleanliness of the cleanliness in
satisfying all.
output or output or some ways.
presentation. presentation.

Day 3

Concept Notes:
Principle and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

✔ Image editing or image manipulation includes the processes of adjusting or modifying images
which can be digital, or pictures taken from a camera.

For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Empowerment Technologies on pages_40-48._

Exercise No. 2

A. True or False
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, write FALSE.

__________1. When cropping an image, one must follow the rule of thirds.
__________2. Picasa, Pixlr, and Photobucket are examples of image hosting sites.
__________3. People who work on computer graphics and image manipulation are called multimedia
__________4. The process of cutting a part of the image is called compressing.
__________5. Image hosting site allows you to upload and store your pictures.

Day 4:

Activity No. 4.2

Time started:______
Time finished:______

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2-0
All of the graphics or Most of the graphics Only a few graphics or None of the graphics or
objects used in the or objects used in the objects reflect student objects reflects student
Creativity collage reflect a degree collage reflect student creativity, but the creativity.
of student creativity in creativity in their ideas were typical
their display. display. rather than creative.
Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, shape lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size shape.
and are arranged placement. There may placement. Too much Glue marks evident.
neatly. Care has been be a few smudges or background is Most of the
Design taken to balance the glue marks. showing. There are background is
pictures across the noticeable smudges or showing. It appears
area. Items are glued glue marks. little attention was
neatly and securely. given to designing the

Directions: Use the principle and basic techniques of image manipulation to generate a meaningful
photo collage. Choose one among the following topics as a theme.

1. Friendship
2. Family
3. Fellow students

Day 5:


A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

________1. Which file format is used on the web for photographic images?
a. JPEG c. PNG
b. PDF d. PSD

________2. Which of the following is NOT a raster file format?

a. BMP c. JPEG
b. PNG d. AI

________3. What does the acronym TIFF stand for?

a. Tag Image File Format c. Tagged Image File Format
b. Tag Image Format File d. Tagged Image Format File

________4. Which of the following format is also called DIB and is not used in web since it takes up a
big space?
a. BMP c. JPEG
b. GIF d. PDF

________5. Which of the following is a raster file format?

a. CDR c. JPEG
b. AI d. PDF

________6. What does the acronym JPEG stand for?

a. Joint Photo Exempted Grade c. Junior Photographic Expert Group
b. Joint Photographic Experts Group d. Junior Photographic Export Group

________7. Which of the following is the process of editing images?

a. Copy-Pasting of images c. Print screen of image
b. Image Manipulation d. Saving images

________8. Which refers to a picture element-square representation of on-screen computer data?

a. Bit c. Dot
b. Byte d. Pixel

________9. Which of the following file formats is originally created by Aldus Corporation?
a. BMP c. JPEG
b. GIF d. TIFF

________10. Which of the following file formats is named after the technical team that created it?
a. GIF c. PNG

________11. Which of the following is NOT used to create contrast?
a. complementary color c. monochromatic color scheme
b. different sizes of shapes d. more than 1 style of text

________12. Which image editing technique is the global adjustment of the intensities of the colors?
a. Brightness and Contrast c. Filters
b. Color Balance d. Image Compression

________13. Which image editing technique makes the image look sketched, look grainy, classic black
and white, or even lets it have neon color?
a. Brightness and Contrast c. Filters
b. Color Balance d. Image Compression

________14. Which file format supports animation type of images?

a. BMP c. JPG
b. GIF d. PNG

________15. Which of the following allows you to upload and store pictures?
a. Blog c. Wiki
b. Image hosting site d. Social Media

Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 0-2 points
Coherence and Excellent discusses Logically discussed Fairly discussed the No answer or poorly
relevance of the the ideas with the ideas with ideas in a correct discussed the ideas
explanation clarity, coherence, clarity manner
and creativity

B. Understanding
Directions: In your own words, answer the question below. Be guided by the given rubrics.
1. Since most digital photos are publicly shared online, what do you think are the ways to
protect your images from unauthorized copying?

You have successfully accomplished your first module!
I hope you have gained all the learning competencies on this module. Good job, Batang DICES!


Pre-assessment answer key


How many items did you get correctly? Let’s now continue with our lessons to better understand the topics.

Teodoro F. Revano Jr., Empowerment Technologies for senior high school. Mindshapers Co., Inc pp.24 -33

Callo, E.R., Sotto, R. L. Science in today’s world for senior high school Empowerment Technologies. Sibs pp.
38 -48



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